Mueller Taps More Prosecutors to Help With Growing Trump Probe

Collusion is not a crime; but that’s only been mentioned about 1,000,000 times in the last 12 months or so.

Only braindead Trump sycophants are not aware that we get it - collusion isn't a crime. That's why you mention it so frequently - Just like the Dotard himself.
Correct - Collusion is not a crime. But conspiring with a hostile foreign government to influence a US election IS.

So why then isn't Hillary in jail for paying the Ukrainians to help her build that fake Steele Dossier to hurt Trump? You see, what makes collusion illegal is when money changes hands. BTW, the only reason why Mueller is hiring more attorneys is because he's getting ready to leave the investigation himself.

MONEY SPENT SO FAR? About 17 million dollars, all in the pockets of fat lawyers.
Criminal indictments against Russians? Zero.
Criminal indictments against Trump or anyone in his campaign for conspiring with Russia to throw the election? Zero.
Likelihood any of this will prove or change a damned thing? You guessed it, Bub.

Bob's witch hunt sure is rounding up a shit-ton of witches! :)

It’s gonna be hilarious when Trump declassifies the 9/11 reports and we find out Mueller suppressed information.
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ZOMG Russians cut the buffet line at the Inauguration.

We got him this time! Part 1,802,612
More worms on more hooks as the fishing expedition has landed a few minnows but no keepers
Are you retarded?
When your fellow mentally disturbed centerofbullshit posts it’s a crime you didn’t say a fucking thing.
You’re a psycho.

Dr. Hate is absolutely retarded.

Probably too retarded to be a psycho....

More worms on more hooks as the fishing expedition has landed a few minnows but no keepers

Oh hell - He's reeling in one whopper after the next. Give him another 6 weeks - You'll be a puddle. :)
This one's gonna leave a mark :)

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is tapping additional Justice Department resources for help with new legal battles as his year-old investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 election continues to expand.

As Mueller pursues his probe, he’s making more use of career prosecutors from the offices of U.S. attorneys and from Justice Department headquarters, as well as FBI agents -- a sign that he may be laying the groundwork to hand off parts of his investigation eventually, several current and former U.S. officials said.

Investigators in New York; Alexandria, Virginia; Pittsburgh and elsewhere have been tapped to supplement the work of Mueller’s team, the officials said. Mueller has already handed off one major investigation -- into Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen -- to the Southern District of New York.​

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Wow, so he hired more hangry butthurt Dems with chips on their shoulders. What a fucking surprise. It's fun watching Mueller constantly throwing shit at the wall, now that he's run out of options and the lost the public's trust.
Collusion is not a crime; but that’s only been mentioned about 1,000,000 times in the last 12 months or so.

Only braindead Trump sycophants are not aware that we get it - collusion isn't a crime. That's why you mention it so frequently - Just like the Dotard himself.
Correct - Collusion is not a crime. But conspiring with a hostile foreign government to influence a US election IS.
You need solid evidence of a conspiracy, of which, there isn't even circumstantial evidence.

Give it up.

You don't know what Mueller has and neither do I.
Patience my boy, PATIENCE

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