Mueller informs Trump lawyers that POTUS will Not be indicted


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Let the sky screaming commence

Has Giuliani been right about anything so far?
He picked the winning team for the general election :wink:

and he would have to be lying if this is untrue

He was either TD this or not

Think the Trump team will be announcing that they will NOT indict Brennan, Clapper, Rice, or Comey the homey? Not a chance. So now, the real fun begins as the blue wave, turns to a yellow wave, as all the Leftists urinate on themselves-)
Let the sky screaming commence


In all you know why? Can I guess-) Look at what is happening, everything is falling apart for Mewler and the Left. They KNEW they could not do it long ago, but now that a lot of the media is on to what is really going on, they would like it to all, GO AWAY.

Not a FU**ING chance. Those Leftists are going to get nailed to the wall about 6 weeks before midterms. Take it to the bank-)
We already knew that, since 1973.
APRIL 5, 2018 WASHINGTON—One of the most fundamental questions facing Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of President Trump is what to do if he uncovers evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Trump.

Since 1973, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has maintained a policy that a sitting president may not be prosecuted or indicted. That policy was first articulated during the Nixon administration’s Watergate scandal, and was reaffirmed in 2000 following the assorted scandals of the Clinton presidency.

The policy seeks to insulate the nation’s chief executive from prosecutorial pressures that would “impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,” according to the formal policy statement announced during the Clinton administration.

Now, 19 months into the Trump-Russia investigation, legal analysts are questioning whether Mr. Mueller should jettison the 45-year-old Justice Department policy, if necessary, to indict Trump.

Much of the recent debate is being driven by Trump critics who are fearful that if Mueller has no ability to prosecute the president, Trump will escape accountability. Others have held the same position on the thorny constitutional issue through decades of presidential scandals.

If Mueller finds evidence of wrongdoing, can he indict Trump?
We already knew that, since 1973.
APRIL 5, 2018 WASHINGTON—One of the most fundamental questions facing Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of President Trump is what to do if he uncovers evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Trump.

Since 1973, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has maintained a policy that a sitting president may not be prosecuted or indicted. That policy was first articulated during the Nixon administration’s Watergate scandal, and was reaffirmed in 2000 following the assorted scandals of the Clinton presidency.

The policy seeks to insulate the nation’s chief executive from prosecutorial pressures that would “impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,” according to the formal policy statement announced during the Clinton administration.

Now, 19 months into the Trump-Russia investigation, legal analysts are questioning whether Mr. Mueller should jettison the 45-year-old Justice Department policy, if necessary, to indict Trump.

Much of the recent debate is being driven by Trump critics who are fearful that if Mueller has no ability to prosecute the president, Trump will escape accountability. Others have held the same position on the thorny constitutional issue through decades of presidential scandals.

If Mueller finds evidence of wrongdoing, can he indict Trump?
Not everyone knows this

A lot of people had high hopes...
Let the sky screaming commence

The president can not be indicted.....therefore he will not be indicted, even if this president or any president committed a or multiple felonies.

The president has to be impeached and removed from office before they can indict, according to the way the justice dept interpreted it, a decade or two or 4, ago.

And even then, the VP becomes the president, and he can pardon the ex president.
Let the sky screaming commence

The president can not be indicted.....therefore he will not be indicted, even if this president or any president committed a or multiple felonies.

The president has to be impeached and removed from office before they can indict, according to the way the justice dept interpreted it, a decade or two or 4, ago.

And even then, the VP becomes the president, and he can pardon the ex president.

Actually a grand jury can indict a sitting president for a least that's what the NY Slimes says...

Opinion | Yes, You Can Indict the President
We already knew that, since 1973.
APRIL 5, 2018 WASHINGTON—One of the most fundamental questions facing Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of President Trump is what to do if he uncovers evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Trump.

Since 1973, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has maintained a policy that a sitting president may not be prosecuted or indicted. That policy was first articulated during the Nixon administration’s Watergate scandal, and was reaffirmed in 2000 following the assorted scandals of the Clinton presidency.

The policy seeks to insulate the nation’s chief executive from prosecutorial pressures that would “impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,” according to the formal policy statement announced during the Clinton administration.

Now, 19 months into the Trump-Russia investigation, legal analysts are questioning whether Mr. Mueller should jettison the 45-year-old Justice Department policy, if necessary, to indict Trump.

Much of the recent debate is being driven by Trump critics who are fearful that if Mueller has no ability to prosecute the president, Trump will escape accountability. Others have held the same position on the thorny constitutional issue through decades of presidential scandals.

If Mueller finds evidence of wrongdoing, can he indict Trump?

Mueller doesn't have the authority to jettison anything, he is bound by DOJ policies. That's made clear in his authorization letter.

What will the trolls do now? IMO, Mewler knows he has nothing and is just covering his ass like all the douches do when they fail.
Mueller told Trump's legal team he will not indict the president, Giuliani tells Fox News

President Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, told Fox News on Wednesday that special counsel Robert Mueller has told the president's legal team he will follow Justice Department guidance and not seek an indictment against Trump.

Giuliani, himself a former federal prosecutor and mayor of New York City, also told Fox News that Mueller's investigators have not responded to five information requests from the president's team. That has forced Trump's legal team to push off making a decision about whether the president will sit for an interview with the special counsel -- a decision they had hoped to reach by Thursday.

Mueller told Trump's legal team he will not indict the president, Giuliani tells Fox News
Let the sky screaming commence


That stupid fuck CANT indict the president. He can’t even make a case anywhere. Muller is doing damage control and trying to save face while Comey and McCabe are busy snitching eachother out to avoid jail.

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