My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
He'll be able to act that way because blacks in Houston don't take your shit.
Half my family is black and they would happily kick the shit out of him for that trashy behavior.
Wait so thats why you thought you was about it? Just because someones family is half Black aint gone save they ass against me. Matter of fact I bet once they see your posts they'll break a foot off in your narrow ass.
They know all about me, they've known me for 30 years.

You're the one without a clue.
Like I said before you soft as a fat girls booty.
Like I said, you're a racist.
I told you Black people cant be racist.
Maybe he can show us the laws and policies blacks have implemented to deny white opportunity.
You know he cant do that.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

You punk ass racists all pull the same shit. Just go on and tell me youre 6'8" and was the best college wrestler of all time benching 600 for a workout and just get it out the way. Youre the one that was talking all that shit. Now come see me. If you dont then you just admitted to being a bitch.
I'm 5'10", I'm 50 years old, and I'm rated 90% disabled by the VA, and I still ain't a damn bit impressed, sonny boy.

You want to prove I ain't something, you come on down and get after it.
So you are going to use a gun because you can't fight.
Your choice.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
He'll be able to act that way because blacks in Houston don't take your shit.
Half my family is black and they would happily kick the shit out of him for that trashy behavior.
Wait so thats why you thought you was about it? Just because someones family is half Black aint gone save they ass against me. Matter of fact I bet once they see your posts they'll break a foot off in your narrow ass.
They know all about me, they've known me for 30 years.

You're the one without a clue.
Like I said before you soft as a fat girls booty.
Like I said, you're a racist.
I told you Black people cant be racist.
Maybe he can show us the laws and policies blacks have implemented to deny white opportunity.
That should be no problem. The Bakke decision in the United States Supreme Court admitted it.
I grew up in Southern Indiana. Being born in 1965, the number of black people within 50 miles could be counted on one hand.
Not because they couldn't, but just like most rural areas in the Northern states...when blacks migrated here they didn't go to small towns.
The first black family I saw I was in junior high. There is a GM plant there, and some families out of NY and Detroit moved there when their plants closed. One of those families moved in our neighborhood. And started going to our church. As far as I knew, they had no issues here. I absolutely remember them being welcomed into the church. They had two children, one was a boy who was the same age as my middle brother. They became friends and he was at our house over the next several years 100's of times.
Then in high school a few more familes moved here and one boy fell into my group of friends and hung out till graduation.
Then we lived in a college town (Bloomington, IN) and there are of course significantly higher number of blacks there. To this day I have never once had a problem with any of them. Worked with them, friends with several of them... been to a few weddings..etc. etc. Black people here don't act any different than anyone else. And the crime committed by them are probably no higher/lower than other races here.
BUT... drive 45 minutes north to Indianapolis.... Whole - Other - Story. Drive 2 hours south to Louisville...same..2 and a half hours east to Cincy - same. In my book, according to 55 years of living - there are two sets of blacks in America. Inner-city blacks, and suburban blacks.
I have known suburban blacks most of my life, and I don't feel any different with them than any other race. PERIOD. Inner city blacks? Stay the fuck away from me. I want no part of you. When my two kids went to IUPUI Medical School in Indy... I made sure every apartment they lived in - there was as few blacks as possible. That was pretty much the only stipulation I had. And it cost a lot more for them to live there, but so be it.
My absolute attitude towards black people are no different than anyone else... give me no reason not to like you... I am fine with you. In all things. Give me a reason not to like you - bye. Just like anyone else.
But if I am in a major city and I see you with pants hanging down to your knees, a gold grill in your mouth hanging out with like individuals I am going to be sure I am not around you. I don't trust you. And the crime rates committed by them backs up my attitude 110%.
You don't deserve the free shit you get, you are a piece of garbage because you don't raise your children, you don't work and it is highly likely what money you have to buy those air Jordan shoes was not legal. And your girlfriends walking with you are loud as hell, rude, obnoxious and cuss like a drunken sailor. I have no respect for you. No time for you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

If you have to ask if you're a racist you most definitely are.
Do you realize just how absolutely MORONIC and HOLLOW hearing one of you RACE PIMPS call someone racist is now? No, you don't. You're too STUPID. You're too full of HATE and you think calling someone a RAAAYYYYYYCCIIIISSST still has some sort of impact.

