My Little White Girl Not So White

Asclep is supportive of fostering racial pride in the youngsters and feeding them tales of superiority and greatness.. But if WE did that -- --- ---- well you know the drill.

One thing I never do in fostering racial pride is make up tales. Everything I tell Black youth is based on facts much of it from Black and white researchers that dont have an agenda like the whites that lied about these topics in the first place. I dont particularly think its smart to tell Black kids that they were slaves and then whites set them free. Doesnt really have the effect of making them feel good about themselves. I dont say anything about being superior. I do let the actions of whites speak for themselves so the kids can form their own opinions.
It has been over 150 years since this slave thing was an issue.

And then there was Dred Scott.

Sometimes it is better for everyone just to forget history and move on.
Nope. Its an issue this very moment. Somewhere there are hundreds maybe even thousands of Blacks that have no inkling of just how much the bull shit they are going through is rooted in things taught to them in slavery by whites and handed down through the generations. Its like I tell every Black child I mentor. They have to understand that some of the things their parents taught them are rooted in protecting them from being noticed by the slave master. They have to shake off that old thinking. Whites cant stop them from shining. Their voltage is too astonishing and powerful. All whites can do is make it hard like they try to do everyday. They just have to understand not to quit.

Yep -- Education in the 21st century is just a vestige of how the Slave Master taught it. And don't you DARE disrupt that tradition.. :rolleyes: Nice.. Makes you the guy who "liberates" them. Brilliant. But that act has done before. Won't mention any names..
I'm just one of millions of Black men teaching the next generation the correct mindset. In the grand scheme of things I am one man just doing my part. It takes a village.

How important is it to make them feel like slavery is still a threat? Because essentially, that's what you just told us. That parents are not teaching Black pride and heritage correctly, because they do it as IF to "not disturb the Master".. That REALLY REALLY necessary? It's a bit of a drama move to elevate YOUR role in the matter.
Asclep is supportive of fostering racial pride in the youngsters and feeding them tales of superiority and greatness.. But if WE did that -- --- ---- well you know the drill.

One thing I never do in fostering racial pride is make up tales. Everything I tell Black youth is based on facts much of it from Black and white researchers that dont have an agenda like the whites that lied about these topics in the first place. I dont particularly think its smart to tell Black kids that they were slaves and then whites set them free. Doesnt really have the effect of making them feel good about themselves. I dont say anything about being superior. I do let the actions of whites speak for themselves so the kids can form their own opinions.
It has been over 150 years since this slave thing was an issue.

And then there was Dred Scott.

Sometimes it is better for everyone just to forget history and move on.
Nope. Its an issue this very moment. Somewhere there are hundreds maybe even thousands of Blacks that have no inkling of just how much the bull shit they are going through is rooted in things taught to them in slavery by whites and handed down through the generations. Its like I tell every Black child I mentor. They have to understand that some of the things their parents taught them are rooted in protecting them from being noticed by the slave master. They have to shake off that old thinking. Whites cant stop them from shining. Their voltage is too astonishing and powerful. All whites can do is make it hard like they try to do everyday. They just have to understand not to quit.

Yep -- Education in the 21st century is just a vestige of how the Slave Master taught it. And don't you DARE disrupt that tradition.. :rolleyes: Nice.. Makes you the guy who "liberates" them. Brilliant. But that act has done before. Won't mention any names..
I'm just one of millions of Black men teaching the next generation the correct mindset. In the grand scheme of things I am one man just doing my part. It takes a village.
Correct mindset? There's only one? Be lose me at White Guilt..a more absurd concept I find it hard to imagine.
Last night was an emotional night in our household and it got me to thinking about how truly fucked up white racism is. Right now I am raising a "somewhat" white 17yr old female child. Well she got her DNA results back and it turns out she is 11% Black. She ran into our bedroom with her tablet and showed us the results. She was prancing around reminding me that she had "told me so". She always thought she had some Black in her but I thought it was because she really wanted to be Black when she was younger. It made me feel good that she was so happy about it but then I thought to myself people were still going to assume she was white.

Wow, that's traumatizing racism, that she wants to be Black.
Makes sense she would want to share a bond with the people that have represented what is good in her life. Now she does genetically as well as spiritually.
ALL racism is F'd up. View attachment 166823

Sounds to me like you are just trying to start yet another racial battle here.
Actually I was trying to share the good news but white people dont seem to see it as good news. Telling dont you think?
Well...if it's good news to her..than I congratulate her on her new found culture. I would point out that culture is not entirely a choice sort of thing..and that she will have to be prepared to deal with a lot of hateful people on both sides of the color line. She will need to beware those who would make her 'prove' her choice..possibly by some actions against her code of ethics. color is no more valid or better than any other--and choosing to identify as Black is not a rejection of White.

