Mueller Is Coming for Trump

FBI states in no uncertain terms that DNC Server was hacked by Russians.

What part of this don't you fucking understand? You perhaps have some grand conspiracy theory about that fact or maybe you are going to claim that FBI doesn't know what they are doing?

Seriously nutbag, this is not rocket science, all you have to do is get your head out of your ass for a few min to see that what you post is total nonsense.
Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device

"Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device"

FBI FINDS THAT RUSSIANS HACKED DNC SERVERS - is that true or false? Because it can't be both.
how can it be, they haven't looked at it.
The FBI looked...

Illinois, which was among the states that gave the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security almost full access to investigate its systems, provides a window into the hackers’ successes and failures.

Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

They concluded it was Russia because of the IP address. I guess they never heard of IP Spoofing.

IP spoofing, also known as IP address forgery or a host file hijack, is a hijacking technique in which a cracker masquerades as a trusted host to conceal his identity, spoof a Web site, hijack browsers, or gain access to a network.

What is IP spoofing (IP address forgery or a host file hijack)? - Definition from

Dude you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about, just stop.

Suggestion that security experts and analysts that studied these attacks don't know what spoofing is straight laughable.
I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity.

What I think what has been lost in all of this is that the real point that Trump was making was that it wasn't HIS idea but THEIRS, that as beauty contestants, THEY were the ones throwing themselves at the operators of the contest, offering to let them be grabbed by the pussy, felt up, in order to curry favor to get ahead in the contest! These women did not complain, feel offended, they were glad to offer their bodies and would have been willing to sleep with you in order to try to win.

Now which red-blooded male among us would not, if offered by a gorgeous model, to grab them by the pussy would not say: HELL YA!

Any young beautiful models throw themselves at me and say: TAKE ME, I'm out of here! Pussy and all. I'm no fool! :banana:
Trump BEGGED Russia to interfere in our election! Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.

But isn't begging for concealed criminal evidence by a group of people working to alter an election and EXPOSING IT, actually working in the interest of the nation in letting us see who we are really voting for? After all, what might have been the result of the Podesta emails other than to let the public be better informed and have more facts on which to base their vote?

IF TELLING THE TRUTH cost Hillary any votes, then they certainly were votes Hillary didn't lose but rather ones she never should have had in the first place that SHE was trying to co-opt dishonestly! Isn't this the real truth that has been lost in all of this political rancor?
oh my God! 30 out of the FIFTEEN THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!

Would it have made a difference if it had been 30 out of 40? (Actually, the total number was closer to 150) You see, it is disingenuous to use rationalization, the percentages don't matter, the number does not matter, and even the INTENT does not matter. Read the fucking law.

ONE top secret document even accidentally leak, exposed, lost, etc., is a felony violation that you are sworn to uphold and protect, you sign papers to that effect and Hillary was the HIGHEST MOST person in the land in charge of such intelligence! People regularly do HARD TIME in federal prison for ONE misplaced,. lost, stolen, or leaked intelligence document, much less the DESTRUCTION of government property, and her emails were exactly that. Without proof, copies of what she destroyed, we cannot TAKE HER WORD that the destroyed material was INNOCENT. 30 documents?, they lock you up for life-------- except if you are a CLINTON.
You don't recall trump saying the vote would be a fraud?? Became legit when he won Funny how that pos works

Nothing funny about it. With untold thousands or millions of undocumented illegals voting and aliases no doubt voting in the election promulgated every campaign by the DNC, who can say what the real outcome really was? It was only dropped because Trump won IN SPITE OF IT. Had Trump been pulling that shit, YOU BETTER BELIEVE that with the popular vote in her favor, this, and not the current investigations, would have been foremost in the DNC's complaints! But kind of hard for the DNC to accuse Trump of stealing votes when they were the ones always doing it! So now we have this little fiction about Russia to try to cloud the issue.
I can prove that he feels grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable if your a celebrity.

