Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
And obama is helping, is he a muslim, remember he went to the church of god damn America for 20 years...
Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants
Immigration is what ISIS needs to defeat America.
December 25, 2015
Daniel Greenfield



The ritualistic “Why do they hate us” browbeating favored by the chattering classes is nonsense. Al Qaeda hated us because we were not Muslims. But it was only using us as the hated “other” to consolidate a collective Muslim identity. We are to Islamists what the Jews were to Hitler; a useful scapegoat whose otherness can be used to manufacture a contrasting pure Aryan or Islamic identity.

No dialogue is possible with an ideology whose virtue is premised on seeing you as utterly evil.

You can negotiate with terrorists, though you shouldn’t. But Islamic terrorists rarely even bother to negotiate. Their core focus is on rallying local Muslims and the Ummah behind them. They don’t recognize national borders so any hope for a permanent peace behind recognized borders is wishful thinking. Islam is a transnational movement. Islamic terrorism is a race between terror groups around the world to carve out their own Islamic states and then use them as a springboard to a Caliphate.

ISIS is the end stage of Islamic terrorism. Its leader is a Caliph with all Muslims obliged to submit to him. The Islamic State is not just in Syria and Iraq. It is everywhere that a Muslim outpost swears allegiance to the Caliph. On its own maps the Islamic State encompasses parts of Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Russia. The more local Islamic terror groups pledge allegiance to ISIS, the bigger it becomes.

ISIS doesn’t plan to defeat America through acts of terrorism. The plan for defeating America, like every other country, Muslim or non-Muslim, is to build a domestic Muslim terror movement that will be able to hold territory and swear allegiance to the Islamic State.

The idea of an American Emirate may seem silly but consider Molenbeek, the neighborhood in Brussels known as the Jihadi capital of Europe, deemed a no-go zone by local authorities, right in the capital of the European Union. You can take a taxi from NATO HQ to a Muslim micro-state linked to most of the major recent Islamic terror attacks in Europe including the latest ISIS attack in Paris.


ISIS does not plan to defeat America with terror plots. But those plots will eventually accumulate into an organized domestic terror organization. An Islamic State in America based around a majority Muslim town or neighborhood with its own leader pledging allegiance to the Caliph of the Islamic State.

An American Molenbeek; and there are already plenty of candidates for that horrifying honor.

Any Muslim plans for expanding into the West depend on Muslim immigration. Whether it’s ISIS or its Muslim Brotherhood ancestor, or any of the other Islamist organizations and networks, they all require manpower. Some of that manpower will be provided by high Muslim birth rates, but it won’t be nearly enough, not for a country the size of America, without a large annual flow of Muslim migrants.


Even if we defeat ISIS tomorrow, Al Qaeda and other Islamist groups descended from the Muslim Brotherhood will continue pursuing the same goals. And they will rely on the Muslim population in the United States to provide them with money, supplies, cover and an infrastructure for terrorism.

ISIS can’t defeat us with terror attacks. The only hope for an enduring Islamic victory over America is through the rise of domestic groups that pledge allegiance to the Caliphate. ISIS can’t invade America. It has to be invited in. That’s what our immigration policy does.

Trump isn’t a threat to national security. Muslim immigration is.


Muslim immigration is the Islamic State’s only hope for victory over America.

Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants
Well they want a caliphate and to take over the world so flooding Muslims into the West is a good call on their part.

Of course in America, unlike Europe, many have guns and aren't afraid to use them.

Europe was busy keeping its citizens safe from guns.

Americans use guns.
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Well they want a caliphate and to take over the world so flooding Muslims into the West is a good call on their part.

Of course in America, unlike Europe, many have guns and aren't afraid to use them.

Europe was busy keeping its citizens safe from guns.

Americans use guns.

Which is why you NEVER give em up!!!

With what we're seeing all over the western world it's become obvious that this is a planned invasion orchestrated by the UN and their one world government agenda to spread the wealth and gain control of the world.
Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
Published September 18, 2014 <-----


The union representing America's immigration caseworkers warned Thursday of the "real and serious threat" that Islamic State terrorists could gain entry to the United States, either by slipping through the southern U.S. border or exploiting "loose and lax" visa policies.


He complained that the administration has "widened the loophole" they could use through the asylum system, and has restricted agents from going after many of those who overstay their visas.

