Muslims in Europe

I have had extensive and very intense interaction with muslims from lots and lots of
different countries in the USA ---both new comers and people here a long time and of all ages.. I have been in their homes and mosques. My husband was born in a muslim country and I have had interacton with his relatives who lived in that country------and others thru marriage who lived in other muslim countries. Those people carried family legacies of that experience dating all the way back to the
inception of islam and BEFORE the inception of islam. I am not sure that visting
a Monastery in Egypt TODAY provides any particular insight-------no more than
visiting the TAJ MAHAL -----today.... or climbing into the hills of Tibet to see the DALAI LAMA.
There was a reconstruction of part of an Egyptian pyramid----with a real
mummy in there--------in the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. I went in------
it was very interesting but --------I had also been in the FUN HOUSE of the Alantic City amusement park way back in the 50s-------that was fun and interesting too. Since childhood I have had an ambition of visting the Parthenon in Athens, Greece------but they have a scaled down model of the place in the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM of Art-------I have no doubt that examination of that
structure beats the present pile of rocks on the hill which is now THE PARTHENON

So, you've never been to a Muslim country then.

Visiting a monastery in Egypt shows that there are Christians who do just get on with their lives. There were no problems, no issues.

You say I know nothing, but then you don't know much about me. I gave one example, there are many, MANY more I could provide, but won't. Just don't just to silly assumptions.

And reading news reports shows that the Christians are often beaten and murdered for their beliefs. Their churches destroyed and their livelihoods taken away from them. This is why the numbers of other religions in all Islamic nations are dwindling

And you're probably missing the news reports of Jews or Muslims being beaten up in the USA.

If you base your view on what the media presents to you on a plate, you probably think you live in paradise and everyone else in hell.

However in SOME Muslim countries there is a problem, but some, not most.

Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

You don't see Muslims or Jews being murdered? What about in Israel?

Islam is, in some places, a pretty bad religion. In other places it is not. This is the point here. Painting the whole religion with one brush isn't going to get you very far.

While Islam condemns non-believers in some countries, in Christian countries you get a lot of negative stuff going on too.

Let's present a REALISTIC view of what is happening, not just a view which is based on the right's desire to prove that Islam is truly evil. It's not. Parts are evil, just as parts of Christianity are evil.

How many of the people coming on here calling for the destruction of Islam and the killing of millions are Christians?

That is war and in war people die, the muslims have it in their power to stop all the killings but wont do so while the west is paying them jizya.
If the muslims follow the koran then they follow a terrorist regime based on violence, mass murder, rape and theft. This is stated many times in the koran that the muslims must follow the examples of mo'mad who was a thieving mass murdering rapist and paedophile.
To the point that all Christian nations have it as a religious command to kill the unbelievers, and willingly practise it daily ?
Have you even read the koran and hadiths and seen what they teach muslims even today, why do muslims all over the world still go and listen to the violent, racist and incitefull sermons of a Friday afternoon when they could easily go elsewhere. Why do they agree wholeheartedly with the person giving the sermon and become agitated and buoyed by the words spoken. You do know that most Islamic violent attacks in the west happen on a Friday and Saturday after Friday prayers.
Don't you think that they are justified in their words after facing muslim extremism and violence first hand ?
Can I say the same about Islamic nations? For some, yes. There were different religions within many Islamic nations.

How many and are they allowed to practise their religion openly and freely without any constraints what-so-ever

Without ANY constraints? How many religious people have NO CONSTRAINTS to their religion? Probably none.

Twisting and deflecting because you know that Islamic nations enforce restraints on non muslims and their religions. Silly things like not being allowed to repair their places of worship or holy sites or not being allowed to build any taller than the smallest Islamic building in the same city/town/village. No open show of religion like wearing a cross, and no sounds of prayer to escape the confines of the buildings.

Not twisting and turning at all. I'm just not saying what you think I should say.

SOME Islamic nations restrict non-Muslims and their religions. Did I say otherwise?


Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Mali and Niger are Muslim countries on this map with BETTER religious freedom than Spain, Brazil, Argentina etc.

Many Muslim countries are green, which favors one religion but tolerates others, along with Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Oman, etc etc.

Some countries don't tolerate well, like Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan (now South Sudan and Sudan), Pakistan etc, but non-Muslim countries like India, Burma, Cuba, Zimbabwe also have problems.

This is the REALITY rather than what you're making up. You seem to be saying if one Muslim country restricts religion, then all of them do. It's simply not the case.

Want to try again as 20 of the Islamic nations on your map do not tolerate other religions at all, leaving just 6 that tolerate partially, So the consensus is that the vast majority of Islamic nations have a system of apartheid based on religious practises and follow sharia law.

Wait, I go and show some evidence. You don't do anything. Go prove your shit or shut up.
Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

You don't see Muslims or Jews being murdered? What about in Israel?

Islam is, in some places, a pretty bad religion. In other places it is not. This is the point here. Painting the whole religion with one brush isn't going to get you very far.

While Islam condemns non-believers in some countries, in Christian countries you get a lot of negative stuff going on too.

Let's present a REALISTIC view of what is happening, not just a view which is based on the right's desire to prove that Islam is truly evil. It's not. Parts are evil, just as parts of Christianity are evil.

How many of the people coming on here calling for the destruction of Islam and the killing of millions are Christians?

your post is silly. You seem to believe that the people who post here (including me) are all "the coal miner's daughter" and 15 years old. I don't see anyone here shrieking "death to muslims" In fact----I grew up in a very CONSERVATIVE----REPBUBLICAN--virtually Nazi town in the USA---north east ---
and NEVER HEARD ANYONE-----not the WASPS or the minority JEWS (generally democrat of course) comment negatively on muslims or islam or the koran-----INCLUDING in churches and synagogues. --------then I encountered muslims fresh from ----south east asia, Iran, north Africa---etc etc. I am not the coal miner's daughter----although----considering the little town in which I was a child ----I COULD HAVE BEEN----I just am not. I know CLOSE UP that which is islam and its brutal history. Regarding the position of non-muslims in muslim controlled
societies----it varies from bad to WORSE---to MUCH WORSE---to BLOODY BRUTAL. As to jews and Christians----besides having close relationships with muslims------I have also had close relationships with Christians and Jews from
muslim dominated societies. My own husband was born a DHIMMI in the 20th

You should stop posting your FILTHY LIBELS and start facing reality. I know
reality which is why the event of 9-11-01 did not come as a total surprise
to me. It was something I generally expected-----not IN DETAIL, of course-----
but I understood its ORIGIN-------I witnessed it in a mosque more than 30
years before it happened

I seem to think? Er... well actually I don't think you're all coal miner's daughters. In fact I don't make ANY assumptions about you at all.

You don't see people shrieking "death to Muslims", because people don't "shriek" here. People are far more likely to consent to the killing of Muslims in a different way. A way that they can justify. Does that make it better?

I mean, in many Islamic countries the people are massively under educated. I've met people with all these views that are ridiculous, and they get them from people telling them nonsense. In the US the same happens, people accept what they're told or what they want to hear, only it's for a slightly more educated crowd of people, so appears differently.

That doesn't mean it's better. People calmly calling for the invasion of Iraq, or the destruction of this or that or the other (like, if you see my thread I started, places like Agrahbah, which doesn't even exist, it's a cartoon place) isn't any better than people shouting "death to the USA" or "death to Israel", it's basically the same thing, just people manipulated in different ways.

What you "know" and what actually exists might be two different things. What you are saying might be avoiding whole swathes of history too.

If you're so confident in your history, then source your "facts". However most of the time people will post one fact and ignore 100 others.

Islam has been violent. More violent than Christianity? No, I don't think so.

What libel? Prove I've said anything that's not true. Instead you just shout your mouth off and tell me I'm lying without saying what is a lie, and without backing up your point.