What I think what has been lost in all of this is that the real point that Trump was making was that it wasn't HIS idea but THEIRS, that as beauty contestants, THEY were the ones throwing themselves at the operators of the contest, offering to let them be grabbed by the pussy, felt up, in order to curry favor to get ahead in the contest! These women did not complain, feel offended, they were glad to offer their bodies and would have been willing to sleep with you in order to try to win.

Now which red-blooded male among us would not, if offered by a gorgeous model, to grab them by the pussy would not say: HELL YA!

Any young beautiful models throw themselves at me and say: TAKE ME, I'm out of here! Pussy and all. I'm no fool! :banana:
But dump was a married man and cheated You OK with that?
Mueller is there to investigate SPECIFIC charges and to determine whether they have any basis or not, whether or not any of the findings are criminal in nature, not to do a proctology exploration just fishing around trying to find something not knowing what you seek to find! Anything Mueller investigates he needs to tie its relevance to the case and give good reason why he needs to look there, not turn up an unpaid parking ticket from 1994 and say: BUSTED! WE FOUND SOMETHING ON TRUMP!!

Mueller is operating under the same rules as Ken Starr.

What did Paula Jones have to do with Whitewater? NOTHING. Case closed.
oh my God! 30 out of the FIFTEEN THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!

Would it have made a difference if it had been 30 out of 40? (Actually, the total number was closer to 150) You see, it is disingenuous to use rationalization, the percentages don't matter, the number does not matter, and even the INTENT does not matter. Read the fucking law.

ONE top secret document even accidentally leak, exposed, lost, etc., is a felony violation that you are sworn to uphold and protect, you sign papers to that effect and Hillary was the HIGHEST MOST person in the land in charge of such intelligence! People regularly do HARD TIME in federal prison for ONE misplaced,. lost, stolen, or leaked intelligence document, much less the DESTRUCTION of government property, and her emails were exactly that. Without proof, copies of what she destroyed, we cannot TAKE HER WORD that the destroyed material was INNOCENT. 30 documents?, they lock you up for life-------- except if you are a CLINTON.
you need to read the law! She did NOT commit espionage...what she did broke rules, NOT LAWS....what Petraeus did was with intent.... he broke the law and he only got a misdemeanor as a reduced sentence with probation....because of his many years of service.

and the 30 benghazi emails that they found WERE NOT CLASSIFIED

It's the typical response of someone who doesn't give a fuck about the truth, as long as they feel like they're winning.

Has a smidgen of proof been offered up? Anything, anything at all?

You're being played

Does it matter? Whether there is proof, evidence, something or not "yawn" is not an acceptable response for any respectable adult.
Except when it fits here

But then it should never fit here. This isn't a bunch of ten year olds.

It's the typical response of someone who doesn't give a fuck about the truth, as long as they feel like they're winning.

Has a smidgen of proof been offered up? Anything, anything at all?

You're being played

Does it matter? Whether there is proof, evidence, something or not "yawn" is not an acceptable response for any respectable adult.
Except when it fits here

But then it should never fit here. This isn't a bunch of ten year olds.

You don't determine what fits, don't like it don't read it.

It's the typical response of someone who doesn't give a fuck about the truth, as long as they feel like they're winning.

Has a smidgen of proof been offered up? Anything, anything at all?

You're being played
Since when does any prosecutor tell the public before their investigation is over, what they have....?


This is just normal procedure and protocol.....

Gossip and speculations and ALLEDGED leaks mean nothing....You have to wait till the Justice dept fat lady sings, to know the real end result.
We already know what the end result of this failed witch hunt is going to be.
Bernie Sanders said it best when speaking about the Democrat Party.

"The Democrat Party IS A Failed Party with Failed Leadership and Failed Policies that are headed for Future Of Failure!"

Ouch, that stings, doesn't it? Thrown under the bus by one of your most prominent figures.

