"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

You have the day after pill if you are raped. No need in waiting till the baby is formed to kill it.

What about incest?
My God when you redefined marriage you all ready opened the door to normalize it. In 2015 a father and daughter went to New Jersey to get married because it's legal there. Oh and they plan to have children. Liberal policies at work. You are trying to normalize incest. Next is pedophilia.
Google it. Then see how redefining marriage opened a pandoras box.
I live in NJ and was married in NJ

I want to see where a father and daughter can get married
They went there because they knew a liberal city would marry them. Now quit acting like you're agains it.
The state has no business regulating reproduction.

Actually one of the very few legitimate functions of a government is to protect human life.

This is the excuse used by every overreaching government regulation scheme.

If the Trump fascists manage to push this through, it will turn out just like Prohibition. Maybe even uglier.

You people need to get over the delusion that we can solve every problem in society by passing a law.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If we make it harder for women to kill their children for convenience then children's lives will be saved. I know you are morally bankrupt and don't understand that concept but for us real humans that it is a good thing.

If I remember history correctly it was the fascists that killed people because they didn't want them around just like you filthy ass Libtards demand to do with children that are inconvenient. Shame on you!
Filthy Liberals think it is peachy keen to live in a country where the government lets you kill your children if you think the children are going to be a bother to you.

Immoral assholes! They would make great Nazis. To bad they were not alive in the 1930s and 40s. They could have pleased as punch.
The state has no business regulating reproduction.

Actually one of the very few legitimate functions of a government is to protect human life.

This is the excuse used by every overreaching government regulation scheme.

If the Trump fascists manage to push this through, it will turn out just like Prohibition. Maybe even uglier.

You people need to get over the delusion that we can solve every problem in society by passing a law.
Republicans will answer in the 2020 elections

Not in Alabama, Missouri and maybe Georgia but in moderate America and Blue States

Every Republican at every level of government will have to answer for his parties views of abortion. They will be asked about 12 year olds and rape victims and incest victims

No amount of......My personal views and I would never vote will satisfy the fact that they represent a party that denies abortions to those innocent victims
The state has no business regulating reproduction.

Actually one of the very few legitimate functions of a government is to protect human life.

This is the excuse used by every overreaching government regulation scheme.

If the Trump fascists manage to push this through, it will turn out just like Prohibition. Maybe even uglier.

You people need to get over the delusion that we can solve every problem in society by passing a law.
Republicans will answer in the 2020 elections

Not in Alabama, Missouri and maybe Georgia but in moderate America and Blue States

Every Republican at every level of government will have to answer for his parties views of abortion. They will be asked about 12 year olds and rape victims and incest victims

No amount of......My personal views and I would never vote will satisfy the fact that they represent a party that denies abortions to those innocent victims

Blah blah blah...You're never right.

I am pro choice, I do not advocate either way. You are not pro life, just pro fetus. You are just another insecure male. No you are not godly.

If you are "pro choice" then you are a racist because that is the mechanism where hundreds of thousands of Black children are killed each year.

I'm even for white females to have a choice. See when I talk about females, I mean all females.

Yea but it is mostly the Blacks that abort their children. Way out of proportion to the demographics.

If you support abortion then you support the deaths of hundreds of thousands of potential Democrat voters each year. You stupid Moon Bats should think about that.

Actually it’s conservatives that should think about that, and not oppose abortion.

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I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Do you seriously think that by making abortion illegal it will somehow go away?

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Are you seriously making the argument that, because it won't make it all go away, we shouldn't make it illegal?

Okay then, RAPE should be legal because, what the heck, people will rape anyway.

Dumb argument.

If you keep abortion legal you keep it safe. Truth.

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We also safeguard our rights and protected liberties, we keep government out of the private lives of Americans, and we ensure that government authority is limited.

50 years ago conservatives believed in such things.

The ultimate, number one right is LIFE

According to who?

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I am pro choice, I do not advocate either way. You are not pro life, just pro fetus. You are just another insecure male. No you are not godly.

If you are "pro choice" then you are a racist because that is the mechanism where hundreds of thousands of Black children are killed each year.

I'm even for white females to have a choice. See when I talk about females, I mean all females.

Yea but it is mostly the Blacks that abort their children. Way out of proportion to the demographics.

If you support abortion then you support the deaths of hundreds of thousands of potential Democrat voters each year. You stupid Moon Bats should think about that.

Actually it’s conservatives that should think about that, and not oppose abortion.

