My growing disdain for W. Bush!

From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being



Show me 3 Globalist anti-American motherfuckers
I too have grown to despise Bush, however I still don't buy the "false pretense" narrative. You will never ever convince me Iraq didn't have WMDs. Bushes problem is that he's a globalist and a nation builder. That shit just doesn't work. But Iraq definitely needed to be dealt with. Bush has proven himself to be just another good ole boy member of the elite, corrupt, criminal political class.
Read my lips....NO NEW TAXES!!

How soon they forget!
I have always paid taxes. His tax policy did not bother me as situations change and leaders should take that into account.
I agreed with his assessment of supply side economic as voodoo economics and especially his handling of the invasion o Kuwait by Saddam's army. It was a surgical, limited goal, limited mission, well executed with no mission creep, though the right was wanting to stay for an expanded mission, even back then.
He was a good President. Glad I voted for him.
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being


My, how quickly they turn. :auiqs.jpg:

One moment, in lockstep with the man (Saddam has weapons of mass destruction...yellow cake uranium...LOL). Off to join the march of war!! Now, you turn on him. LOL.
You said nothing about this 20 years ago. I remember hearing, "If you're not with us, you're against us"...and of course, "If you don't support going to war, YOU'RE a traitor!" (yes..heard that quite a few times).

Now you whistle a different tune. When some of us were telling you EXACTLY how this was going to end. Maybe staying around long enough to kick the Taliban out and make sure they couldn't harbor
any training camps anymore..but after that, it was time to go. And don't get me started on Iraq (never should have went in the first place). It was just an exercise in attempting to restore honor to daddy (and because
Cheney was livid at GHWB for not getting Saddam ten years earlier).

Finally, let's get to your Savior. Donald John Trump. No blood on his hands??? What reality does this emailer live in? Trump has the blood of over 650K American Citizens on his hands due to his bungling of the response to
the pandemic. Trump was a whirlwind of sound and fury...signifying nothing. As in, no substance, no empathy, no compassion, and finally, no competence. Good riddance to bad garbage.
Oh by the way, how is your gasoline and food prices today..,.Nothing like an idiot cutting his nose off, just to spite his face....
Fine for my income level. You should have planned for life better or understood it better. Inflation has come and gone as long as I can remember. I am the type that always makes out well and gets to sit around listening to the whines and cries of people actually doing even better.
He lost any respect I had for him when he started spewing lefty talking points and throwing his constituents under the bus (he did it again on Saturday.)

He was a spineless leader that never stood up to the left when he held office which was annoying enough. Now he sucks their dicks.

GWB has proven himself to be an empty suit over and over again.
Butthurt because Bush won't suck Trump's ass.

He was a lousy Prez but he deserves credit for his backhanded slap at Trump & his goons who tried to overthrow the election.

The Country is being torn apart & that sociopathic goon Trump is the cause of it.
I spent over 4 years on no fly over that fucking prick....lil event in Marco Island was the cause. My promise to him holds to this very day. Shake my hand and I rip your arm off and shove it up yer ass. I've known Jeb 35 years. Nice guy.The rest of the family needs to be tossed in a live volcano.....maybe not. It'd likely puke and destroy everything within miles
Come on guys! We all hate this SOB!

This is our time to come together!

But no, there are elections to win so we must remain partisan.

I'm just glad the SOB is a democrat now

LOL... The democrooks would poison his food to this day. He was a piss poor republicrat though. The best outcome of his admin was the fact we got no new gun control laws passed and the treasonous AWB was allowed to lapse.

I don't HATE 43 like I do 41. He's a prince of the globalist elite aristocracy and governed with the capacity that he was molded to fit. I think he has at least a better sense of patriotism than any democrook president since Andrew Jackson, which isn't saying much since nearly all of them were/are criminal sociopath traitors.

We didn't need to get into the 91 Gulf War, but since we did, and broke the region we ended up having to buy it and feed all the worms that crawled out. Just like we should have stayed the fuck out of WW1, and sold everyone weapons.