You and your party should not have put all of your Eggs in a Failed Basket Of Lies.
So much for "The Leftist Inquisition." People are fighthing back when you expected them to lay down for you and your violent storm trooper intimidation and propaganda tactics.

You painted yourself in to a corner making false accusation after accusation of "Russian Collusion" in the "HOPES" of dragging a Failed and Corrupt candidate across the finish line. And once you failed to rig the election like you rigged your primary, you decided to stick with a Failed and False Narrative in the "HOPES" of Impeaching a President that had not even been sworn in to office.

The worst part of the whole thing was that your party KNEW....KNEW that there was NO HACKING of the DNC SERVER by Russia, and KNEW there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION....but they decided to "TRY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN" through desperate treasonous acts, Espionage, Wire Tapping, Unmasking, Leaking of Classified Information, and COLLUSION with THE MEDIA.

In Your ATTEMPTS to plunge a DAGGER in to the heart of Lady Liberty and The President, you have inflicted a mortal wound upon yourself.
Your Party will be slaughtered in 2018. It is being split in half by Bernie Sanders and his followers. In 20 years, The Democrat Party will be NO More because of this FOLLY and Comedy of Errors!

And I can't say you didn't deserve it, because you decided to Divide The Country with Lies, instead of Honestly Help To Govern It!

Sounds like both parties. The only reason they're still around is because they make sure no one else can get in on it.
It's the typical response of someone who doesn't give a fuck about the truth, as long as they feel like they're winning.

Has a smidgen of proof been offered up? Anything, anything at all?

You're being played

Does it matter? Whether there is proof, evidence, something or not "yawn" is not an acceptable response for any respectable adult.
Except when it fits here

But then it should never fit here. This isn't a bunch of ten year olds.

You don't determine what fits, don't like it don't read it.

Yes, actually, I do determine what fits. You want to act like a ten year old child, that's fine, i'll just put you on ignore when I feel like it. Therefore I DO determine what fits. But hey, let me guess, your post in response to this will be the response of a ten year old.
Has a smidgen of proof been offered up? Anything, anything at all?

You're being played

Does it matter? Whether there is proof, evidence, something or not "yawn" is not an acceptable response for any respectable adult.
Except when it fits here

But then it should never fit here. This isn't a bunch of ten year olds.

You don't determine what fits, don't like it don't read it.

Yes, actually, I do determine what fits..

No you don't. Get over yourself, toad.
oh my God! 30 out of the FIFTEEN THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!

Would it have made a difference if it had been 30 out of 40? (Actually, the total number was closer to 150) You see, it is disingenuous to use rationalization, the percentages don't matter, the number does not matter, and even the INTENT does not matter. Read the fucking law.

ONE top secret document even accidentally leak, exposed, lost, etc., is a felony violation that you are sworn to uphold and protect, you sign papers to that effect and Hillary was the HIGHEST MOST person in the land in charge of such intelligence! People regularly do HARD TIME in federal prison for ONE misplaced,. lost, stolen, or leaked intelligence document, much less the DESTRUCTION of government property, and her emails were exactly that. Without proof, copies of what she destroyed, we cannot TAKE HER WORD that the destroyed material was INNOCENT. 30 documents?, they lock you up for life-------- except if you are a CLINTON.
you need to read the law! She did NOT commit espionage...what she did broke rules, NOT LAWS....what Petraeus did was with intent.... he broke the law and he only got a misdemeanor as a reduced sentence with probation....because of his many years of service.

and the 30 benghazi emails that they found WERE NOT CLASSIFIED

You are either a hopeless idiot fool or a deliberate partisan hack. Either way, no point trying to argue further, you would disagree with anything no matter how basic.
Does it matter? Whether there is proof, evidence, something or not "yawn" is not an acceptable response for any respectable adult.
Except when it fits here

But then it should never fit here. This isn't a bunch of ten year olds.

You don't determine what fits, don't like it don't read it.

Yes, actually, I do determine what fits..

