Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

Jake Tapper confirmed it was a different Cohen.


That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.

The dates of birth were not the same,only the year.


Well dayum, you Stalinists have it all figured out...


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?


Well dayum, you Stalinists have it all figured out...


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.
bring it on Trump will be among the first to go unless he's hiding behind Melany's skirts


Well dayum, you Stalinists have it all figured out...


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?

Ya gonna hit me with your purse?


Well dayum, you Stalinists have it all figured out...


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?

Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

ya gonna shoot me with your gun?
Here's how it works in the news Biz: McClatchy comes out with a blockbuster story. All the other news sources investigate, and they DON'T PUBLISH unless they can corroborate the story. No one else has reported this. Not NBC,not ABC,...not even CNN.

On the other hand, we have "fake news" outlets that take such a story and run with it based on unknown and un-named "sources." Truly, it is sort of a litmus test of news outlets. If they run with this based on unnamed sources, they are a. bullshit outlet.

The non-reporting by reputable news outlets tells you all you need to know about this "scoop." It is bullshit, plain and simple.

Well dayum, you Stalinists have it all figured out...


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?

Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

ya gonna shoot me with your gun?

I guess that would depend on how far you stalinist want to take matters.
But if you hit me with your purse?
I'd just butt stroke you,and dont get excited,it doesn't mean what you hope it means.

Well dayum, you Stalinists have it all figured out...


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?

Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

ya gonna shoot me with your gun?

Isn't that your threat in your sig? You Stalinists will take to the street and burn cities yet again?
Here's how it works in the news Biz: McClatchy comes out with a blockbuster story. All the other news sources investigate, and they DON'T PUBLISH unless they can corroborate the story. No one else has reported this. Not NBC,not ABC,...not even CNN.

On the other hand, we have "fake news" outlets that take such a story and run with it based on unknown and un-named "sources." Truly, it is sort of a litmus test of news outlets. If they run with this based on unnamed sources, they are a. bullshit outlet.

The non-reporting by reputable news outlets tells you all you need to know about this "scoop." It is bullshit, plain and simple.


Here's how it really works.

The Mueller Inquisition illegally leaks a story to McClatchy. McClatchy publishes it because it came from a source that is "on their side."

Other DNC outlets look at the story and decide if it furthers the agenda. If it does, they publish. No one gives a shit about corroboration or vetting, the agenda is what matters. If a story occasionally turns out to be true, no problem. If a story is flat out false, as most of them are, not a problem either. The basis to publish is whether it furthers the agenda.
That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.

The dates of birth were not the same,only the year.

Were the names changed to protect the innocent ?
That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.

The dates of birth were not the same,only the year.

Your original post said same “birthday”. Now you’re moving the goal posts.

The reality is that Cohen could have gone into any EU country and then travelled to Prague without having his passport stamped at the Czech border.

It’s facile for anyone connected to Trump to try to claim that those making allegations about them are “liars” given how many of them have been charged with lying to the FBI, how many of them “forgot” about meetings and telephone calls with Russians and later “corrected” their testimony in confirmation hearing and security clearance paperwork when they were caught lying.

These people have no credibility whatsoever in regards to their discussions or meetings with Russians.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Trump’s people have lied about dozens of phone calls and meetings with Russians. No one believes their denials anymore. The only people pushing the narrative of “no collusion” are liars and Russian propaganda trolls.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.

The dates of birth were not the same,only the year.

Your original post said same “birthday”. Now you’re moving the goal posts.

The reality is that Cohen could have gone into any EU country and then travelled to Prague without having his passport stamped at the Czech border.

It’s facile for anyone connected to Trump to try to claim that those making allegations about them are “liars” given how many of them have been charged with lying to the FBI, how many of them “forgot” about meetings and telephone calls with Russians and later “corrected” their testimony in confirmation hearing and security clearance paperwork when they were caught lying.

These people have no credibility whatsoever in regards to their discussions or meetings with Russians.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Trump’s people have lied about dozens of phone calls and meetings with Russians. No one believes their denials anymore. The only people pushing the narrative of “no collusion” are liars and Russian propaganda trolls.

Pretty sure that was my only post on the subject.
If you think I'm in error prove it.
Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.

The dates of birth were not the same,only the year.

Your original post said same “birthday”. Now you’re moving the goal posts.

The reality is that Cohen could have gone into any EU country and then travelled to Prague without having his passport stamped at the Czech border.

It’s facile for anyone connected to Trump to try to claim that those making allegations about them are “liars” given how many of them have been charged with lying to the FBI, how many of them “forgot” about meetings and telephone calls with Russians and later “corrected” their testimony in confirmation hearing and security clearance paperwork when they were caught lying.

These people have no credibility whatsoever in regards to their discussions or meetings with Russians.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Trump’s people have lied about dozens of phone calls and meetings with Russians. No one believes their denials anymore. The only people pushing the narrative of “no collusion” are liars and Russian propaganda trolls.

Pretty sure that was my only post on the subject.
If you think I'm in error prove it.

My apologies. It was Greenbean’s post that referenced his “birthday”.
Trump’s people have lied

Yes and we all know that Hillary and Obama are Saints - right ? Man STFU hypocrite.... The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that is also a hypocrite. Bill Clinton though he is not a hypocrite. If a man believes that it is just and moral to redistribute wealth, there is nothing hypocritical in his attempts to redistribute that wealth to himself. [PJ Orourke]

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