Mueller report to be released Thursday

The air is dripping with anticipation and excitement. I wipe as best I can, but there's always more.
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Well this should create a very big partisan shit storm.
Mueller report to be released Thursday
After Barr holds a press conference explaining how the public gains from such a gathering before either the public or Congress has a chance to read Mueller''s report.

Trump claimed ‘exoneration.’ Mueller’s report will test that.

"First, Attorney General William Barr will hold a news conference at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the report.

"Then, Justice Department officials will deliver the document to Congress on compact discs between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. and post it on the special counsel’s website for public consumption, according to a senior DOJ official.

It’s a event likely to reverberate for years to come, setting the tenor of Trump’s reelection bid and shaping the congressional investigations into Trump’s actions."
Mueller would certainly speak out if he thought Barr was incorrectly stating Muellers report.
No. But people on his team did.

But people on his team did.

They did?

and of course, you have a link?
Yes! But, being that this is pretty common knowledge, I am fine with you looking it up yourself. I am also fine with you spending 10 times the time and effort complaining that I did not post a link. Dude, seriously, you should know this already.
Mueller would certainly speak out if he thought Barr was incorrectly stating Muellers report.
No. But people on his team did.

But people on his team did.

They did?

and of course, you have a link?
Yes! But, being that this is pretty common knowledge, I am fine with you looking it up yourself. I am also fine with you spending 10 times the time and effort complaining that I did not post a link. Dude, seriously, you should know this already.

so. no link.

just running your mouth again.

Yes! But, being that this is pretty common knowledge, I am fine with you looking it up yourself. I am also fine with you spending 10 times the time and effort complaining that I did not post a link. Dude, seriously, you should know this already.

so. no link.

just running your mouth again.

Whatever you say.

I wonder if they will have anything to say about the redactions?

Perhaps the biggest political risk for Trump is the special counsel's supporting evidence behind Mueller's assertion that while the report does not conclude the Republican president committed the crime of obstruction of justice it "also does not exonerate him" on that point.

According to Barr's March 24 letter, Mueller has presented evidence on both sides of the question without concluding whether to prosecute. Barr filled that void by asserting there was no prosecutable case. But Barr's statement in the letter that "most" of Trump's actions that had raised questions about obstruction were "the subject of public reporting" suggested that some actions were not publicly known.

Democrats in Congress do not believe Barr, a Trump appointee, should have the final say on the matter. While the prospect that the Democratic-led House of Representatives would begin the impeachment process to try to remove Trump from office appears to have receded, the House Judiciary Committee will be looking for any evidence relevant to ongoing probes into obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power by the president or others in the administration.
No they won’t

If there is information in there that is damaging to the president that is redacted for no other reason than to protect him then our representatives will identify it and challenge the redaction

Checks and balances

You can't be that naïve.

Nadler and Schiff are ready to start impeachment proceedings, and haven't even see the report

To the contrary
They have withheld impeachment proceedings until they have seen the report......they still haven’t seen it

They have withheld impeachment proceedings

They have withheld impeachment proceedings, because they have no cause.

Despite comments from Schiff, Nadler, and even AOC, that they have more than enough to start them.
Who said they had cause?
Unlike Republicans, Democrats have held back on impeachment until they have a formal report from Mueller and their own investigations

They will not be impeaching over a blow job

Who said they had cause?

THEY said they have cause.

Jerry Nadler Begins the March to Impeach Trump | RealClearPolitics!

AOC: ‘I support impeaching this president’

Adam Schiff: Evidence Available Already Shows That Trump Should Be Indicted

I don’t see any impeachment proceedings going on
Talking about the possibility is not impeachment

Republicans should have done that before they impeached over a blow job
The anticipation is palpable. BTW, true Christians wouldn't be releasing the findings of such a historical investigation on the eve of a major religious holiday like Easter. Just sayin'...
Gotta laugh at the timing from Trump

Look at the bunny!
You can't be that naïve.

Nadler and Schiff are ready to start impeachment proceedings, and haven't even see the report

To the contrary
They have withheld impeachment proceedings until they have seen the report......they still haven’t seen it

They have withheld impeachment proceedings

They have withheld impeachment proceedings, because they have no cause.

Despite comments from Schiff, Nadler, and even AOC, that they have more than enough to start them.
Who said they had cause?
Unlike Republicans, Democrats have held back on impeachment until they have a formal report from Mueller and their own investigations

They will not be impeaching over a blow job

Who said they had cause?

THEY said they have cause.

Jerry Nadler Begins the March to Impeach Trump | RealClearPolitics!

AOC: ‘I support impeaching this president’

Adam Schiff: Evidence Available Already Shows That Trump Should Be Indicted

I don’t see any impeachment proceedings going on
Talking about the possibility is not impeachment

Republicans should have done that before they impeached over a blow job
The Clintons deserved impeachment… Very fitting for the scumbags
Hey, as long as we can concentrate on accusations, scandals, attacks and investigations, that's all that matters.

There are very few congresspeople who could get re-elected by suggesting the two parties act like grownups and start working together for the good of the country.
I haven’t seen the report
Have you?

no one has so far but Barr and Mueller....

But the left is sure the redactions are hiding things that would implicate Trump.

Deny it.
I understand there is information the public should not be it
But unless our democratically elected representatives get to see what is reported without redactions......the missing information must be suspect

There ya go, let the BS begin.

The word is transparency
If the Trump administration can’t be transparent on an investigation of their actions....then they can’t be trusted

Mueller spelled it out in his report. If a partisan, Trump appointee refuses to let Congress see everything he has seen......then conclusions about the report are suspect

Dang, I'm surprised you know how to spell transparency.

Trump is damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t

If Trump wants to be cleared, he can’t cover the report with redactions

His Democratic challengers are going to have a field day
The anticipation is palpable. BTW, true Christians wouldn't be releasing the findings of such a historical investigation on the eve of a major religious holiday like Easter. Just sayin'...
Gotta laugh at the timing from Trump

Look at the bunny!

Trumps timing?


You don’t think Barr discussed this with Trump?
Three weeks to release and he chooses Easter weekend

Can’t make this shit up

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