Further, he warned that executive orders being contemplated by President Obama would "legalize visa overstays" and raise "the threat level to America even higher." He said there is "no doubt" many are already being "targeted for radicalization."

Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US | Fox News
Muslims will conquer the West and kill all these who do not embrace Islam.
Otherwise all western countries need Trumps, Wilders and Le Pens as presidents, End of Political Correctness and liberals in lunatic asylums.

common sense, really. Why in the hell wouldn't they take advantage of that? They are far from stupid..
If anything, they want us to keep our mouths closed about islam. "republican rhetoric is cuasing people to go jihad" is bullshit. If all it takes is a few words for people to strap bombs to their children, something isn't right..
Its like the lefties are getting their talking points from IS themselves..
*****They don’t recognize national borders so any hope for a
permanent peace behind recognized borders is wishful
thinking. ********
^^^^^ the above cut and paste is from the OP-----Copy it and
print it out and post it up on your fridge and bathroom mirror.

fact----islam recognizes ONLY ----*) ISLAM (*
ISIS Takes the Capital of the European Union
ISIS doesn’t have to invade Brussels. It just has to take a short drive.
March 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

The European Union was first brought into being to “safeguard” world peace. Today, the employees of the EU in Brussels were told to cower in fear in their government buildings while Islamic Jihadists once again terrorized this city whose population is already nearly a quarter Muslim.

Practicing Muslims outnumber practicing Christians in Brussels. After a search for Islamic terrorists had shut down the city, its Socialist mayor complained, “We will not live under the Islamic regime.”

But it’s too late for that. He already is. There are 300,000 Muslims in the capital of the European Union. It’s estimated that they will become the majority of the population in 14 years.

Brussels is the first outpost of ISIS in Europe. It is a doomed city that will be lost to Islam within our lifetimes. A Muslim terrorist attack in Brussels is as surprising as a car bombing in Baghdad.


ISIS Takes the Capital of the European Union
the big lie of our time is "THE WEST" (that's us---the non muslims) is so "aggressively" nasty to the noble muslims that the noble muslims MUST FIGHT
BACK. I will now get into my own experience-----one of the EARLIEST bits
of islamo propaganda I was told LIVE (ie not stuff I read in islamo Nazi propaganda)
IS------an ABSOLUTE ASSERTION THAT MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT OTHER THEN IN SELF-DEFENSE. If there is any place in the world that islam and muslims
are NOT AFFORDED precedence ABOVE all other peoples and religions----that
condition is AN ATTACK ON ISLAM----and demands DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE UMMAH. I was 19 years old when a very ardent
Shiite surgeon so informed me
the big lie of our time is "THE WEST" (that's us---the non muslims) is so "aggressively" nasty to the noble muslims that the noble muslims MUST FIGHT
BACK. I will now get into my own experience-----one of the EARLIEST bits
of islamo propaganda I was told LIVE (ie not stuff I read in islamo Nazi propaganda)
IS------an ABSOLUTE ASSERTION THAT MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT OTHER THEN IN SELF-DEFENSE. If there is any place in the world that islam and muslims
are NOT AFFORDED precedence ABOVE all other peoples and religions----that
condition is AN ATTACK ON ISLAM----and demands DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE UMMAH. I was 19 years old when a very ardent
Shiite surgeon so informed me
I do not hear much condemnation from moderite muslims about isis, but draw a cartoon character of MOOhammud and they'll make edict's and fatwa's and call for your death. I say fuck them all and their ambitions on ruling the world. It's funny the left want utopia and islam wants to rule the world and both will get nothing and like it...
the big lie of our time is "THE WEST" (that's us---the non muslims) is so "aggressively" nasty to the noble muslims that the noble muslims MUST FIGHT
BACK. I will now get into my own experience-----one of the EARLIEST bits
of islamo propaganda I was told LIVE (ie not stuff I read in islamo Nazi propaganda)
IS------an ABSOLUTE ASSERTION THAT MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT OTHER THEN IN SELF-DEFENSE. If there is any place in the world that islam and muslims
are NOT AFFORDED precedence ABOVE all other peoples and religions----that
condition is AN ATTACK ON ISLAM----and demands DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE UMMAH. I was 19 years old when a very ardent
Shiite surgeon so informed me
I do not hear much condemnation from moderite muslims about isis, but draw a cartoon character of MOOhammud and they'll make edict's and fatwa's and call for your death. I say fuck them all and their ambitions on ruling the world. It's funny the left want utopia and islam wants to rule the world and both will get nothing and like it...

