Mueller Violated Manafort's Constitutional Rights

It's good to see rich folk like manafort now about pay taxes on it like the rest of us.......the more money that have the more they try to hide it. Greedy.
Looks like Manafort is in the clear.
Not yet. This is just suspected...if proven true, though, perhaps. If this has to go through Obama's appointee Hillary-donor judge She may refuse to throw it out.
It's good to see rich folk like manafort now about pay taxes on it like the rest of us.......the more money that have the more they try to hide it. Greedy.
True...just ask Charlie Rangel.
Spot the disconnect...

Hillary lied, covered up for Bubba....demonized, villainized, bullied, threatened, and silenced his victims to protect her political career. She's a sexual predator enabler...

...and a criminal who should be in jail tonight.
Do you trolls know what proof is? Innocent until PROVEN guilty? Man you are some sorry ass people.
There is plenty of evidence against Hillary, Mueller, Holder, opposed to libs who still can't even prove there was GOP collusion with the Russians, let alone Trump was involved.

1 year, multiple investigations, and a rigged Special Counsel later, and all Democrats have is their own 'Scooter Libby' on charges that have nothing to do with Trump.


Two indictments and one guilty plea today proves you wrong.
Warrant was wrong, and 'evidence' not covered in the warrant was collected...

...which means everything, included the evidence and indictment may be thrown out...

Did Mueller’s Team Violate Manafort’s Constitutional Rights? They May Have.


The short answer is, no dumbass.
Yeah, and if you like your plan you can keep it....dumbass.

I did and yes, you're a dumbass with no redeeming qualities.
Oh, I am so hurt. Bwuhahaha... snowflakes who claim to be offended by everything launching personal attacks...because that's all they have. They sure still don't have any evidence against Trump... :p

Today proved you wrong
Warrant was wrong, and 'evidence' not covered in the warrant was collected...

...which means everything, included the evidence and indictment may be thrown out...

Did Mueller’s Team Violate Manafort’s Constitutional Rights? They May Have.


The short answer is, no dumbass.
Yeah, and if you like your plan you can keep it....dumbass.

I did and yes, you're a dumbass with no redeeming qualities.
Oh, I am so hurt. Bwuhahaha... snowflakes who claim to be offended by everything launching personal attacks...because that's all they have. They sure still don't have any evidence against Trump... :p

Today proved you wrong
What fantasy are you living? There's not one shred on evidence against Trump. Stop lying troll!
Two indictments and one guilty plea today proves you wrong.

One indictment was Mueller's 'Scooter Libby', a despetate attempted justifucation for the witch hunt for crimes that had nothing to do with Trump or his non-existent collusion.

The 2nd was a plea by a Trump VOLUNTEER - a nobody who lied to the feds when interviewed, again having NOTHING to do with Trump or his non-existent collusion.

The most promising lead Mueller has, which he refused to turn into an indictment, was of 'Fat Tony P' who was KNOWN to be working for the KGB Bank - the primary financier of Russia's effort to buy the uranium - and working for the Russian Spy Agency.
Manafort’s spokesman, Jason Maloni, confirmed the raid in a statement to the Guardian: “FBI agents executed a search warrant at one of Mr Manafort’s residences. Mr Manafort has consistently cooperated with law enforcement and other serious inquiries and did so on this occasion as well.”

Paul Manafort: FBI used search warrant to raid ex-Trump chair's home

So he was cooperating.... So they took what they needed...

So as long as they didn't exceed the scope of the warrant... Now I am sure the warrant allowed Muller to search documents and files (physical and computer)... Looks like that excuse won't hold water... Manafort looks goosed or get a 'Get out of Jail' card (i.e. grass above you with evidence)
Recent reports stated names were mis-spelled, titles were wrong, and the feds may have taken evidence not listed on the warrant. I'm not saying all this is true, but if it is the feds were very sloppy and screwed up.

Interesting was how they conducted a 'no-knock' search (barge in un-announced) and seized everything, but Comey sent Hillary a nice letter asking her to turn over everything (which she didn't) and gave her time to destroy gadgets, remove sim cards, shred / delete documents and files, and Bleach-Bit her server.

Isn't that 'special'?! :p
Recent reports stated names were mis-spelled, titles were wrong, and the feds may have taken evidence not listed on the warrant. I'm not saying all this is true, but if it is the feds were very sloppy and screwed up.

Interesting was how they conducted a 'no-knock' search (barge in un-announced) and seized everything, but Comey sent Hillary a nice letter asking her to turn over everything (which she didn't) and gave her time to destroy gadgets, remove sim cards, shred / delete documents and files, and Bleach-Bit her server.

Isn't that 'special'?! :p

If during the commission of a valid search warrant evidence is found that points to illegal activities, it can also be collected.
The short answer is, no dumbass.
Yeah, and if you like your plan you can keep it....dumbass.

I did and yes, you're a dumbass with no redeeming qualities.
Oh, I am so hurt. Bwuhahaha... snowflakes who claim to be offended by everything launching personal attacks...because that's all they have. They sure still don't have any evidence against Trump... :p

Today proved you wrong
What fantasy are you living? There's not one shred on evidence against Trump. Stop lying troll!

Again, the guilty plea today proves you wrong.
Two indictments and one guilty plea today proves you wrong.

One indictment was Mueller's 'Scooter Libby', a despetate attempted justifucation for the witch hunt for crimes that had nothing to do with Trump or his non-existent collusion.

The 2nd was a plea by a Trump VOLUNTEER - a nobody who lied to the feds when interviewed, again having NOTHING to do with Trump or his non-existent collusion.

The most promising lead Mueller has, which he refused to turn into an indictment, was of 'Fat Tony P' who was KNOWN to be working for the KGB Bank - the primary financier of Russia's effort to buy the uranium - and working for the Russian Spy Agency.

Again the email chains show that George was a lot more than a "volunteer".

Your spin is just that.
Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel and his entire team is illegal:

Robert Mueller

"The indictments of Manafort and Gates now present a unique opportunity to challenge the authority of the special counsel.

Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue in court that the appointment of Mueller was illegal. The criminal charges change all that. The two defendants will be able to argue before a judge that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.

As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.

To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law."

Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter
Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel and his entire team is illegal:

Robert Mueller

"The indictments of Manafort and Gates now present a unique opportunity to challenge the authority of the special counsel.

Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue in court that the appointment of Mueller was illegal. The criminal charges change all that. The two defendants will be able to argue before a judge that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.

As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.

To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law."

Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

Well, we are in agreement. The Mueller investigation is only investigating crimes.

The count so far...

One guilty plea
Two indictments.
Well, we are in agreement. The Mueller investigation is only investigating crimes.

The count so far...

One guilty plea
Two indictments.

That we know of. We didn't know about the Oct 5th guilty plea of Ex-Trump Adviser George Papadopoulos until 3 weeks later.
Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel and his entire team is illegal:

Robert Mueller

"The indictments of Manafort and Gates now present a unique opportunity to challenge the authority of the special counsel.

Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue in court that the appointment of Mueller was illegal. The criminal charges change all that. The two defendants will be able to argue before a judge that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.

As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.

To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law."

Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

Well, we are in agreement. The Mueller investigation is only investigating crimes.

The count so far...

One guilty plea
Two indictments.
One guilty plea by a volunteer nobody for lying, 2 indictments for TAX FRAUD - nothing to do with Trump or non-existent collusion, and still no evidence against Trump ... which can not be said about Hillary...or Mueller.

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