MW advocates - what are the downsides of minimum wage?

What you all can't seem to accept is that some jobs aren't worth minimum wage. And what you're saying with MW laws is that those jobs shouldn't be allowed.

Slavery is outlawed. What you are suggesting is "soft" slavery.

Why should the government get involved in a private contact between me and an employer? If I agree to work for a very small amount for a short time to gain experience in a lucrative field and enjoy future success, you can go pound sand. Ever hear of an apprenticeship?
What you all can't seem to accept is that some jobs aren't worth minimum wage. And what you're saying with MW laws is that those jobs shouldn't be allowed.

Slavery is outlawed. What you are suggesting is "soft" slavery.

Nope. What I'm suggesting is strictly voluntary.
work or die, is what the right wing advocates.

And you want to get paid for not working, even though you're perfectly capable.
Then if it has so little value we should not expect an adult human to do it.

I don't. But if they want to anyway, it's their business.

What you all can't seem to accept is that some jobs aren't worth minimum wage. And what you're saying with MW laws is that those jobs shouldn't be allowed.
An employee makes a profit off of every worker

So what?

If you don't want people making money from the labor you sell then work for yourself and keep all the profit
So stop whining about minimum wage

They have profited off of low cost labor for ten years. Time to pay up

I'm not whining I just think it's completely unnecessary.

and every one of my employees makes at least 15 an hour and 3 of them make 80 to 100 K a year

But then again my employees have to actually have some skills unlike the people who aspire to do nothing but stuff burgers into paper bags

Which means that their labor is worth more to you than $15/hr. Answer this: Would you keep an employee on board and pay him that wage if his work did not contribute that much to your bottom line? Would that be fair to your other employees who would have to deal with a less profitable or even money losing business?
I'm not whining I just think it's completely unnecessary.

and every one of my employees makes at least 15 an hour and 3 of them make 80 to 100 K a year

But then again my employees have to actually have some skills unlike the people who aspire to do nothing but stuff burgers into paper bags

So you understand and acknowledge that no adult should be forced to work for $7/hr.

Thank you

They aren't forced to now. Even if you start over at the bottom, you're not expected to stay there for long.
I'm not whining I just think it's completely unnecessary.

and every one of my employees makes at least 15 an hour and 3 of them make 80 to 100 K a year

But then again my employees have to actually have some skills unlike the people who aspire to do nothing but stuff burgers into paper bags

So you understand and acknowledge that no adult should be forced to work for $7/hr.

Thank you

People should be paid a salary commensurate with their skill level

Stuffing mass produced burgers into paper bags isn't worth even 7 bucks an hour.

and FYI no one is forced to work
Work or die! is the right wing way.

Don't work IDGAF just don't expect me to support your worthless ass

That's exactly what he wants.
The reason low skilled workers aren’t paid better is they have no negotiating power. Makes them easy to exploit

And the reason they have no negotiating power is that their labor isn't worth much to society.
It is valuable
Low skilled labor used to be able to support themselves on their wages.
Now they need taxpayers to make up the difference

Employers keep the added profits

I envision a world where the rich are still rich and the well to do are still well to do and the foremen makes more than handy man BUT everyone has a nice place to sleep, clean clothes, plenty to eat, affordable health care, nice vacations every year, plenty for xmas....enough for a decent and happy life.

THAT pisses conservatives off!

All that happiness and peace and joy. It MAKES THEM SICK!

They seem to relish the thought of OTHER PEOPLE (never them, of course) suffering..

Conservatives misrepresent this as ......Liberals want everyone to make the same money

That's what raising the national minimum wage to $15 an hour does ..

Quit trying to blow smoke
If you've ever been poor and tried to work for yourself, you wouldn't have to ask.

I HAVE been poor and I was very lucky to escape that state. I know people who were not so lucky.

And that has nothing to do with your nonsensical claim that "regulations keep the poor down".

SUrrender accepted
And you want to get paid for not working, even though you're perfectly capable.
Stay focused nitwit. Advocting that peoiple get paid something resembling a living wage FOR WORKING a full time not asking to get paid for not working
They aren't forced to now. Even if you start over at the bottom, you're not expected to stay there for long.

On what planet do people CHOOSE to work for $7/ hr?

And whether YOU stay there or not...SOMEONE is staying there.
Bottom line...if the work isn't worth more than the pennies you dipshits are willing to pay...then there's a problem with your business model and your product.

Do it yourself and see how much money you make. can't get enough work done to make the kind of money you expect to make? Then pay your workers a decent wage so you can continue to make money
And you want to get paid for not working, even though you're perfectly capable.
Stay focused nitwit. Advocting that peoiple get paid something resembling a living wage FOR WORKING a full time not asking to get paid for not working

Apparently you're not familiar with the poster. That's exactly what he wants.
They aren't forced to now. Even if you start over at the bottom, you're not expected to stay there for long.

On what planet do people CHOOSE to work for $7/ hr?

And whether YOU stay there or not...SOMEONE is staying there.

Good question. My brother in law worked for 2 years at a cabinet shop for very low wages until he learned the business and opened his own very successful shop. People like him who are making a strategic decision will work for cheap.

And ask yourself WHY someone stays at minimum wage for decades.
Good question. My brother in law worked for 2 years at a cabinet shop for very low wages until he learned the business and opened his own very successful shop. People like him who are making a strategic decision will work for cheap.

And ask yourself WHY someone stays at minimum wage for decades.

Was he getting paid $7/hr? Because if he was the guy he was working for was stealing from him.

You ever BUY cabinets?

They cost a small fortune
Good question. My brother in law worked for 2 years at a cabinet shop for very low wages until he learned the business and opened his own very successful shop. People like him who are making a strategic decision will work for cheap.

And ask yourself WHY someone stays at minimum wage for decades.

Was he getting paid $7/hr? Because if he was the guy he was working for was stealing from him.

You ever BUY cabinets?

They cost a small fortune

He was paid a lot less than that, it was in the '80's. And the guy he was working for trained him than lost him to his own success. And yes, his cabinetry is top quality and expensive.
What you all can't seem to accept is that some jobs aren't worth minimum wage. And what you're saying with MW laws is that those jobs shouldn't be allowed.

Slavery is outlawed. What you are suggesting is "soft" slavery.

Nope. What I'm suggesting is strictly voluntary.
work or die, is what the right wing advocates.

And you want to get paid for not working, even though you're perfectly capable.
subsidies not trade wars!
What you all can't seem to accept is that some jobs aren't worth minimum wage. And what you're saying with MW laws is that those jobs shouldn't be allowed.

Slavery is outlawed. What you are suggesting is "soft" slavery.

Nope. What I'm suggesting is strictly voluntary.
work or die, is what the right wing advocates.

And you want to get paid for not working, even though you're perfectly capable.
subsidies not trade wars!

Care to stay on topic?

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