When you see a horde of muslims screeching out allahu ahkbar and going bright red in the process then you will see islam as it really is. When you hear muslims claiming that they have been arrested because the police are racist towards them after being caught raping 11 and 12 year old girls then you will see the real islam. When you hear a 3rd or 4th generation muslim claim that he is allowed to murder his wife and then burn her body in his country then you will see islam as it really is. You in the US have been pampered by not having to face Islamic intolerance and arrogance every day, we in Europe have them invaded by them for many years and have suffered at their hands due to left wing governments cowardly allowing them to do so.

Why is this "Islam as it really is" and not all the other stuff I have actually seen?

Seriously, you're telling everyone what your view of "real Islam" is, and I doubt you have much exposure to "real Islam".

Hey, I've lived with Muslims, been to their countries, etc. I didn't see that. How is that "Islam as it really is"?

Basically you're talking shit.

Because you were hoodwinked by the muslims, I see it on my own doorstep and the evidence is widespread. have you seen the news reports of the muslim hordes invading Europe, with less than 10% fleeing Syria.
I have dealt with muslims for the last 50 years on a daily basis and what I have seen is what I have posted, they are here for one reason only to take over and turn the world into an Islamic caliphate
How many and are they allowed to practise their religion openly and freely without any constraints what-so-ever

Without ANY constraints? How many religious people have NO CONSTRAINTS to their religion? Probably none.

Twisting and deflecting because you know that Islamic nations enforce restraints on non muslims and their religions. Silly things like not being allowed to repair their places of worship or holy sites or not being allowed to build any taller than the smallest Islamic building in the same city/town/village. No open show of religion like wearing a cross, and no sounds of prayer to escape the confines of the buildings.

Not twisting and turning at all. I'm just not saying what you think I should say.

SOME Islamic nations restrict non-Muslims and their religions. Did I say otherwise?


Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Mali and Niger are Muslim countries on this map with BETTER religious freedom than Spain, Brazil, Argentina etc.

Many Muslim countries are green, which favors one religion but tolerates others, along with Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Oman, etc etc.

Some countries don't tolerate well, like Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan (now South Sudan and Sudan), Pakistan etc, but non-Muslim countries like India, Burma, Cuba, Zimbabwe also have problems.

This is the REALITY rather than what you're making up. You seem to be saying if one Muslim country restricts religion, then all of them do. It's simply not the case.

Want to try again as 20 of the Islamic nations on your map do not tolerate other religions at all, leaving just 6 that tolerate partially, So the consensus is that the vast majority of Islamic nations have a system of apartheid based on religious practises and follow sharia law.

Wait, I go and show some evidence. You don't do anything. Go prove your shit or shut up.

What would you like me to prove then, give me details ?
And reading news reports shows that the Christians are often beaten and murdered for their beliefs. Their churches destroyed and their livelihoods taken away from them. This is why the numbers of other religions in all Islamic nations are dwindling

And you're probably missing the news reports of Jews or Muslims being beaten up in the USA.

If you base your view on what the media presents to you on a plate, you probably think you live in paradise and everyone else in hell.

However in SOME Muslim countries there is a problem, but some, not most.

Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.
So, you've never been to a Muslim country then.

Visiting a monastery in Egypt shows that there are Christians who do just get on with their lives. There were no problems, no issues.

You say I know nothing, but then you don't know much about me. I gave one example, there are many, MANY more I could provide, but won't. Just don't just to silly assumptions.

And reading news reports shows that the Christians are often beaten and murdered for their beliefs. Their churches destroyed and their livelihoods taken away from them. This is why the numbers of other religions in all Islamic nations are dwindling

And you're probably missing the news reports of Jews or Muslims being beaten up in the USA.

If you base your view on what the media presents to you on a plate, you probably think you live in paradise and everyone else in hell.

However in SOME Muslim countries there is a problem, but some, not most.

Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

English food has become somewhat cliched of late. By those who have never eaten it. There is excellent food to be had, more so in the north; grass fed beef, the best!

