Mueller WILL NOT Present Collusion Evidence At Manafort Trial

Why would they present evidence of Trumps collusion at Manafort trial?

They will present evidence of crimes Manafort committed
They claimed the Trump campaign was relevant to the charges against Manafort. They need to prove that.
Well let’s see

All the information has to come out and Mueller is not tipping his hand
No, Oldstyle, Mueller does not. He is trying Manafort on other crimes, on which the collusion investigation does not impeded.

Manafort has the ball. He can flip on those who colluded with Russians for consideration of a better sentence. That is why, since he violated the conditions of parole, he is sitting in solitary confinement, where he gets to think about how many years he can endure such conditions.

What's amusing to me, Jake is that you STILL think there was Russian collusion with the Trump campaign! I'm sorry but it didn't happen! The only campaign that colluded with Russians to affect the election was the Clinton campaign. The facts are indisputable...they paid people to concoct a series of phony "dossiers" on a candidate running for the Presidency and then the Obama Administration took those phony dossiers (that they knew were paid for by Hillary!) and used them to help get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition's campaign! The level of corruption and general sleaziness involved in both of those things is breathtaking!

And don't be shocked if Trump issues pardons for anyone who got railroaded by this joke of an investigation. It's become such a partisan circus at this point that he may feel it's justified.
You can think that all you want, but that does not make you right.

Don't be shocked if Trump pardons someone, and the House impeaches and Senate tries him for obstruction of justice. The pardon power does not give Trump the right to impede justice.
If Paul Manafort is being charged with 'collusion' (or something that passes for 'collusion' in an indictable sense), then such evidence is warranted.

If Paul Manfort is NOT being charged with 'collusion', then why would the government introduce such immaterial evidence?

Has Paul Manafort been charged with 'collusion' ?
Kondor3, please go study the case, because you don't get it. Collusion is not being used in the trial.
That's because HE HAS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. Democrats just got slapped down by a Democratic judge in DC when they finally, finally submitted their non-evidence evidence of collusion in a court of law against what they thought was their easiest target (Roger Stone).
If Paul Manafort is being charged with 'collusion' (or something that passes for 'collusion' in an indictable sense), then such evidence is warranted.

If Paul Manfort is NOT being charged with 'collusion', then why would the government introduce such immaterial evidence?

Has Paul Manafort been charged with 'collusion' ?

The whole purpose of the charade was to prove Trump "colluded" with the Russians to win the election.

No evidence of that.
Kondor3, please go study the case, because you don't get it. Collusion is not being used in the trial.

Yes, and why isn't Mueller charging Manafort with collusion? Why is that, hey? Isn't that what Mueller is supposed to be investigating? Why is Mueller charging him with alleged crimes that were not even involved with Trump's campaign, much less with "Russian collusion"? Because he has no evidence that Manafort colluded with the Russians.
Mueller WILL NOT Present Collusion Evidence At Manafort Trial

Special counsel Robert Mueller said in a court filing Friday that his prosecutors will not present evidence regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia at an upcoming trial for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

“The government does not intend to present at trial evidence or argument concerning collusion with the Russian government,” reads a filing submitted by Mueller’s team in federal court in Virginia on Friday.



A. Collusion is NOT a crime (just an ETHICAL and treasonous fuck up)

B.There is enough evidence (such as bank fraud) to send Manafort to prison for the rest of his life.

C. Manafort's ONLY recourse is to "sing" what he did as Trump's campaign chair behind Trump's ignorance.
Mueller WILL NOT Present Collusion Evidence At Manafort Trial

Special counsel Robert Mueller said in a court filing Friday that his prosecutors will not present evidence regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia at an upcoming trial for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

“The government does not intend to present at trial evidence or argument concerning collusion with the Russian government,” reads a filing submitted by Mueller’s team in federal court in Virginia on Friday.



A. Collusion is NOT a crime (just an ETHICAL and treasonous ....)

B.There is enough evidence (such as bank fraud) to send Manafort to prison for the rest of his life.

C. Manafort's ONLY recourse is to "sing" what he did as Trump's campaign chair behind Trump's ignorance.

Uh, colluding with Russians to sway an election would be a crime.

Mueller is charging Manafort with crimes that are far outside the scope of what Mueller is supposed to be investigating. When a special counsel is appointed, he is given specific parameters and directives about what he is supposed to investigate. Mueller's probe has become a lawless witch hunt.
No, Oldstyle, Mueller does not. He is trying Manafort on other crimes, on which the collusion investigation does not impeded.

Manafort has the ball. He can flip on those who colluded with Russians for consideration of a better sentence. That is why, since he violated the conditions of parole, he is sitting in solitary confinement, where he gets to think about how many years he can endure such conditions.

What's amusing to me, Jake is that you STILL think there was Russian collusion with the Trump campaign! I'm sorry but it didn't happen! The only campaign that colluded with Russians to affect the election was the Clinton campaign. The facts are indisputable...they paid people to concoct a series of phony "dossiers" on a candidate running for the Presidency and then the Obama Administration took those phony dossiers (that they knew were paid for by Hillary!) and used them to help get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition's campaign! The level of corruption and general sleaziness involved in both of those things is breathtaking!

And don't be shocked if Trump issues pardons for anyone who got railroaded by this joke of an investigation. It's become such a partisan circus at this point that he may feel it's justified.
You can think that all you want, but that does not make you right.

Don't be shocked if Trump pardons someone, and the House impeaches and Senate tries him for obstruction of justice. The pardon power does not give Trump the right to impede justice.