Finally, as a Father of 4 girls..I know the power of trying to please Dad--use it wisely.
Yeah some ass hat, snowflake, white boy was pissed off that she was so happy to be part Black and went after her on social media. I warned her she was going to get flack from ignorant people on both sides. She is strong though and she can handle the haters.
Yeah..and that's the easy stuff..what about the Black boy that wants her to prove herself in the bedroom...or the well-meaning Liberal who wants to make her a 'cause'.

I wish you all well...while I think race an irrelevancy...I know how important it is to some.

Merry Christmas
what about the Black boy that wants her to prove herself in the bedroom...

Not quite sure what that means.

Happy Kwanza
One thing I never do in fostering racial pride is make up tales. Everything I tell Black youth is based on facts much of it from Black and white researchers that dont have an agenda like the whites that lied about these topics in the first place. I dont particularly think its smart to tell Black kids that they were slaves and then whites set them free. Doesnt really have the effect of making them feel good about themselves. I dont say anything about being superior. I do let the actions of whites speak for themselves so the kids can form their own opinions.
It has been over 150 years since this slave thing was an issue.

And then there was Dred Scott.

Sometimes it is better for everyone just to forget history and move on.
Nope. Its an issue this very moment. Somewhere there are hundreds maybe even thousands of Blacks that have no inkling of just how much the bull shit they are going through is rooted in things taught to them in slavery by whites and handed down through the generations. Its like I tell every Black child I mentor. They have to understand that some of the things their parents taught them are rooted in protecting them from being noticed by the slave master. They have to shake off that old thinking. Whites cant stop them from shining. Their voltage is too astonishing and powerful. All whites can do is make it hard like they try to do everyday. They just have to understand not to quit.

Yep -- Education in the 21st century is just a vestige of how the Slave Master taught it. And don't you DARE disrupt that tradition.. :rolleyes: Nice.. Makes you the guy who "liberates" them. Brilliant. But that act has done before. Won't mention any names..
I'm just one of millions of Black men teaching the next generation the correct mindset. In the grand scheme of things I am one man just doing my part. It takes a village.
Correct mindset? There's only one? Be lose me at White Guilt..a more absurd concept I find it hard to imagine.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
ALL racism is F'd up. View attachment 166823

Sounds to me like you are just trying to start yet another racial battle here.
Actually I was trying to share the good news but white people dont seem to see it as good news. Telling dont you think?
Well...if it's good news to her..than I congratulate her on her new found culture. I would point out that culture is not entirely a choice sort of thing..and that she will have to be prepared to deal with a lot of hateful people on both sides of the color line. She will need to beware those who would make her 'prove' her choice..possibly by some actions against her code of ethics. color is no more valid or better than any other--and choosing to identify as Black is not a rejection of White.

Finally, as a Father of 4 girls..I know the power of trying to please Dad--use it wisely.
Yeah some ass hat, snowflake, white boy was pissed off that she was so happy to be part Black and went after her on social media. I warned her she was going to get flack from ignorant people on both sides. She is strong though and she can handle the haters.
Yeah..and that's the easy stuff..what about the Black boy that wants her to prove herself in the bedroom...or the well-meaning Liberal who wants to make her a 'cause'.

I wish you all well...while I think race an irrelevancy...I know how important it is to some.

Merry Christmas
what about the Black boy that wants her to prove herself in the bedroom...

Not quite sure what that means.

Happy Kwanza

You don't? I was 17 once....and I can imagine a boy attempting to guilt a girl into bed..some stupid line like, 'you're too white to be with me, right?'
Actually I was trying to share the good news but white people dont seem to see it as good news. Telling dont you think?
Well...if it's good news to her..than I congratulate her on her new found culture. I would point out that culture is not entirely a choice sort of thing..and that she will have to be prepared to deal with a lot of hateful people on both sides of the color line. She will need to beware those who would make her 'prove' her choice..possibly by some actions against her code of ethics. color is no more valid or better than any other--and choosing to identify as Black is not a rejection of White.

Finally, as a Father of 4 girls..I know the power of trying to please Dad--use it wisely.
Yeah some ass hat, snowflake, white boy was pissed off that she was so happy to be part Black and went after her on social media. I warned her she was going to get flack from ignorant people on both sides. She is strong though and she can handle the haters.
Yeah..and that's the easy stuff..what about the Black boy that wants her to prove herself in the bedroom...or the well-meaning Liberal who wants to make her a 'cause'.

