Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

The indictment said the Russians conspired “with persons known and unknown,” which could include Americans.

Yep, the big shit is about to start hitting the fan. Go Mueller!
The "shit" already hit the fan Laky....and it's NOT good for you! Here is radically left-wing Facebook admitting that Russia did not influence the election for President Trump one single iota.
"I have seen all of the Russian ads and I can say very definitively that swaying the election was *NOT* the main goal,” Goldman said.

“The majority of the Russian ad spend happened AFTER the election. We shared that fact, but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn’t align with the main media narrative of Tump and the election,” he added.
Be prepared for the standard left-wing response to this. Half of them will deny it (yawn) and the other half will attempt to spin it another way rather than admit they were dead-wrong (yawn).

Facebook VP says mainstream media distorted Russia’s interference in US politics
What spin Yes after the election they went after all America BUT BEFORE the election their money was spent on supporting trump and others and bashing Hillary
And Eddie goes with the “deny it” tactic! the facts. They promoted Hitlery. They sold the fake “Trump Dossier” to Hitlery. And here is even radically left-wing Facebook saying that you are swallowing the propaganda.
This seems to be a republican tactic where you feed the media bad information so you can point and say see fake news.

The white supremacy group said nick Cruz attended training camps but that’s not true.

We can’t help it you guys are liars
it's the medias job to verify such information.
It's sick that today's young children have to witness this sham of a Presidency.

We need to explain to our kids, this is what happens when a sick joke gets out of hand.

We'll fix it soon.
so obama was the sick joke and trump is out of hand.

i can go with that.
Violates which law?
Might be the same law you refer to with your imaginary "Clinton-Russia collusion".
You cant defend Kushner, so you make up stories.
The heat is on, just follow the money.
What is made up?

Do you REALLY think you can lie this all away?

Did you think some farce of unenforceable indictments against people not subject to US law in nations with no extradition treaty for acts that violate no laws would really distract from the treason the democrats and FBI engaged in?


You can't be that fucking stupid.
Indictments of foreigners have been done before.
If you think that Hillary was colluding with Russia, prove it. Its only mentioned on opinion articles.

The reality is that Trump could now be indicted.
And Kushner foreign financing efforts.
put trump and kushner in jail where they belong....

For what?
Money laundering for one ,obstruction ....Soggy don't you get it yet ? The moron tweeted 14 times in 24 hours the other day a sick pos that still hasn't said a discouraging word about the russians who hacked into our elections Wonder why ?
Ice tr
The indictment said the Russians conspired “with persons known and unknown,” which could include Americans.

Yep, the big shit is about to start hitting the fan. Go Mueller!
The "shit" already hit the fan Laky....and it's NOT good for you! Here is radically left-wing Facebook admitting that Russia did not influence the election for President Trump one single iota.
"I have seen all of the Russian ads and I can say very definitively that swaying the election was *NOT* the main goal,” Goldman said.

“The majority of the Russian ad spend happened AFTER the election. We shared that fact, but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn’t align with the main media narrative of Tump and the election,” he added.
Be prepared for the standard left-wing response to this. Half of them will deny it (yawn) and the other half will attempt to spin it another way rather than admit they were dead-wrong (yawn).

Facebook VP says mainstream media distorted Russia’s interference in US politics
What spin Yes after the election they went after all America BUT BEFORE the election their money was spent on supporting trump and others and bashing Hillary
And Eddie goes with the “deny it” tactic! the facts. They promoted Hitlery. They sold the fake “Trump Dossier” to Hitlery. And here is even radically left-wing Facebook saying that you are swallowing the propaganda.
problem w/eddie is he just doesn't care. what he feels and wants is simply more important than the truth.

when he wishes the president and his family dead, then me for calling him on it, he's got zero respect left from me.
Truth be told you seem like a really nice guy ,,,It's just your politics I find a little suspect
Violates which law?
Might be the same law you refer to with your imaginary "Clinton-Russia collusion".
You cant defend Kushner, so you make up stories.
The heat is on, just follow the money.
What is made up?

Do you REALLY think you can lie this all away?

Did you think some farce of unenforceable indictments against people not subject to US law in nations with no extradition treaty for acts that violate no laws would really distract from the treason the democrats and FBI engaged in?


You can't be that fucking stupid.
Indictments of foreigners have been done before.
If you think that Hillary was colluding with Russia, prove it. Its only mentioned on opinion articles.

The reality is that Trump could now be indicted.
And Kushner foreign financing efforts.
put trump and kushner in jail where they belong....

For what?
Soggy we can come up with enough when we take the same time republicans took with getting Bill and trying to get Hillary
The indictment said the Russians conspired “with persons known and unknown,” which could include Americans.

Yep, the big shit is about to start hitting the fan. Go Mueller!
The "shit" already hit the fan Laky....and it's NOT good for you! Here is radically left-wing Facebook admitting that Russia did not influence the election for President Trump one single iota.
"I have seen all of the Russian ads and I can say very definitively that swaying the election was *NOT* the main goal,” Goldman said.