Do you think you don't hear it because it's not forthcoming? Or that there are more headline grabbing things to be reported rather than the same blanket condemnation that muslim organisations issue every single terrorist attack.

“These were barbaric acts,” said Said Kamli, the director of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, adding that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its terrorist activities do not represent Islam. “We do not support people who do these things. We hope they face justice.”
Belgian Muslims condemn attacks, donate blood

Didn't make any front pages that one, did it.

A statement issued by the Belgian Muslim Executive (EMB) committee, an umbrella group, said the organization “condemns with force and without reservation” what it called “acts of extreme cruelty against innocent civilians.”
Belgian religious groups condemn Brussels attacks - Religion News Service

Or that

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the intergovernmental body representing 57 sovereign member states from across the Islamic world, has issued a statement strongly condemning the terrorist attacks in Brussels, which caused at least 34 deaths Tuesday morning and injured more than 100 people.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation Strongly Condemns Brussels Attacks

Oh look another one.

See, if you know any muslim people as I do you know that every time this sort of thing happens they know that they're in for a fresh bout of bashing from idiots who don't know any better, from funny looks in the street, whispers behind their backs and ignorant know nothing morons saying thins like "well I don't hear other muslims condemning them" when THEY FUCKING DO!!
What they also want are US presidential candidates who declare Islam to be the enemy thus helping to galvanize the region and grow their army.Trump melts into their hands.
the big lie of our time is "THE WEST" (that's us---the non muslims) is so "aggressively" nasty to the noble muslims that the noble muslims MUST FIGHT
BACK. I will now get into my own experience-----one of the EARLIEST bits
of islamo propaganda I was told LIVE (ie not stuff I read in islamo Nazi propaganda)
IS------an ABSOLUTE ASSERTION THAT MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT OTHER THEN IN SELF-DEFENSE. If there is any place in the world that islam and muslims
are NOT AFFORDED precedence ABOVE all other peoples and religions----that
condition is AN ATTACK ON ISLAM----and demands DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE UMMAH. I was 19 years old when a very ardent
Shiite surgeon so informed me
I do not hear much condemnation from moderite muslims about isis, but draw a cartoon character of MOOhammud and they'll make edict's and fatwa's and call for your death. I say fuck them all and their ambitions on ruling the world. It's funny the left want utopia and islam wants to rule the world and both will get nothing and like it...

Do you think you don't hear it because it's not forthcoming? Or that there are more headline grabbing things to be reported rather than the same blanket condemnation that muslim organisations issue every single terrorist attack.

“These were barbaric acts,” said Said Kamli, the director of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, adding that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its terrorist activities do not represent Islam. “We do not support people who do these things. We hope they face justice.”
Belgian Muslims condemn attacks, donate blood

Didn't make any front pages that one, did it.

A statement issued by the Belgian Muslim Executive (EMB) committee, an umbrella group, said the organization “condemns with force and without reservation” what it called “acts of extreme cruelty against innocent civilians.”
Belgian religious groups condemn Brussels attacks - Religion News Service

Or that

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the intergovernmental body representing 57 sovereign member states from across the Islamic world, has issued a statement strongly condemning the terrorist attacks in Brussels, which caused at least 34 deaths Tuesday morning and injured more than 100 people.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation Strongly Condemns Brussels Attacks

Oh look another one.

See, if you know any muslim people as I do you know that every time this sort of thing happens they know that they're in for a fresh bout of bashing from idiots who don't know any better, from funny looks in the street, whispers behind their backs and ignorant know nothing morons saying thins like "well I don't hear other muslims condemning them" when THEY FUCKING DO!!

I know lots of muslims------over the past approximately 50 years. I have visited
mosques (long ago --before 9-11-01. ) Your comment is silly. Islamic terrorism
has ----proportionately----more support amongst muslims then did the Islamic
hero Adolf Hitler amongst Germans in the 1930s and is far far more ADULATED
in mosques then Adolf was cheered in german kindergartens in the 1930s. People are "BASHING" muslims? where?
What they also want are US presidential candidates who declare Islam to be the enemy thus helping to galvanize the region and grow their army.Trump melts into their hands.

