Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA

Please learn to spell, then kindly provide us with a link that indicates the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim.


You are clearly a Muslim apologist and I don't think it would be a stretch to suspect that you secretly support the most recent Muslim attack in Orlando. The fact that you focused on a typo rather than concerning yourself with the facts is typical of Muslim attack apologists. They always seek to deflect the argument away from the evil done in the name of their religion.


You're so full of shit.

I apologize for no one. I favor facts and evidence. Provide proof that the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim and I will condemn him in a heartbeat. The problem you have is, you can't. There is no evidence. Just your ignorant hatred for people not like yourself leading you down some deluded path. Shit, you don't even know the suspects name.

Let me help you... James Howell. From Indiana. Sounds kind of WASPy to me... So, now you have his name. Go dig up some evidence that he is a Muslim and post it here and I will happily condemn him and his misguided beliefs. Do it or shut the fuck up until you have evidence and facts to back up your idiotic proclamations.

You fucking moron.


I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.

cogent means clear, logical, and convincing.....which your thread was not.....words have meaning....
Please learn to spell, then kindly provide us with a link that indicates the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim.


You are clearly a Muslim apologist and I don't think it would be a stretch to suspect that you secretly support the most recent Muslim attack in Orlando. The fact that you focused on a typo rather than concerning yourself with the facts is typical of Muslim attack apologists. They always seek to deflect the argument away from the evil done in the name of their religion.


You're so full of shit.

I apologize for no one. I favor facts and evidence. Provide proof that the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim and I will condemn him in a heartbeat. The problem you have is, you can't. There is no evidence. Just your ignorant hatred for people not like yourself leading you down some deluded path. Shit, you don't even know the suspects name.

Let me help you... James Howell. From Indiana. Sounds kind of WASPy to me... So, now you have his name. Go dig up some evidence that he is a Muslim and post it here and I will happily condemn him and his misguided beliefs. Do it or shut the fuck up until you have evidence and facts to back up your idiotic proclamations.

You fucking moron.


I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.

This is a correction from an earlier post. A seperate Muslim attack was stooped in LA.


Please learn to spell, then kindly provide us with a link that indicates the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim.
he is a white christian , so stop lying for your jesus

James Howell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Last edited:

This is a correction from an earlier post. A seperate Muslim attack was stooped in LA.


Please learn to spell, then kindly provide us with a link that indicates the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim.
he is a white christian , so stop lying for your jesus

James Howell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

ME? What the hell are you talking about?
He's as dumb as the op

You are clearly a Muslim apologist and I don't think it would be a stretch to suspect that you secretly support the most recent Muslim attack in Orlando. The fact that you focused on a typo rather than concerning yourself with the facts is typical of Muslim attack apologists. They always seek to deflect the argument away from the evil done in the name of their religion.


You're so full of shit.

I apologize for no one. I favor facts and evidence. Provide proof that the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim and I will condemn him in a heartbeat. The problem you have is, you can't. There is no evidence. Just your ignorant hatred for people not like yourself leading you down some deluded path. Shit, you don't even know the suspects name.

Let me help you... James Howell. From Indiana. Sounds kind of WASPy to me... So, now you have his name. Go dig up some evidence that he is a Muslim and post it here and I will happily condemn him and his misguided beliefs. Do it or shut the fuck up until you have evidence and facts to back up your idiotic proclamations.

You fucking moron.


I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.


This is a correction from an earlier post. A seperate Muslim attack was stooped in LA.


Please learn to spell, then kindly provide us with a link that indicates the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim.
he is a white christian , so stop lying for your jesus

James Howell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

ME? What the hell are you talking about?
he has you there guno....
You're so full of shit.

I apologize for no one. I favor facts and evidence. Provide proof that the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim and I will condemn him in a heartbeat. The problem you have is, you can't. There is no evidence. Just your ignorant hatred for people not like yourself leading you down some deluded path. Shit, you don't even know the suspects name.

Let me help you... James Howell. From Indiana. Sounds kind of WASPy to me... So, now you have his name. Go dig up some evidence that he is a Muslim and post it here and I will happily condemn him and his misguided beliefs. Do it or shut the fuck up until you have evidence and facts to back up your idiotic proclamations.

You fucking moron.


I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.

garion you lost this argument.....just say goodby and go on to something else....
You're so full of shit.

