Mueller informs Trump lawyers that POTUS will Not be indicted

Pretty sure he never intended to indict the President. The plan all along was for him to investigate, gather information, and then turn that information over to Congress so they could decide what punishment would come out of it... whether it be a censure, impeachment, or nothing.
Let the sky screaming commence

/——-/ You can indict a ham sandwich but not a Nothing Burger.
If Trump had done anything wrong/illegal or ordered anyone on his team to do so Mueller would not have said that to Trump's lawyers...Its over dems...
Like I said, and NOW the fun begins as the IG and his prosecutor go to work-)

To the REAL Democrats, sorry.

To the far Leftists----------->this is going to be soooooooo good-)
And gosh, good ole Rooody has never been wrong or made a mistake before.


"This case is essentially over," Giuliani said.
Guess he wasn't watching real news today.


The FACT is, Rudy made it and/or is following the orders of his boss, Donny Two Scoops.
Mewler is just covering his ass....

He is, but whet people like him Clinton, Obama forget is that history is a very cruel judge. Look at Jimmy Carter. Libtards jizzed all over their own faces when he was president, but now? Even the most diehard lib will concead Carter was a meat puppet. Muller? He will be remembered as the guy who hosed the Anthrax investigation and so on. Bammer? He will only be remembered for being the first half black muslim president who was to cowardly and weak to admit he was a Muslim.
Like I said, and NOW the fun begins as the IG and his prosecutor go to work-)

To the REAL Democrats, sorry.

To the far Leftists----------->this is going to be soooooooo good-)

Won’t happen. It sucks, but nothing will happen. Jail is for us, not them.
We already knew that, since 1973.
APRIL 5, 2018 WASHINGTON—One of the most fundamental questions facing Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of President Trump is what to do if he uncovers evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Trump.

Since 1973, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has maintained a policy that a sitting president may not be prosecuted or indicted. That policy was first articulated during the Nixon administration’s Watergate scandal, and was reaffirmed in 2000 following the assorted scandals of the Clinton presidency.

The policy seeks to insulate the nation’s chief executive from prosecutorial pressures that would “impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,” according to the formal policy statement announced during the Clinton administration.

Now, 19 months into the Trump-Russia investigation, legal analysts are questioning whether Mr. Mueller should jettison the 45-year-old Justice Department policy, if necessary, to indict Trump.

Much of the recent debate is being driven by Trump critics who are fearful that if Mueller has no ability to prosecute the president, Trump will escape accountability. Others have held the same position on the thorny constitutional issue through decades of presidential scandals.

If Mueller finds evidence of wrongdoing, can he indict Trump?
Not everyone knows this

A lot of people had high hopes...
According to the article, there has been some legal arguments about doing it differently, but that's really not up to lawyers to decide--it's up to the courts, and we'll be dead of old age before that gets changed.
Let the sky screaming commence


LMAO. As Donald said himself, Rudy is new on the job.
The noose is around Duh Donald's neck and I am lovin' that it gets tighter every fucking day.
Over 100 Charges, 19 People and 3 Companies: The Mueller Inquiry, Explained

Does that include the company that mueller indicted that didn't even exist at the time of the so called offense? That's one company down, and 13 indictments swept away. You really should try and keep up with the news.
No surprises here. The appropriate means of removing a President is IMPEACHMENT, which is adequately described in the Constitution.

All Mueller's team can do in this regard is publish a report.

The "report" is overdue.
Like I said, and NOW the fun begins as the IG and his prosecutor go to work-)

To the REAL Democrats, sorry.

To the far Leftists----------->this is going to be soooooooo good-)

Won’t happen. It sucks, but nothing will happen. Jail is for us, not them.
No, there is a chance, if Dems take Congress in the elections, that justice could be served. They could possibly impeach and indict, if serious wrong doing was found. 2/3 though--that would be a mighty lot of Democrats, so it would have to be serious enough crimes that some Republicans would agree.
So, most you said, won't happen.
Like I said, and NOW the fun begins as the IG and his prosecutor go to work-)

To the REAL Democrats, sorry.

To the far Leftists----------->this is going to be soooooooo good-)

Won’t happen. It sucks, but nothing will happen. Jail is for us, not them.
No, there is a chance, if Dems take Congress in the elections, that justice could be served. They could possibly impeach and indict, if serious wrong doing was found. 2/3 though--that would be a mighty lot of Democrats, so it would have to be serious enough crimes that some Republicans would agree.
So, most you said, won't happen.

Just won’t happen. But will say this, I would not want to be a politition in Washington if Trump ever were impeached. Talk about a revolt!
Like I said, and NOW the fun begins as the IG and his prosecutor go to work-)

To the REAL Democrats, sorry.

To the far Leftists----------->this is going to be soooooooo good-)

Won’t happen. It sucks, but nothing will happen. Jail is for us, not them.
No, there is a chance, if Dems take Congress in the elections, that justice could be served. They could possibly impeach and indict, if serious wrong doing was found. 2/3 though--that would be a mighty lot of Democrats, so it would have to be serious enough crimes that some Republicans would agree.
So, most you said, won't happen.

What crime has he done? I can point to several that mueller has broken, but I can't think of a single law that trump has broken.

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