I wish you all well...while I think race an irrelevancy...I know how important it is to some.

Merry Christmas
what about the Black boy that wants her to prove herself in the bedroom...

Not quite sure what that means.

Happy Kwanza

You don't? I was 17 once....and I can imagine a boy attempting to guilt a girl into bed..some stupid line like, 'you're too white to be with me, right?'
She isnt what we call a Becky. She was raised by me and she knows all the lines just like my blood daughters. She would shut his ass down in a heartbeat. Funny you mention that. Thats very similiar to the line my first white girl used on me to get me to go out with her. :laugh:
It has been over 150 years since this slave thing was an issue.

And then there was Dred Scott.

Sometimes it is better for everyone just to forget history and move on.
Nope. Its an issue this very moment. Somewhere there are hundreds maybe even thousands of Blacks that have no inkling of just how much the bull shit they are going through is rooted in things taught to them in slavery by whites and handed down through the generations. Its like I tell every Black child I mentor. They have to understand that some of the things their parents taught them are rooted in protecting them from being noticed by the slave master. They have to shake off that old thinking. Whites cant stop them from shining. Their voltage is too astonishing and powerful. All whites can do is make it hard like they try to do everyday. They just have to understand not to quit.

Yep -- Education in the 21st century is just a vestige of how the Slave Master taught it. And don't you DARE disrupt that tradition.. :rolleyes: Nice.. Makes you the guy who "liberates" them. Brilliant. But that act has done before. Won't mention any names..
I'm just one of millions of Black men teaching the next generation the correct mindset. In the grand scheme of things I am one man just doing my part. It takes a village.
Correct mindset? There's only one? Be lose me at White Guilt..a more absurd concept I find it hard to imagine.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
Nope. Its an issue this very moment. Somewhere there are hundreds maybe even thousands of Blacks that have no inkling of just how much the bull shit they are going through is rooted in things taught to them in slavery by whites and handed down through the generations. Its like I tell every Black child I mentor. They have to understand that some of the things their parents taught them are rooted in protecting them from being noticed by the slave master. They have to shake off that old thinking. Whites cant stop them from shining. Their voltage is too astonishing and powerful. All whites can do is make it hard like they try to do everyday. They just have to understand not to quit.

Yep -- Education in the 21st century is just a vestige of how the Slave Master taught it. And don't you DARE disrupt that tradition.. :rolleyes: Nice.. Makes you the guy who "liberates" them. Brilliant. But that act has done before. Won't mention any names..
I'm just one of millions of Black men teaching the next generation the correct mindset. In the grand scheme of things I am one man just doing my part. It takes a village.
Correct mindset? There's only one? Be lose me at White Guilt..a more absurd concept I find it hard to imagine.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
If color/race is irrelevant to you then you cant understand or know a person. People are the sum of their experiences. Color and race play into those experiences.
Yep -- Education in the 21st century is just a vestige of how the Slave Master taught it. And don't you DARE disrupt that tradition.. :rolleyes: Nice.. Makes you the guy who "liberates" them. Brilliant. But that act has done before. Won't mention any names..
I'm just one of millions of Black men teaching the next generation the correct mindset. In the grand scheme of things I am one man just doing my part. It takes a village.
Correct mindset? There's only one? Be lose me at White Guilt..a more absurd concept I find it hard to imagine.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
If color/race is irrelevant to you then you cant understand or know a person. People are the sum of their experiences. Color and race play into those experiences.
Which is why..of course, I said to ignore it is stupid.

It is a rich or poor...East coast or West--etc.--but should be no more than that. One color or culture should never be termed 'better' or 'worse'. Once the judgment sets in..racism and bigotry are inevitable.
I'm just one of millions of Black men teaching the next generation the correct mindset. In the grand scheme of things I am one man just doing my part. It takes a village.
Correct mindset? There's only one? Be lose me at White Guilt..a more absurd concept I find it hard to imagine.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
If color/race is irrelevant to you then you cant understand or know a person. People are the sum of their experiences. Color and race play into those experiences.
Which is why..of course, I said to ignore it is stupid.

It is a rich or poor...East coast or West--etc.--but should be no more than that. One color or culture should never be termed 'better' or 'worse'. Once the judgment sets in..racism and bigotry are inevitable.
Its a big factor. Whoops! Too late! One race already made those judgments which is the exact reason race is such a factor now.
Correct mindset? There's only one? Be lose me at White Guilt..a more absurd concept I find it hard to imagine.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
If color/race is irrelevant to you then you cant understand or know a person. People are the sum of their experiences. Color and race play into those experiences.
Which is why..of course, I said to ignore it is stupid.

