My Little White Girl Not So White

You dont have to be racist or angry to be part of the collective. All that is required is being Black, observant, and not a step and fetch it uncle tom.
A father, a good father worries about being a good father NOT a good BLACK father!
I disagree. I owe it to my children to be an amazing Black father...not just a good father. I would be doing them an injustice not preparing them for the racism whites use. I measure my effectiveness by how my daughters are doing not by what you think I should be doing.
Christ, there are days when you are dumber than a foot stool! You see an amazing black father as better than a good father and say your not a racist? Wanting to be an amazing black father is like trying to win second place moron!!

You have no idea what a good father even is.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.
How does one say "be wary of whites being prejudiced or racist" without pointing out they should be especially wary of whites?
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A father, a good father worries about being a good father NOT a good BLACK father!
I disagree. I owe it to my children to be an amazing Black father...not just a good father. I would be doing them an injustice not preparing them for the racism whites use. I measure my effectiveness by how my daughters are doing not by what you think I should be doing.
Christ, there are days when you are dumber than a foot stool! You see an amazing black father as better than a good father and say your not a racist? Wanting to be an amazing black father is like trying to win second place moron!!

You have no idea what a good father even is.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.
How does one say "be wary of whites being prejudiced or racist" without pointing out they should be especially wary of whites?
If it causes someone to have a chip on their shoulders around whites, it will be their own fault for any negativity they feel toward them.
hmmmm, no one is going to look at a black child and just assume he/she is white, no one!
She is only 11% Black. She looks like she is white with the exception of a few features.

And this matters ---- why?? Knowing the percentages just makes you eligible to jump OUT of Group Think on race. White folks KNOW when one of OUR is a racist. He's the guy trying to speak for the White Group.. Clear indication of racial stereotyping and too much racial identity and WAY TOO MUCH racial self esteem.

So -- POSSIBLY -- that's why most whites consider YOU a racist. Because you are full of racial superiority fables. Because you believe you are ANOINTED to speak for your entire group. Because you use the same derogatory tactics that ANY COLOR racist uses.

That kid still reading this thread? :eusa_clap:
It matters because she ID's as Black. Whites have already said things about Blacks around her assuming she ID's as white.

I honestly could care less what whites think I am. Its really and truly none of my business. I never thought I was annointed to speak out for Blacks but I do consider it my responsibility to do so. It never occurred to me to get permission from whites to do so. To be honest I would never ask a white person for permission to represent my race.
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
She is only 11% Black. She looks like she is white with the exception of a few features.

And this matters ---- why?? Knowing the percentages just makes you eligible to jump OUT of Group Think on race. White folks KNOW when one of OUR is a racist. He's the guy trying to speak for the White Group.. Clear indication of racial stereotyping and too much racial identity and WAY TOO MUCH racial self esteem.

So -- POSSIBLY -- that's why most whites consider YOU a racist. Because you are full of racial superiority fables. Because you believe you are ANOINTED to speak for your entire group. Because you use the same derogatory tactics that ANY COLOR racist uses.

That kid still reading this thread? :eusa_clap:
It matters because she ID's as Black. Whites have already said things about Blacks around her assuming she ID's as white.

I honestly could care less what whites think I am. Its really and truly none of my business. I never thought I was annointed to speak out for Blacks but I do consider it my responsibility to do so. It never occurred to me to get permission from whites to do so. To be honest I would never ask a white person for permission to represent my race.
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
If most people thought like you Elvis Presley would not have been so famous.
I disagree. I owe it to my children to be an amazing Black father...not just a good father. I would be doing them an injustice not preparing them for the racism whites use. I measure my effectiveness by how my daughters are doing not by what you think I should be doing.
Christ, there are days when you are dumber than a foot stool! You see an amazing black father as better than a good father and say your not a racist? Wanting to be an amazing black father is like trying to win second place moron!!

You have no idea what a good father even is.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.
How does one say "be wary of whites being prejudiced or racist" without pointing out they should be especially wary of whites?
If it causes someone to have a chip on their shoulders around whites, it will be their own fault for any negativity they feel toward them.
I dont have a chip on my shoulder around whites and I dont trust them.
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Yeah.....I think she can pass as black. :thup:

that's just after she was let out of the closet:biggrin:

And this matters ---- why?? Knowing the percentages just makes you eligible to jump OUT of Group Think on race. White folks KNOW when one of OUR is a racist. He's the guy trying to speak for the White Group.. Clear indication of racial stereotyping and too much racial identity and WAY TOO MUCH racial self esteem.

So -- POSSIBLY -- that's why most whites consider YOU a racist. Because you are full of racial superiority fables. Because you believe you are ANOINTED to speak for your entire group. Because you use the same derogatory tactics that ANY COLOR racist uses.

That kid still reading this thread? :eusa_clap:
It matters because she ID's as Black. Whites have already said things about Blacks around her assuming she ID's as white.

I honestly could care less what whites think I am. Its really and truly none of my business. I never thought I was annointed to speak out for Blacks but I do consider it my responsibility to do so. It never occurred to me to get permission from whites to do so. To be honest I would never ask a white person for permission to represent my race.
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
If most people thought like you Elvis Presley would not have been so famous.
What does Elvis have to do with anything?
It matters because she ID's as Black. Whites have already said things about Blacks around her assuming she ID's as white.