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I am sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

Conservatives believe in personal liberty and that means the filthy ass state not giving your shithead mother the right to kill you just because she doesn't want to be bothered with changing your diaper, which is exactly what abortion on demand for the sake of convenience is all about. Well that and running away from personal responsibility.

All you dipshit Libtards believe in collectivism. If you are cramping your mother's Moon Bat style to march around in a pink pussy hat and howl at the sky then you think the mother has the right to kill you.

You Moon Bats are pathetic excuses for human beings.
In my opinion, saying something along the lines of "My body, my choice." only makes a person sound more like they are considering suicide, not abortion when abortion is the doing away of another life and not your own.

God bless you always!!!


I am pro choice, I do not advocate either way. You are not pro life, just pro fetus. You are just another insecure male. No you are not godly.

If you are "pro choice" then you are a racist because that is the mechanism where hundreds of thousands of Black children are killed each year.

I'm even for white females to have a choice. See when I talk about females, I mean all females.

Yea but it is mostly the Blacks that abort their children. Way out of proportion to the demographics.

If you support abortion then you support the deaths of hundreds of thousands of potential Democrat voters each year. You stupid Moon Bats should think about that.

Actually it’s conservatives that should think about that, and not oppose abortion.

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I am sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

Conservatives believe in personal liberty and that means the filthy ass state not giving your shithead mother the right to kill you just because she doesn't want to be bothered with changing your diaper, which is exactly what abortion on demand for the sake of convenience is all about. Well that and running away from personal responsibility.

All you dipshit Libtards believe in collectivism. If you are cramping your mother's Moon Bat style to march around in a pink pussy hat and howl at the sky then you think the mother has the right to kill you.

You Moon Bats are pathetic excuses for human beings.

Ignorant is no way to go through life.
Educate yourself.

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The state has no business regulating reproduction.

Actually one of the very few legitimate functions of a government is to protect human life.

This is the excuse used by every overreaching government regulation scheme.

If the Trump fascists manage to push this through, it will turn out just like Prohibition. Maybe even uglier.

You people need to get over the delusion that we can solve every problem in society by passing a law.
Republicans will answer in the 2020 elections

Not in Alabama, Missouri and maybe Georgia but in moderate America and Blue States

Every Republican at every level of government will have to answer for his parties views of abortion. They will be asked about 12 year olds and rape victims and incest victims

No amount of......My personal views and I would never vote will satisfy the fact that they represent a party that denies abortions to those innocent victims

Blah blah blah...You're never right.
Can’t wait to see the commercials with pregnant 12 year olds, rape victims and victims of incest
Let’s have Republican candidates answer for it

They used to be able to say they support exemptions.....now it is clear they don’t
The state has no business regulating reproduction.

Actually one of the very few legitimate functions of a government is to protect human life.

This is the excuse used by every overreaching government regulation scheme.

If the Trump fascists manage to push this through, it will turn out just like Prohibition. Maybe even uglier.

You people need to get over the delusion that we can solve every problem in society by passing a law.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If we make it harder for women to kill their children for convenience then children's lives will be saved. I know you are morally bankrupt and don't understand that concept but for us real humans that it is a good thing.

If I remember history correctly it was the fascists that killed people because they didn't want them around just like you filthy ass Libtards demand to do with children that are inconvenient. Shame on you!

Yes, yes, yes. "It's for the children!". "If it saves one life, it's worth it!" Again, these are the same excuses that liberals use to justify their ill-considered schemes. But it's an unfortunate fact that we simply can't solve every problem with government. And if we try, especially when there's not solid consensus on the matter, it will create far more problems than it solves.

If you want to ban abortion, and not tear the country apart in the process, you'll need to do the work to convince people that it should be outlawed. If you can do that, if you can get public opinion to the point where 70% or 80%, or more, of voters agree with you - then you've got a shot at banning abortion and making it stick.

Democrats need to learn this same lesson (though it doesn't seem to be sinking in just yet). They want to socialize health care. But, as we've seen, you can't foist major changes on society without real consensus. If you try, it only makes things worse.
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I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
One need not be Einstein to recognize the truth about abortion yet not a single leftard can. That's a whole lot of stupid and no, we still can't fix it.
The state has no business regulating reproduction.

Actually one of the very few legitimate functions of a government is to protect human life.

This is the excuse used by every overreaching government regulation scheme.

If the Trump fascists manage to push this through, it will turn out just like Prohibition. Maybe even uglier.