It is a rich or poor...East coast or West--etc.--but should be no more than that. One color or culture should never be termed 'better' or 'worse'. Once the judgment sets in..racism and bigotry are inevitable.
Its a big factor. Whoops! Too late! One race already made those judgments which is the exact reason race is such a factor now.
History is a long time...White people did not invent racial fact..until about a hundred years ago..or was the accepted world-wide norm. Everyone thought their group was superior. Some still do. Social evolution is a chancy thing, at best--and we're doing a lot better than you probably think. In my lifetime we've gone from Jim Crow to President Obama..another hundred years of so..should do it..barring setbacks. Demographics are on your side--just look at your daughter..and smile.

But there is no accepted Racism..Black racism and bigotry does not get a is not more 'justified' or excusable..if anything..those who were on the bottom should have an appreciation of just how wrong it is.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
If color/race is irrelevant to you then you cant understand or know a person. People are the sum of their experiences. Color and race play into those experiences.
Which is why..of course, I said to ignore it is stupid.

It is a rich or poor...East coast or West--etc.--but should be no more than that. One color or culture should never be termed 'better' or 'worse'. Once the judgment sets in..racism and bigotry are inevitable.
Its a big factor. Whoops! Too late! One race already made those judgments which is the exact reason race is such a factor now.
History is a long time...White people did not invent racial fact..until about a hundred years ago..or was the accepted world-wide norm. Everyone thought their group was superior. Some still do. Social evolution is a chancy thing, at best--and we're doing a lot better than you probably think. In my lifetime we've gone from Jim Crow to President Obama..another hundred years of so..should do it..barring setbacks. Demographics are on your side--just look at your daughter..and smile.

But there is no accepted Racism..Black racism and bigotry does not get a is not more 'justified' or excusable..if anything..those who were on the bottom should have an appreciation of just how wrong it is.
I disagree. Whites made up the races and immediately assigned themselves superiority. I haven't seen such an extensive attempt to soothe an inferiority complex since white men proclaimed that only fat white girls date Black guys. :laugh:
Flacaltenn things have been done for racist reasons that you refuse to admit. You are always looking for ways to say racism had nothing to do with anything, Then you try using more excuses to rationalize. But the intentional revision of American history to leave put blacks. Asians and Native American achievement was done because of racism. The resources exited, so did the information.
Yes correct mindset and yes there is only one.
Not sure what you mean by losing you at white guilt?
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
If color/race is irrelevant to you then you cant understand or know a person. People are the sum of their experiences. Color and race play into those experiences.
Which is why..of course, I said to ignore it is stupid.

It is a rich or poor...East coast or West--etc.--but should be no more than that. One color or culture should never be termed 'better' or 'worse'. Once the judgment sets in..racism and bigotry are inevitable.
Its a big factor. Whoops! Too late! One race already made those judgments which is the exact reason race is such a factor now.
History is a long time...White people did not invent racial fact..until about a hundred years ago..or was the accepted world-wide norm. Everyone thought their group was superior. Some still do. Social evolution is a chancy thing, at best--and we're doing a lot better than you probably think. In my lifetime we've gone from Jim Crow to President Obama..another hundred years of so..should do it..barring setbacks. Demographics are on your side--just look at your daughter..and smile.

But there is no accepted Racism..Black racism and bigotry does not get a is not more 'justified' or excusable..if anything..those who were on the bottom should have an appreciation of just how wrong it is.

And so what is black bigotry and racism? The mention that blacks have dine great things after whites have said for 400 years were we uncivilized and backwards? Think before you post.
Kind of a preemptive strike. Sorry. If there is one correct mindset..for me it is the total irrelevancy of skin color--and the need to dump the historical baggage that goes with color.

To judge by color, well, stupid. To place one culture above another...based on stupid.

To ignore stupid.
If color/race is irrelevant to you then you cant understand or know a person. People are the sum of their experiences. Color and race play into those experiences.
Which is why..of course, I said to ignore it is stupid.

It is a rich or poor...East coast or West--etc.--but should be no more than that. One color or culture should never be termed 'better' or 'worse'. Once the judgment sets in..racism and bigotry are inevitable.
Its a big factor. Whoops! Too late! One race already made those judgments which is the exact reason race is such a factor now.
History is a long time...White people did not invent racial fact..until about a hundred years ago..or was the accepted world-wide norm. Everyone thought their group was superior. Some still do. Social evolution is a chancy thing, at best--and we're doing a lot better than you probably think. In my lifetime we've gone from Jim Crow to President Obama..another hundred years of so..should do it..barring setbacks. Demographics are on your side--just look at your daughter..and smile.

