Musk in '24?

Would you vote to elect Elon Musk President of The (once) United States?

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Obama's communist ho mother adopted Barrack Obama to his step daddy in INdonesia--which means that Barrack's legal name was changed to BARRY SOETORO and the stupid druggy is an INDONESIAN by law hence why Obama paid around 2 million to hide the birth certificate. This is also why his school records have his name as Barry Soetoro A MUSLIM in Indonesia and why at Harvard dipshit obama told the paper that he was a foreign muslim and was also housed with other foreign muslims (likes were put with likes back then.)
Another construct of the paranoid right. "The Swamp", "Deep State", etc...

The Treasury spent the money... Read and learn

And they even came with your blob's signature on them. But he had nothing to do with the spending...right?

We were bailing out farmers. Is that a sign that trade was booming?

Because one can google something means it's a fact? You really think all of this alleged malfeasance could take place for decades and nothing would ever be investigated or proven true?

I bet you even think the election was rigged.
1. What we call "the swamp" you call "the system". Corrupt to the core.

2. Treasury did not spend the money. They just sent the checks out for the Budgeted spending, as approved by CONGRESS.

3. More precisely the Chinese tariffs paid the US farmers for their lost income. You a China first shill? You like unfair trade?

4. Every one of the Xiden disasters I list are true. You can use any "fact-check" you prefer to verify them.
1. What we call "the swamp" you call "the system". Corrupt to the core.
And all of the career politicians/public servants Trump had in his administration...who were they if not members of the swamp or deep state or whatever?
2. Treasury did not spend the money. They just sent the checks out for the Budgeted spending, as approved by CONGRESS.
Good lord boy. How much kool-aid have you drank?
Those who cherish America's freedom of speech are looking hard at Elon Musk. The billionaire seems to be a true advocate for restoring that lost freedom. If he were to actually buy Twitter and make it a fair and honest platform would that reach a tipping point? Interesting proposition - he's already a darling of the green-at-all-cost contingent with his electric go-carts. Could the eco-freaks keep him as their hero if he really were for ending pre-censorship? For cancelling Cancel Culture?

He's proven a good manager - something America sore needs with inflation raging out of control.

But could he be elected President?

Were he to run it feels he'd have a good chance.

But he was born in South Africa.

That used to be a problem. The "American Born" requirement.

Used to be.

Then came Obama. OK a little further North in Africa but still, according to some of his own writings and family members, African born.

There ended the "Born American" rule. Or does that only apply to anti-free speech liberals?

Let's pretend Musk IS eligible - or at the very least that Obama-rules apply. Would you vote for him?
Cool. A second Dual citizen(A Fricken American) pResident
#1 was Kenan-Illinoiz
#2 may be Pretorian-Texan
Complete and utter bullshit.
Every time someone says anything about this admin you say yeah but the last guy.

And tell me how many terrorist attacks the Taliban has executed. They were/aren't a terrorist organization. They are shitheads and while all terrorists are shitheads not all shitheads are terrorists.

Thats true.

Yeah..and? There was an Afghan government we propped up for nearly 20 years. I hope it doesn't stretch your understanding to think that any agreement we were making to leave had to include them--such as they were.

It was an Afghan government the people of Afghanistan didnt want or support obviously. Look at it this way. If someone came to the US and invaded and told us our Government was all fucked up and installed their own, would it matter if the installed Government was better? It could be the best Government in the history of the world and people would rebel against it. Why do we expect people in other parts of the world to act any differently.
Yeah...put more soldiers out in the suburbs and let them get picked off by terrorists. The reason we stopped losing people over there during your blob's reign was because they were doing the bare minimum. No thanks. Of all of the things Biden screwed up about the withdraw itself..this one aspect he got right.

The Taliban was going to give us the city to control. The reason we couldnt keep the airport secure is precisely because we didnt secure the city and left that to the organization you 3 sentences ago called a terrorist organization. So which is better? There possibly being some terrorists operating in Kabul and all around the Airport but us have a large and capable force to mitigate that or a terrorist org controling the city and everything around the airport and depending on them to provide our security?

Naive and ridiculous analysis.

We could have and should have secured the airport instead of the chaos that was allowed to exist.

We did secure the airport dumbass.
And tell me how many terrorist attacks the Taliban has executed. They were/aren't a terrorist organization.
Wow, really?

