mueller has no intention of using Flynns testimony

Wishful thinking Trombies think Flynn would even think about lying to the FBI again. It's funny.
Mueller is either incompetent or he has no intention of taking Flynn in as a witness.

Wrong. Because Flynn previously lied to save his ass. What he says from this point forward would be self incrimination (statement against interest) and under not only penalty of perjury, under penalty of being charged with a ton of other felonies. The jury would see why Flynn has a reason to tell the truth.

If he lies he loses his house, his freedom, and his family. Only by telling the truth does he stay out of long prison term. If you don't think that works, talk to John Gotti who was convicted on the testimony of infamous liars.
To put anyone in jail. If he did he would never have plead Flynn out to a crime that impeaches his testimony.
Did Rush Limbaugh tell you that? :lol:

No. My years negotiating deals like this told me that.

Please. Stop.

Truth hurts. I get that.

Mueller is either incompetent or he has no intention of taking Flynn in as a witness.

Yeah. That's it. Mueller is incompetent. You are a superior prosecutor. He just got lucky.
Yeah. That's it. Mueller is incompetent. You are a superior prosecutor. He just got lucky.

Mueller is writing the book of Trump. Each guilty plea is an allegory in the story. Like a chess master Mueller is thinking many moves ahead, and like an iceberg only showing 10% of what he has.
If you have to ask why were Papadopoulus only charged with the smallest of felonies (lying to the FBI) you don't understand Mueller is using the charge as leverage.
Trump changed his version AGAIN, this time he denies writing what he tweets:

President Trump said on Saturday that he had fired Michael T. Flynn, his first national security adviser, because he lied not just to the vice president but also to the F.B.I.

The president has long asserted that he fired Mr. Flynn in February, less than a month after he took office, because Mr. Flynn had lied to Vice President Mike Pence over whether he talked with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, about sanctions imposed on Russia by President Barack Obama.

By saying on Twitter on Saturday that Mr. Flynn’s lies to the F.B.I. had also contributed to his firing, some took that to mean that Mr. Trump was acknowledging that he had known in February that Mr. Flynn was untruthful with the bureau’s agents. Any such admission would be important in light of Mr. Trump’s effort that month to persuade the bureau’s director at the time, James B. Comey, to drop the investigation into Mr. Flynn.

But White House officials said that Mr. Trump was merely acknowledging what had happened the day before: Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea for lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with Mr. Kislyak.

While Mr. Trump’s tweet on Saturday raised questions about what he knew, he did not actually write it, according to two people briefed on the matter. It was composed by his top personal lawyer, John Dowd, who was in contact with Mr. Trump on Friday and Saturday, trying to calm him after Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea.

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Trump Says He Fired Michael Flynn ‘Because He Lied’ to F.B.I.

The 25th Amendment may be an issue,Trump does not know what he said, and when.

  • The president’s lawyer believed Ms. Yates, in part, because she had not told him that Mr. Flynn should be fired or lose his security clearance, the person said. In subsequent conversations between Mr. Trump and Mr. McGahn about whether Mr. Flynn should be fired, Mr. Trump did not cite Mr. Flynn’s truthfulness with the F.B.I.

Going against his aides’ wishes, Mr. Trump spoke to reporters outside the White House on Saturday. But he only repeated his contention that there had been “no collusion” with Russia. The Saturday tweet, however, was quickly seen as off the mark by a number of White House aides.

Since firing Mr. Flynn, Mr. Trump has insisted that his national security adviser did nothing wrong by talking with the Russian ambassador. He repeated that in his tweet.

“It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful,” he said. “There was nothing to hide!”

Mr. Trump spent Saturday in New York attending two fund-raisers for the Republican National Committee. He did not mention Mr. Flynn or the Russia investigation in his remarks at either fund-raiser, according to two people who attended them.

In conversations with aides on Friday and Saturday, Mr. Trump was relatively subdued. He made no dramatic declarations about the Russia investigation, though he asked several advisers what Mr. Flynn’s plea deal could mean.

A version of this article appears in print on December 3, 2017, on Page A22 of the New York edition with the headline: Trump Says He Dismissed National Security Adviser ‘Because He Lied’ to the F.B.I. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe

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Emails Dispute White House Claims That Flynn Acted Independently on Russia

To put anyone in jail. If he did he would never have plead Flynn out to a crime that impeaches his testimony.

sorry, man, people cut deals all the time and testify against co-conspirators.

The fact he let Flynn plead out to something so low, when he had him dead to rights on other stuff, tells me that he's going to give him Trump or people close to him.