I apologize for no one. I favor facts and evidence. Provide proof that the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim and I will condemn him in a heartbeat. The problem you have is, you can't. There is no evidence. Just your ignorant hatred for people not like yourself leading you down some deluded path. Shit, you don't even know the suspects name.

Let me help you... James Howell. From Indiana. Sounds kind of WASPy to me... So, now you have his name. Go dig up some evidence that he is a Muslim and post it here and I will happily condemn him and his misguided beliefs. Do it or shut the fuck up until you have evidence and facts to back up your idiotic proclamations.

You fucking moron.


I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.


You are thick... Figure of speech. Look it up.

I'm done with you.
You're so full of shit.

I apologize for no one. I favor facts and evidence. Provide proof that the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim and I will condemn him in a heartbeat. The problem you have is, you can't. There is no evidence. Just your ignorant hatred for people not like yourself leading you down some deluded path. Shit, you don't even know the suspects name.

Let me help you... James Howell. From Indiana. Sounds kind of WASPy to me... So, now you have his name. Go dig up some evidence that he is a Muslim and post it here and I will happily condemn him and his misguided beliefs. Do it or shut the fuck up until you have evidence and facts to back up your idiotic proclamations.

You fucking moron.


I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.


What kind of pussy says "hello" and signs off on every post?

The passive aggressive kind of pussy.

I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.

garion you lost this argument.....just say goodby and go on to something else....


Well thanks for your opinion. At the end of the day, to win or lose is not the point. The fact remains that a Muslim attack was perpetrated against a gay club in Orlando killing 50. Another Muslim in LA was stopped before he was able to attack another gay pride celebration. Attempting to deflect from the matter at hand will not absolve Islam of its responsibility for either of these incidents. We need to be able to discuss these attacks in an open and free manner in order to find ways to prevent them.

Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.

garion you lost this argument.....just say goodby and go on to something else....


Well thanks for your opinion. At the end of the day, to win or lose is not the point. The fact remains that a Muslim attack was perpetrated against a gay club in Orlando killing 50. Another Muslim in LA was stopped before he was able to attack another gay pride celebration. Attempting to deflect from the matter at hand will not absolve Islam of its responsibility for either of these incidents. We need to be able to discuss these attacks in an open and free manner in order to find ways to prevent them.



Was the guy detained in LA a Muslim?


I think your post says so much. As a Muslim apologist you swear and attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults in your violent faith. When you demand that "I shut the fuck up," you prove the true worth of Islam. You seek to silence anyone who will not bow before your religion. Well, I won't be silent. The men at that club were American citizens and have the right to live their lives as they choose. Their actions harmed no one and this most recent Muslim attack was cowardly and pointless. I will not "shut the fuck up" as the shame today is yours, not America's.


Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on there halfwit... You started a thread about a "Muslim terrorist stopped before he could attack in LA." That has nothing to do with the Orlando Florida incident. Opposite sides of the country, no relation to one another. No evidence of the suspect in Santa Monica being a Muslim. You need to get your shit straight bub...

As for my religion, I have no religion.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.


What kind of pussy says "hello" and signs off on every post?

The passive aggressive kind of pussy.


Thanks for providing yet another tangible proof of my assertion. As a Muslim you seek to denigrate everyone that disagrees with you or exposes the truth about your faith. You cannot defend your arguments so you insult and when possible, attack. The difference between you and the Muslim terrorist is a matter of degree. The damaging effects of his cowardice are greater, but you help create the conditions which are necessary for him to thrive. In Orland a Muslim homophobe murdered 50 people. I have no doubt before he murdered them that he called them fags or pussies. Each and every one of them was more decent and brave than his murderer or Muslim apologist like you who seek to silence others.


I very much doubt that you are not a Muslim. When presented with a cogent argument, you write insults and call names. You attempt to silence those who want to have an honest discussion of the facts at hand. You seek to suppress and silence others; traits that are demonstrably part and parcel of Islam.

If you are truly not a Muslim, then I suggest you act like it. Encourage and support free thinking and debate. Do not hurl profanity and insults at anyone who questions Islam and do not deflect attention away from the evils of your faith.


I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.

garion you lost this argument.....just say goodby and go on to something else....


Well thanks for your opinion. At the end of the day, to win or lose is not the point. The fact remains that a Muslim attack was perpetrated against a gay club in Orlando killing 50. Another Muslim in LA was stopped before he was able to attack another gay pride celebration. Attempting to deflect from the matter at hand will not absolve Islam of its responsibility for either of these incidents. We need to be able to discuss these attacks in an open and free manner in order to find ways to prevent them.



