Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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Would you care to list the "atrocities" and the "beneficial groups/acts" of each group, just for clarification?

I will mention evils done by Christians and good things done by Muslims. Yet, I don’t intend to get into a “bean counting” game with you. My intention is simply to prove that there are good Christians and there are bad Christians and that there are good Muslims and there are bad Muslims.

For examples of Christian terrorism, read the following:

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For examples of Islamic charity, read the following:

Islamic Charities - Islamic Charitable Organizations

I rest my case.

Avoidance, that is an answer in itself.

Islamic Evil:

Islamic terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic Good:

Islamic Charities - Islamic Charitable Organizations

Christian Evil:

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian Good:

CCUSA Members

Now, do I need to make it any more clear for you?
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

Maybe not -but he IS far more likely to saw off the head of the owner of a Bible, isn't he. You want to go down this road, I'll go down it GLADLY.

While I consider my Bible at least as holy as you believe your Koran to be -is still replaceable in the event something happens to it whether that "something" is an accident or an act of deliberate destruction by someone else. But the deliberate destruction of my Bible could not ever destroy my faith, the religion or ever eradicate the WORD. It only destroys MY Bible which is made of paper and glue -and which would be immediately replaced. It is the WORD that lies within that makes it holy, not the paper and glue and destroying the paper and glue of my Bible cannot destroy the WORD. The insult by a deliberate act of destruction of my Bible is an insult to God. But wrap your head around this one -God did not appoint me to be His judge, jury and executioner or EVER give me permission to usurp His role to decide the punishment for those who insult God. NOT MY PLACE -the insult is to God and God, who is all powerful, is more than capable of judging, deciding and meting out any punishment and on HIS schedule -not mine. Apparently this isn't true in Islam where the supreme entity worshiped in that religion requires the intervention of puny, fallible, hyperventilating, irrational, mindless man to step in on his behalf and act as judge, jury and executioner instead, acting like mindless barbarians who are excused within their religion for their actions even accidentally or deliberately kill others during those riots and tell themselves the more out of control they are, the more it somehow "proves" how devout they really are when it proves no such thing. And puny men who tell themselves that by simply being Muslims they can't make mistakes -and no matter what the evil they have done to others, as long as they say it was done in the name of their religion or to glorify their religion, it is all "cleansed" and turned into a magical, holy act! You can see where that might not strike such a noble-sounding chord among others who are more likely to take away a totally different understanding and impression of Islam, huh.

In your religion it is the destruction of paper and glue that is believed to be worth riots and violence and loss of life because life is not considered to be a treasured gift from God but something to hurry up and get over with. It makes life cheap and none cheaper than the lives of Muslims. But maybe if more Muslims were taught that life is a precious gift from God and what an obscenity it is to treat a gift from God in such a careless, wasteful, cheap and meaningless fashion whether that gift of life is your own or that of a nonbeliever -we would have fewer Muslims sawing off the heads of non-believers who were unlucky enough to cross their paths in foreign countries, fewer Muslims blowing up school buses packed with children, fewer Muslims standing next to unarmed women in the market and blowing them to bits, fewer Muslims detonating car bombs next to people standing in line to apply for a job -and fewer Muslims who believed these acts of mass murder were anything but an obscenely evil act that could NEVER "glorify" Islam and can only smear, denigrate, trash and befoul it.

I saw a picture of a truck the owner had professionally painted -it was a scene of the Twin Towers burning. Below it said "Everything I ever wanted to know about Islam I learned on 9/11".
Good and evil, which encompasses the balance of tolerance and intolerance, are the epitome of a health society.
In the battle between good and evil, only evil benefits from concessions granted by the good.

Failing to recognize the evil that has infiltrated your own in the stupid belief that your own are always incapable of evil because you keep telling yourselves that -is the epitome of evil that insures the nonstop commission of evil! Christianity was forced to deal with that reality and recognize that nothing in their religion justified the creation or support of such evil acts centuries ago -and has since PERMANENTLY rejected as false the idea that declaring an evil act to be done in the name of Christianity makes it "good" - and is now realized to be an evil itself. But hard to do that in Islam when your religion SPECIFICALLY teaches you that simply being a believer transforms human beings into infallible creatures who cannot go wrong, cannot commit wrong as long as the Muslim pack supports and surrounds them -that if supported by the pack, it automatically transforms any and all evil they commit in the name of your religion -into "good". Because your religion also says that since Islam is the "perfect" religion, there is no way Allah would allow the only people practicing the "perfect" religion on the planet to go wrong as a group. Only individuals who leave the group can be wrong. And of course it teaches that in any conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims, other Muslims must automatically support their own against the infidels -no matter what horrors and atrocities have been committed against them by other Muslims. Wow, a religion that guarantees flawed, imperfect, irrational and EVIL men will be transformed into perfect beings as long as they stay in the group. What a recipe for the creation of nonstop evil! (This is also the identical teaching within cults to keep control over all cult members.) On the other hand MY religion teaches that my faith will never mean I am free from committing sin -because ALL mankind are ALL sinners without exception and always will be. Hmm -just based on looking around at people from all walks of life and all religions and the nonstop sin that comes from them all -I think mine got that right and yours missed the mark but BIG TIME there. EVERYONE ELSE can see plenty of horrific sinners among Muslims and plenty of their sin that is recognizable as nothing but EVIL. The fact Muslims refuse to recognize the evil among them IS evil changes nothing and only confirms that Muslims are no less jammed packed full of sinners than seen anywhere else in this world. Deluding yourselves that evil is good if committed by Muslims while still evil if committed by anyone else -IS EVIL.