You are not entirely clear-----but I get the impression that you are claiming that
OPPOSITION to Islamic precedence and supremacy ---CREATES Islamic
terrorism. In fact you are right just as it is right to say muslims tend not
to kill people who are willing to convert to islam or, at the very least, recognize
islam as THE SUPERIOR RELIGION in the world and that its adherents have
right to rule.
the big lie of our time is "THE WEST" (that's us---the non muslims) is so "aggressively" nasty to the noble muslims that the noble muslims MUST FIGHT
BACK. I will now get into my own experience-----one of the EARLIEST bits
of islamo propaganda I was told LIVE (ie not stuff I read in islamo Nazi propaganda)
IS------an ABSOLUTE ASSERTION THAT MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT OTHER THEN IN SELF-DEFENSE. If there is any place in the world that islam and muslims
are NOT AFFORDED precedence ABOVE all other peoples and religions----that
condition is AN ATTACK ON ISLAM----and demands DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE UMMAH. I was 19 years old when a very ardent
Shiite surgeon so informed me
I do not hear much condemnation from moderite muslims about isis, but draw a cartoon character of MOOhammud and they'll make edict's and fatwa's and call for your death. I say fuck them all and their ambitions on ruling the world. It's funny the left want utopia and islam wants to rule the world and both will get nothing and like it...

Do you think you don't hear it because it's not forthcoming? Or that there are more headline grabbing things to be reported rather than the same blanket condemnation that muslim organisations issue every single terrorist attack.

“These were barbaric acts,” said Said Kamli, the director of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, adding that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its terrorist activities do not represent Islam. “We do not support people who do these things. We hope they face justice.”
Belgian Muslims condemn attacks, donate blood

Didn't make any front pages that one, did it.

A statement issued by the Belgian Muslim Executive (EMB) committee, an umbrella group, said the organization “condemns with force and without reservation” what it called “acts of extreme cruelty against innocent civilians.”
Belgian religious groups condemn Brussels attacks - Religion News Service

Or that

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the intergovernmental body representing 57 sovereign member states from across the Islamic world, has issued a statement strongly condemning the terrorist attacks in Brussels, which caused at least 34 deaths Tuesday morning and injured more than 100 people.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation Strongly Condemns Brussels Attacks

Oh look another one.

See, if you know any muslim people as I do you know that every time this sort of thing happens they know that they're in for a fresh bout of bashing from idiots who don't know any better, from funny looks in the street, whispers behind their backs and ignorant know nothing morons saying thins like "well I don't hear other muslims condemning them" when THEY FUCKING DO!!

I know lots of muslims------over the past approximately 50 years. I have visited
mosques (long ago --before 9-11-01. ) Your comment is silly. Islamic terrorism
has ----proportionately----more support amongst muslims then did the Islamic
hero Adolf Hitler amongst Germans in the 1930s and is far far more ADULATED
in mosques then Adolf was cheered in german kindergartens in the 1930s. People are "BASHING" muslims? where?

Manchester is stymied-------I asked about his ALLEGED "bashing of muslims"-----
out of sincere interest. I live in the USA---there is no muslim bashing HERE----
despite reports to the contrary. He seems to suggest that there is "bashing"
wherever it is that he lives. His "best response" to my simple question is to
rate it "funny" . I live in the USA ------lots of muslim enclaves in my town. No
muslim bashing going on. Lots of bashing---but not upon muslims. Long long
ago when I was in under-graduate school------for a SOCIOLOGY OF MINORITIES
class I did my "TERM PAPER" on "PAKI-BASHING" ----a London Phenomenon
(it was late 1960s) Do you live in England, Manchester. I would gladly discuss a real historical phenomenon with you if you can MANAGE a real discussion
the big lie of our time is "THE WEST" (that's us---the non muslims) is so "aggressively" nasty to the noble muslims that the noble muslims MUST FIGHT
BACK. I will now get into my own experience-----one of the EARLIEST bits
of islamo propaganda I was told LIVE (ie not stuff I read in islamo Nazi propaganda)
IS------an ABSOLUTE ASSERTION THAT MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT OTHER THEN IN SELF-DEFENSE. If there is any place in the world that islam and muslims
are NOT AFFORDED precedence ABOVE all other peoples and religions----that
condition is AN ATTACK ON ISLAM----and demands DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE UMMAH. I was 19 years old when a very ardent
Shiite surgeon so informed me
I do not hear much condemnation from moderite muslims about isis, but draw a cartoon character of MOOhammud and they'll make edict's and fatwa's and call for your death. I say fuck them all and their ambitions on ruling the world. It's funny the left want utopia and islam wants to rule the world and both will get nothing and like it...