I honestly could care less what whites think I am. Its really and truly none of my business. I never thought I was annointed to speak out for Blacks but I do consider it my responsibility to do so. It never occurred to me to get permission from whites to do so. To be honest I would never ask a white person for permission to represent my race.
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
If most people thought like you Elvis Presley would not have been so famous.
What does Elvis have to do with anything?
He emulated and stole Black music. If he didnt try to fit in with Blacks and learn how they did what they did he would not have been famous.

"A lot of people seem to think I started this business. But rock ‘n’ roll was here a long time before I came along. Nobody can sing that kind of music like coloured people. Let’s face it: I can’t sing like Fats Domino can. I know that."
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
If most people thought like you Elvis Presley would not have been so famous.
What does Elvis have to do with anything?
He emulated and stole Black music. If he didnt try to fit in with Blacks and learn how they did what they did he would not have been famous.
He did not steal black music. He was a huge fan and even said black musicians made a huge impact on him. Since blacks still have their music it was not stolen. Isn't that like saying I shouldn't eat it cook Chinese food because it's not my culture? No, it means I like it and appreciate the diversity
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Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
If most people thought like you Elvis Presley would not have been so famous.
What does Elvis have to do with anything?
He emulated and stole Black music. If he didnt try to fit in with Blacks and learn how they did what they did he would not have been famous.
He did not steal black music. He was a huge fan and even said black musicians made a huge impact on him. Since blacks still have their music it was not stolen. Isn't that like saying I shouldn't eat it cook Chinese food because it's not my culture? No, it means I like it and appreciate the diversity
Yeah he did steal Black music. I'm not the one that said people should stay in their own culture. If you eat chinese food youre contradicting what you claimed you believed earlier.
I disagree. I owe it to my children to be an amazing Black father...not just a good father. I would be doing them an injustice not preparing them for the racism whites use. I measure my effectiveness by how my daughters are doing not by what you think I should be doing.
Christ, there are days when you are dumber than a foot stool! You see an amazing black father as better than a good father and say your not a racist? Wanting to be an amazing black father is like trying to win second place moron!!

You have no idea what a good father even is.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.
How does one say "be wary of whites being prejudiced or racist" without pointing out they should be especially wary of whites?
If it causes someone to have a chip on their shoulders around whites, it will be their own fault for any negativity they feel toward them.

The history of what whites have done and the current things whites continue doing that makes the chips.
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
If most people thought like you Elvis Presley would not have been so famous.
What does Elvis have to do with anything?
He emulated and stole Black music. If he didnt try to fit in with Blacks and learn how they did what they did he would not have been famous.
He did not steal black music. He was a huge fan and even said black musicians made a huge impact on him. Since blacks still have their music it was not stolen. Isn't that like saying I shouldn't eat it cook Chinese food because it's not my culture? No, it means I like it and appreciate the diversity

He got paid for covering black music and the artists who created the songs did not. He did steal black music. That's a wee bit different than you eating r cooking Chinese food while the Chinese who make the food get paid then you say you enjoy the food. When will you stop posting false equivalences?
You dont have to be racist or angry to be part of the collective. All that is required is being Black, observant, and not a step and fetch it uncle tom.
A father, a good father worries about being a good father NOT a good BLACK father!
I disagree. I owe it to my children to be an amazing Black father...not just a good father. I would be doing them an injustice not preparing them for the racism whites use. I measure my effectiveness by how my daughters are doing not by what you think I should be doing.
Christ, there are days when you are dumber than a foot stool! You see an amazing black father as better than a good father and say your not a racist? Wanting to be an amazing black father is like trying to win second place moron!!

You have no idea what a good father even is.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.

Whites create the negative view we have of them. You need to begin understanding this. You seem to think whites are perfect and that if we dare complain about the shit whites do that's tantamount to jim crow. That's ignorance. Whites like you are the main ones that keeps t he races divided. These kids don't need us to teach them anything. They see and hear whites going on in the world just like we do. They have experience with whites and white racism just like we adults do. The truth you can't face is hat we as black never know where the racism is going to come from but whites like you want us to trust every white person while knowing and admitting it here yourself that you know there are whites still out there practicing racism. So then in your silly view we can't teach our children to be wary and that whites must earn your trust first. Because to you that's racist even as we see continuing white violence and harassment directed towards black people.

Pay attention.

Black Girl SCHOOLS Racist White Teacher

I'd be a Grand Wizard if I judged all black people by the way IM2 and Asclepias act. :badgrin:
I agree that IM2 treats all whites with distain

Nah, because I was father to a white stepson. So then you see you have made another silly assumption based on your own personal stupidity. I treat white racists with disdain. White racists are not all white people. Get it?
Christ, there are days when you are dumber than a foot stool! You see an amazing black father as better than a good father and say your not a racist? Wanting to be an amazing black father is like trying to win second place moron!!

