Musk in '24?

Would you vote to elect Elon Musk President of The (once) United States?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed . one will answer if Elon is better than Trump.

Right wingers are such scared little children....
Elon can't take the spot so you're discussing a theoretical that will not take place.

That's just stupid. But leftists are so willing to argue about things they fantasize.

Thanks for the chuckles, chump.
I didn't start the thread.
:lol: You don't have to start the thread to say something stupid in it. That's what bait threads are for, corky.
Sorry you can't bring yourself to say someone is better than your master.... culters are gonna cult.
Proven by you doing that very thing.
OMG, do you have ANY idea how moronic that is? Seriously.

Having a business executive as President is a terrible idea since its two distinctly different skillsets. We saw what a disaster it was with Trump. Tantrums day and night, belittling others, unable to get legislation passed, etc....
A lot of threads are non starters and remain upstairs. This is a clean OP. :confused-84:
It could be Corn feels like he just got his Candy ass kicked and wants his shame hidden.
Really? What makes him better than Trump?
Trump got into politics too late, his personality is hard-wired as a CEO.
He can't switch gears from hard-ass CEO to smooth politician.
Bill Clinton had the ability to tailor his speech for the specific audience to maximize votes.
Trump was a "bull in the China shop", like it or not, he didn't care, he just didn't get that every vote counted.
He alienated too many blocks that he could have won if he was a better actor at "being presidential". His 1st debate performance is the perfect example of alienating voters.

Elon is much smarter than Trump, much younger than Trump, and much smoother than Trump.
Elon could be a smooth politician by "acting presidential", and better than that, actually "being presidential".

Now why would Biden or Kamala be better than Elon as president?
Having a business executive as President is a terrible idea since its two distinctly different skillsets. We saw what a disaster it was with Trump. Tantrums day and night, belittling others, unable to get legislation passed, etc....
1. Trump was not a disaster, Xiden is a disaster, with a 26% poll approval rating, and falling.
2. The skill sets are not that different. Trump's business was his, he had no Board of Directors and shareholders to report to. Trump was "god" in his board room. That made his ego and judgment not perfect for being president. However, his business acumen was better at managing the US economy than "always wrong Joe" Biden, or the "Community Organizer".
3. Getting legislation passed is a function of math, how many Rs and Ds are in the House and Senate. Biden's BBB, and Green New Deal went nowhere. Biden got nothing passed unless it was bi-partisan either.
4. Elon has boards of directors, so he doesn't have Trump's "god complex", Elon is a consensus builder, and one brilliant man who would do a great job as president, if he was not ineligible.

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