Do you think you don't hear it because it's not forthcoming? Or that there are more headline grabbing things to be reported rather than the same blanket condemnation that muslim organisations issue every single terrorist attack.

“These were barbaric acts,” said Said Kamli, the director of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, adding that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its terrorist activities do not represent Islam. “We do not support people who do these things. We hope they face justice.”
Belgian Muslims condemn attacks, donate blood

Didn't make any front pages that one, did it.

A statement issued by the Belgian Muslim Executive (EMB) committee, an umbrella group, said the organization “condemns with force and without reservation” what it called “acts of extreme cruelty against innocent civilians.”
Belgian religious groups condemn Brussels attacks - Religion News Service

Or that

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the intergovernmental body representing 57 sovereign member states from across the Islamic world, has issued a statement strongly condemning the terrorist attacks in Brussels, which caused at least 34 deaths Tuesday morning and injured more than 100 people.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation Strongly Condemns Brussels Attacks

Oh look another one.

See, if you know any muslim people as I do you know that every time this sort of thing happens they know that they're in for a fresh bout of bashing from idiots who don't know any better, from funny looks in the street, whispers behind their backs and ignorant know nothing morons saying thins like "well I don't hear other muslims condemning them" when THEY FUCKING DO!!

I know lots of muslims------over the past approximately 50 years. I have visited
mosques (long ago --before 9-11-01. ) Your comment is silly. Islamic terrorism
has ----proportionately----more support amongst muslims then did the Islamic
hero Adolf Hitler amongst Germans in the 1930s and is far far more ADULATED
in mosques then Adolf was cheered in german kindergartens in the 1930s. People are "BASHING" muslims? where?

Manchester is stymied-------I asked about his ALLEGED "bashing of muslims"-----
out of sincere interest. I live in the USA---there is no muslim bashing HERE----
despite reports to the contrary. He seems to suggest that there is "bashing"
wherever it is that he lives. His "best response" to my simple question is to
rate it "funny" . I live in the USA ------lots of muslim enclaves in my town. No
muslim bashing going on. Lots of bashing---but not upon muslims. Long long
ago when I was in under-graduate school------for a SOCIOLOGY OF MINORITIES
class I did my "TERM PAPER" on "PAKI-BASHING" ----a London Phenomenon
(it was late 1960s) Do you live in England, Manchester. I would gladly discuss a real historical phenomenon with you if you can MANAGE a real discussion

I was born and raised in Manchester. What those abhorant dicks do in London is none of my concern, the entire place is a racist sewer and is well known as such.
What they also want are US presidential candidates who declare Islam to be the enemy thus helping to galvanize the region and grow their army.Trump melts into their hands.

You are not entirely clear-----but I get the impression that you are claiming that
OPPOSITION to Islamic precedence and supremacy ---CREATES Islamic
terrorism. In fact you are right just as it is right to say muslims tend not
to kill people who are willing to convert to islam or, at the very least, recognize
islam as THE SUPERIOR RELIGION in the world and that its adherents have
right to rule.

you were in mosque for 100+ times based on your stories. why ? spy? are you rat ?:afro:
the big lie of our time is "THE WEST" (that's us---the non muslims) is so "aggressively" nasty to the noble muslims that the noble muslims MUST FIGHT
BACK. I will now get into my own experience-----one of the EARLIEST bits
of islamo propaganda I was told LIVE (ie not stuff I read in islamo Nazi propaganda)
IS------an ABSOLUTE ASSERTION THAT MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT OTHER THEN IN SELF-DEFENSE. If there is any place in the world that islam and muslims
are NOT AFFORDED precedence ABOVE all other peoples and religions----that
condition is AN ATTACK ON ISLAM----and demands DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE UMMAH. I was 19 years old when a very ardent
Shiite surgeon so informed me
I do not hear much condemnation from moderite muslims about isis, but draw a cartoon character of MOOhammud and they'll make edict's and fatwa's and call for your death. I say fuck them all and their ambitions on ruling the world. It's funny the left want utopia and islam wants to rule the world and both will get nothing and like it...

