My growing disdain for W. Bush!

Can't agree on you assessment of DJT, but do agree on "W". His father was a much better President and statesman.
The one who called Reagan's principles "voodoo economics"? I have some respect for GW. None for his father. His was an 7uneventful term
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being



Better late than never.....
He lost any respect I had for him when he started spewing lefty talking points and throwing his constituents under the bus (he did it again on Saturday.)

He was a spineless leader that never stood up to the left when he held office which was annoying enough. Now he sucks their dicks.

GWB has proven himself to be an empty suit over and over again.
He was the best choice at the time. If conservatives voted 3rd party, the result would have been MUCH worse -- Joe Biden level incompetence
The one who called Reagan's principles "voodoo economics"? I have some respect for GW. None for his father. His was an 7uneventful term
Trickle down actually sucked up. And then when we get in a jamb, we run the presses in accordance with Keynesian theory. George H. W. Bush got that one correct also.
Maybe y'all weren't informed enough. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on an (illegal) executive order. He mishandled the conflict to the point that we ended up after a three year quagmire right where we started at the loss of anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam based on a faked crisis. Bill Clinton bombed Europe without permission from congress after he was caught with his pants down. George Bush sought and received permission from congress (36% of democrats) for boots on the ground in Iraq. The intention was to force Saddam to comply with about a hundred U.N. sanctions. WMD's were way down on the list although Bill Clinton also claimed they were there. Iraq was one of the most successful U.S. military missions in modern history and democrats hated Bush for it. When the conflict was over democrats (and the CIA) and the media stabbed Bush in the back with the WMD rhetoric.
I dont hate G.W. He's a mix. Certainly better choice than Agore in his first term, or the anti-American traitor John Kerry who ran against him in his second term.

He wasnt a bad president, especially with the Democrat emboldened islamic radicals nurtured by the Clinton administration.

Expect something similar soon since the Taliban won the war in Afghanistan thanks to Democrat Biden
Little Bush is now a private citizen, Can do no harm. When you should have been talking bad about him was before the useless angry war he got us in
Congress had about a year to investigate Bush's request for boots on the ground in Iraq. Democrats (and republican) congress people could have dragged their dead asses over to the Pentagon or the CIA for information about WMD's just like the President. Maybe they did and maybe they didn't but they gave Bush permission to send Troops to Iraq which is more than Truman, LBJ and Clinton ever did. Saddam also had about a year to move his WMD labs. Was it a coincidence that rag heads in Iran who cooked with camel dung all of a sudden became a nuclear power after Saddam was hanged by his own people?
Fine for my income level. You should have planned for life better or understood it better. Inflation has come and gone as long as I can remember. I am the type that always makes out well and gets to sit around listening to the whines and cries of people actually doing even better.
completely IRRELEVANT. I too am in fine shape. That doesn't take away from the untold masses who will suffer beyond belief due to this inept administration.
completely IRRELEVANT. I too am in fine shape. That doesn't take away from the untold masses who will suffer beyond belief due to this inept administration.
Don't get your panties in a wad, convincing us your supposed worries about the masses. I don't believe in bleeding heart conservatives, either. I'm not buying it.
Oh by the way, how is your gasoline and food prices today..,.Nothing like an idiot cutting his nose off, just to spite his face....
This is one of scores of reasons why conservatives are scum: the lying.

Food prices are the consequence of the pandemic, as are gasoline prices – the latter exacerbated by Ida, having nothing to do with Biden.

America is far better off with Trump gone, just as America was far better off with Bush gone.

Indeed, we have a second Democratic president cleaning up yet another Republican mess.
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being


Look who he surrounds himself with. And one is the guy who blamed everything bad on Bush.
It really is sad that there is a Good Ol' Boys Club on the Hill.
What office did he hold in 2003?

Trump has always seized on any opportunity to be on TV, radio or magazines to voice his opinions on everything from sex to the Central Park Five to the invasion of Iraq. He loves being the center of attention.
Trump has always seized on any opportunity to be on TV, radio or magazines to voice his opinions on everything from sex to the Central Park Five to the invasion of Iraq. He loves being the center of attention.
A true publicity whore, thinking all publicity is good, even if it is publicity showing just how stupid and screwed up a game show host's thinking can be.
I too have grown to despise Bush, however I still don't buy the "false pretense" narrative. You will never ever convince me Iraq didn't have WMDs. Bushes problem is that he's a globalist and a nation builder. That shit just doesn't work. But Iraq definitely needed to be dealt with. Bush has proven himself to be just another good ole boy member of the elite, corrupt, criminal political class.
Your entire post was one big contradiction. Think about it!

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