My religion does not and never would teach me that I must blind myself to the evil even those who call themselves Christian can do in this world. Your religion may be "perfect" but its practitioners are FAR from it. NO SUCH THING as the perfect practice of ANY religion because human beings themselves are not and never will be perfect! No matter what the activity, no matter what the religion -humans are not EVER perfect in what they do. The fact your religion teaches that imperfect human beings can actually practice a religion "perfectly" tells me right off the bat that Islam is not a "perfect" religion because it sure got that one dead wrong.
"[Christianity] has since PERMANENTLY rejected as false the idea that declaring an evil act to be done in the name of Christianity makes it "good" - and is now realized to be an evil itself. But hard to do that".

Bullshit statement from an asshole. Christianity has ALWAYS rejected such as false. Truth: we still have folks who call themselves Christians (you know the assholes, some of whom burn crosses who ride the crazytrain with others psychos) who do evil acts.

FrazzledGear, you speak psycho for your self, not for Christianity, you moron.
You either lie or you don't understand what you read. Don't play games with me notlogical4u, because you will lose every time.

I said religious terrorism is wrong, whether Christian or Muslim. It is an opinion as a response to an opinion.

I have made no statement "against" Christians or Christianity, other than to say that for more than 1000 years Christianity was engaged in religious terrorism. That is not false.

I have made no statement "for" or "against" Islam.

Christians in Spain and Hungary and elsewhere murdered Communists in the 1920s and 1930s.

What I have said is this: American Christian and American Muslim terrorism is wrong.

This is where you totally got lost. You said Christians in Spain and Hungary and "elsewhere" murdered Communists in the 1920s and 1930s. Where the heck have you been learning your history? Communists declared the dictatorship of the proletariat in Hungary in 1919 and went on a horror show of crimes against humanity in that country that lasted decades! Which is why earlier this year the Hungarian government passed legislation that outlawed revising Hungarian history by the left trying to hide and cover up this horror show that was committed by communists. According to the legislation, those denying, casting doubts on, or depreciating the crimes committed by the Communist regime will be facing from one to three years behind bars. That is hardly supportive of your claim it was "Christians" who went on a murder spree in that country when Hungarians themselves believe it was communists who committed a slew of crimes against THEMSELVES and communists who committed crimes against humanity going back to the 20s! No such comparable legislation outlawing denials that Christians did such things in the name of Christianity -because THAT never happened!

But leaving their history aside, let me address a point you clearly don't get at all. There is a difference between people who commit crimes or violent acts who HAPPEN to be Christians and Christians who commit those same acts in the NAME of their religion. If I oppose communism and happen to be a Christian, that doesn't suddenly turn my political opposition to communism into a religious war! And you are doing nothing but being deceitful by trying to co-mingle them as if someone who happens to be a Christian commits a violent act -say murders his wife -is the same kind of act as a Muslim who blows up a busload of children in the name of Islam!! That is beyond intellectually dishonest and a deliberate act of deceit. All societies have criminals who commit crimes for all sorts of reasons. But not all societies have groups who do it in the name of a religion! A criminal who HAPPENS to be a Christian doesn't suddenly turn him into a "Christian extremist". There is only one group in this day and age that declares and wages religious war and in fact have done so around the world -you would be hard pressed to find even three conflicts taking place right now where Muslim extremism isn't the root cause of the conflict. For Muslim extremists all these different conflicts are just different battlefields in THEIR larger religious war.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "CHRISTIAN EXTREMISTS" and those who claim there is are LIARS. There are NO comparable groups within Christianity to Muslims extremists -and the reason there is no such thing is because Christians themselves REJECT such acts in the name of their religion. Ever heard of the Reformation which PERMANENTLY rejects aggression and violence and murder and forced conversions in the name of Christianity forever and is accepted by every single branch and denomination of Christianity? And any church or group who claim otherwise are IMMEDIATELY rejected as being Christian by all the others. THAT is how the Reformation works and continues to work to this day. Christians will NEVER accept such acts carried out the name of their religion as being anything other than evil! And insist that any who would commit them -whether in the name of Christianity or not -are not only NOT Christian, but belong in prison!