Porridge (oatmeal) I just love. Freely available in the US, except they have to fill it with all sorts of stuff. Lamb is not a problem, a staple diet in the UK.

Soft boiled eggs? Absolutely adore them. With 'soldiers'. And as for kedgeree.......

And not to forget the cucumber sandwiches.

No doubt those refugees will get Halal. Perhaps we can teach them how to play cricket.
One thing to consider. The Muslims in France are a consequence of the overseas colonies.

The UK has a similar scenario.

neither France nor England HAD TO GRANT citizenship to former colony dwellers---they made a mistake

But they did. And we have to suffer the consequences.

yes---its a real mess

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.
Get your lazy ass in the line and do your part.

This is a propaganda war:

What a fucking bitch. But oh yes, Christians are doing this all the time was well, hahaha I hope she got her ass kicked hard

This was Israel so I doubt she's with us anymore.

This one survived. Make sure to work on your 400m dash time. See something, say something is headed toward evade-assist-gangtackle.

Takes another victim out at :18
Without ANY constraints? How many religious people have NO CONSTRAINTS to their religion? Probably none.

Twisting and deflecting because you know that Islamic nations enforce restraints on non muslims and their religions. Silly things like not being allowed to repair their places of worship or holy sites or not being allowed to build any taller than the smallest Islamic building in the same city/town/village. No open show of religion like wearing a cross, and no sounds of prayer to escape the confines of the buildings.

Not twisting and turning at all. I'm just not saying what you think I should say.

SOME Islamic nations restrict non-Muslims and their religions. Did I say otherwise?


Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Mali and Niger are Muslim countries on this map with BETTER religious freedom than Spain, Brazil, Argentina etc.

Many Muslim countries are green, which favors one religion but tolerates others, along with Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Oman, etc etc.

Some countries don't tolerate well, like Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan (now South Sudan and Sudan), Pakistan etc, but non-Muslim countries like India, Burma, Cuba, Zimbabwe also have problems.

This is the REALITY rather than what you're making up. You seem to be saying if one Muslim country restricts religion, then all of them do. It's simply not the case.

Want to try again as 20 of the Islamic nations on your map do not tolerate other religions at all, leaving just 6 that tolerate partially, So the consensus is that the vast majority of Islamic nations have a system of apartheid based on religious practises and follow sharia law.

Wait, I go and show some evidence. You don't do anything. Go prove your shit or shut up.

What would you like me to prove then, give me details ?
And you're probably missing the news reports of Jews or Muslims being beaten up in the USA.

If you base your view on what the media presents to you on a plate, you probably think you live in paradise and everyone else in hell.

However in SOME Muslim countries there is a problem, but some, not most.

Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional
Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.
And reading news reports shows that the Christians are often beaten and murdered for their beliefs. Their churches destroyed and their livelihoods taken away from them. This is why the numbers of other religions in all Islamic nations are dwindling

And you're probably missing the news reports of Jews or Muslims being beaten up in the USA.

If you base your view on what the media presents to you on a plate, you probably think you live in paradise and everyone else in hell.

However in SOME Muslim countries there is a problem, but some, not most.

Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

English food has become somewhat cliched of late. By those who have never eaten it. There is excellent food to be had, more so in the north; grass fed beef, the best!

Porridge (oatmeal) I just love. Freely available in the US, except they have to fill it with all sorts of stuff. Lamb is not a problem, a staple diet in the UK.

Soft boiled eggs? Absolutely adore them. With 'soldiers'. And as for kedgeree.......

And not to forget the cucumber sandwiches.

No doubt those refugees will get Halal. Perhaps we can teach them how to play cricket.

Being from the north of England and having the Yorkshire dales and moors on my doorstep I am spoilt for fresh produce. From free range chickens and eggs, pigs allowed to roam in orchards and woodland, beef cattle roaming in fields. Then all the game and fish that is freely available, to say nothing of shellfish and fresh vegetables. Can go out and pick a basket of mushrooms and a punnet of blackberries then drive 2 miles and forage for bilberries and get home before lunch
Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

Only sheep offal, I have made them for other people. Mine had a dram of whisky in the mix to give it a lift.
And you're probably missing the news reports of Jews or Muslims being beaten up in the USA.