“The majority of the Russian ad spend happened AFTER the election. We shared that fact, but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn’t align with the main media narrative of Tump and the election,” he added.
Be prepared for the standard left-wing response to this. Half of them will deny it (yawn) and the other half will attempt to spin it another way rather than admit they were dead-wrong (yawn).

Facebook VP says mainstream media distorted Russia’s interference in US politics
What spin Yes after the election they went after all America BUT BEFORE the election their money was spent on supporting trump and others and bashing Hillary
And Eddie goes with the “deny it” tactic! the facts. They promoted Hitlery. They sold the fake “Trump Dossier” to Hitlery. And here is even radically left-wing Facebook saying that you are swallowing the propaganda.
problem w/eddie is he just doesn't care. what he feels and wants is simply more important than the truth.

when he wishes the president and his family dead, then me for calling him on it, he's got zero respect left from me.

I certainly don't wish him dead. Ever see Family Guy where they changed time and Gore was president and 9-11 never happened? Besides those two good things the rest of the world was screwed up. So I don't want Trump to die and then Mike Pence gets in and then he stops funding aids medicine and puts that money into homo conversion therapy. Apparently he's a believer because it worked on him.

Lets be honest if he can fuck this he's more of a man than I will ever be.

She makes enough money how about a new hairdo MOTHER?

The indictment said the Russians conspired “with persons known and unknown,” which could include Americans.

Yep, the big shit is about to start hitting the fan. Go Mueller!
The "shit" already hit the fan Laky....and it's NOT good for you! Here is radically left-wing Facebook admitting that Russia did not influence the election for President Trump one single iota.
"I have seen all of the Russian ads and I can say very definitively that swaying the election was *NOT* the main goal,” Goldman said.

“The majority of the Russian ad spend happened AFTER the election. We shared that fact, but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn’t align with the main media narrative of Tump and the election,” he added.
Be prepared for the standard left-wing response to this. Half of them will deny it (yawn) and the other half will attempt to spin it another way rather than admit they were dead-wrong (yawn).

Facebook VP says mainstream media distorted Russia’s interference in US politics
What spin Yes after the election they went after all America BUT BEFORE the election their money was spent on supporting trump and others and bashing Hillary
And Eddie goes with the “deny it” tactic! the facts. They promoted Hitlery. They sold the fake “Trump Dossier” to Hitlery. And here is even radically left-wing Facebook saying that you are swallowing the propaganda.
problem w/eddie is he just doesn't care. what he feels and wants is simply more important than the truth.

when he wishes the president and his family dead, then me for calling him on it, he's got zero respect left from me.

I certainly don't wish him dead. Ever see Family Guy where they changed time and Gore was president and 9-11 never happened? Besides those two good things the rest of the world was screwed up. So I don't want Trump to die and then Mike Pence gets in and then he stops funding aids medicine and puts that money into homo conversion therapy. Apparently he's a believer because it worked on him.

Lets be honest if he can fuck this he's more of a man than I will ever be.

She makes enough money how about a new hairdo MOTHER?

ok ,not dead just to suffer a lot 13 tweets in 24 hours shows he is losing whatever mind he had left
Indictments of foreigners have been done before.
If you think that Hillary was colluding with Russia, prove it. Its only mentioned on opinion articles.

Hillary colluding with Russia is already proven, that corrupt fuck of a witch hunter is just too much of a partisan scumbag to go after those who are on his side.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

The reality is that Trump could now be indicted.


Trump is done, it's in the bag, recounts, faithless electors, Tru mp IZ DUN....


Right, the witch hunter has them all.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Meanwhile back on earth...
After one year of wasting money

That's all they got?

13 russians?


And Russians who won't be extradited!

Mueller probably assumed that those he charged would never come to the U.S. to defend themselves; therefore, no one would ever know what information he used to bring those charges and how he acquired that information. However, Mueller may have made one big mistake by charging three companies:

“A Russian company criminally charged with interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election formally notified a federal judge Wednesday that it has retained U.S. attorneys — a move that could be a bid to gain access to evidence that special counsel Robert Mueller's office gathered in preparing the case.

"When the criminal case was filed, many legal experts predicted it would lie dormant indefinitely and never go to trial because none of the defendants were likely to set foot in the U.S. or in a country from which they could be readily extradited. However, no individual is required to appear on behalf of a corporate defendant, other than a lawyer for the company. “

Russian firm charged in election interference case hires attorneys

It would be nice if the companies did defend themselves against the charges. The information they might obtain through the discovery process could be very interesting. I doubt it will happen though. If the companies attempt to defend themselves Mueller will simply dismiss the charges in order to protect his unscrupulous methods.
Nice to see the Filthy Don Coven of Witches are actually getting prosecuted for "witchcraft". :abgg2q.jpg:

False equivalency, the Christian chick doesn't want to destroy the U.S. and bomb innocent people. However the Christian chick will protect herself from gun totin' muzzie fanatics.
Violates which law?
Might be the same law you refer to with your imaginary "Clinton-Russia collusion".
You cant defend Kushner, so you make up stories.
The heat is on, just follow the money.
What is made up?

Do you REALLY think you can lie this all away?

Did you think some farce of unenforceable indictments against people not subject to US law in nations with no extradition treaty for acts that violate no laws would really distract from the treason the democrats and FBI engaged in?


