Mueller Violated Manafort's Constitutional Rights

Well, we are in agreement. The Mueller investigation is only investigating crimes.

The count so far...

One guilty plea
Two indictments.

That we know of. We didn't know about the Oct 5th guilty plea of Ex-Trump Adviser George Papadopoulos until 3 weeks later.
He was never an 'advisor'. Hw e was an un-paid vilunteer nobody whose guilty plea gas nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.

There is still no evidence agai st Trump. None.
One guilty plea by a volunteer nobody for lying, 2 indictments for TAX FRAUD - nothing to do with Trump or non-existent collusion, and still no evidence against Trump ... which can not be said about Hillary...or Mueller.

Read the George Papadopoulos plea. It includes admitting false statements (lying) and collusion with the russians, ex: setting up a meeting between Trump and Putin, or between himself other Trump campaign officials and the russians for the purpose of exploiting the stolen Clinton emails..
Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel and his entire team is illegal:

Robert Mueller

"The indictments of Manafort and Gates now present a unique opportunity to challenge the authority of the special counsel.

Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue in court that the appointment of Mueller was illegal. The criminal charges change all that. The two defendants will be able to argue before a judge that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.

As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.

To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law."

Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

Well, we are in agreement. The Mueller investigation is only investigating crimes.

The count so far...

One guilty plea
Two indictments.
One guilty plea by a volunteer nobody for lying, 2 indictments for TAX FRAUD - nothing to do with Trump or non-existent collusion, and still no evidence against Trump ... which can not be said about Hillary...or Mueller.

Again, read the emails of your "volunteer" George Pap and decide if top level campaign operatives respond to low level "volunteers".

Trump is on video citing George as one of his top selections for his foreign policy advisors...

You lied and people still pleaded guilty.

Also the underlining crime for the money laundering charge is the lack of registration as a foreign agent.

So much winning.
No evidence of Trump Collusion Exists - None. The same can not ge said for 'Fst Tony P', Hillary, Bill, Podesta, Mueller, and Obama.

If Mueller gad evidence he would have indicted Trump. He just admitted he has nothing by indicting 2 for Tax Fraud and one for lying under oath, no charges regarding anything 'Russian'.

He was never an 'advisor'. Hw e was an un-paid vilunteer nobody whose guilty plea gas nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.

Paul Manafort was a Trump volunteer too.

Trump is also unpaid. So are Jared and Ivanka, I believe. They're all just a bunch of incompetent volunteers.

Funny how Trump has some many unpaid volunteers in his campaign and administration.
People actually liked opposed to the criminal the DNC ran. :p
Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel and his entire team is illegal:

Robert Mueller

"The indictments of Manafort and Gates now present a unique opportunity to challenge the authority of the special counsel.

Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue in court that the appointment of Mueller was illegal. The criminal charges change all that. The two defendants will be able to argue before a judge that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.

As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.

To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law."

Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter
It's too bad you can't think for yourself that you have to rely on an opinion piece from someone else; meaning you can't comprehend the gaping head wound in that idiot's opinion -- namely, Mueller served within his legal jurisdiction....

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.

(b) Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.
the Oct 5th guilty plea of Ex-Trump Adviser George Papadopoulos
The official charge is lying to feds, nothing about Trump, nothing about collusion, no charges against and Mueller have NOTHING.
the Oct 5th guilty plea of Ex-Trump Adviser George Papadopoulos
The official charge is lying to feds, nothing about Trump, nothing about collusion, no charges against and Mueller have NOTHING.
He was a Trump employee who conspired with a Russian to obtain damaging material on Trump's opponent for the benefit of Trump's campaign.

The official charge is lying to feds, nothing about Trump, nothing about collusion, no charges against and Mueller have NOTHING.

He was charged with lying that there was no collusion. They dug up his old facebook and emails, after which he admitted to collusion with the russians. Then he became a cooperating defendant
The official charge is lying to feds, nothing about Trump, nothing about collusion, no charges against and Mueller have NOTHING.

He was charged with lying that there was no collusion. They dug up his old facebook and emails, after which he admitted to collusion with the russians. Then he became a cooperating defendant
Provide a copy of the criminal charge. Show where it says 'Lying to the FBI about Trump collusion'. Doesn't exist - you're full of shit.

No evidence exists. If there were any Mueller would have indicted Trump instead of an unpaid volunteer.
George Papadopoulos faced 5 years and $250,000 if fund guilty at trial. He plead guilty facing between zero to six months and $500 to $9,500 fine, depending on how he cooperates.

The more he cooperates, and he could walk away with only a $500 fine.

Some speculate he was "wired" by the FBI to gather more collusion evidence. Which explains why his arrest and guilty plea was kept secret.
1. The defendant, GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS, who served as a foreign policy
advisor for the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump (the ??Campaign?), made material false
statements and material omissions during an interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
that took place on January 27, 2017. At the time of the interview, the FBI had an open
investigation into the Russian government?s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,
including the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Campaign and the
Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the Campaign and
Russia?s efforts. The FBI opened and coordinated the investigation in Washington, DC.

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