You have no idea what a good father even is.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.
How does one say "be wary of whites being prejudiced or racist" without pointing out they should be especially wary of whites?
If it causes someone to have a chip on their shoulders around whites, it will be their own fault for any negativity they feel toward them.
I dont have a chip on my shoulder around whites and I dont trust them.
Fair enough..of course..if I made that statement about blacks, being a white person--I can only guess your response--but I bet it would be pretty negative.
And this matters ---- why?? Knowing the percentages just makes you eligible to jump OUT of Group Think on race. White folks KNOW when one of OUR is a racist. He's the guy trying to speak for the White Group.. Clear indication of racial stereotyping and too much racial identity and WAY TOO MUCH racial self esteem.

So -- POSSIBLY -- that's why most whites consider YOU a racist. Because you are full of racial superiority fables. Because you believe you are ANOINTED to speak for your entire group. Because you use the same derogatory tactics that ANY COLOR racist uses.

That kid still reading this thread? :eusa_clap:
It matters because she ID's as Black. Whites have already said things about Blacks around her assuming she ID's as white.

I honestly could care less what whites think I am. Its really and truly none of my business. I never thought I was annointed to speak out for Blacks but I do consider it my responsibility to do so. It never occurred to me to get permission from whites to do so. To be honest I would never ask a white person for permission to represent my race.
If someone was only 11% white, they probably won't identify as white. Why would someone identify as black being only 11%?
Thats true. Not many people want to be white. I personally cant think of one reason to want to be white.

Being Black is amazing. Thats why everyone emulates and steals from our culture.
I think you should be and identify with who you really are and not try to fit in as someone you arent
If most people thought like you Elvis Presley would not have been so famous.

You know, Elvis liked to study the old negro spirituals. He always used to go to a church and play for an hour or two after a concert.

That is something that I think needs to be preserved in American heritage. This younger generation doesn't care, either. I'm afraid it's going to disappear, and that's a damn shame.
Correct. I see an amazing Black father as much better than a good father. He is covering all the bases in educating his children. Why would I pretend there wasnt a vast majority of white people that hate them simply because they produce more melanin than they do? I think its silly not to be real with your kids. They are going to find out one way or the other and I want to make sure they hear it from me first.

Being a Black father is the greatest calling on the planet. I appreciate god everyday for giving me the opportunity to be a Black father. Too much negativity and lies have been spread about Black fathers despite the facts I see everyday. Its like falling from the sky and landing feet first. Its godlike.
It all depends on how you raise your children. If you raise them with a negative view if all white people, that's bad parenting. If you raise them to be aware of what kind if people they will face, without prejudice, that's good parenting.
How does one say "be wary of whites being prejudiced or racist" without pointing out they should be especially wary of whites?
If it causes someone to have a chip on their shoulders around whites, it will be their own fault for any negativity they feel toward them.
I dont have a chip on my shoulder around whites and I dont trust them.
Fair enough..of course..if I made that statement about blacks, being a white person--I can only guess your response--but I bet it would be pretty negative.

Do you have compete amnesia relative to American race relations? Things have not been the same in this matter relative to bacs and whites. Blacks are not the ones who enslaved whites then when slavery ended we made sure to make laws that still made it certain backs could not have the same rights as whites,. Then after that was done, we decide to hide our racism while still doing racist things but telling everybody how it is not racist even when it's apparent that's exactly what it is. I'm talking about real occurrences, not made up beliefs of the overly violent black by those who have killed he most and committed the most violence as a race in this nation. And so we are just to trust blindly because you say so.
Last night was an emotional night in our household and it got me to thinking about how truly fucked up white racism is. Right now I am raising a "somewhat" white 17yr old female child. Well she got her DNA results back and it turns out she is 11% Black. She ran into our bedroom with her tablet and showed us the results. She was prancing around reminding me that she had "told me so". She always thought she had some Black in her but I thought it was because she really wanted to be Black when she was younger. It made me feel good that she was so happy about it but then I thought to myself people were still going to assume she was white.
So she gets to pass, so what? It's the Black American Dream.
Last night was an emotional night in our household and it got me to thinking about how truly fucked up white racism is. Right now I am raising a "somewhat" white 17yr old female child. Well she got her DNA results back and it turns out she is 11% Black. She ran into our bedroom with her tablet and showed us the results. She was prancing around reminding me that she had "told me so". She always thought she had some Black in her but I thought it was because she really wanted to be Black when she was younger. It made me feel good that she was so happy about it but then I thought to myself people were still going to assume she was white.
So she gets to pass, so what? It's the Black American Dream.

Nah, not really.
Last night was an emotional night in our household and it got me to thinking about how truly fucked up white racism is. Right now I am raising a "somewhat" white 17yr old female child. Well she got her DNA results back and it turns out she is 11% Black. She ran into our bedroom with her tablet and showed us the results. She was prancing around reminding me that she had "told me so". She always thought she had some Black in her but I thought it was because she really wanted to be Black when she was younger. It made me feel good that she was so happy about it but then I thought to myself people were still going to assume she was white.
So she gets to pass, so what? It's the Black American Dream.

Nah, not really.
So you're admitting that passing IS somewhat of the Black American Dream then. Good for you. :clap2:

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