Mueller's report

I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.
What accusation? Mueller hasn't accused Trump of anything.
Got a link for that Lavrov bullshit? Its not in google

Sure it is

Russia: US asks for advice on North Korea talks

From your Post #151: "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Your link does not confirm that "Trump called Putin to ask for advice regarding NK" that's another lie.
All you post are lies, why should we try explaining reality to you? Keep living in your little fake news reality.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
Got a link for that Lavrov bullshit? Its not in google

Sure it is

Russia: US asks for advice on North Korea talks

From your Post #151: "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Your link does not confirm that "Trump called Putin to ask for advice regarding NK" that's another lie.
All you post are lies, why should we try explaining reality to you? Keep living in your little fake news reality.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow's for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
it's not like he really cares. he just says most of the shit he says for attention.
From your post #151 "just removed Sanctions on oligarch Deripaska" (a lie, sanctions were kept on Deripaska)

(Sanctions were lifted on 3 companies "linked" to Deripaska. Read the Bloomberg link)

Holy shit dude. That was fucking lame.
Lifting those sanctions left Deripaska in control of the company AND made him 100 million dollars
But beyond that...your idiotic claim...was that Trump was being tough on Russia regarding sanctions and here you are telling us that he lifted sanctions on....wait for it

Your claim was that Trump took sanctions off Deripaska. That is a lie. The sanctions are still on Deripaska.
Got a link for that Lavrov bullshit? Its not in google

Sure it is

Russia: US asks for advice on North Korea talks

From your Post #151: "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Your link does not confirm that "Trump called Putin to ask for advice regarding NK" that's another lie.
All you post are lies, why should we try explaining reality to you? Keep living in your little fake news reality.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow's for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
it's not like he really cares. he just says most of the shit he says for attention.

True, but I'm retired and have all fucking day to sling their shit back at these idiots. (especially during the winter)
Your claim was that Trump took sanctions off Deripaska. That is a lie. The sanctions are still on Deripaska.

My CLAIM was that the Trump team is softening sanctions on Russia as well as not instituting others mandated by Congress.

That is indisputably true
Got a link for that Lavrov bullshit? Its not in google

Sure it is

Russia: US asks for advice on North Korea talks

From your Post #151: "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Your link does not confirm that "Trump called Putin to ask for advice regarding NK" that's another lie.
All you post are lies, why should we try explaining reality to you? Keep living in your little fake news reality.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
Lavrov is bragging that the WHite House is asking for Putin's opinion (or direction) regarding Sum Fat Kim.

As far as who made the actual matters little.

You KNOW you're wrong and simply don't CARE that Putin OWNS the Fat Orange Blob.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.

Word games don't change that ya old troll
Your claim was that Trump took sanctions off Deripaska. That is a lie. The sanctions are still on Deripaska.

My CLAIM was that the Trump team is softening sanctions on Russia as well as not instituting others mandated by Congress.
That is indisputably true

One more time, copied directly from your post #151:
"He never instituted Sanctions on Russia mandated by Congress after the Skripal poisoning...just removed Sanctions on oligarch Deripaska (who was involved in the 06 election hack) ."
1. He did and does have sanctions on Russia
2. He did and does have sanctions on Deripaska
3. (I CLAIM) Your posts are mostly lies, aka "fake news" w/o credible links
Got a link for that Lavrov bullshit? Its not in google

Sure it is

Russia: US asks for advice on North Korea talks

From your Post #151: "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Your link does not confirm that "Trump called Putin to ask for advice regarding NK" that's another lie.
All you post are lies, why should we try explaining reality to you? Keep living in your little fake news reality.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
Lavrov is bragging that the WHite House is asking for Putin's opinion (or direction) regarding Sum Fat Kim.

As far as who made the actual matters little.

You KNOW you're wrong and simply don't CARE that Putin OWNS the Fat Orange Blob.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.

