Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Again, they weren't indicted for meddling, they were indicted for conspiracy (to meddle?).
Geez, I wonder if that includes the "Insurance Policies" discussed in McCabe's Office?
We know you are paid from the tree huggers america.. BTW why no link?

Oh I know why those charges are lame.

Not just Trump.
Since no American has been charged, will this be the end of the nonsense? Part of the indictment is that the Russians organized anti Trump efforts to undermine his Presidency. Will that lead to eventual indictments of Democrats?

This might be Mueller's swan song. He did what he was supposed to do.
Who here is surprised? I'm not. I didn't even use social media then, and my primary source of information was on CNN and it was CLEAR to me, Hillary was in trouble Trump did six or seven rallies while Hillary rested. Hillary was weak, had massive baggage, her team didn't let the FBI investigate their servers. I could go on and on. She didn't visit the Rustbelt with any concern, and she shot herself in the shoe.

CNN is treating this like the Holy Grail. "This is proof, it isn't a hoax!". Well no shyte. Just as Clintons Foundation received MILLIONS from FOREIGN governments. Just as the British helped with the dossier. Are these people this thick, or just so desperate to make excuses for Hillary and her horrible desire to turn American into Canada?

Chew on this shocked.

Shit just got real. I can only imagine the dirt they can give Mueller on the Trump crime family. If any of them can give any evidence that can be confirmed by the investigators, and they talk first, that means Manafort, Flynn, and all of the others that have either been indicted or interviewed will no longer have any leverage to make a deal to stay out of prison.

That sound you hear is Muellers phone ringing with defense attorneys on the other end with new information their clients wish to discuss. What to watch for in the news now, is which one of those bottom feeders is reported to have had another interview with Mueller over the next few days.

That will be the interview that has the information that starts getting people named Trump perp walked in hand cuffs.
They had even created a vpn here in the US so they could not be discovered.

Lmfao, from.your link, so I ask.this for the 569,000 time what fake news?

Defendants, posing as US persons and creating false US personas, operated social media pages and groups designed to attract US audiences," it reads

They think social media is news.
This is why Trump is in complete denial! All this action going on, but in his mind; "there's no collusion!" Sick! :102:

Donald is doing what Donald always does, denying and deflecting and prevaricating.

it's his "base" that is in denial...

or they're compulsive liars...either way

I agree with your characterization, and In that regard he is very similar to Hellary.

in rightwingnuthackworld.

Ok Jillian, this will be tough for you to hear, so sit down and brace yourself for reality impact -No matter how much you prop up Hellary, she is never going to agree to be your lesbian lover. Sorry Girl.
So, impersonating an American and using that personification's first amendment right is now a crime? There are a lot of news organizations overseas that are in big trouble if simply using social media to influence people's thoughts is now a crime.

BTW....where are the charges for tampering with voting machines and changing votes? That did happen, right Mueller?
13 Russians indicted in the Mueller probe. No allegations of Americans knowingly involved in this indictment. Wonder how many people on this board were paid to post for Trump and disparage our law agencies?

Wonder how many people on this board were paid to post against Trump.
Just saw it, all Americans were duped, their plan was so well disguised.
It in no way affected the outcome of the election. It was already broadcast on the doj’s Site.

Show us the ADS... I haven't seen a single one that was genuinely Kremlin coordinated or sanctioned. Have YOU? Has ANYONE?
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win

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The irony of bs , oh can't wait to see what this spins into , just . Idiots won't see the petty bs charges they made up on this omg...
And I thought it was Putin who was the Russian behind Donald J. Trump's win...

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