If you base your view on what the media presents to you on a plate, you probably think you live in paradise and everyone else in hell.

However in SOME Muslim countries there is a problem, but some, not most.

Not at all but I don't see it being the work of the countries government as is the case in most Islamic nations. I don't see muslims or Jews being mass murdered just because they are not the same religion as happens in Islamic nations. And I don't see jews and muslims being arrested, tried and sentenced to execution in the US for allegedly destroying pages from a Bible.

I do live in a hell actually because the muslim invaders are trying to take over and introduce their laws, very soon they will find themselves looking for new homes when the people take to the streets

Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

what is wrong with HAGGIS-----uhm-----isn't that the stomach of a sheep or ----uhm COW???
Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

yes that is ok for muslims------it is even ok for jews if done------uhm kosher style----
even lamb eating hindus. ------althought it is also true that I would never eat it
Have you seen that refugee group the British have relocated to a remote and damp Scottish island?

Where they can at least pray five times a day.

I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

what do you mean "offal from ALL KINDS of creatures"? I thought they use the stuff from the guy they just killed?
I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

Only sheep offal, I have made them for other people. Mine had a dram of whisky in the mix to give it a lift.

ok leave off the whiskey for the followers of the rapist teetotalier
I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

Only sheep offal, I have made them for other people. Mine had a dram of whisky in the mix to give it a lift.

If that's the case, then I can eat it. Don't think I could stomach (pardon the pun) lungs though.

But I have heard, pork offal is used in commercially made haggis.

At one ex-pat Burns Night I attended, whisky was poured over the haggis prior to eating.
I have never visited England or----the associated land masses.
I do have distant relatives there on BOTH SIDES (maternal and
paternal) ----so some of my relatives have. Hubby lived there
FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, etc etc. and that which my father---
brought up by his ENGLISH BORN mom----considered edible food----
--------I cannot imagine how a SYRIAN will survive. ---The weather
issue is bad enough-----but the CUISINE!!!!!!!!!! yuck----those
poor people will STARVE. Syrians are good cooks-------I hope they
get sufficient lamb-----but I doubt that they will have access to the rest
of their NEEDS if they are forced to eat OATMEAL----they will
probably get violent. Boiled cabbage? soft boiled eggs stending
on a little throne like thing UPRIGHT--------and a teaspoon? ----and,
of course, the weather.

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

what do you mean "offal from ALL KINDS of creatures"? I thought they use the stuff from the guy they just killed?

You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

Only sheep offal, I have made them for other people. Mine had a dram of whisky in the mix to give it a lift.

If that's the case, then I can eat it. Don't think I could stomach (pardon the pun) lungs though.

But I have heard, pork offal is used in commercially made haggis.

At one ex-pat Burns Night I attended, whisky was poured over the haggis prior to eating.

My mom once did "LUNG"------I refused----it looks like lung and has
the texture of lung-----need I say more?
You forgot the staple of the Scottish Haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by deep fried mars bars. Could always try Finney haddock and clappy doo's if they are feeling brave. I have finney haddock or its southern version twice a week now and cant get enough.

They will soon get used to the smell of bacon frying every morning as the men prepare to go out fishing for scampi, cockles, mussels, whelks, crabs and lobsters. While the women and children gather winkles and clams from the low water mark

Religiously speaking, haggis would be off limits to them.

Why it is only parts of sheep and oatmeal, the whisky is optional

There's offal from all manner of creatures in it. Wrapped up in a sheep's stomach.

what do you mean "offal from ALL KINDS of creatures"? I thought they use the stuff from the guy they just killed?


so ---LEAVE IT OUT of the halal version. ---sheeesh. why should Syrian muslims be left to starve?

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