No you don't. Get over yourself, toad.

Haha, it's funny that you didn't quote the part where I said your response would be that of a 10 year old. Insults to boot. Tell you what, you've never, ever contributed anything worthy of an adult on this forum, so I'm going to determine that the crap you write doesn't fit on this site. So, you're on the ignore list, so I don't have to see the childish crap you write. Bye.
Except when it fits here

But then it should never fit here. This isn't a bunch of ten year olds.

You don't determine what fits, don't like it don't read it.

Yes, actually, I do determine what fits..

No you don't. Get over yourself, toad.

Haha, it's funny that you didn't quote the part where I said your response would be that of a 10 year old. Insults to boot. Tell you what, you've never, ever contributed anything worthy of an adult on this forum, so I'm going to determine that the crap you write doesn't fit on this site. So, you're on the ignore list, so I don't have to see the childish crap you write. Bye.

I didn't read past what I quoted...and here you thought you were special. Get lost dweeb, nobody is going to take direction from your stupid ass

It's the typical response of someone who doesn't give a fuck about the truth, as long as they feel like they're winning.

Has a smidgen of proof been offered up? Anything, anything at all?

You're being played
Since when does any prosecutor tell the public before their investigation is over, what they have....?


This is just normal procedure and protocol.....

Gossip and speculations and ALLEDGED leaks mean nothing....You have to wait till the Justice dept fat lady sings, to know the real end result.
We already know what the end result of this failed witch hunt is going to be.
Bernie Sanders said it best when speaking about the Democrat Party.

"The Democrat Party IS A Failed Party with Failed Leadership and Failed Policies that are headed for Future Of Failure!"

Ouch, that stings, doesn't it? Thrown under the bus by one of your most prominent figures.

You and your party should not have put all of your Eggs in a Failed Basket Of Lies.
So much for "The Leftist Inquisition." People are fighthing back when you expected them to lay down for you and your violent storm trooper intimidation and propaganda tactics.

You painted yourself in to a corner making false accusation after accusation of "Russian Collusion" in the "HOPES" of dragging a Failed and Corrupt candidate across the finish line. And once you failed to rig the election like you rigged your primary, you decided to stick with a Failed and False Narrative in the "HOPES" of Impeaching a President that had not even been sworn in to office.

The worst part of the whole thing was that your party KNEW....KNEW that there was NO HACKING of the DNC SERVER by Russia, and KNEW there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION....but they decided to "TRY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN" through desperate treasonous acts, Espionage, Wire Tapping, Unmasking, Leaking of Classified Information, and COLLUSION with THE MEDIA.

In Your ATTEMPTS to plunge a DAGGER in to the heart of Lady Liberty and The President, you have inflicted a mortal wound upon yourself.
Your Party will be slaughtered in 2018. It is being split in half by Bernie Sanders and his followers. In 20 years, The Democrat Party will be NO More because of this FOLLY and Comedy of Errors!

And I can't say you didn't deserve it, because you decided to Divide The Country with Lies, instead of Honestly Help To Govern It!
nope! you are just a raving, hateful, maniac! And bat sh*t crazy! :cuckoo:
i'll just put you on ignore when I feel like it. Therefore I DO determine what fits.

There goes the weirdo again, always threatening to cop out as soon as someone says 5 words he doesn't agree with, and covering his ears for anything but what he totally agrees with so he never hears a dissenting opinion he has to contend with and so has no idea whether those that he hangs with represents the top 90% or the bottom 10% because he never even considers anything else!
i'll just put you on ignore when I feel like it. Therefore I DO determine what fits.

There goes the weirdo again, always threatening to cop out as soon as someone says 5 words he doesn't agree with, and covering his ears for anything but what he totally agrees with so he never hears a dissenting opinion he has to contend with and so has no idea whether those that he hangs with represents the top 90% or the bottom 10% because he never even considers anything else!

Like I give two shits if some left loon ignores me. Good grief

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