Mugshots of Antifa Unmasked

There are lots of things you coukd do today, but whatever it is, make sure you do not right-click and copy and paste these mugshots of thugs who have asked that the pictures do not get spread around.


Neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville as they shout anti-semitic garbage.
I'm amazed that they've actually arrested them. Usually the media signs them off as "counter protesters" against those "evil racists" and the public just graze on the narrative they're fed and look the other way.


Seeing as you mention grazing, Commies make the best Agricultural Fertiliser.

Fresh Commie rendered looks a little like this:


This is a bad lawn:


With the below Commies rendered into Agricultural Fertiliser:


A bad lawn is transformed into this beautiful lawn:

I mentioned this a while back, but you parents of college students need to check that your kidlits are not getting sucked in by these anarchist/antifa/far left extremist lies. Call your kids, tell them to just stay home and lay off the protesting for a bit...

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