Which is why anyone who ever said they blew up a school bus of children in the name of Christianity would be denounced by the billions of the world's Christians as an evil-doer who belonged in prison -because Christianity itself REJECTS such an act in the name of their religion. Not just among some Christians -but ALL Christians because anyone who believed that was an acceptable act done in the name of Christianity -would never be considered to be Christians either any more than the person who committed that atrocity. While if a Muslim blows up a school bus of children -even Muslim ones such as happened in Iraq -and says he did it in the name of Islam, the world's Muslims react to that act with dead silence. Such acts ARE accepted among Muslims as being "good" as long as the criminal who committed it said he did it for Islam. The acts are not only considered acceptable in the name of their religion, the criminal who committed the mass murders is considered to be a "hero" and often called "martyr" if he committed suicide at the same time. Which means Muslims aren't even capable of understanding that the real martyrs in such acts were those slaughtered by the butcher and NOT the butcher himself! Which means extremism is an ACCEPTED part of the religion by other Muslims where that same act committed by someone saying he did for Christianity would be denounced and rejected by the world's Christians. Pretending there is an equivalent "extremist" segment among Christianity is a LIE because there is no such thing -Christians themselves not only reject it they reject as being Christian anyone who would even claim to have done such an act in the name of Christianity. They are NOT embraced and called "hero" by the world's Christians even if such an act had been done in the name of their religion -which it NEVER is because all Christians understand that can NEVER be anything but an evil act of mass murder. But even if someone were stupid and evil enough to claim to have done such a thing in the name of Christianity, that person would NEVER be called "hero" or "martyr" -only called a "mass murdering thug who belongs behind bars" just like they should be.

Just because one group has political differences with another and the source of the differences for that other group is their religion and their religious beliefs -does NOT suddenly mean that MY differences are suddenly based in MY religious beliefs as well! If I come after you because I'm hoping to claim your land after I kill you and you defend yourself from my attacks and go on the offensive to permanently remove my threat to your existence -doesn't mean that YOU are fighting to try and claim MY land! The motive of one side for waging war does not EVER mean it is also the same motive by those defending themselves from the attackers! It is a religious war for them but a war of self defense for us that we would be engaged in just the same regardless of the motive for the attack by those who attacked us. Their MOTIVE doesn't become OUR motive just because we defend ourselves though.

Your example was flawed and phony because no matter what the revisionist history you subscribe to at the moment, NONE of your examples of "Christian terrorism" are examples of Christian terrorism at all -because none were ever committed in the name of "glorifying" Christianity or the NAME of Christianity. It was NOT Communists vs. Christians in those countries as you would have people believe - but communists vs. non-communists and many who were involved HAPPENED to be Christian. On BOTH SIDES. But that was a political conflict, not a religious one -in addition to which it was actually the non-communists who were overwhelmingly the victims of communist criminal acts rather than the perpetrators of such acts against communists anyway. Just as was true about communists and communism elsewhere in the world. Communists are NOT tolerant of political dissent and would rather kill their opponents than debate them -and all too often did just that.
frazzled gear,you are not a spokesperson for Christianity.

You are a spokesperson for the hateful side of folks who call themselves Christians.

You are a demagogue and you are a fail here.
frazzled gear,you are not a spokesperson for Christianity.

You are a spokesperson for the hateful side of folks who call themselves Christians.

You are a demagogue and you are a fail here.
given your reputation here, you are not one to talk, jokey
You either lie or you don't understand what you read. Don't play games with me notlogical4u, because you will lose every time.

I said religious terrorism is wrong, whether Christian or Muslim. It is an opinion as a response to an opinion.

I have made no statement "against" Christians or Christianity, other than to say that for more than 1000 years Christianity was engaged in religious terrorism. That is not false.

I have made no statement "for" or "against" Islam.

Christians in Spain and Hungary and elsewhere murdered Communists in the 1920s and 1930s.

What I have said is this: American Christian and American Muslim terrorism is wrong.

Still, you can't make a statement of islam alone, you include Christianity why? Is it so that you can snicker to yourself with the deceit of not making a statement against radical islam? Is it that you cannot pass a chance to bash Christianity without the evidence to back it (your statement: there are as many Christian terrorists in this country as muslim terrorists)? De nial is not just a river.
I will mention evils done by Christians and good things done by Muslims. Yet, I don’t intend to get into a “bean counting” game with you. My intention is simply to prove that there are good Christians and there are bad Christians and that there are good Muslims and there are bad Muslims.

For examples of Christian terrorism, read the following:

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For examples of Islamic charity, read the following:

Islamic Charities - Islamic Charitable Organizations

I rest my case.

Avoidance, that is an answer in itself.