Well I got news for ya skippy, NO ONE GIVES A FUCK WHO YOU CALL RACIST ANYMORE. You and your kind have WORN THAT WORD OUT by untold multiple factors. Now you just sound STUPID.

I like WHITE BREAD and WHITE MILK... so... I'M A RACIST... :lol:
Now youre being a drama queen. He asked a question I gave him an answer. Youre a racist. If you dont like that then too bad. Not much you can do about it.
He asked a rhetorical question and your own racism wouldn't let you let it it pass, you had to call him a name, even though there is no evidence here that he is a racist.
There is a lot of evidence on this board that you are, though, and it's all your own doing.
He should have said he was asking a rhetorical question. Its not my job to help him write his OP.
If you can't keep your racism and hatred under control, you should think about limiting your interactions with other people, at least until you're fit to be around others.
The rest of us don't deserve to have to put up with folks that can't act right.
I didnt ask you what you deserve. I will determine that. If you dont like it avoid reading my comments. I heard there was an ignore button you can utilize.
And there is a keyboard you don't have to type racist bullshit with, too.
The difference is that I am not whining about what someone is typing. If you perceive what I am typing as racist thats really none of my business. You would have more credibility if you felt the same way about the inbred racists that are on this very thread. So basically...go suck a dick.
Sure you are, you are running around calling people names and deflecting from the topic. I've only been here a few weeks and I already know that if you're posting, then you're whining about how everyone is racist..... (smh)

The fact is, you are the most racist poster I've seen here so far, although you sure ain't alone in it.

Basically.... go eat a whole bag fulla dicks.
Calling someone a racist isnt whining. Its just putting them in their correct category. You cant link to single comment I have ever made where I am whining about someone being racist. So basically....well I cant say that.

You do find a racist in every post that isn't about multiculturalism and left wing talking points. You need to come to grips with what you are: You are a racist.

Like it or not, there are differences that are beyond skin deep when we discuss race. There are differences in histories, experiences, and expectations. Our cultures are not the same. There is an element in the black community that blames their failures on whites. Over 97 percent of the Americans living during the slavery era never owned a slave, yet blacks want all whites to be held accountable for what the rich do. Ironically, that old money from slave days is the same money being used by the super rich to control blacks and keep them in a divisive war with the whites.

Some blacks wail and cry about segregation, but if a city council (the Atlanta City Council used to be one) is all black, those black racists are cool with it. They are okay with black colleges like Morehouse. They have Bounce tv that caters to blacks and its motto is "Television done our way." They have Black History Month, Black Music Month; there are scores of magazines that have catered to the black community: Jet, Black Stars, Ebony, etc., etc. They have every advantage in the world. We have a police shooting in Atlanta and it's a predominantly black city council (more than 2 blacks to every 1 city councilman) backed by a black Mayor, but it's the white peoples fault that the training of police ends in shootings by the police and rights being trampled on. WTH? There is NO accountability on the part of the black leadership.

For blacks to scream racism in America is a freaking joke... a sick joke, but a joke nonetheless. Flame away.
I cant be a racist. I'm Black but its ok of you think I am. What you think is really none of my business.

I agree our history and culture are not the same. I come from a history that created civilization and has a culture of knowledge and teaching. You come from a history of having to be taught civilization on two different occasions and a culture of violence, genocide and stealing.

I'm not screaming anything. I'm just saying there is racism. Its not up for debate or something you need to get emotional over. It is what it is. If you want to deny it thats fine but I am going to correct you.

It's a two way street. Bear that in mind.
No, the street is one way. Delusion makes you see it as you do.

Reality is beyond your comprehension. If you look up the word racist in an illustrated dictionary, you will see a picture of IM2.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

Always the same old song and dance with you keyboard badasses. “Come here and say that!” “No you come HERE and say that!”

