Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Thanks Bob - Keep rollin' 'em up like a good prosecutor might the Gambino Family! :D

The organized crime family involved is the Clintoon Crime family and we're going to unravel it shortly.
Did you not listen? He said all Americans were innocently fooled by the Russians, posing as Americans.
Who here is surprised? I'm not. I didn't even use social media then, and my primary source of information was on CNN and it was CLEAR to me, Hillary was in trouble Trump did six or seven rallies while Hillary rested. Hillary was weak, had massive baggage, her team didn't let the FBI investigate their servers. I could go on and on. She didn't visit the Rustbelt with any concern, and she shot herself in the shoe.

CNN is treating this like the Holy Grail. "This is proof, it isn't a hoax!". Well no shyte. Just as Clintons Foundation received MILLIONS from FOREIGN governments. Just as the British helped with the dossier. Are these people this thick, or just so desperate to make excuses for Hillary and her horrible desire to turn American into Canada?

Chew on this shocked.

Shit just got real. I can only imagine the dirt they can give Mueller on the Trump crime family. If any of them can give any evidence that can be confirmed by the investigators, and they talk first, that means Manafort, Flynn, and all of the others that have either been indicted or interviewed will no longer have any leverage to make a deal to stay out of prison.

That sound you hear is Muellers phone ringing with defense attorneys on the other end with new information their clients wish to discuss. What to watch for in the news now, is which one of those bottom feeders is reported to have had another interview with Mueller over the next few days.

That will be the interview that has the information that starts getting people named Trump perp walked in hand cuffs.
They said it actually involved hundreds of operatives.
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!
No collusion. No Americans wittingly involved.

...with THOSE 13 Russians indicted. Holy shit, there can't be this many dumb people on this forum.

You don't need that many Russians to sow discord in American politics either. Surely you aren't that naive?
By the way, one of the most informed on CNN, Perez, who I have quoted in the past as a very solid FBI insider, also said that basically Russia was sowing discord in the system, and they also went after discrediting Cruz and his campaign, also went against Bernie Sanders.

The CIA interfere in foreign elections, and I'm glad they do. ALL nations do this, this isn't surprising, it's simply a more covert operation using U.S institutions. What is in question is how people want to get rid of the president, when even if they didn't do this, Clinton was clearly a poor candidate.

One final note, and this is important to me and it should be for Americans; what is to be done about International Foundations and donations from openly International political provocateurs such as Soros? Let's see some balance here, some just really don't want to accept that Trumps policies and conservatism/libertarianism is where much of America is shifting.
I completely agree.

When I read this, I chuckled and my first reaction was. . .

So Mueller found out that the Russians are guilty of doing what the Canadians, British, Japanese, Saudi's and Chinese do? Big shocker.
This was Russia, just as England and other nations interfere.


Did you just make this up or you have a specific incident of England's government conducting illegal operations to interfere in our election?

Yes, of course. If you think a former mi6 agent named Steele who created the dossier to go after Trump, or that he met with McCain in Canada is all just some "concerned anti-Trumper", you're very naive. If this is so, you have an extradition agreement with England.

Get him to America, hook him up for a polygraph (which he should be skilled at passing), give him a tonne of coffee so he can't trick the system, and ask him who his backers were. Very simple "who were your backers or handlers? Go through names of agencies and nations, let's see if he was just some randomly, concerned citizen. Comical narrative really.

None of this is even surprising, in fact, in many ways it illustrates that there is nothing about Trump here. It went back to 2014, it was not meant to ensure Trump won initially but was just a "bloody nose" campaign to harm certain candidates like Cruz and Bernie. Hell one might argue, at least early on, they were helping Clinton.

Once Trump won they realized they could work hard to get a non[politician win, someone without big lobby dollars behind him, so they worked to discredit Hillary. I said a long time ago I felt the Russians would want Trump to win. Why wouldn't they?

As Rosenstein said "this did not affect the election". Of course the Democrats will say otherwise, they cannot and will not accept that a horrible candidate who lost. Bernie would have beaten Trump in 2016, or at least had a better chance. Check my history, I said it. He wouldn't beat Trump in 2020
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Why isn't Obama being indicted? Remember that Obama traveled to Israel with the specific intent of interfering in the election of another country.

He also went to the UK to try to interfere with the BREXIT election.
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!

Say cause and effect challenged liberals, how did you come to the conclusion this is linked to Trump?

Answer, typical emotional response. Reality is what you want it to be.
By the way, one of the most informed on CNN, Perez, who I have quoted in the past as a very solid FBI insider, also said that basically Russia was sowing discord in the system, and they also went after discrediting Cruz and his campaign, also went against Bernie Sanders.

The CIA interfere in foreign elections, and I'm glad they do. ALL nations do this, this isn't surprising, it's simply a more covert operation using U.S institutions. What is in question is how people want to get rid of the president, when even if they didn't do this, Clinton was clearly a poor candidate.

One final note, and this is important to me and it should be for Americans; what is to be done about International Foundations and donations from openly International political provocateurs such as Soros? Let's see some balance here, some just really don't want to accept that Trumps policies and conservatism/libertarianism is where much of America is shifting.
I completely agree.

When I read this, I chuckled and my first reaction was. . .

So Mueller found out that the Russians are guilty of doing what the Canadians, British, Japanese, Saudi's and Chinese do? Big shocker.
And don't forget Obama who meddled in the British election and Israel's also..

They said it actually involved hundreds of operatives.
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!
No collusion. No Americans wittingly involved.

...with THOSE 13 Russians indicted. Holy shit, there can't be this many dumb people on this forum.

You don't need that many Russians to sow discord in American politics either. Surely you aren't that naive?

Look at it this way, if one person can run a government, then it doesn't take many to influence its function.
This is why Trump is in complete denial! All this action going on, but in his mind; "there's no collusion!" Sick! :102:
Lol! Watching you clowns lose your collective minds is entertaining. No collusion. No Americans wittingly involved.... well except for that dossier Clinton purchased.
The organized crime family involved is the Clintoon Crime family and we're going to unravel it shortly.

Uh huh - sure ya are Joe :cool:

Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!

Say cause and effect challenged liberals, how did you come to the conclusion this is linked to Trump?

Answer, typical emotional response. Reality is what you want it to be.
This is the point and how it's linked to the Orange clown! As of 2 fucking days ago, the Orange Turd was denying ANY Russian meddling in the 2016 election! Go ahead and defend the dumb ass lying shit if you want and fly your freak flag proudly!
~~ Trump still unconvinced of 2016 Russian election meddling - CNNPolitics ~~
If it means there has been no collusion, we must be close to the end of this investigation, right? Sounds like the end.
Here are some of the ads Russia was posting to Facebook

Just saw it, all Americans were duped, their plan was so well disguised.
It in no way affected the outcome of the election. It was already broadcast on the doj’s Site.

Show us the ADS... I haven't seen a single one that was genuinely Kremlin coordinated or sanctioned. Have YOU? Has ANYONE?

Great.. Those really are NEVER gonna sway votes. NONE of them favor Trump or attack Hillary. I would need FAR MORE than those wimpy examples to sit on a jury and vote to convict ANY of these Russians.

They were ATTACKING the American SYSTEM.. Not influencing or taking sides in an election..

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