My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

You'll have to show me how a teacher once the shooting begins tries to calm kids or get them to safety and tries to open the safe in all the chaos.

You can open a biometric safe in seconds with your eyes closed.
Sounds very cool, but schools can't afford textbooks or dry erase markers. Biometric safes?

Amazon has a fingerprint safe for $99.99, which is less than paying for a substitute for one full day!

What would they cost if bought in bulk?
Maybe I should have started this thread in the CDZ.

You need a safe space?

Anyway, to the point, I can't see how arming teachers is going to do any good.

Columbine they had armed guard, it didn't do any good.
VA Tech they had an armed security force. Didn't do any good.
Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

More guns just lead to more confusion. If you are a cop, and you are responding to an "Active Shooter" scenario, and someone rounds the corner packing a gun, are you going to wait to figure out if that's a teacher or the "Active Shooter"?

Since our politicians won't stand up the NRA, we are just going to have to accept this sort of things as part of life.
Other than MP's Military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms unless they are training
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

I hope she never deal with the issue. There is no way to tell someone how to react because all of us are wired differently.

I would prefer the Schools would hire retired cops or military to do the security while training the staff to be ready for a lockdown.

I would not be a teacher in today environment because of the fact too many crazies!

What makes you think we don't already do lockdown drills? At one of my schools about three years ago, we actually locked down the school because a prisoner escaped from the county jail and was seen headed towards our school.
Here is the thing, they don't want to hear reasonable solutions and ideas, they want a gun ban. Nothing more and nothing less will satisfy them

Giving an overworked, overstressed teacher with a class of 30 unruly teenagers a gun is a "reasonable solution" to you, Fat Irish Sow?

Not that there is any good reason for civilians to own guns, but I'd be happy with a system of gun control like Germany has. You can own a gun, once they've done a thorough background check on you to make sure you aren't the kind of nut who'd shoot up a school.
"overworked, overstressed "
Does that mean military personnel and police officers shouldn't be armed ? Both are more stressful than a school teachers job.
Maybe I should have started this thread in the CDZ.

You need a safe space?

Anyway, to the point, I can't see how arming teachers is going to do any good.

Columbine they had armed guard, it didn't do any good.
VA Tech they had an armed security force. Didn't do any good.
Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

More guns just lead to more confusion. If you are a cop, and you are responding to an "Active Shooter" scenario, and someone rounds the corner packing a gun, are you going to wait to figure out if that's a teacher or the "Active Shooter"?

Since our politicians won't stand up the NRA, we are just going to have to accept this sort of things as part of life.
Other than MP's Military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms unless they are training

Maybe in the Army. Not true for the Navy. For even low level security, ships have several armed watchstanders.
Mike Ropiness, a NRA spokesman, proposed the idea this morning as part of a plea to schools across America. His hope is to be encourage learning institutes to abandon regular subjects from the curriculum, such as science and history, in favour of classes teaching basic bullet avoiding techniques.

Mr. Ropiness poses the question to media outlets, “How many innocent lives could have been saved if kids knew how to run in a zig zag? How many children could have been saved if they’d just been taught how to do a sweet bullet dodge like Neo from the Matrix? Don’t we owe it to our youth to make sure they have the weapons in their mental arsenal to out run unpreventable bullets?”
Teaching children to Zig Zag best way to avoid school shooting fatalities, say NRA - The Rochdale Herald

Goodbye dumbass!
Maybe I should have started this thread in the CDZ.

You need a safe space?

Anyway, to the point, I can't see how arming teachers is going to do any good.

Columbine they had armed guard, it didn't do any good.
VA Tech they had an armed security force. Didn't do any good.
Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

More guns just lead to more confusion. If you are a cop, and you are responding to an "Active Shooter" scenario, and someone rounds the corner packing a gun, are you going to wait to figure out if that's a teacher or the "Active Shooter"?

Since our politicians won't stand up the NRA, we are just going to have to accept this sort of things as part of life.
Other than MP's Military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms unless they are training

Maybe in the Army. Not true for the Navy. For even low level security, ships have several armed watchstanders.
This restriction happens on Military post. I'm not sure how it works on Airforce and Navel posts but in the Army you have to turn over your personal firearms to your units arms room.
Mike Ropiness, a NRA spokesman, proposed the idea this morning as part of a plea to schools across America. His hope is to be encourage learning institutes to abandon regular subjects from the curriculum, such as science and history, in favour of classes teaching basic bullet avoiding techniques.

Mr. Ropiness poses the question to media outlets, “How many innocent lives could have been saved if kids knew how to run in a zig zag? How many children could have been saved if they’d just been taught how to do a sweet bullet dodge like Neo from the Matrix? Don’t we owe it to our youth to make sure they have the weapons in their mental arsenal to out run unpreventable bullets?”
Teaching children to Zig Zag best way to avoid school shooting fatalities, say NRA - The Rochdale Herald
Did I just get transported to Satire?
Is this real?

Of course not. Ignore that moron!
Maybe I should have started this thread in the CDZ.

You need a safe space?

Anyway, to the point, I can't see how arming teachers is going to do any good.

Columbine they had armed guard, it didn't do any good.
VA Tech they had an armed security force. Didn't do any good.
Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

More guns just lead to more confusion. If you are a cop, and you are responding to an "Active Shooter" scenario, and someone rounds the corner packing a gun, are you going to wait to figure out if that's a teacher or the "Active Shooter"?

Since our politicians won't stand up the NRA, we are just going to have to accept this sort of things as part of life.
Other than MP's Military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms unless they are training

Maybe in the Army. Not true for the Navy. For even low level security, ships have several armed watchstanders.
This restriction happens on Military post. I'm not sure how it works on Airforce and Navel posts but in the Army you have to turn over your personal firearms to your units arms room.

