Musk in '24?

Would you vote to elect Elon Musk President of The (once) United States?

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Whether? I stated that he screwed it up.
You listed it as a win. And while getting out of AFG is a win for the US I don’t think Biden‘s part of that exit was a win. You don’t get credit when you fuck shit up that badly when you’re playing at that level.
It speaks to the type of people you think are "good". "Bull in a China shop" cover that? LOL
Oh boy...and now you're going to pretend that the President doesn't sign off on every penny. The stimulus checks came from the Treasury, not Congress. How did that happen? The treasury is controlled by the President.
The result was a staggering loss in the trade war that he started.
Everyone of the items you listed was debunked.
1. We needed the "bull" to take on "the swamp", the crooked "fake evidence" FBI, the corrupt "fake news" MSM, the insidious "deep state", and the lying democrats. Trump was the right man for the job, he was tough as nails. Xiden can't even do a real press conference.

2. You telling me Treasury budgets any funds? Read and learn.

3. How was the trade war lost? I missed that part. The US economy boomed until the Fau-Chi covid pandemic

4. None of the Xiden disasters I listed were "debunked". Every one is a FACT. To say otherwise is a lie. You can "google" every one of them to verify them as true.
I have nothing against Musk, but governing a nation is radically different than running a business. And, while he's overcome it admirably, the Asperger's thing is problematic.
It speaks to the type of people you think are "good". "Bull in a China shop" cover that? LOL

Oh boy...and now you're going to pretend that the President doesn't sign off on every penny. The stimulus checks came from the Treasury, not Congress. How did that happen? The treasury is controlled by the President.

The result was a staggering loss in the trade war that he started.

Everyone of the items you listed was debunked.

Staggering loss? no...
Please do elucidate and with numbers not opinions....
Leaving Afghanistan was a win. Do you think it wasn't?
It needed to be done... unfortunately there isn't a single military official that thought it was done correctly. They would probably be a bit more authoritative.
1. We needed the "bull" to take on "the swamp", the crooked "fake evidence" FBI, the corrupt "fake news" MSM, the insidious "deep state", and the lying democrats. Trump was the right man for the job, he was tough as nails. Xiden can't even do a real press conference.
Another construct of the paranoid right. "The Swamp", "Deep State", etc...
2. You telling me Treasury budgets any funds? Read and learn.
The Treasury spent the money... Read and learn

And they even came with your blob's signature on them. But he had nothing to do with the spending...right?
3. How was the trade war lost? I missed that part. The US economy boomed until the Fau-Chi covid pandemic
We were bailing out farmers. Is that a sign that trade was booming?
4. None of the Xiden disasters I listed were "debunked". Every one is a FACT. To say otherwise is a lie. You can "google" every one of them to verify them as true.
Because one can google something means it's a fact? You really think all of this alleged malfeasance could take place for decades and nothing would ever be investigated or proven true?

I bet you even think the election was rigged.
I do find it interesting that your measure of success is that Biden is a little better than the guy you say is one of the worst Presidents in our history.
Little better? LOL.... Biden is twice the man Trump is, twice the father, twice the husband and twice the president.

That being said, Biden completely botched the withdraw from Afghanistan.

What has always baked my noodle about the US Military (in both Vietnam and later in Afghanistan) is that we partnered with governments that were not willing to fight for themselves and refuse to acknowledge it, recognize it, and extricate ourselves from the commitment immediately. Trump signed a withdraw agreement with the Taliban...not the Afghan government--also bakes my noodle. They...being terrorists...were sure to pounce on whatever we gave up as we withdrew. So it was never going to be pretty. That was likely the reason Trump never actually pulled the plug.

Joe botched the withdraw. But I'm happy someone recognized, finally, that there was no win to be had over there and made the call.
Little better? LOL.... Biden is twice the man Trump is, twice the father, twice the husband and twice the president.

That being said, Biden completely botched the withdraw from Afghanistan.

