Musk in '24?

Would you vote to elect Elon Musk President of The (once) United States?

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Im not sure why people list Afghanistan as a win for Biden. He didn't broker the deal to withdraw, he fell in on that and then shanked the part he really had the lead on, the execution. I get it, if it happens under your watch, you get credit, but if you're putting that on your highlight reel....

He had the courage (for want of a better term) to take the hit and pull the plug.
The problem with billionaires is they're not used to anyone saying "No" to them. The whole process of government, with its checks and balances is the antithesis of the way they function. It takes 2 years to get much done in government, by the time you write the legislation, get it passed in both House and Senate, set up the infrastructure and the oversight to ensure the public purse is protected, and voila, you have a program, which probably is slow, unwieldly, and doesn't do half as well as you'd hoped.
Very well put.

I'll just add that, in spite of the GOP world view that features Darwinism as a key component, you can't just shudder what isn't making money (aka 'isn't working') and tell the people buying the goods to use another supplier.
He can't be president.

I'd like to see him be the governor of California though. But at the end of the day he can do more good as a private citizen than he could as a politician. He could have more freedom to influence and direct as a wealthy individual, he would make a better pot stirrer like he is doing with Twitter.

I wouldn't like to see him in any public office. His corporations have a reputation of being toxic male culture, and he doesn't play well with others. He wants to buy Twitter because HE doesn't like the way its run, and HE could make more money by running it differently. Neither goal says anything about the public good.

A well run government isn't about what the guy in charge wants done, it's about what the people need him to do, and how well he LISTENS to what other people are saying. That's why Trump failed. He didn't listen to what people needed, he decided what they needed, and they got pissed when people disagreed with him. one will answer if Elon is better than Trump.

Right wingers are such scared little children....

He is lights years ahead of Trump as a business man and would be highly organised.

Elon would not be suited to be President IMHO... He has little empathy and very self absorbed... He has of spreading misinformation...

There is better than Elon out there...
He is lights years ahead of Trump as a business man and would be highly organised.

Elon would not be suited to be President IMHO... He has little empathy and very self absorbed... He has of spreading misinformation...

There is better than Elon out there...
He may make a great president. So my vote was a "qualified no" as I stated way back when we were on topic before the trolls took over. However the skillset of a CEO and the skillset of a President are 80% different. If you have a division not doing well, you sometimes get out of that business all together. This is why you don't see Pontiacs any more or Chevy Geos. If the postal service isn't doing well, you can't just decide to shut down all of the post offices. No company that I know of, has a congress that the CEO has to deal with who oppose much of what the chief executive is trying to get accomplished. The profit/loss is not the bottom line in government.

All that being our binary largely comes down to who he would be running against.
You used a one sentence cliche. You said nothing about dishonesty which any honest assessment would include. You said nothing about paying porn stars for sex which any honest assessment would include. You said nothing about the $8T in new debt that any honest assessment would include.

Really. He had 4 years to get us out of Afghanistan. He did nothing except sign a surrender agreement.

Excuses excuses.

Your blob promised to replace it with "something terrific". Did he? No.

Is that why we bailed out the farmers twice, couldn't find toilet paper for months, hospitals ran out of masks and gloves (I know, I work in one)? If this was victory, I'd hate to see what losing looked like.

Your "honest" assessment was laughable.

I've critiqued the Biden administration and other democrats much more harshly--while he/they are in office mind you--than you ever did with your blob.

I see all of the long-debunked talking points are back.
1. Paying porn stars for sex? So what? He wasn't president then. How is that part of any political discussion? Is that worse than a president getting head from a young intern in the WH? <hell no>

2. Adding $8T to the Debt? How does that compare to Obama's and Biden's adds? HINT: Congress controls the purse strings, not the president.

3. Trump was getting the US out of AFG the right way. Biden's exit was a catastrophe, just ask our allies.

4. Who moved US factories to China? That's who to blame for shortages. <blame Wall Street>

5. All of the FACTS I posted about Xiden are still TRUE, they are not "debunked". Thanks for playing.
He is lights years ahead of Trump as a business man and would be highly organised.
Elon would not be suited to be President IMHO... He has little empathy and very self absorbed... He has of spreading misinformation...
There is better than Elon out there...
Like who?
Those who cherish America's freedom of speech are looking hard at Elon Musk. The billionaire seems to be a true advocate for restoring that lost freedom. If he were to actually buy Twitter and make it a fair and honest platform would that reach a tipping point? Interesting proposition - he's already a darling of the green-at-all-cost contingent with his electric go-carts. Could the eco-freaks keep him as their hero if he really were for ending pre-censorship? For cancelling Cancel Culture?