But there is no accepted Racism..Black racism and bigotry does not get a is not more 'justified' or excusable..if anything..those who were on the bottom should have an appreciation of just how wrong it is.

And so what is black bigotry and racism? The mention that blacks have dine great things after whites have said for 400 years were we uncivilized and backwards? Think before you post.
This is how you know they have been brainwashed to actually believe it. You ought to see them when I prove the Hebrews were Black. They flip the fuck out even though there is no way a supposed white man (Noah) give rise to the Black race. :laugh:
Last night was an emotional night in our household and it got me to thinking about how truly fucked up white racism is. Right now I am raising a "somewhat" white 17yr old female child. Well she got her DNA results back and it turns out she is 11% Black. She ran into our bedroom with her tablet and showed us the results. She was prancing around reminding me that she had "told me so". She always thought she had some Black in her but I thought it was because she really wanted to be Black when she was younger. It made me feel good that she was so happy about it but then I thought to myself people were still going to assume she was white.
hmmmm, no one is going to look at a black child and just assume he/she is white, no one!
She is only 11% Black. She looks like she is white with the exception of a few features.

And this matters ---- why?? Knowing the percentages just makes you eligible to jump OUT of Group Think on race. White folks KNOW when one of OUR is a racist. He's the guy trying to speak for the White Group.. Clear indication of racial stereotyping and too much racial identity and WAY TOO MUCH racial self esteem.

So -- POSSIBLY -- that's why most whites consider YOU a racist. Because you are full of racial superiority fables. Because you believe you are ANOINTED to speak for your entire group. Because you use the same derogatory tactics that ANY COLOR racist uses.

That kid still reading this thread? :eusa_clap:
It matters because she ID's as Black. Whites have already said things about Blacks around her assuming she ID's as white.

I honestly could care less what whites think I am. Its really and truly none of my business. I never thought I was annointed to speak out for Blacks but I do consider it my responsibility to do so. It never occurred to me to get permission from whites to do so. To be honest I would never ask a white person for permission to represent my race.
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Last night was an emotional night in our household and it got me to thinking about how truly fucked up white racism is. Right now I am raising a "somewhat" white 17yr old female child. Well she got her DNA results back and it turns out she is 11% Black. She ran into our bedroom with her tablet and showed us the results. She was prancing around reminding me that she had "told me so". She always thought she had some Black in her but I thought it was because she really wanted to be Black when she was younger. It made me feel good that she was so happy about it but then I thought to myself people were still going to assume she was white.
hmmmm, no one is going to look at a black child and just assume he/she is white, no one!
She is only 11% Black. She looks like she is white with the exception of a few features.

And this matters ---- why?? Knowing the percentages just makes you eligible to jump OUT of Group Think on race. White folks KNOW when one of OUR is a racist. He's the guy trying to speak for the White Group.. Clear indication of racial stereotyping and too much racial identity and WAY TOO MUCH racial self esteem.

So -- POSSIBLY -- that's why most whites consider YOU a racist. Because you are full of racial superiority fables. Because you believe you are ANOINTED to speak for your entire group. Because you use the same derogatory tactics that ANY COLOR racist uses.

That kid still reading this thread? :eusa_clap:
It matters because she ID's as Black. Whites have already said things about Blacks around her assuming she ID's as white.

I honestly could care less what whites think I am. Its really and truly none of my business. I never thought I was annointed to speak out for Blacks but I do consider it my responsibility to do so. It never occurred to me to get permission from whites to do so. To be honest I would never ask a white person for permission to represent my race.
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
Is that the "collective" before you PURGE OUT the blacks that are not racist and angry enough? Or disagree on ANY political social value with "your collective"??
You dont have to be racist or angry to be part of the collective. All that is required is being Black, observant, and not a step and fetch it uncle tom.
A father, a good father worries about being a good father NOT a good BLACK father!
I disagree. I owe it to my children to be an amazing Black father...not just a good father. I would be doing them an injustice not preparing them for the racism whites use. I measure my effectiveness by how my daughters are doing not by what you think I should be doing.
Christ, there are days when you are dumber than a foot stool! You see an amazing black father as better than a good father and say your not a racist? Wanting to be an amazing black father is like trying to win second place moron!!

You have no idea what a good father even is.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.

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