What has always baked my noodle about the US Military (in both Vietnam and later in Afghanistan) is that we partnered with governments that were not willing to fight for themselves and refuse to acknowledge it, recognize it, and extricate ourselves from the commitment immediately. Trump signed a withdraw agreement with the Taliban...not the Afghan government--also bakes my noodle. They...being terrorists...were sure to pounce on whatever we gave up as we withdrew. So it was never going to be pretty. That was likely the reason Trump never actually pulled the plug.

Joe botched the withdraw. But I'm happy someone recognized, finally, that there was no win to be had over there and made the call.
Well he’s the measuring stick you always seem to use so….

We turned the Taliban into a terrorist org if it was one. They were the Afghan Government before we showed up. And we can not like them, their form of Government and even think they are the most evil group of individuals on the planet but its their choice.

And there was a better way. Bringing in more troops to secure Bagram Air Base and using it to stage and evac our people was one option. The Taliban also offered to let us hold Kabul until we left. The admin passed. Either of those options would have been worlds better than the fuck story that the withdrawal ended up being. There’s a MEU on station in that part of the world 365 and we could have used the 31st and whichever MEU out of the Pac was on station. That’s 2 reinforced Marine infantry battalions. Pretty sure they could secure Bagram or Kabul for a month or so.
I voted a qualified "no". It sort of depends who is running against him.

Obama was born in Hawaii.
Obama's communist ho mother adopted Barrack Obama to his step daddy in INdonesia--which means that Barrack's legal name was changed to BARRY SOETORO and the stupid druggy is an INDONESIAN by law hence why Obama paid around 2 million to hide the birth certificate. This is also why his school records have his name as Barry Soetoro A MUSLIM in Indonesia and why at Harvard dipshit obama told the paper that he was a foreign muslim and was also housed with other foreign muslims (likes were put with likes back then.)
Those who cherish America's freedom of speech are looking hard at Elon Musk. The billionaire seems to be a true advocate for restoring that lost freedom. If he were to actually buy Twitter and make it a fair and honest platform would that reach a tipping point? Interesting proposition - he's already a darling of the green-at-all-cost contingent with his electric go-carts. Could the eco-freaks keep him as their hero if he really were for ending pre-censorship? For cancelling Cancel Culture?

He's proven a good manager - something America sore needs with inflation raging out of control.

But could he be elected President?

Were he to run it feels he'd have a good chance.

But he was born in South Africa.

That used to be a problem. The "American Born" requirement.

Used to be.

Then came Obama. OK a little further North in Africa but still, according to some of his own writings and family members, African born.

There ended the "Born American" rule. Or does that only apply to anti-free speech liberals?

Let's pretend Musk IS eligible - or at the very least that Obama-rules apply. Would you vote for him?
He is constitutionally barred from the Presidency.
It needed to be done... unfortunately there isn't a single military official that thought it was done correctly. They would probably be a bit more authoritative.
And can you just imagine if someone on the left propose a stoner as a candidate?
Well he’s the measuring stick you always seem to use so….

We turned the Taliban into a terrorist org if it was one.
Complete and utter bullshit.
They were the Afghan Government before we showed up.
Thats true.
And we can not like them, their form of Government and even think they are the most evil group of individuals on the planet but its their choice.
Yeah..and? There was an Afghan government we propped up for nearly 20 years. I hope it doesn't stretch your understanding to think that any agreement we were making to leave had to include them--such as they were.
And there was a better way. Bringing in more troops to secure Bagram Air Base and using it to stage and evac our people was one option. The Taliban also offered to let us hold Kabul until we left. The admin passed.
Yeah...put more soldiers out in the suburbs and let them get picked off by terrorists. The reason we stopped losing people over there during your blob's reign was because they were doing the bare minimum. No thanks. Of all of the things Biden screwed up about the withdraw itself..this one aspect he got right.

Either of those options would have been worlds better than the fuck story that the withdrawal ended up being.
Naive and ridiculous analysis.
There’s a MEU on station in that part of the world 365 and we could have used the 31st and whichever MEU out of the Pac was on station. That’s 2 reinforced Marine infantry battalions. Pretty sure they could secure Bagram or Kabul for a month or so.
We could have and should have secured the airport instead of the chaos that was allowed to exist.

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