My Favorite White Supremacist Was The Black Guy

So, I just want to get this straight. Those people dressed up as Charlottesville Unite the Right rally goers are in your minds dressed up like the klan? Do I have this right?
No, they aren't the Klan.
Derek Hunter is a great columnist and I listen to his podcast...this column deals with the democrat party lying about the Virginia Governors trying to smear the republican as a racist...there may be other threads on this, so mods can combine this if they want...

So when a group of 5 people turned up wearing khaki pants and white button-down shirts, carrying tiki torches and pledged their loyalty to Youngkin in Charlottesville, no less, the usual suspects in the blue checkmark brigade all played their assigned roles perfectly.

But a funny thing happened on the way to changing the narrative from Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s horrible campaign and his lies about critical race theory and smears of concerned parents…people looked at this group of 5 people and noticed something odd.

One of the five was a woman, a thick woman who was pretty easily identifiable. Soon after, other “white supremacists” were identified, all of whom were Democrat activists. Seems a bit odd that Democrat activists would pledge their loyalty to a Republican candidate, doesn’t it?

But the oddest part of the “white supremacists” wasn’t the heavy chick, or the bearded douchebags standing for photos in front of the Youngkin campaign bus, no.

The oddest part of the 5 was the black guy. I’m no expert on “white supremacy,” but I have seen “American History X” a few times, as well as having been alive for a few years now and consumed news stories on what Democrats insist is the greatest threat to the country – and none of the people involved were black.

I’m guessing that outside of that Chappelle Show sketch, there isn’t a single black white supremacist in the country, if not the whole world.

So, I just want to get this straight. Those people dressed up as Charlottesville Unite the Right rally goers are in your minds dressed up like the klan? Do I have this right?

It's already proven that the organizer is a Soros OWS guy.

You Nazis have a habit of these false flag events. This is just more of the same from you vermin.

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