Mueller is nothing more than a gossip queen


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
If he hasn’t found anything by now he hasn’t found anything worth getting trump out immediately
This guy is just looking for the juicy and selascious now
Probably has a book deal in the works
It will probably sell as few copies as Hillary's last book. Walmart had them marked down to next to nothing, in case you need something to burn in the wood stove.
If anything of substance was uncovered,it would have been leaked by the biased and unethical investigations.

Trump should just let it all play out, the investigation is a joke.

Make Mueller say. “After 2 years and $100 million, we dont have shit on a Trump/Putin collusion to rig the election.

Then I want to see an independent investigation into the DNC primary rigging and the Uranium One deal, and I want the investigators to be Trump campaign donors.
If he hasn’t found anything by now he hasn’t found anything worth getting trump out immediately
This guy is just looking for the juicy and selascious now
Probably has a book deal in the works

THE PROBLEM IS that "Special Counsels" are supposed to be formed in order to pursue known crimes, to determine their extent and depth. This one was formed without any actual known crime, but instead, to go out /looking/ for one.

Bet it pisses them off to no end that they can't find anything, even make one up that'll stick, on a new-comer that has no prior experience in the machinations of Washington Politics. Oh, those f---king Deplorable Voters!!!
If he hasn’t found anything by now he hasn’t found anything worth getting trump out immediately
This guy is just looking for the juicy and selascious now
Probably has a book deal in the works

By now? Are you kidding? It took Starr 7 years and 8 million dollars to find out Slick Willy was getting funky in the oval office. By that standard Mueller is just getting warmed up.

Anyone that was not complaining about Starr back then has no right to say a damn thing about Mueller.
If anything of substance was uncovered,it would have been leaked by the biased and unethical investigations.

Trump should just let it all play out, the investigation is a joke.

Make Mueller say. “After 2 years and $100 million, we dont have shit on a Trump/Putin collusion to rig the election.

Then I want to see an independent investigation into the DNC primary rigging and the Uranium One deal, and I want the investigators to be Trump campaign donors.

Mueller should get all the time and money that Starr had.
Mueller is going to have his hands full with the Congressional Investigation into the bias of HIS investigation. Devin Nunes means business. He already has filed contempt of congress charges against members of Mueller's team.

Devin Nunes, targeting Mueller and the FBI, alarms Democrats and some Republicans with his tactics

Do the democrats want to get to the bottom of this nonsense? No. Of course not. Instead Adam Schiff makes up some crazy ethics complaint against Nunes which was recently laughed out of Congress.

Devin Nunes' Ethics Committee investigation dropped - CNNPolitics

This is turning into a civil war, delicately fought naturally since everyone is just too civilized for anything real.
If he hasn’t found anything by now he hasn’t found anything worth getting trump out immediately
This guy is just looking for the juicy and selascious now
Probably has a book deal in the works

Exactly! If there was any type of smoking gun like "Nixon caught on audio" then Trump would have already been impeached by now so the Dems KNOW they have NOTHING!!

The indictments so far are a JOKE!! They involve lying about a U.N. vote on Israeli settlements & Manafort's financial dealings long before he was ever involved with Trump!! It only shows the DESPERATION of the Dems!!

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