Are you kidding? How is it "obstruction of justice" for a sitting President to pardon someone? It's his constitutional right! Good luck on impeachment! You'd need to win back a huge majority in the House and Senate and to by quite blunt...I think you're going to lose seats come this Fall because the Democratic Party is so out of touch with what the American people want!
If Paul Manafort is being charged with 'collusion' (or something that passes for 'collusion' in an indictable sense), then such evidence is warranted.

If Paul Manfort is NOT being charged with 'collusion', then why would the government introduce such immaterial evidence?

Has Paul Manafort been charged with 'collusion' ?
If Paul Manafort is being charged with 'collusion' (or something that passes for 'collusion' in an indictable sense), then such evidence is warranted.

If Paul Manfort is NOT being charged with 'collusion', then why would the government introduce such immaterial evidence?

Has Paul Manafort been charged with 'collusion' ?
the op began with a cut and paste of a little tid bit of a cover summary....with some statements that appear to contradict each other....

but if memory serves, and lately it has not been as good as it once was due to information overload, :D....

I think Manafort's lawyers requested that Collusion not be a part of this court case, there are two different courts which manafort has trials scheduled... for different type crimes...this indictment/charges, involves the bank fraud part. I think the other one involves money laundering?? Or working as an agent for a foreign power without license to do such??? One Trial is in DC, and the other one in Virginia, I think....

So Manafort's lawyer's request, was accepted by Mueller, and Collusion would not be a part of this court case??? but it does not necessarily mean that it would not be a part of the other court case?

Of course, I am totally guessing....but it is an educated guess, because I have followed every bit that has happened in this investigation, from day one! ;)
If there was evidence of collusion with the Russians by Manafort to impact the election it would be part of the indictment.

To believe anything less is intellectually bereft.
Kondor3, please go study the case, because you don't get it. Collusion is not being used in the trial.

Yes, and why isn't Mueller charging Manafort with collusion? Why is that, hey? Isn't that what Mueller is supposed to be investigating? Why is Mueller charging him with alleged crimes that were not even involved with Trump's campaign, much less with "Russian collusion"? Because he has no evidence that Manafort colluded with the Russians.
Manafort is not trying Manafort for collusion, because if Manafort will flip on what he knows he won't be charged with it: he will be an immunized witness. You know that.
C. Manafort's ONLY recourse is to "sing" what he did as Trump's campaign chair behind Trump's ignorance.

Actually there is concern about him singing a little ditty called the "Podesta Group".
It matters naught.

The Podesta Group is not affiliated with the Hillary Campaign nor is John Podesta a part of the Podesta group and hasn't been for approaching a decade.

Try again.... ;)
If there was evidence of collusion with the Russians by Manafort to impact the election it would be part of the indictment.

To believe anything less is intellectually bereft.
No, it would not. It does not have to be part of this trial.
Mueller WILL NOT Present Collusion Evidence At Manafort Trial

Special counsel Robert Mueller said in a court filing Friday that his prosecutors will not present evidence regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia at an upcoming trial for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

“The government does not intend to present at trial evidence or argument concerning collusion with the Russian government,” reads a filing submitted by Mueller’s team in federal court in Virginia on Friday.



A. Collusion is NOT a crime (just an ETHICAL and treasonous ....)

B.There is enough evidence (such as bank fraud) to send Manafort to prison for the rest of his life.

C. Manafort's ONLY recourse is to "sing" what he did as Trump's campaign chair behind Trump's ignorance.

Uh, colluding with Russians to sway an election would be a crime.

Mueller is charging Manafort with crimes that are far outside the scope of what Mueller is supposed to be investigating. When a special counsel is appointed, he is given specific parameters and directives about what he is supposed to investigate. Mueller's probe has become a lawless witch hunt.
Your argument has been answered and dismissed.
No, Oldstyle, Mueller does not. He is trying Manafort on other crimes, on which the collusion investigation does not impeded.

Manafort has the ball. He can flip on those who colluded with Russians for consideration of a better sentence. That is why, since he violated the conditions of parole, he is sitting in solitary confinement, where he gets to think about how many years he can endure such conditions.

What's amusing to me, Jake is that you STILL think there was Russian collusion with the Trump campaign! I'm sorry but it didn't happen! The only campaign that colluded with Russians to affect the election was the Clinton campaign. The facts are indisputable...they paid people to concoct a series of phony "dossiers" on a candidate running for the Presidency and then the Obama Administration took those phony dossiers (that they knew were paid for by Hillary!) and used them to help get a FISA warrant to spy on the opposition's campaign! The level of corruption and general sleaziness involved in both of those things is breathtaking!

And don't be shocked if Trump issues pardons for anyone who got railroaded by this joke of an investigation. It's become such a partisan circus at this point that he may feel it's justified.
You can think that all you want, but that does not make you right.

Don't be shocked if Trump pardons someone, and the House impeaches and Senate tries him for obstruction of justice. The pardon power does not give Trump the right to impede justice.

Are you kidding? How is it "obstruction of justice" for a sitting President to pardon someone? It's his constitutional right! Good luck on impeachment! You'd need to win back a huge majority in the House and Senate and to by quite blunt...I think you're going to lose seats come this Fall because the Democratic Party is so out of touch with what the American people want!
He has been told if he pardons anyone so that he can escape investigation, then that is obstruction of justice. McConnell has said if Trump did that, it would be the end of his presidency.

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