Anyway I've seen a lot of people bitch about his speech on 9/11/21 and how he attacked "Trump supporters", but I didn't hear him say anything that makes me conclude he did so. I heard him denounce ANTIFA, and liken them to terrorists. They're the ones defiling our national symbols, they're the ones destroying buildings, attacking police, and if they had been the only people present at the capital on 1/6/21 protesting the re-election of Trump, you can bet they would have burned the building to the ground or bombed it just like Susan Rosenberg who has served as vice chair of the board of directors for Thousand Currents, an organization that provides fundraising and fiscal sponsorship for the Black Lives Matter Globalist Movement. She is an active member of revolutionary left-wing movements whose illegal activities included bombing U.S. government buildings and committing armed robberies.

Think it's mistake to HATE Bush 43. I don't think he was even a good POTUS, he was mediocre at best. I think Alan Keyes would have done a far better job and gotten rid of a lot of the leftist scum within DC rather than attempt to placate them.

Of course what we needed was an Augusto Pinochet to rise up in 1994 and prosecute the thousands of authoritarian psychopaths in the federal government that had a role in the events at Ruby Ridge and Waco. As well as forcibly expatriate thousands of leftist scum from educational institutions and government offices.

I have always paid taxes. His tax policy did not bother me as situations change and leaders should take that into account.
I agreed with his assessment of supply side economic as voodoo economics and especially his handling of the invasion o Kuwait by Saddam's army. It was a surgical, limited goal, limited mission, well executed with no mission creep, though the right was wanting to stay for an expanded mission, even back then.
He was a good President. Glad I voted for him.
I have always paid taxes.
While in Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years i paid no taxes....Stupid people actually believe it when the government says"Everyone should pay their fair share", then increase the size of government above what the people are paying....
Butthurt because Bush won't suck Trump's ass.

He was a lousy Prez but he deserves credit for his backhanded slap at Trump & his goons who tried to overthrow the election.

The Country is being torn apart & that sociopathic goon Trump is the cause of it.
I couldnt care less if Bush talks smack about Trump. My issue is with Bush

# 1. being a spineless jackass for 8 years.
# 2. being a total hypocrite and proving he does not and never did have Americans best interests at heart.
# 3. If he wanted to be a democrat why the fraud in running as a Republican?
#4. Showing he has no core values.
The loss of our freedoms under W is amazing. Start with the Patriot Act and go from there. All under the guise of security. It was under his administration that the US became a country afraid of its; own shadow,
Oh by the way, how is your gasoline and food prices today..,.Nothing like an idiot cutting his nose off, just to spite his face....

What did you expect? Since Ida 66% of Gulf crude oil is still off line.
Both were legal

Why do you think oilmen, Arabs, historians, diplomats and most military brass opposed the invasion of Iraq? We trashed the Dual Containment Policy that had worked for 20 years and made Iran ascendant. Didn't YOU know this war was going to be an unmitigated disaster?
I have always paid taxes. His tax policy did not bother me as situations change and leaders should take that into account.
I agreed with his assessment of supply side economic as voodoo economics and especially his handling of the invasion o Kuwait by Saddam's army. It was a surgical, limited goal, limited mission, well executed with no mission creep, though the right was wanting to stay for an expanded mission, even back then.
He was a good President. Glad I voted for him.
These are the same people who loved and defended W, including his horrific wars. That all magically changed on Escalator Day.

Bush's comments about the enemy within, and his solidarity with the other American Presidents, triggered them this weekend. They know he was talking about them.
These are the same people who loved and defended W, including his horrific wars. That all magically changed on Escalator Day.

Bush's comments about the enemy within, and his solidarity with the other American Presidents, triggered them this weekend. They know he was talking about them.

Trump supported the invasion of Iraq on Howard Stern in 2003.
saddam gassed his own people [ with WMDs ] --so did hitler
sdadam started TWO wars-hitler one
saddam violated the cease fire--do did hitler
saddam is a THREAT--undeniable
....hitler was done with on 22 June 1941....the world did not have a world economy as we did in the 90s = hitler and Japan could not affect the US as Saddam could--with the oil region right there ....
..AND= should we or not have invaded is a different question--we had every legal right to....they hindered WMD inspections ...the OP said ''under false pretenses''' -- that's not entirely tru
So what?
Not our Problem and we are not tools for the Uited Nations.

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