Hey. I didn't avoid your challenge. Read the links. Sheesh.

didn't list the terrorist organizations side by side, ditto for the charitiable
looks like you didn't want to post the results, so you selectively presented information to make it look like there are more terrorists that are Christian and more charities that are muslim. I find that deceitful and cowardly. We get it, to much reality for you.
Read what I wrote! I don't bash Christianity or Islam. I agree they both have had real problems with terrorism in the name of religion. That is the truth, logical4u, not bashing. The deceitful one is you, along with your buds. I have asked for quantification, which none of you podjos can do.

You are deceitful when you won't admit that you want to kick Muslim citizens out of America. Along with any American Muslims we can deport, can we also deport Klansman who claim to be Christian?

Your real agenda is hate, logical4u.
Avoidance, that is an answer in itself.

Hey. I didn't avoid your challenge. Read the links. Sheesh.

didn't list the terrorist organizations side by side, ditto for the charitiable
looks like you didn't want to post the results, so you selectively presented information to make it look like there are more terrorists that are Christian and more charities that are muslim. I find that deceitful and cowardly. We get it, to much reality for you.

You are resorting to the fallacy of mindreading. My intention was not to make it look like there are more terrorists that are Christian and more charities that are Muslim. As I stated previously, I am not going to get into a “bean counting” game with you. For the sake of argument, I concede that, per capita, I think that there are more terrorists that are Muslim than there are terrorists that are Christian. I think that there are more Christian charities than there are Muslim charities. My intention was to simply point out that there is Christian terrorism and that there are Muslim charities. Having stated that, are you willing to concede that there are at least a few terroristic Christians and that there are a few Muslin charities?

I am not being deceitful and cowardly. I’m pointing out some things that you seem to be unwilling to acknowledge.
I will mention evils done by Christians and good things done by Muslims. Yet, I don’t intend to get into a “bean counting” game with you. My intention is simply to prove that there are good Christians and there are bad Christians and that there are good Muslims and there are bad Muslims.

For examples of Christian terrorism, read the following:

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For examples of Islamic charity, read the following:

Islamic Charities - Islamic Charitable Organizations

I rest my case.

Avoidance, that is an answer in itself.

Islamic Evil:

Islamic terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic Good:

Islamic Charities - Islamic Charitable Organizations

Christian Evil:

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian Good:

CCUSA Members

Now, do I need to make it any more clear for you?

Here, I will make it clear for you.

Christian terrorism

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Organizations and acts by country
2.1 Canada
2.2 India
2.3 Northern Ireland
2.4 Romania
2.5 Russia
2.6 Uganda
2.7 United States
3 Motivation, ideology and theology
4 See also
5 References
6 Bibliography

Islamic terrorism

Contents [hide]
1 Debate over terminology
2 Motivations and Islamic terrorism
2.1 Profiles
2.2 Ideology
3 Views of Jihad of different Muslim groups
3.1 Sunni view
3.2 Sufic view
3.3 Ahmadiyya view
3.4 Interpretations of the Qur'an and Hadith
3.5 Criticism of Islamic terrorist ideology
4 Identity-based Frameworks for Analyzing Islamist-based terrorism
4.1 Social Identity Theory Analysis of Islamist-based terrorism
4.2 Social Categorization Theory
5 Organizations and acts
5.1 Transnational
5.2 South Asia
5.2.1 Lashkar-e-Toiba
5.2.2 Jaish-e-Mohammed
5.2.3 Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen
5.3 Afghanistan
5.4 United States
5.4.1 Al-Qaeda
5.5 Europe
5.5.1 Russia
5.5.2 Turkey Turkish Hezbollah
5.6 Middle East / Southwest Asia
5.6.1 Iraq
5.6.2 Lebanon Hezbollah Fatah al-Islam
5.6.3 Israel and the Palestinian territories Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades Hamas Islamic Jihad
5.6.4 Yemen
5.7 North Africa
5.7.1 Armed Islamic Group
5.8 Southeast Asia
5.8.1 Abu Sayyaf Group
6 Tactics
6.1 Bombings
6.2 Hijackings
6.3 Kidnappings and executions
6.4 Internet recruiting
7 Muslim attitudes toward terrorism
7.1 View of Muslim Clerics
7.2 2001 Surveys
7.3 2004 Survey
7.4 2005 Survey
7.5 2008 & 2009 Surveys and Polls
8 Examples of attacks
9 U.S. State Department list
10 See also
11 Notes
12 Further reading