You people need to get over the delusion that we can solve every problem in society by passing a law.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If we make it harder for women to kill their children for convenience then children's lives will be saved. I know you are morally bankrupt and don't understand that concept but for us real humans that it is a good thing.

If I remember history correctly it was the fascists that killed people because they didn't want them around just like you filthy ass Libtards demand to do with children that are inconvenient. Shame on you!

Yes, yes, yes. "It's for the children!". "If it saves one life, it's worth it!" Again, these are the same excuses that liberals use to justify their ill-considered schemes. But it's an unfortunate fact that we simply can't solve every problem with government. And if we try, especially when there's not solid consensus on the matter, it will create far more problems than it solves.

If you want to ban abortion, and not tear the country apart in the process, you'll need to do the work to convince people that it should be outlawed. If you can do that, if you can get public opinion to the point where 70% or 80%, or more, of voters agree with you - then you've got a shot at banning abortion and making it stick.

Democrats need to learn this same lesson (though it doesn't seem to be sinking in just yet). They want to socialize health care. But, as we've seen, you can't foist major changes on society without real consensus. If you try, it only makes things worse.

Stupid Liberals are confused many things and they are always on the wrong side of everything. They are pretty much the scum of this country. I think we can all agree on that. That is not subject to much debate. A lot of people are confused about abortion because they have been brainwashed by the filthy Liberals. We all know that, don't we?

Supporting the abomination of abortion on demand for the sake of convenience is one of the afflictions that the stupid Liberals have. It is really disgusting, isn't it? If you point is that there are a shitload of stupid immoral Liberals in this country then I would have to agree with you. There were a lot of Germans in the 1930s and 1940s that didn't see anything wrong exterminating those people that they thought were a burden on their society. That didn't make it right.

The Liberal press distorts everything and the polls on abortion is no exception. Only a complete asshole would admit that they support killing a child for the sake of convenience. Bat shit crazy Moon Bats would admit it but not real Americans. Of course Moon Bats have a distorted sense of right and wrong, don't they?

I am glad to see the lawmakers in other states and Trump speaking out against this infanticide, aren't you? Why would anybody kill a child with a heart beat?.
If you are "pro choice" then you are a racist because that is the mechanism where hundreds of thousands of Black children are killed each year.

I'm even for white females to have a choice. See when I talk about females, I mean all females.

Yea but it is mostly the Blacks that abort their children. Way out of proportion to the demographics.

If you support abortion then you support the deaths of hundreds of thousands of potential Democrat voters each year. You stupid Moon Bats should think about that.

Actually it’s conservatives that should think about that, and not oppose abortion.

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I am sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

Conservatives believe in personal liberty and that means the filthy ass state not giving your shithead mother the right to kill you just because she doesn't want to be bothered with changing your diaper, which is exactly what abortion on demand for the sake of convenience is all about. Well that and running away from personal responsibility.

All you dipshit Libtards believe in collectivism. If you are cramping your mother's Moon Bat style to march around in a pink pussy hat and howl at the sky then you think the mother has the right to kill you.

You Moon Bats are pathetic excuses for human beings.

Ignorant is no way to go through life.
Educate yourself.

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Ignorance is not understanding that a child in the womb is a living human being and it is wrong to kill them for the sake of convenience.

You stupid Moon Bats are ignorant of a great many things. You don't know a damn thing about Economics. You never studied History. You are really confused about Climate Science. You never read the Bill of Rights. You have a serious problem understanding ethics and you are completely ignorant of Biology.

I feel sorry for you. Going through life dumb, fat and stupid must be a terrible burden for you.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

I was just thinking the same thing. There really are no good arguments for abortion. The bodily autonomy argument is one of the easiest to debunk, as if it were actually true, it would apply to the entire 9 months of pregnancy, up to moments before birth. And only a sociopath would think that there's nothing wrong with killing a full-term, beautiful precious baby just minutes away from delivery simply because it's on the other side of the birth canal.

This is fitting for this thread:

Yes I am all for prevention. So what do you say about rape and incest?

You have the day after pill if you are raped. No need in waiting till the baby is formed to kill it.

What about incest?
My God when you redefined marriage you all ready opened the door to normalize it. In 2015 a father and daughter went to New Jersey to get married because it's legal there. Oh and they plan to have children. Liberal policies at work. You are trying to normalize incest. Next is pedophilia.
Google it. Then see how redefining marriage opened a pandoras box.
Gay marriage opened up no such box nor did it have anything to do with that couple.

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