Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA

hello.....i cant find anything about this guy being a muslim....your problem is you think every bad guy is a have what is know as....i have my head squarely up my popo....goodby.....
I saw his picture. He looked like a white dude to me.
garrion is a put on surprised he hasnt been booted yet....its just a matter of time....
hello.....i cant find anything about this guy being a muslim....your problem is you think every bad guy is a have what is know as....i have my head squarely up my popo....goodby.....
I saw his picture. He looked like a white dude to me.
garrion is a put on surprised he hasnt been booted yet....its just a matter of time....


Well this is sad. One would think that message boards at least would support free speech. I'm not "put on" and I can see no reason to boot me. I'm unfailingly polite, even in the face of profanity and hatred. Fortunately Harry, just because I disagree with Islam, does not mean my opinion is not valid.

hello.....i cant find anything about this guy being a muslim....your problem is you think every bad guy is a have what is know as....i have my head squarely up my popo....goodby.....
I saw his picture. He looked like a white dude to me.
garrion is a put on surprised he hasnt been booted yet....its just a matter of time....


Well this is sad. One would think that message boards at least would support free speech. I'm not "put on" and I can see no reason to boot me. I'm unfailingly polite, even in the face of profanity and hatred. Fortunately Harry, just because I disagree with Islam, does not mean my opinion is not valid.

if you are not a put on than you are a dishonest hack....
hello.....i cant find anything about this guy being a muslim....your problem is you think every bad guy is a have what is know as....i have my head squarely up my popo....goodby.....
I saw his picture. He looked like a white dude to me.
garrion is a put on surprised he hasnt been booted yet....its just a matter of time....


Well this is sad. One would think that message boards at least would support free speech. I'm not "put on" and I can see no reason to boot me. I'm unfailingly polite, even in the face of profanity and hatred. Fortunately Harry, just because I disagree with Islam, does not mean my opinion is not valid.

if you are not a put on than you are a dishonest hack....


Wow. If you put as much fact or thought into your arguments as you do into your insults, you'd be quite impressive. But the fact remains that Islam is responsible for almost all of the terrorism in our world today. Your attempts as a Muslim apologist to prove otherwise cannot hide that fact.


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