Word games don't change that ya old troll

Another lie. Do you have a credible link that "Putin owns Trump"? If not, its fake news like all of your posts.

From your Post #151: "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Your link does not confirm that "Trump called Putin to ask for advice regarding NK" that's another lie.
All you post are lies, why should we try explaining reality to you? Keep living in your little fake news reality.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
Lavrov is bragging that the WHite House is asking for Putin's opinion (or direction) regarding Sum Fat Kim.

As far as who made the actual matters little.

You KNOW you're wrong and simply don't CARE that Putin OWNS the Fat Orange Blob.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.

Word games don't change that ya old troll

Another lie. Do you have a credible link that "Putin owns Trump"? If not, its fake news like all of your posts.
Former FBI deputy director and former Director of National Intelligence are both now on record saying Trump may be a Russian asset. (18 reasons)
Judge Jeniene asked Trump., but Trump didnt answer.

Just search google images for "russian asset"
Your claim was that Trump took sanctions off Deripaska. That is a lie. The sanctions are still on Deripaska.

My CLAIM was that the Trump team is softening sanctions on Russia as well as not instituting others mandated by Congress.
That is indisputably true

One more time, copied directly from your post #151:
"He never instituted Sanctions on Russia mandated by Congress after the Skripal poisoning...just removed Sanctions on oligarch Deripaska (who was involved in the 06 election hack) ."
1. He did and does have sanctions on Russia
2. He did and does have sanctions on Deripaska
3. (I CLAIM) Your posts are mostly lies, aka "fake news" w/o credible links
And one more time.

Your claim of being "tough on Russia" is obvious bullshit.

He has REMOVED sanctions and failed to institute others mandated by Congress.

You KNOW Trump is Putin's bitch and that bothers you not at all

He has PUBLICLY taken Putin's word over that of his own intel folks

ANd now he (or his people) have called Russia to ask what they want him to do regarding Sum Fat Kim and the RUssians are BRAGGING about it.

You must really hate your country you disgusting old turd
From your Post #151: "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Your link does not confirm that "Trump called Putin to ask for advice regarding NK" that's another lie.
All you post are lies, why should we try explaining reality to you? Keep living in your little fake news reality.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
Lavrov is bragging that the WHite House is asking for Putin's opinion (or direction) regarding Sum Fat Kim.

As far as who made the actual matters little.

You KNOW you're wrong and simply don't CARE that Putin OWNS the Fat Orange Blob.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.

Word games don't change that ya old troll

Another lie. Do you have a credible link that "Putin owns Trump"? If not, its fake news like all of your posts.
Former FBI deputy director and former Director of National Intelligence are both now on record saying Trump may be a Russian asset. (18 reasons)
Judge Jeniene asked Trump., but Trump didnt answer.

Just search google images for "russian asset"

1. McCabe was a coup conspirator and will be in prison before long for lying. He's trying to sell his book to pay for lawyers. He's basically toast and has less than zero credibility.

2. The DNI, James Clapper has no cred regarding Trump either. Did he cite any evidence? No Its just bullshit.

3. I saw the Judge Jeanine interview and Trump was basically insulted by the question. I wouldn't dignify a question like that with an answer either. Bottom line: Either Mueller has the goods on Trump, or the deep state coup attempt was the worst scandal in US history. Stay tuned.
My link said the following

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Now. WHO in the United States would he be referring to?
Some blogger in Michigan? Moron.
Do NOT call me a liar and then step on your dick like that. You only look more dishonest than usual.
And we'll wait to see how you support your other claims that I lie. I don't expect much

Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
Lavrov is bragging that the WHite House is asking for Putin's opinion (or direction) regarding Sum Fat Kim.

As far as who made the actual matters little.

You KNOW you're wrong and simply don't CARE that Putin OWNS the Fat Orange Blob.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.