Do you think you don't hear it because it's not forthcoming? Or that there are more headline grabbing things to be reported rather than the same blanket condemnation that muslim organisations issue every single terrorist attack.

“These were barbaric acts,” said Said Kamli, the director of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, adding that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its terrorist activities do not represent Islam. “We do not support people who do these things. We hope they face justice.”
Belgian Muslims condemn attacks, donate blood

Didn't make any front pages that one, did it.

A statement issued by the Belgian Muslim Executive (EMB) committee, an umbrella group, said the organization “condemns with force and without reservation” what it called “acts of extreme cruelty against innocent civilians.”
Belgian religious groups condemn Brussels attacks - Religion News Service

Or that

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the intergovernmental body representing 57 sovereign member states from across the Islamic world, has issued a statement strongly condemning the terrorist attacks in Brussels, which caused at least 34 deaths Tuesday morning and injured more than 100 people.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation Strongly Condemns Brussels Attacks

Oh look another one.

See, if you know any muslim people as I do you know that every time this sort of thing happens they know that they're in for a fresh bout of bashing from idiots who don't know any better, from funny looks in the street, whispers behind their backs and ignorant know nothing morons saying thins like "well I don't hear other muslims condemning them" when THEY FUCKING DO!!

I know lots of muslims------over the past approximately 50 years. I have visited
mosques (long ago --before 9-11-01. ) Your comment is silly. Islamic terrorism
has ----proportionately----more support amongst muslims then did the Islamic
hero Adolf Hitler amongst Germans in the 1930s and is far far more ADULATED
in mosques then Adolf was cheered in german kindergartens in the 1930s. People are "BASHING" muslims? where?

Manchester is stymied-------I asked about his ALLEGED "bashing of muslims"-----
out of sincere interest. I live in the USA---there is no muslim bashing HERE----
despite reports to the contrary. He seems to suggest that there is "bashing"
wherever it is that he lives. His "best response" to my simple question is to
rate it "funny" . I live in the USA ------lots of muslim enclaves in my town. No
muslim bashing going on. Lots of bashing---but not upon muslims. Long long
ago when I was in under-graduate school------for a SOCIOLOGY OF MINORITIES
class I did my "TERM PAPER" on "PAKI-BASHING" ----a London Phenomenon
(it was late 1960s) Do you live in England, Manchester. I would gladly discuss a real historical phenomenon with you if you can MANAGE a real discussion

I was born and raised in Manchester. What those abhorant dicks do in London is none of my concern, the entire place is a racist sewer and is well known as such.

oh----ok I have never been to Manchester -----so your statement has little meaning to me -------You tell me it is a "RACIST SEWER"? can you explain
why you call it a "racist sewer"? OK I googled----Manchester seems to be
an industrialized city with a long BRITISH HISTORY------and its population is
diverse ------Kinda like New York City and London. Why do you call it
"RACIST" In my youth --late 1960s---despite the "paki bashing" ----
London was no more "racist" than England had been for Millennia
What they also want are US presidential candidates who declare Islam to be the enemy thus helping to galvanize the region and grow their army.Trump melts into their hands.

You are not entirely clear-----but I get the impression that you are claiming that
OPPOSITION to Islamic precedence and supremacy ---CREATES Islamic
terrorism. In fact you are right just as it is right to say muslims tend not
to kill people who are willing to convert to islam or, at the very least, recognize
islam as THE SUPERIOR RELIGION in the world and that its adherents have
right to rule.

you were in mosque for 100+ times based on your stories. why ? spy? are you rat ?:afro:

you are a very vulgar liar , dani-----I never stated I was in mosques 100s of time-----what are you other than a pile of shit? I have worked with a socialized with muslims-----MOSTLY THOSE FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA AND IRAN---because
it was muslims from southeast asia and iran who worked and studied in the places
in which I worked and studied. I was a student and then I practiced a profession and now I am retired-----you were born a lump of shit ---probably at a time when Iran
was not quite the STINKING CESSPIT that it is now. ---------but you grew into a disgusting lying lump

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