Mueller report: Why aren't the leftists happy?

Why aren't you happy Trump did not collude with the Russians?
Why aren't you happy Trump did not commit obstruction?

This is the dilemma the left finds itself in, today, right now; that they find reasons to hang on to their narrative says all that need be said.

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Q. "Mueller report: Why aren't the leftists happy?"

A. So far the Mueller report has not been released. All any of us - Right, Left or Center - has seen is the short memo written by the AG appointed by Trump.

In fact, Trump appointed his Judge, while we the jury has been denied the full report written by Mueller.

"We the jury"????
FFS guy, I hope you are not serious.
I realize leftist want mob justice, and mob long as the mob is them that is, but "we" are not the jury.

In early America people accused of a crime, or arrested of a crime, would have to appear publicly in front of a panel of "judges" and answer their accusations. People in the crowd would holler out against the accused, and often would be heard by the judges...meaning these accusations from the crowd were sometimes considered into the decision made by the "judges".
The accused rarely had any representation of any kind, often the accused witnesses would be silenced by the crowd.
You would love this kind "justice" wouldn't you?

LOL, sometimes I forget the inability of some readers on this message board to comprehend comments which are not concrete. The use of analogy and an abstraction flies well beyond them.

But I digress, what was intended was to discredit my post, what it did was point out the "Lock Her Up" chants led by Donald Trump.

Regardless of what you might think, you don't have a right to look at the data from the investigation.
How would you like it if you were investigated, like Trump, every business deal you ever did, questioning every person you have dealt with gfor years... the investigation finds there is no evidence of wrong doing - but then releases everything they found to the media?
That's nuts.
What it really boils down to is the left has been foaming at the mouth for 2 years barely able to wait for the exquisite elation of Trump impeached and in hand cuffs, But it isn't going to happen. And now you don't know how to handle the fact the media has built this up into a frenzy when all along there wasn't much there.

I, personally, have no concern to be full vetted.

The American Citizens' who pay taxes and paid for the Mueller Report have every right to see what they've paid for.

The Congress has the absolute right to know what the Mueller Investigation discovered, both within the report, and anything left out or redacted.

Trump is one person, a flawed person, and the most divisive and mendacious POTUS ever. Why would the once and no more GOP have nominated him is beyond rational comprehension.

Your comment on the MSM is probative evidence you are a biddable fool, one who will echo Right Wing Propaganda no matter how absurd or mendacious.

The American taxpayers pay for every investigation done by law enforcement at every level of government, that doesn't mean you have the right to look at it if there was no crime brought upon the investigated.
There are outstanding reasons investigative records are sealed. You would have vigilante justice all over the nation otherwise.
I'll answer for me: Trump is an asshole. Likely because he is a narcissist and a sociopath. Furthermore he is the most divisive and mendacious person to every occupy the Oval Office.
He is getting things done...good things...the first president to actually do what he said he would do...your answer makes zero sense and reeks of a person that is just mad because you didn't get your sound like a spoiled child not a thinking adult....
Why aren't you happy Trump did not collude with the Russians?
Why aren't you happy Trump did not commit obstruction?

This is the dilemma the left finds itself in, today, right now; that they find reasons to hang on to their narrative says all that need be said.

View attachment 252198

Miserable people are incapable of being happy, even when they get their own way.

When they get their own way, all that happens is that they become increasingly arrogant.

That is what I have found to be true anyway.
The American Citizens' who pay taxes and paid for the Mueller Report have every right to see what they've paid for.
The law disagrees; your opinion on the matter means nothing.
The Congress has the absolute right to know what the Mueller Investigation discovered, both within the report, and anything left out or redacted
The law disagrees; your opinion on the matter means nothing.
Trump is one person, a flawed person, and the most divisive and mendacious POTUS ever. Why would the once and no more GOP have nominated him is beyond rational comprehension.
He only won because the DNC and MSM conspired to run the only person on the planet who could not beat him.
What Law? Post it in the US Code or in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Oh look -- I have to rescue from your own ignorance, yet again.
28 U.S. Code Chapter 40 - INDEPENDENT COUNSEL
28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

I've read all of the link you provided. Not one of the points in the link state affirmatively a law exists such as you and other wishful thinkers want, i.e. non transparency.

That said, I may have missed the phrase or bullet point where the AG has the authority to not release Mueller's Investigation. Please post it and I will acknowledge my ignorance. Don't and be known as a damn liar.
I'll answer for me: Trump is an asshole. Likely because he is a narcissist and a sociopath. Furthermore he is the most divisive and mendacious person to every occupy the Oval Office.
He is getting things done...good things...the first president to actually do what he said he would do...your answer makes zero sense and reeks of a person that is just mad because you didn't get your sound like a spoiled child not a thinking adult....

Trump is a bull in a china shop, everything he touches is normal, as is a SNAFU and FUBAR.

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots:.

Your opinion doesn't matter.

Your opinions are not your own, you echo the latest propaganda as if it is.
Q. "Mueller report: Why aren't the leftists happy?"

A. So far the Mueller report has not been released. All any of us - Right, Left or Center - has seen is the short memo written by the AG appointed by Trump.

In fact, Trump appointed his Judge, while we the jury has been denied the full report written by Mueller.

"We the jury"????
FFS guy, I hope you are not serious.
I realize leftist want mob justice, and mob long as the mob is them that is, but "we" are not the jury.