Christian Charities USA

Abba Children's Fund
Advancing Native Missions
Africa Faith and Justice Network
African American Self-Help Foundation
Aid for African Catholic Missions
All Nations Bible Society
American Bible Society
Amor Ministries
Angel Flight Samaritans
Baptist Charities of America
Baptist Children's Home Ministries
Bethany Christian Services Inc.
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.
Bright Hope International
Casas por Cristo
Catholic Campus Ministry Association
Catholic Relief Services - USCCB
Catholic Religious Educators Association
Catholics For The Poor and Needy Worldwide
Child Rescue International
Children of Zion, Inc.
Children's Christian Lifeline Hunger and Medical Relief
Children's Christian Relief Mission
Children's Emergency Relief Teams
Children's Hunger Fund Foundation
Children's Survival Fund
Children's Worldwide Hunger & Health Relief
Christ For the City International
Christ-Centered Education/Redwood Christian Schools
Christian Adoption and Orphan Care
Christian Aid Mission
Christian Bowhunters of America
Christian Charities USA
Christian Children's Health & Hope Mission
Christian Freedom International
Christian Media and Arts for Positive Values, Creative Paradox
Christian Medical & Dental Associations
Christian Mission Teams International, Compassion and Gospel Outreach
Christian Relief Services
Christian World Relief
CityTeam Ministries
Colorado Christian University
Compassion and Mercy Associates
Crosslink International
CSI Ministries, Inc.
Deaf Video Communications of America, Inc.
EarthCare Fund
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry
Feeding Hungry Children
Filipino American Rural Mission
Five Talents-USA, Inc.
Forward Edge International
Global Opportunities for Christ
God's Kids Organization
Gospel for Asia, Inc.
Great Dads
Harvest Time International
Himalayan International Outreach
Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, Inc.
Hope Builders International
Hope's Promise
IMA World Health
IN Network
Institute for Creation Research
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Jews and Gentiles Joined in Messiah
Kids Hope USA
Legacy World Missions, Inc.
Life Teen, Inc.
Lion of Judah Ministries, Inc.
Literacy & Evangelism International
Living Water International
Lost and Found, Inc.
Love A Child
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Lutheran Volunteer Corps
Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Inc.
Matthew 25: Ministries
Medical Ministry International
Medical Teams International
Mercy Housing, Inc.
Methodist Mission Home
Mission Aviation Adventure Camps
Mission Safety International, Inc.
Missionaries of Jesus, Inc.
Missionary Care Services International
National Association of Pastoral Musicians
Native American Children's Fund
Network Education Program
New Horizons Ministries
Nightlight Christian Adoptions
Olive Branch International
One Way Out of Pornography
Open Doors with Brother Andrew, Inc.
Operation Compassion
Orphanos Foundation
Outreach International
Pax Christi USA
Persecuted Christians Care Fund
Plant With Purpose
Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military Personnel
Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund
Russian-American Institute US, Inc.
Scripture Union
Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA
Southeast Asia Christian Humanitarian Aid Program
Sports Outreach Institute, Inc.
Suicide Prevention Care Fund
TechMission Inc.
Teen Mania Ministries, Inc.
Thomas More Law Center
United Marriage Encounter
United States Catholic Mission Association
Village Ministries International
Water Missions International
Watoto Child Care Ministries
World Evangelical Alliance
World Impact
World Orphans
Worldwide Christian Medical Missions
Youth for Christ USA, Inc.

Top 7 Islamic Charitable Organizations

1. Islamic Relief
Islamic Relief is an international relief and development organization with permanent offices in 35 countries. Islamic Relief's USA office has been given a 4-star rating by Charity Navigator. Islamic Relief works in partnership with other international aid organizations, church groups, and local relief agencies in the areas they serve.

2. Life for Relief and Development (LIFE)
A non-governmental organization founded by Iraqi-American professionals in 1992, now providing humanitarian assistance to people in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Pakistan, and Sierra Leone. Charity Navigator rates LIFE as a 4-star charity, their top ranking. The LIFE website provides copies of their credentials with the US government and the United Nations, and registration documents for the countries in which they work.
3. Muslim Aid
Muslim Aid aims to provide emergency, long-term assistance and other charitable work to alleviate the pain of those suffering and in need of relief. Their focus is on sustainable development programs which tackle the root causes of poverty.
More Info
4. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (This includes non-muslim charities also)There are 186 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world, forming a network of volunteers and staff who have provided humanitarian services worldwide since 1919. The Red Crescent is used in place of the Red Cross in many Islamic countries, and all societies provide assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class, or political opinions. Each national society is independent and supports the public authorities in their own country, with local knowledge and expertise, infrastructure, and access.
5. ICNA Relief
A program of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), ICNA Relief is a humanitarian relief and development organization which responds to emergency and disaster situations at home and abroad. ICNA Relief runs special programs to help the needy in poor neighborhoods within North America.
More Info
6. Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
Founded in 1986, Mercy-USA is a non-profit relief and development organization. Their projects focus on improving health and promoting economic and educational growth around the world. Mercy-USA has received a 2-star rating by Charity Navigator.
More Info
7. U.S. Treasury Dept. - List of Banned Organizations
As the "war on terrorism" continues, some Islamic charitable organizations have been targeted and shut down by the U.S. government under accusations of terrorist ties. The U.S. Treasury Dept. is responsible for administering sanctions against terrorists and other criminals. To ensure that your contribution reaches its intended recipients, steer clear of questionable groups and contribute through reputable, international organizations.