Fucking pathetic.
I gotta agree with you there; he ain't going to come here and I ain't going to Oakland over some shit talking on the internet, so this is pretty ridiculous.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

You punk ass racists all pull the same shit. Just go on and tell me youre 6'8" and was the best college wrestler of all time benching 600 for a workout and just get it out the way. Youre the one that was talking all that shit. Now come see me. If you dont then you just admitted to being a bitch.
I'm 5'10", I'm 50 years old, and I'm rated 90% disabled by the VA, and I still ain't a damn bit impressed, sonny boy.

You want to prove I ain't something, you come on down and get after it.
So you are going to use a gun because you can't fight.
Your choice.
Thats how we know you a bitch. If you even entertain the idea of using a gun instead of throwin some B's that mean you weak.
  • Thanks
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...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.
A is no racist. That sorry diversion is dead. Talking about white racism is not racist, it's truth. You tell the same old white racist story complete with the compliant black who agrees with you. If that's happening to you twice a week, you are the problem.
No, he's very racist and so are you.
Wrong. There is nothing racist about speaking the truth about white racism. You lose the argument when you try gaslighting.
What argument?
You and he are both racists and that's it.

That's not up for debate, it's a fact.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

Always the same old song and dance with you keyboard badasses. “Come here and say that!” “No you come HERE and say that!”

Fucking pathetic.
I gotta agree with you there; he ain't going to come here and I ain't going to Oakland over some shit talking on the internet, so this is pretty ridiculous.
Trust me. If I had started the shit talking I would come see you. Since you were the one that started it i invited you to test your theory so dont put us in the same category. Dont make that mistake.
Our crime rate is lower than yours and the racist teachings you were raised with is why you think as you do. You talk about not trusting blacks but we are the ones who keep getting fucked over by whites and whites like you can't understand how blacks can't trust you. Whites have a 400 year record of criminal behavior and you post this garbage.
Oh you mean the racist teaching I had while my black friends hung out at my house?
Or the black families that began going to our church and were welcomed in with hospitality... that teaching?
Or the several blacks I have hired over the years?...that lesson?
Or the black friends I have right now?
Not sure what racist teachings you are referring to since you assume to know my background better than myself.
"I got black friends" doesnt mean anything to the black racists. You were born in sin and now you must pay. BLACK LIVES MATTER DAMMIT!
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.
A is no racist. That sorry diversion is dead. Talking about white racism is not racist, it's truth. You tell the same old white racist story complete with the compliant black who agrees with you. If that's happening to you twice a week, you are the problem.
No, he's very racist and so are you.
Wrong. There is nothing racist about speaking the truth about white racism. You lose the argument when you try gaslighting.
What argument?
You and he are both racists and that's it.

That's not up for debate, it's a fact.
I disagree and since I disagree that means youre wrong.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
He'll be able to act that way because blacks in Houston don't take your shit.
Half my family is black and they would happily kick the shit out of him for that trashy behavior.
Wait so thats why you thought you was about it? Just because someones family is half Black aint gone save they ass against me. Matter of fact I bet once they see your posts they'll break a foot off in your narrow ass.
They know all about me, they've known me for 30 years.

You're the one without a clue.
Like I said before you soft as a fat girls booty.
Like I said, you're a racist.
I told you Black people cant be racist.
Yeah, you did..... and that's false.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
He'll be able to act that way because blacks in Houston don't take your shit.
Half my family is black and they would happily kick the shit out of him for that trashy behavior.
Wait so thats why you thought you was about it? Just because someones family is half Black aint gone save they ass against me. Matter of fact I bet once they see your posts they'll break a foot off in your narrow ass.
They know all about me, they've known me for 30 years.

You're the one without a clue.
Like I said before you soft as a fat girls booty.
Like I said, you're a racist.
I told you Black people cant be racist.
Yeah, you did..... and that's false.
You are entitled to remain ignorant but you arent entitled to make up alternate facts unless you can prove your case.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
So you say, Rambo. Pussies like you can be anything on the internet.
You sure do seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince the board that I'm not something, why is that? Why do you care so much? Why all the effort?
Unk likes fucking with people. Thats his role on the board.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

You punk ass racists all pull the same shit. Just go on and tell me youre 6'8" and was the best college wrestler of all time benching 600 for a workout and just get it out the way. Youre the one that was talking all that shit. Now come see me. If you dont then you just admitted to being a bitch.
I'm 5'10", I'm 50 years old, and I'm rated 90% disabled by the VA, and I still ain't a damn bit impressed, sonny boy.