He's proven a good manager - something America sore needs with inflation raging out of control.

But could he be elected President?

Were he to run it feels he'd have a good chance.

But he was born in South Africa.

That used to be a problem. The "American Born" requirement.

Used to be.

Then came Obama. OK a little further North in Africa but still, according to some of his own writings and family members, African born.

There ended the "Born American" rule. Or does that only apply to anti-free speech liberals?

Let's pretend Musk IS eligible - or at the very least that Obama-rules apply. Would you vote for him?
Hundreds of Twitter employees have already he hasn't even completed the deal yet.
He had the courage (for want of a better term) to take the hit and pull the plug.
Meh, Sorry but you dont get credit for a fuck up just because you had the "courage" to do it when you're POTUS. There's no chance they thought it was going to end anywhere nearly as bad as it did or they wouldnt of done it like they did. At least I hope they didnt.
1. Paying porn stars for sex? So what?
And you're questioning Biden's judgment, behavior, etc?

2. Adding $8T to the Debt? How does that compare to Obama's and Biden's adds? HINT: Congress controls the purse strings, not the president.
His campaign promise was to cut the deficit in half. You were talking about "promises kept" being something Trump did as President. Did he keep that one? This is where you come up with more excuses.
3. Trump was getting the US out of AFG the right way. Biden's exit was a catastrophe, just ask our allies.
LOL... Your blob had 4 years. This is where you come up with more excuses.
4. Who moved US factories to China? That's who to blame for shortages. <blame Wall Street>
American businesses. We can't blame the guy who slapped tariffs on everything raising the costs of imports? Interesting contortions you're doing there.
5. All of the FACTS I posted about Xiden are still TRUE, they are not "debunked". Thanks for playing.
They've long been debunked.
Meh, Sorry but you dont get credit for a fuck up just because you had the "courage" to do it when you're POTUS. There's no chance they thought it was going to end anywhere nearly as bad as it did or they wouldnt of done it like they did. At least I hope they didnt.

Cool.... things have to be a 100% success or its a "fuck up"? Trump was a complete fuck up then.
And you're questioning Biden's judgment, behavior, etc?
His campaign promise was to cut the deficit in half. You were talking about "promises kept" being something Trump did as President. Did he keep that one? This is where you come up with more excuses.
LOL... Your blob had 4 years. This is where you come up with more excuses.
American businesses. We can't blame the guy who slapped tariffs on everything raising the costs of imports? Interesting contortions you're doing there.
They've long been debunked.
1. I recall dems saying Clinton/Monica was "consensual"?! So how is Trump's sex life ANY business of yours? Hunter Biden's sex life isn't the issue, its selling "the big guy's" influence that's the crime.

2. One more time, Congress controls the purse strings. Trump has a MAGA list of promises kept.

3. Explain why when countries slap tariffs on US goods the US can't slap tariffs on their goods. The object is to make US products more competitive.

4. None of the Xiden disasters have been "debunked", that's why his approval ratings are in the 20s, and why the democrats are dreading the mid-terms, coming soon...


Train keep a rolling.
1. I recall dems saying Clinton/Monica was "consensual"?! So how is Trump's sex life ANY business of yours? Hunter Biden's sex life isn't the issue, its selling "the big guy's" influence that's the crime.
It speaks to the type of people you think are "good". "Bull in a China shop" cover that? LOL
2. One more time, Congress controls the purse strings. Trump has a MAGA list of promises kept.
Oh boy...and now you're going to pretend that the President doesn't sign off on every penny. The stimulus checks came from the Treasury, not Congress. How did that happen? The treasury is controlled by the President.
3. Explain why when countries slap tariffs on US goods the US can't slap tariffs on their goods. The object is to make US products more competitive.
The result was a staggering loss in the trade war that he started.
4. None of the Xiden disasters have been "debunked", that's why his approval ratings are in the 20s, and why the democrats are dreading the mid-terms, coming soon...
Everyone of the items you listed was debunked.

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