In early America people accused of a crime, or arrested of a crime, would have to appear publicly in front of a panel of "judges" and answer their accusations. People in the crowd would holler out against the accused, and often would be heard by the judges...meaning these accusations from the crowd were sometimes considered into the decision made by the "judges".
The accused rarely had any representation of any kind, often the accused witnesses would be silenced by the crowd.
You would love this kind "justice" wouldn't you?

LOL, sometimes I forget the inability of some readers on this message board to comprehend comments which are not concrete. The use of analogy and an abstraction flies well beyond them.

But I digress, what was intended was to discredit my post, what it did was point out the "Lock Her Up" chants led by Donald Trump.

Regardless of what you might think, you don't have a right to look at the data from the investigation.
How would you like it if you were investigated, like Trump, every business deal you ever did, questioning every person you have dealt with gfor years... the investigation finds there is no evidence of wrong doing - but then releases everything they found to the media?
That's nuts.
What it really boils down to is the left has been foaming at the mouth for 2 years barely able to wait for the exquisite elation of Trump impeached and in hand cuffs, But it isn't going to happen. And now you don't know how to handle the fact the media has built this up into a frenzy when all along there wasn't much there.

I, personally, have no concern to be full vetted.

The American Citizens' who pay taxes and paid for the Mueller Report have every right to see what they've paid for.

The Congress has the absolute right to know what the Mueller Investigation discovered, both within the report, and anything left out or redacted.

Trump is one person, a flawed person, and the most divisive and mendacious POTUS ever. Why would the once and no more GOP have nominated him is beyond rational comprehension.

Your comment on the MSM is probative evidence you are a biddable fool, one who will echo Right Wing Propaganda no matter how absurd or mendacious.

The American taxpayers pay for every investigation done by law enforcement at every level of government, that doesn't mean you have the right to look at it if there was no crime brought upon the investigated.
There are outstanding reasons investigative records are sealed. You would have vigilante justice all over the nation otherwise.

Of course there can be redactions for this specific reason, and for National Security (I posted such exceptions noted in the Freedom of Information Act).

Too many trump supporters forget the single phrase most noteworthy in the 3 and 1/2 pages in Barr's Memo, "While this report does not conclude that the committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"

Barr authored memo last year ruling out obstruction of justice - CNNPolitics


To many trump supporters forget the single phrase most noteworthy in the 3 and 1/2 pages in Barr's Memo, "While this report does not conclude that the committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"
That line referred to Obstruction only...and everyone knows that charge was a politically motivated joke.....Mueller couldn't find a crime but he is still a scumbag....and he showed it with that one sentence....
Why aren't you happy Trump did not collude with the Russians?
Why aren't you happy Trump did not commit obstruction?

This is the dilemma the left finds itself in, today, right now; that they find reasons to hang on to their narrative says all that need be said.

View attachment 252198
A lot of us see the smoke, all the reasons the investigation kept going like the lies and erratic decisions and actual criminals trump surrounded himself with, as unacceptable behavior for a president even if they could not find proof of criminal conspiracy. The history between trumpco and Russia appears to be deep enough that potentially the quid pro quo agreement is still out there. Its ex kgb Putin, after all. We have no idea what they discussed in their the fuck is that possible or ok? Trump is under investigation for collusion with Russia so we let him meet privately with Putin multiple times and look the other way. What a joke the right is to give that a complete pass.

The Mueller investigation is certainly not a hoax or witch hunt. The right biased mainstream media OS pushing that way to hard. Trump has been pushing it way too hard for 2 years.
To many trump supporters forget the single phrase most noteworthy in the 3 and 1/2 pages in Barr's Memo, "While this report does not conclude that the committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"
That line referred to Obstruction only...and everyone knows that charge was a politically motivated joke.....Mueller couldn't find a crime but he is still a scumbag....and he showed it with that one sentence....

Mueller is a "scumbag"? Seems like everyone who isn't kissing the ass of Trump is a Scumbag, in you opinion.
What law? There are exclusions within the Freedom of Information Act. but no where is there a "law" which you claim.

To the Reader: Please verify anything posted by a Trump supporter. It seems they have been infected by trump to legitimized misleading, false and alternative facts, as truth.

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"Mr. Barr is required only to provide lawmakers with very basic facts. He would be operating within the guidelines of the regulation if he were to give Congress a bare-bones notification that Mr. Mueller had concluded his work."

Will the Mueller Report Be Made Public? Answers to 6 Key Questions

LOL. Time will tell the final result. What is very clear, is this: The GOP will pay the price if the Mueller Report is not released in full to the Congress; and, if all the People see is this piss poor memo produced in less than a weekend by Barr, the D's may occupy the White House and both chambers of Congress in January 2021.

Better to toss Trump under the bus, than the entire Republican Party.
To many trump supporters forget the single phrase most noteworthy in the 3 and 1/2 pages in Barr's Memo, "While this report does not conclude that the committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"
That line referred to Obstruction only...and everyone knows that charge was a politically motivated joke.....Mueller couldn't find a crime but he is still a scumbag....and he showed it with that one sentence....

Q. Are you really this stupid [^^^"That line referred to Obstruction only...and everyone knows that charge was a politically motivated joke"] that you believe Trump's constant Trump beat of "witch hunt" and attacks on the DOJ, and individuals such as Sessions, was not an effort to obstruct justice by fooling others like you to repeat his lies?

A. Apparently you are.

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