IMHO those two comparisons are worth a lifetime of words.
Avoidance, that is an answer in itself.

Islamic Evil:

Islamic terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic Good:

Islamic Charities - Islamic Charitable Organizations

Christian Evil:

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian Good:

CCUSA Members

Now, do I need to make it any more clear for you?

Here, I will make it clear for you.

Christian terrorism

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Organizations and acts by country
2.1 Canada
2.2 India
2.3 Northern Ireland
2.4 Romania
2.5 Russia
2.6 Uganda
2.7 United States
3 Motivation, ideology and theology
4 See also
5 References
6 Bibliography

Islamic terrorism

Contents [hide]
1 Debate over terminology
2 Motivations and Islamic terrorism
2.1 Profiles
2.2 Ideology
3 Views of Jihad of different Muslim groups
3.1 Sunni view
3.2 Sufic view
3.3 Ahmadiyya view
3.4 Interpretations of the Qur'an and Hadith
3.5 Criticism of Islamic terrorist ideology
4 Identity-based Frameworks for Analyzing Islamist-based terrorism
4.1 Social Identity Theory Analysis of Islamist-based terrorism
4.2 Social Categorization Theory
5 Organizations and acts
5.1 Transnational
5.2 South Asia
5.2.1 Lashkar-e-Toiba
5.2.2 Jaish-e-Mohammed
5.2.3 Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen
5.3 Afghanistan
5.4 United States
5.4.1 Al-Qaeda
5.5 Europe
5.5.1 Russia
5.5.2 Turkey Turkish Hezbollah
5.6 Middle East / Southwest Asia
5.6.1 Iraq
5.6.2 Lebanon Hezbollah Fatah al-Islam
5.6.3 Israel and the Palestinian territories Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades Hamas Islamic Jihad
5.6.4 Yemen
5.7 North Africa
5.7.1 Armed Islamic Group
5.8 Southeast Asia
5.8.1 Abu Sayyaf Group
6 Tactics
6.1 Bombings
6.2 Hijackings
6.3 Kidnappings and executions
6.4 Internet recruiting
7 Muslim attitudes toward terrorism
7.1 View of Muslim Clerics
7.2 2001 Surveys
7.3 2004 Survey
7.4 2005 Survey
7.5 2008 & 2009 Surveys and Polls
8 Examples of attacks
9 U.S. State Department list
10 See also
11 Notes
12 Further reading

Christian Charities USA

Abba Children's Fund
Advancing Native Missions
Africa Faith and Justice Network
African American Self-Help Foundation
Aid for African Catholic Missions
All Nations Bible Society
American Bible Society
Amor Ministries
Angel Flight Samaritans
Baptist Charities of America
Baptist Children's Home Ministries
Bethany Christian Services Inc.
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.
Bright Hope International
Casas por Cristo
Catholic Campus Ministry Association
Catholic Relief Services - USCCB
Catholic Religious Educators Association
Catholics For The Poor and Needy Worldwide
Child Rescue International
Children of Zion, Inc.
Children's Christian Lifeline Hunger and Medical Relief
Children's Christian Relief Mission
Children's Emergency Relief Teams
Children's Hunger Fund Foundation
Children's Survival Fund
Children's Worldwide Hunger & Health Relief
Christ For the City International
Christ-Centered Education/Redwood Christian Schools
Christian Adoption and Orphan Care
Christian Aid Mission
Christian Bowhunters of America
Christian Charities USA
Christian Children's Health & Hope Mission
Christian Freedom International
Christian Media and Arts for Positive Values, Creative Paradox
Christian Medical & Dental Associations
Christian Mission Teams International, Compassion and Gospel Outreach
Christian Relief Services
Christian World Relief
CityTeam Ministries
Colorado Christian University
Compassion and Mercy Associates
Crosslink International
CSI Ministries, Inc.
Deaf Video Communications of America, Inc.
EarthCare Fund
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry
Feeding Hungry Children
Filipino American Rural Mission
Five Talents-USA, Inc.
Forward Edge International
Global Opportunities for Christ
God's Kids Organization
Gospel for Asia, Inc.
Great Dads
Harvest Time International
Himalayan International Outreach
Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, Inc.
Hope Builders International
Hope's Promise
IMA World Health
IN Network
Institute for Creation Research
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Jews and Gentiles Joined in Messiah
Kids Hope USA
Legacy World Missions, Inc.
Life Teen, Inc.
Lion of Judah Ministries, Inc.
Literacy & Evangelism International
Living Water International
Lost and Found, Inc.
Love A Child
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Lutheran Volunteer Corps
Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Inc.
Matthew 25: Ministries
Medical Ministry International
Medical Teams International
Mercy Housing, Inc.
Methodist Mission Home
Mission Aviation Adventure Camps
Mission Safety International, Inc.
Missionaries of Jesus, Inc.
Missionary Care Services International
National Association of Pastoral Musicians
Native American Children's Fund
Network Education Program
New Horizons Ministries
Nightlight Christian Adoptions
Olive Branch International
One Way Out of Pornography
Open Doors with Brother Andrew, Inc.
Operation Compassion
Orphanos Foundation
Outreach International
Pax Christi USA
Persecuted Christians Care Fund
Plant With Purpose
Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military Personnel
Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund
Russian-American Institute US, Inc.
Scripture Union
Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA
Southeast Asia Christian Humanitarian Aid Program
Sports Outreach Institute, Inc.
Suicide Prevention Care Fund
TechMission Inc.
Teen Mania Ministries, Inc.
Thomas More Law Center
United Marriage Encounter
United States Catholic Mission Association
Village Ministries International
Water Missions International
Watoto Child Care Ministries
World Evangelical Alliance
World Impact
World Orphans
Worldwide Christian Medical Missions
Youth for Christ USA, Inc.