"The Afghan Taliban are responsible for most insurgent attacks in Afghanistan, which follow an established pattern of regular low-level ambush and hit-and-run attacks, coupled with periodic high-profile attacks."

You do remember 9/11/01, right or have you excused that as you have the 1/6 insurrection?
Wow, really?

"The Afghan Taliban are responsible for most insurgent attacks in Afghanistan, which follow an established pattern of regular low-level ambush and hit-and-run attacks, coupled with periodic high-profile attacks."

You do remember 9/11/01, right or have you excused that as you have the 1/6 insurrection?
LOL 😂. Insurgents not terrorists. Look man I fought that war I know who we were fighting and what the Taliban is.

you’re aware the Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11 right?
Those who cherish America's freedom of speech are looking hard at Elon Musk. The billionaire seems to be a true advocate for restoring that lost freedom. If he were to actually buy Twitter and make it a fair and honest platform would that reach a tipping point? Interesting proposition - he's already a darling of the green-at-all-cost contingent with his electric go-carts. Could the eco-freaks keep him as their hero if he really were for ending pre-censorship? For cancelling Cancel Culture?

He's proven a good manager - something America sore needs with inflation raging out of control.

But could he be elected President?

Were he to run it feels he'd have a good chance.

But he was born in South Africa.

That used to be a problem. The "American Born" requirement.

Used to be.

Then came Obama. OK a little further North in Africa but still, according to some of his own writings and family members, African born.

There ended the "Born American" rule. Or does that only apply to anti-free speech liberals?

Let's pretend Musk IS eligible - or at the very least that Obama-rules apply. Would you vote for him?
Republican and science believer? that's a new one...
What do you have to do to be a terrorist in your book?

You don't think the Taliban allowed Al Queda a safe harbor?

Commit actual acts of terrorism would be a good start.

Terrorism is conducting unlawful acts of violence typically against civilians in order to inact political change through fear.

Attacking members of a uniformed service who are an invading and occupying force in your country kind of eliminates the possibility of being a terrorist. If the Taliban invaded the US and you took up arms against them would you consider yourself a terrorist?

Sure the Taliban allowed Al Qaeda to be in Afghanistan but they were pissed at Bin Laden and Al Qaeda for 9/11 and bringing the US down on their heads. They weren’t and aren’t a terrorist group. They are a bunch of ignorant islamists who diddle young boys who I hope all rot in a special section of hell, but they aren’t terrorists.
Commit actual acts of terrorism would be a good start.

Terrorism is conducting unlawful acts of violence typically against civilians in order to inact political change through fear.
Sure the Taliban allowed Al Qaeda to be in Afghanistan but they were pissed at Bin Laden and Al Qaeda for 9/11 and bringing the US down on their heads. They weren’t and aren’t a terrorist group. They are a bunch of ignorant islamists who diddle young boys who I hope all rot in a special section of hell, but they aren’t terrorists.
Yeah, they had no idea that Bin Laden was a bad guy...who knew? LOL

Yeah, they had no idea that Bin Laden was a bad guy...who knew? LOL
I didn’t say they were good people. I said they weren’t terrorists. Are you saying that because they supported and funded Bin Laden and AlQaeda they are terrorists too?
Yet all of the posts citing their terrorists attacks have no effect on you. You're immune from counter all Trump supporters are.
You haven’t posted one instance of a terrorist attack. They are islamists who want to live under Sharia law. That will lead them to doing things like you posted but it doesn't make them terrorists. Words have meanings. I suggest you learn what being a terrorist actually means.

So the US Government is a terrorist organization as well then? We supported and funded Bin Laden and Al Qaeda for a decade in Afghanistan. Gave them weapons, money, shared intel with them etc.

Is the Government of Iran? They support Hezbollah among other terrorist groups all over the middle east. And if they are doesn't that make the Obama and Biden Admins supporters of terrorists as well with their deals with Iran? How tight a corner are you looking to paint yourself into?
It's hilarious (and by 'hilarious' I mean pathetic) that the party of birherism fantasizes about a man who really and actually was born in Africa being President after they repeatedly lied about Obama allegedly being born in Africa. What is the difference between Obama and Musk?

All the more incredible is that Musk is a loonie lefty socialist moron who supports a universal income, carbon taxes, and endorsed Andrew Yang. ANDREW YANG!

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