You want to prove I ain't something, you come on down and get after it.
So you are going to use a gun because you can't fight.
Your choice.
Thats how we know you a bitch. If you even entertain the idea of using a gun instead of throwin some B's that mean you weak.
"Throwin some B's"...... translation please?

I'm pretty sure I got it from the context but just to be clear, what does that mean exactly?

BTW, you threw down a challenge which means I get to pick terms, traditionally..... I was being generous and letting you choose.
Didn't you ever learn this?
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
So you say, Rambo. Pussies like you can be anything on the internet.
You sure do seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince the board that I'm not something, why is that? Why do you care so much? Why all the effort?
Unk likes fucking with people. Thats his role on the board.

Hell just froze over. You and I agree on that.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

Always the same old song and dance with you keyboard badasses. “Come here and say that!” “No you come HERE and say that!”

Fucking pathetic.
I gotta agree with you there; he ain't going to come here and I ain't going to Oakland over some shit talking on the internet, so this is pretty ridiculous.
Trust me. If I had started the shit talking I would come see you. Since you were the one that started it i invited you to test your theory so dont put us in the same category. Dont make that mistake.
Now you're going to lie? You do nothing but talk shit, and now you're going to deny it just like you deny being a racist?

Now that is weak.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
He'll be able to act that way because blacks in Houston don't take your shit.
Half my family is black and they would happily kick the shit out of him for that trashy behavior.
Wait so thats why you thought you was about it? Just because someones family is half Black aint gone save they ass against me. Matter of fact I bet once they see your posts they'll break a foot off in your narrow ass.
They know all about me, they've known me for 30 years.

You're the one without a clue.
Like I said before you soft as a fat girls booty.
Like I said, you're a racist.
I told you Black people cant be racist.
Yeah, you did..... and that's false.
You are entitled to remain ignorant but you arent entitled to make up alternate facts unless you can prove your case.
You and IM2 are my proof.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
So you say, Rambo. Pussies like you can be anything on the internet.
You sure do seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince the board that I'm not something, why is that? Why do you care so much? Why all the effort?
Unk likes fucking with people. Thats his role on the board.
That's being a troll.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

Always the same old song and dance with you keyboard badasses. “Come here and say that!” “No you come HERE and say that!”

Fucking pathetic.
I gotta agree with you there; he ain't going to come here and I ain't going to Oakland over some shit talking on the internet, so this is pretty ridiculous.
Trust me. If I had started the shit talking I would come see you. Since you were the one that started it i invited you to test your theory so dont put us in the same category. Dont make that mistake.
Now you're going to lie? You do nothing but talk shit, and now you're going to deny it just like you deny being a racist?

Now that is weak.
I talk shit in response to racists. Show me a link where I'm just talking shit out the blue. I'll wait.
Our crime rate is lower than yours and the racist teachings you were raised with is why you think as you do. You talk about not trusting blacks but we are the ones who keep getting fucked over by whites and whites like you can't understand how blacks can't trust you. Whites have a 400 year record of criminal behavior and you post this garbage.
You're a liar as well as a racist.
IM2 is one of the very few people I have on ignore. Only reason I saw this post is because he quoted me.
IM2 is a card carrying racist. Proof of that is all over this forum

Yeah, I have IM2 on ignore too. I think a lot of people do. And the rest should. IM2 is simply not worth reading or responding to. He isn't even entertaining like some of the wackos.

The ignore feature is fantastic.

Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 11.37.55 PM.png

For those who don't know, click on the avatar or picture of the person you wish to ignore. A pop up will come up with 3 buttons at the bottom, the middle being ignore. Click that.
Then reload the page. *poof* idiots and losers disappear.

Wonderful feature. Wouldn't be here without it.
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