Top 7 Islamic Charitable Organizations

1. Islamic Relief
Islamic Relief is an international relief and development organization with permanent offices in 35 countries. Islamic Relief's USA office has been given a 4-star rating by Charity Navigator. Islamic Relief works in partnership with other international aid organizations, church groups, and local relief agencies in the areas they serve.

2. Life for Relief and Development (LIFE)
A non-governmental organization founded by Iraqi-American professionals in 1992, now providing humanitarian assistance to people in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Pakistan, and Sierra Leone. Charity Navigator rates LIFE as a 4-star charity, their top ranking. The LIFE website provides copies of their credentials with the US government and the United Nations, and registration documents for the countries in which they work.
3. Muslim Aid
Muslim Aid aims to provide emergency, long-term assistance and other charitable work to alleviate the pain of those suffering and in need of relief. Their focus is on sustainable development programs which tackle the root causes of poverty.
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4. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (This includes non-muslim charities also)There are 186 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world, forming a network of volunteers and staff who have provided humanitarian services worldwide since 1919. The Red Crescent is used in place of the Red Cross in many Islamic countries, and all societies provide assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class, or political opinions. Each national society is independent and supports the public authorities in their own country, with local knowledge and expertise, infrastructure, and access.
5. ICNA Relief
A program of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), ICNA Relief is a humanitarian relief and development organization which responds to emergency and disaster situations at home and abroad. ICNA Relief runs special programs to help the needy in poor neighborhoods within North America.
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6. Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
Founded in 1986, Mercy-USA is a non-profit relief and development organization. Their projects focus on improving health and promoting economic and educational growth around the world. Mercy-USA has received a 2-star rating by Charity Navigator.
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7. U.S. Treasury Dept. - List of Banned Organizations
As the "war on terrorism" continues, some Islamic charitable organizations have been targeted and shut down by the U.S. government under accusations of terrorist ties. The U.S. Treasury Dept. is responsible for administering sanctions against terrorists and other criminals. To ensure that your contribution reaches its intended recipients, steer clear of questionable groups and contribute through reputable, international organizations.

IMHO those two comparisons are worth a lifetime of words.

Okay. So you acknowledge Islamic charities and Christian terrorism. The numbers don’t matter to me. You seem to make a big deal out of it. That’s all.
You either lie or you don't understand what you read. Don't play games with me notlogical4u, because you will lose every time.

I said religious terrorism is wrong, whether Christian or Muslim. It is an opinion as a response to an opinion.

I have made no statement "against" Christians or Christianity, other than to say that for more than 1000 years Christianity was engaged in religious terrorism. That is not false.

I have made no statement "for" or "against" Islam.

Christians in Spain and Hungary and elsewhere murdered Communists in the 1920s and 1930s.

What I have said is this: American Christian and American Muslim terrorism is wrong.

This is where you totally got lost. You said Christians in Spain and Hungary and "elsewhere" murdered Communists in the 1920s and 1930s. Where the heck have you been learning your history? Communists declared the dictatorship of the proletariat in Hungary in 1919 and went on a horror show of crimes against humanity in that country that lasted decades! Which is why earlier this year the Hungarian government passed legislation that outlawed revising Hungarian history by the left trying to hide and cover up this horror show that was committed by communists. According to the legislation, those denying, casting doubts on, or depreciating the crimes committed by the Communist regime will be facing from one to three years behind bars. That is hardly supportive of your claim it was "Christians" who went on a murder spree in that country when Hungarians themselves believe it was communists who committed a slew of crimes against THEMSELVES and communists who committed crimes against humanity going back to the 20s! No such comparable legislation outlawing denials that Christians did such things in the name of Christianity -because THAT never happened!