No way. If Flynn were to “give him trump” lol, he would do so in exchange for facing no repercussions

That's totally false. But if it makes you feel better.
The White House said on Friday that it was the Obama administration that authorized former national security adviser Michael Flynn's contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during President Trump's transition, according to CNN.

So again, why did they lie about it for a year if it was on the up and up?

So being close to the trump people, who you think are liars, makes him not a liar despite having plead guilty to lying...

If he can prove what he is saying, um, yeah.

So the question becomes, who is more credible... a Two Star General or Trump's crooked son-in-law?
Poor delusional Trump haters. The popcorn has already run out. Alan Dershowitz, one of the greatest legal minds of our generation, calls the Flynn plea: "a display of weakness" by Mueller.

Dershowitz said, “Well, the last thing any prosecutor wants to do is to have to indict his primary witness for lying. Because if you indict your witness for lying, it really means he’s not useful as a witness, he has no credibility. I’m sure the prosecutor was trying to indict him for some scheme or conspiracy that involved other people in the White House, but there is nothing there, and he had to, finally come down and indict him for lying, which makes him a useless witness. So, this is not a show of strength by the prosecutor. It’s a show of weakness. It’s a show that they really have nothing on anybody above of Flynn and that Flynn made the terrible mistake about lying about something he could have told truth about. Because the two things he lied about were perfectly lawful and perfectly proper for somebody to do during the transition. And so, I think it really reflects a weakness, not a strength in Mueller’s prosecution.”
Bread and circuses.....

Poor delusional Trump haters. The popcorn has already run out. Alan Dershowitz, one of the greatest legal minds of our generation, calls the Flynn plea: "a display of weakness" by Mueller.

This would be the Dershowitz who has a record of getting guilty people off on technicalities.
To put anyone in jail. If he did he would never have plead Flynn out to a crime that impeaches his testimony.

There is a REASON WHY Flynn was only charged with, and plead guilty to, a minor charge of lying to the FBI.
There is a REASON WHY Flynnn was able to get a plea deal like that from Mueller. Prosecutors NEVER EVER make a deal like that to get at LOWER people on the totem pole, they only make deals like that to get people HIGHER UP, and there are only a very few people higher up than Flynn.

I think we ALL KNOW who those higher-ups are, don't we?

It's not just that you Trump supporters are delusional, it's not just that everyone else can tell you're whistling in the dark, and it's not just that you lack the critical thinking skills to see how ordinary prosecutions obtain information by going after minor players in their quest to snag the higher ups, it's the fact that you have no tangible defense to prove your hero's innocence, beyond garden variety conspiracy theories, and when those run out, you resort to Alex Jones threatening civil war.

BRING IT ON, BITCHES...bring on all the civil war you got.
Just don't ask for "snacks" the next time you take over some remote bird sanctuary.

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To put anyone in jail. If he did he would never have plead Flynn out to a crime that impeaches his testimony.
So far Mueller has done nothing but judicial theatrics:
- Several 'Scooter Libby indictment
- One fake indictment of a mole who wore a wire and shopped a book deal

The fake news media has helped him by reporting lies and fake news, like ABC, but who have been busted doing so.

His tricks and lies only substantiates the news report from last week showing Mueller's history of being a sucky prosecutor
So far Mueller has done nothing but judicial theatrics:
- Several 'Scooter Libby indictment
- One fake indictment of a mole who wore a wire and shopped a book deal

The fake news media has helped him by reporting lies and fake news, like ABC, but who have been busted doing so.

His tricks and lies only substantiates the news report from last week showing Mueller's history of being a sucky prosecutor

then why are you peeing yourself?
So how long will it take for Trump to pardon Flynn?

I say it happens this week!

Then what does Meuller have?

The same he has always had. Nuttin'!
"Lying to the FBI"? What testimony would Flynn have to offer? We know he wasn't a spy so if he was ordered by civilian Trump to create a dialog with Russia, how could that impact on the Trump administration after the Hussein administration already paved the way for Russia to purchase uranium sites? If there was some sort of Russian interference in the U.S. electoral process it must have been authorized by Hussein or it was so negligent that it would have been impeachable.
So far Mueller has done nothing but judicial theatrics:
- Several 'Scooter Libby indictment
- One fake indictment of a mole who wore a wire and shopped a book deal

The fake news media has helped him by reporting lies and fake news, like ABC, but who have been busted doing so.

His tricks and lies only substantiates the news report from last week showing Mueller's history of being a sucky prosecutor

then why are you peeing yourself?
The only thing I am peeing on is the snowflakes false narratives and lies.

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