Word games don't change that ya old troll

Another lie. Do you have a credible link that "Putin owns Trump"? If not, its fake news like all of your posts.
Former FBI deputy director and former Director of National Intelligence are both now on record saying Trump may be a Russian asset. (18 reasons)
Judge Jeniene asked Trump., but Trump didnt answer.

Just search google images for "russian asset"

1. McCabe was a coup conspirator and will be in prison before long for lying. He's trying to sell his book to pay for lawyers. He's basically toast and has less than zero credibility.

2. The DNI, James Clapper has no cred regarding Trump either. Did he cite any evidence? No Its just bullshit.

3. I saw the Judge Jeanine interview and Trump was basically insulted by the question. I wouldn't dignify a question like that with an answer either. Bottom line: Either Mueller has the goods on Trump, or the deep state coup attempt was the worst scandal in US history. Stay tuned.
1) The gang of eight must be in on this "coup".
2) clapper was in a position to know, and has the qualifications as previously being national intelligence director.

Considering the president’s business dealings with Russia, and listed numerous examples of Trump sidingwith Putin against U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies. There isnt any evidence to disprove he's a russian asset.
Trump didn't lie about it.

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

- The Week
Last edited:
His own intel tried to stage a coup against him, so why would he believe they are credible?
Also false. Rosenstein brought up the 25th amendment. not only is that exactly the opposite of a coup, it's sounds like someone needs to remind you which agency rosenstein works for.
Last edited:
Copied from post #151 (not your "link"): "And now Sergei Lavrov is bragging on Russian media that Trump is calling Putin asking for direction regarding dealing with Sum Fat Kim in this round of talks."

Copied from above: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader."

You are a liar. You have no idea who asked Moskow for advice, you're assuming Trump when it could very well be Pompeo or anyone else in the chain. You said specifically that TRUMP called PUTIN, that is and was a LIE.
Lavrov is bragging that the WHite House is asking for Putin's opinion (or direction) regarding Sum Fat Kim.

As far as who made the actual matters little.

You KNOW you're wrong and simply don't CARE that Putin OWNS the Fat Orange Blob.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.

Word games don't change that ya old troll

Another lie. Do you have a credible link that "Putin owns Trump"? If not, its fake news like all of your posts.
Former FBI deputy director and former Director of National Intelligence are both now on record saying Trump may be a Russian asset. (18 reasons)
Judge Jeniene asked Trump., but Trump didnt answer.

Just search google images for "russian asset"

1. McCabe was a coup conspirator and will be in prison before long for lying. He's trying to sell his book to pay for lawyers. He's basically toast and has less than zero credibility.

2. The DNI, James Clapper has no cred regarding Trump either. Did he cite any evidence? No Its just bullshit.

3. I saw the Judge Jeanine interview and Trump was basically insulted by the question. I wouldn't dignify a question like that with an answer either. Bottom line: Either Mueller has the goods on Trump, or the deep state coup attempt was the worst scandal in US history. Stay tuned.
1) The gang of eight must be in on this "coup".
2) clapper was in a position to know, and has the qualifications as previously being national intelligence director.

Considering the president’s business dealings with Russia, and listed numerous examples of Trump siding with Putin against U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies. There isn't any evidence to disprove he's a russian asset.

Sure, the gang of 8 went along with the scam, as presented, so did the FISA courts. The FBI and DOJ leadership are disgraced by their texts and how they used the HIllary paid for Steele Dossier to investigate Trump, as well as their attempted 25th Amendment coup. The IG will help clean-up the mess along with new AG Barr. Clapper has no security clearance and should never have had one. You point to bullshit as if its fact. After the Mueller report comes out, bullshit will be all you have.
What to know about the 25th Amendment: It's never been used, but ex-FBI head says officials thought about it
Trump didn't lie about it.
Well that's an ignorant ass lie:

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."
He cancelled the hotel deal in mid 2016, shit for brains. That means he was telling the truth. Every statement was the truth. It's not a lie because you choose to put your idiosyncratic definitions on the words he uses.

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