But leaving their history aside, let me address a point you clearly don't get at all. There is a difference between people who commit crimes or violent acts who HAPPEN to be Christians and Christians who commit those same acts in the NAME of their religion. If I oppose communism and happen to be a Christian, that doesn't suddenly turn my political opposition to communism into a religious war! And you are doing nothing but being deceitful by trying to co-mingle them as if someone who happens to be a Christian commits a violent act -say murders his wife -is the same kind of act as a Muslim who blows up a busload of children in the name of Islam!! That is beyond intellectually dishonest and a deliberate act of deceit. All societies have criminals who commit crimes for all sorts of reasons. But not all societies have groups who do it in the name of a religion! A criminal who HAPPENS to be a Christian doesn't suddenly turn him into a "Christian extremist". There is only one group in this day and age that declares and wages religious war and in fact have done so around the world -you would be hard pressed to find even three conflicts taking place right now where Muslim extremism isn't the root cause of the conflict. For Muslim extremists all these different conflicts are just different battlefields in THEIR larger religious war.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "CHRISTIAN EXTREMISTS" and those who claim there is are LIARS. There are NO comparable groups within Christianity to Muslims extremists -and the reason there is no such thing is because Christians themselves REJECT such acts in the name of their religion. Ever heard of the Reformation which PERMANENTLY rejects aggression and violence and murder and forced conversions in the name of Christianity forever and is accepted by every single branch and denomination of Christianity? And any church or group who claim otherwise are IMMEDIATELY rejected as being Christian by all the others. THAT is how the Reformation works and continues to work to this day. Christians will NEVER accept such acts carried out the name of their religion as being anything other than evil! And insist that any who would commit them -whether in the name of Christianity or not -are not only NOT Christian, but belong in prison!

Which is why anyone who ever said they blew up a school bus of children in the name of Christianity would be denounced by the billions of the world's Christians as an evil-doer who belonged in prison -because Christianity itself REJECTS such an act in the name of their religion. Not just among some Christians -but ALL Christians because anyone who believed that was an acceptable act done in the name of Christianity -would never be considered to be Christians either any more than the person who committed that atrocity. While if a Muslim blows up a school bus of children -even Muslim ones such as happened in Iraq -and says he did it in the name of Islam, the world's Muslims react to that act with dead silence. Such acts ARE accepted among Muslims as being "good" as long as the criminal who committed it said he did it for Islam. The acts are not only considered acceptable in the name of their religion, the criminal who committed the mass murders is considered to be a "hero" and often called "martyr" if he committed suicide at the same time. Which means Muslims aren't even capable of understanding that the real martyrs in such acts were those slaughtered by the butcher and NOT the butcher himself! Which means extremism is an ACCEPTED part of the religion by other Muslims where that same act committed by someone saying he did for Christianity would be denounced and rejected by the world's Christians. Pretending there is an equivalent "extremist" segment among Christianity is a LIE because there is no such thing -Christians themselves not only reject it they reject as being Christian anyone who would even claim to have done such an act in the name of Christianity. They are NOT embraced and called "hero" by the world's Christians even if such an act had been done in the name of their religion -which it NEVER is because all Christians understand that can NEVER be anything but an evil act of mass murder. But even if someone were stupid and evil enough to claim to have done such a thing in the name of Christianity, that person would NEVER be called "hero" or "martyr" -only called a "mass murdering thug who belongs behind bars" just like they should be.

Just because one group has political differences with another and the source of the differences for that other group is their religion and their religious beliefs -does NOT suddenly mean that MY differences are suddenly based in MY religious beliefs as well! If I come after you because I'm hoping to claim your land after I kill you and you defend yourself from my attacks and go on the offensive to permanently remove my threat to your existence -doesn't mean that YOU are fighting to try and claim MY land! The motive of one side for waging war does not EVER mean it is also the same motive by those defending themselves from the attackers! It is a religious war for them but a war of self defense for us that we would be engaged in just the same regardless of the motive for the attack by those who attacked us. Their MOTIVE doesn't become OUR motive just because we defend ourselves though.

Your example was flawed and phony because no matter what the revisionist history you subscribe to at the moment, NONE of your examples of "Christian terrorism" are examples of Christian terrorism at all -because none were ever committed in the name of "glorifying" Christianity or the NAME of Christianity. It was NOT Communists vs. Christians in those countries as you would have people believe - but communists vs. non-communists and many who were involved HAPPENED to be Christian. On BOTH SIDES. But that was a political conflict, not a religious one -in addition to which it was actually the non-communists who were overwhelmingly the victims of communist criminal acts rather than the perpetrators of such acts against communists anyway. Just as was true about communists and communism elsewhere in the world. Communists are NOT tolerant of political dissent and would rather kill their opponents than debate them -and all too often did just that.

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