Muslims and Terrorists


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2014

In the picture above are a muslim and a terrrorist. Can you identify which is which? Note: they are not necessarily the same person.
Terrorist is pointing gun at civilian.
Muslim is standing by and not doing anything to stop it.

In the picture above are a muslim and a terrrorist. Can you identify which is which? Note: they are not necessarily the same person.
I see three Children of God, doing what they always do, killing each other.
The one on the right, on the ground, is a muslim police officer, killed by a terrorist.

In the picture above are a muslim and a terrrorist. Can you identify which is which? Note: they are not necessarily the same person.
I see three Children of God, doing what they always do, killing each other.
The one on the right is not killing anyone.
Don't be so literal Belize, it makes you sound even dumber than you already are.
You've shown the board your face of insanity today, if it wasn't aware of it before. The one on the right isn't killing anybody. :)

In the picture above are a muslim and a terrrorist. Can you identify which is which? Note: they are not necessarily the same person.

The terrorist ....that would be the French Government for preventing its citizens to bears arms.

And of course Freedom of the press applies unless

More on Charlie Hebdo

“Free speech in ‘the press’ is celebrated except if you are Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Luke Rudkowski, Sibel Edmonds, Michael Hastings or other truth tellers. The state is above Jesus, Allah, Mohammed, Buddha etc. You can blaspheme these all you want but if you dare to speak against the almighty state you will be financially ruined, tortured, caged, killed and/or defamed. Hmmm…”

The one on the right, on the ground, is a muslim police officer, killed by a terrorist.
Shit happens. Everybody clear now?

When things happen in the U.S., liberals don't say 'shit happens.' They immediately lay blame and push their agenda. They claim that school killings are the fault of the NRA and other stupid shit. Then they demand gun control.

Gee, will France call for gun control? Oh wait, they already did and it didn't stop this kind of shit. Chicago has stricter gun control than others but it doesn't stop the daily killings.

Yup, shit happens.
the muslim policeman is a Shiite muslim being murdered by a sunni muslim--------its the "culture"
I don't recall the last I heard a pansy democrat say "Muslim Terrorist" on live television.

I don't recall the last time I heard a hair-on-fire say "Christian terrorist" about the Roeders, Rudolphs and McVeighs.
Musta blinked.

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