You can't be that fucking stupid.
Indictments of foreigners have been done before.
If you think that Hillary was colluding with Russia, prove it. Its only mentioned on opinion articles.

The reality is that Trump could now be indicted.
And Kushner foreign financing efforts.
put trump and kushner in jail where they belong....

For what?
Money laundering for one ,obstruction ....Soggy don't you get it yet ? The moron tweeted 14 times in 24 hours the other day a sick pos that still hasn't said a discouraging word about the russians who hacked into our elections Wonder why ?
There isn't a shred of evidence for either charge.

Russians didn't "hack into our elections." Why would Trump worry about Russia when operatives in our own govenrment are a far bigger threat to our democracy?
After one year of wasting money

That's all they got?

13 russians?


And Russians who won't be extradited!

Mueller probably assumed that those he charged would never come to the U.S. to defend themselves; therefore, no one would ever know what information he used to bring those charges and how he acquired that information. However, Mueller may have made one big mistake by charging three companies:

“A Russian company criminally charged with interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election formally notified a federal judge Wednesday that it has retained U.S. attorneys — a move that could be a bid to gain access to evidence that special counsel Robert Mueller's office gathered in preparing the case.

"When the criminal case was filed, many legal experts predicted it would lie dormant indefinitely and never go to trial because none of the defendants were likely to set foot in the U.S. or in a country from which they could be readily extradited. However, no individual is required to appear on behalf of a corporate defendant, other than a lawyer for the company. “

Russian firm charged in election interference case hires attorneys

It would be nice if the companies did defend themselves against the charges. The information they might obtain through the discovery process could be very interesting. I doubt it will happen though. If the companies attempt to defend themselves Mueller will simply dismiss the charges in order to protect his unscrupulous methods.

I am sure MUELLER would LOVE to see them come to the US. Maybe when trump has his strategy meeting for 2020...they will come....since Cohen may be too busy to go meet them.
What is made up?

Do you REALLY think you can lie this all away?

Did you think some farce of unenforceable indictments against people not subject to US law in nations with no extradition treaty for acts that violate no laws would really distract from the treason the democrats and FBI engaged in?


You can't be that fucking stupid.
Indictments of foreigners have been done before.
If you think that Hillary was colluding with Russia, prove it. Its only mentioned on opinion articles.

The reality is that Trump could now be indicted.
And Kushner foreign financing efforts.
put trump and kushner in jail where they belong....

For what?
Money laundering for one ,obstruction ....Soggy don't you get it yet ? The moron tweeted 14 times in 24 hours the other day a sick pos that still hasn't said a discouraging word about the russians who hacked into our elections Wonder why ?
There isn't a shred of evidence for either charge.

Russians didn't "hack into our elections." Why would Trump worry about Russia when operatives in our own govenrment are a far bigger threat to our democracy?

Yea, they only hacked DNC, Clinton's Campaign Chair and infiltrated voter databases - nothing to do with election.
Indictments of foreigners have been done before.
If you think that Hillary was colluding with Russia, prove it. Its only mentioned on opinion articles.

The reality is that Trump could now be indicted.
And Kushner foreign financing efforts.
put trump and kushner in jail where they belong....

For what?
Money laundering for one ,obstruction ....Soggy don't you get it yet ? The moron tweeted 14 times in 24 hours the other day a sick pos that still hasn't said a discouraging word about the russians who hacked into our elections Wonder why ?
There isn't a shred of evidence for either charge.

Russians didn't "hack into our elections." Why would Trump worry about Russia when operatives in our own govenrment are a far bigger threat to our democracy?

Yea, they only hacked DNC, Clinton's Campaign Chair and infiltrated voter databases - nothing to do with election.
How many votes did the Russians switch?

We have no evidence that Russians hacked the DNC. We only have the claims of a sleazy company hired by the DNC. What the hell is "Clinton's Campaign Chair?" You mean Podesta? Julian Assange has said 1000 times that the Russians weren't the source of his emails. The Russians got voter information? How did that change any votes?
put trump and kushner in jail where they belong....

For what?
Money laundering for one ,obstruction ....Soggy don't you get it yet ? The moron tweeted 14 times in 24 hours the other day a sick pos that still hasn't said a discouraging word about the russians who hacked into our elections Wonder why ?
There isn't a shred of evidence for either charge.

Russians didn't "hack into our elections." Why would Trump worry about Russia when operatives in our own govenrment are a far bigger threat to our democracy?

Yea, they only hacked DNC, Clinton's Campaign Chair and infiltrated voter databases - nothing to do with election.
How many votes did the Russians switch?

We have no evidence that Russians hacked the DNC. We only have the claims of a sleazy company hired by the DNC. What the hell is "Clinton's Campaign Chair?" You mean Podesta? Julian Assange has said 1000 times that the Russians weren't the source of his emails. The Russians got voter information? How did that change any votes?

Why are you such a dimwit? Do you seriously not know to this day what they did?

Russians did not switch votes, they hacked our political organizations and conducted electioneering in attempts to sway the result of 2016 elections.

Assange has no credibility over American Intelligence.

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