Was the guy detained in LA a Muslim?



Yes, the man detained in LA is now being reported as a convert to Islam.


This is a correction from an earlier post. A seperate Muslim attack was stooped in LA.


Please learn to spell, then kindly provide us with a link that indicates the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim.
he is a white christian , so stop lying for your jesus

James Howell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

The Los Angeles LGBT Pride festival, James Wesley Howell, of Indiana, ... a Republican and evangelical Christian

Thwarting that plan is so frustrating that it'll drive the Muslim Peace Activist League to lash out with a dozen more. Had it been allowed to happen they might have stopped for a while to exult.

Or doesn't liberal logic work perfectly?
I have not tried to silence anyone. I simply asked that you provide facts to back up your assertion that the suspect arrested in Santa Monica was a Muslim intent one carrying out another heinous attack. YOU made this claim, YOU should be able to back it up. You made no "cogent argument" that the suspect was a Muslim, you jumped to an unfounded conclusion. You say you wish to have a "honest discussion of the facts at hand" yet you have no facts whatsoever. When all these things are pointed out, you change the discussion to another subject entirely.

YOU started this thread, not me. All I did was ask that you back up you assertions. Heaven forbid you should be held accountable for the topics YOU start. Heaven forbid anyone should ask you to provide REAL FACTS to back up your topic.

I am truly not a Muslim. As for suggesting how I should act, go fuck yourself you ignoramus. I have always encouraged free speech, free thinking, and honest open debate. I have always defended the rights of others to express their opinions no matter how strongly I have disagreed with them. YOU started a discussion based on nothing, no facts. Zero. That is why I cast insults at you, not because you question a religion or its evils.


By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.

garion you lost this argument.....just say goodby and go on to something else....


Well thanks for your opinion. At the end of the day, to win or lose is not the point. The fact remains that a Muslim attack was perpetrated against a gay club in Orlando killing 50. Another Muslim in LA was stopped before he was able to attack another gay pride celebration. Attempting to deflect from the matter at hand will not absolve Islam of its responsibility for either of these incidents. We need to be able to discuss these attacks in an open and free manner in order to find ways to prevent them.



Was the guy detained in LA a Muslim?



Yes, the man detained in LA is now being reported as a convert to Islam.



Reported by whom?


This is a correction from an earlier post. A seperate Muslim attack was stooped in LA.


Please learn to spell, then kindly provide us with a link that indicates the suspect in Santa Monica is a Muslim.
he is a white christian , so stop lying for your jesus

James Howell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

The Los Angeles LGBT Pride festival, James Wesley Howell, of Indiana, ... a Republican and evangelical Christian


Yeah, I know. And I knew all this before. Why do you continue to quote my posts?

By way of correction, you cast insults because your arguments lack depth. Your post is dishonest on the face of it as you have previously told me to "shut the fuck up." (just read up if you have so quickly forgotten.) What is this if not an attempt to silence free debate and free thought? When you attempt to shout me down, you rage against the very basis of our society. For this you should feel shame, not pride in your posts.

garion you lost this argument.....just say goodby and go on to something else....


Well thanks for your opinion. At the end of the day, to win or lose is not the point. The fact remains that a Muslim attack was perpetrated against a gay club in Orlando killing 50. Another Muslim in LA was stopped before he was able to attack another gay pride celebration. Attempting to deflect from the matter at hand will not absolve Islam of its responsibility for either of these incidents. We need to be able to discuss these attacks in an open and free manner in order to find ways to prevent them.



Was the guy detained in LA a Muslim?



Yes, the man detained in LA is now being reported as a convert to Islam.



Reported by whom?



I looked through a few of your posts and I see that I've attracted the attention of the entire Message Board Muslim Apologist Community. As a representative of the community, do you feel compelled to infiltrate your posts with name calling and insults or is it just your way? I guess what I'm wondering is, do you engage with others in an angry disrespectful way because its your nature or because Islam allows it?

I like to consider myself open and tolerant, so I do not call people I don't know "pussy" or "douche." You clearly have a different set of values and standards which you have gleaned from Islam. If your faith and the arguments which support it cannot be argued in a logical enlightened way; are they really worth having.


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