That is why you should not have said the military. For the Army, you were dead on, as my daughter is an Army officer.

By the way, we Navy guys are a little self-conscious about our belly-buttons so leave the Navels out of the discussion. (BTW, it's "naval", and we have bases, facilities, and air stations, and no "posts".) :D
One in every 4 teachers in a school packing is insane, Dumbass.

It's your numbers ... You don't trust the teachers ... :dunno:
Why in the hell would you send your child into a classroom with a teacher you don't trust ... Dumbass.

Teachers are not trained to be armed protectors. That's what the police are trained for. I trust teachers to educate children. Otherwise they are just ordinary people, and I would never put them in the role of an armed protector. I have taught for 30 years and know teachers well: most of them are not people I would trust with a gun. Just like I don't trust most of you gun nuts with one. Guns are something only professionals should be in control of.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Turn in your teaching license first thing Monday morning.

Judging by the liberal cowards on this thread, pretty damned dumb!
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

I'm not old enough to have this, but I've heard it a dozen times from older people.. A LOT of High Schools used to have target ranges.. And they competed.. Dozens of match style rifles laying around. And hardly any school shootings. Have to get over the INNATE fear of having the right tools for the job around when you need it.
Mother Fucker. You are all so fucking stupid!
Maybe I should have started this thread in the CDZ.

You need a safe space?

Anyway, to the point, I can't see how arming teachers is going to do any good.

Columbine they had armed guard, it didn't do any good.
VA Tech they had an armed security force. Didn't do any good.
Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

More guns just lead to more confusion. If you are a cop, and you are responding to an "Active Shooter" scenario, and someone rounds the corner packing a gun, are you going to wait to figure out if that's a teacher or the "Active Shooter"?

Since our politicians won't stand up the NRA, we are just going to have to accept this sort of things as part of life.
Other than MP's Military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms unless they are training

Maybe in the Army. Not true for the Navy. For even low level security, ships have several armed watchstanders.
This restriction happens on Military post. I'm not sure how it works on Airforce and Navel posts but in the Army you have to turn over your personal firearms to your units arms room.

That is why you should not have said the military. For the Army, you were dead on, as my daughter is an Army officer.

By the way, we Navy guys are a little self-conscious about our belly-buttons so leave the Navels out of the discussion. (BTW, it's "naval", and we have bases, facilities, and air stations, and no "posts".) :D
I don't know a lot about the day to day stuff you squid's do. I did date a Navy chick for a while she was not very appreciative of being called a 1st Class Semen
Quit lying you pussy, it’s all about total firearm confiscation. It always has been, anybody can see right through progressives on this matter...

Yes that is one of the boogymen you use while our children are actually being killed.

The countries I speak of all have legal gun ownership. They are not however flooded with guns for mass killing.
They do not have freedom of firearm ownership, you scare too easily.
People kill people firearms do not...
You just don't care at all that kids are being murdered in school. What the hell is wrong with you?
More frivolous gun laws will not save any kids, But the killing fields that are gun free zones will continue to kill kids, we have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
The absense of guns is the ONLY thing that will save them.

So are you going to go down to the 'hood and tell Dequane the drug dealer that he needs to turn over his stolen Glock? How about out to the trailer in the sticks and tell Billy Bob that he doesn't need a gun to protect his investment in a math lab? Will you be telling Juan, the coyote, smuggling illegals and drugs into the US from Mexico that he needs to turn in his AK-47 that Obama provided to his gang during Operation Fast and Furious?
You need a safe space?

Anyway, to the point, I can't see how arming teachers is going to do any good.

Columbine they had armed guard, it didn't do any good.
VA Tech they had an armed security force. Didn't do any good.
Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

More guns just lead to more confusion. If you are a cop, and you are responding to an "Active Shooter" scenario, and someone rounds the corner packing a gun, are you going to wait to figure out if that's a teacher or the "Active Shooter"?

Since our politicians won't stand up the NRA, we are just going to have to accept this sort of things as part of life.
Other than MP's Military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms unless they are training

Maybe in the Army. Not true for the Navy. For even low level security, ships have several armed watchstanders.
This restriction happens on Military post. I'm not sure how it works on Airforce and Navel posts but in the Army you have to turn over your personal firearms to your units arms room.

That is why you should not have said the military. For the Army, you were dead on, as my daughter is an Army officer.

By the way, we Navy guys are a little self-conscious about our belly-buttons so leave the Navels out of the discussion. (BTW, it's "naval", and we have bases, facilities, and air stations, and no "posts".) :D
I don't know a lot about the day to day stuff you squid's do. I did date a Navy chick for a while she was not very appreciative of being called a 1st Class Semen

That's Semen First Class! :D

I did know a female Navy officer who had particular talents and was widely known as the "head nurse" although she was not in a supervisory position at the hospital.
Woooooooooooow wtf is wrong with America? Kids, teachers get slaughtered, going to school can get you killed just protect a 2nd amendment that was meant for the 18th century. I' glad I enjoy my childhood overseas with 0 fear.

There is no expiration date mentioned in the Second Amendment ... Ignorant Progressive fuckwad ... :thup:
I am glad you enjoy your childhood overseas too.
One has to wonder why gun lovers don't care about people dying .is it that you can be a mass shooter one day and you don't to be denied that opportunity?
Yes that is one of the boogymen you use while our children are actually being killed.

The countries I speak of all have legal gun ownership. They are not however flooded with guns for mass killing.
They do not have freedom of firearm ownership, you scare too easily.
People kill people firearms do not...
You just don't care at all that kids are being murdered in school. What the hell is wrong with you?
More frivolous gun laws will not save any kids, But the killing fields that are gun free zones will continue to kill kids, we have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
The absense of guns is the ONLY thing that will save them.

So are you going to go down to the 'hood and tell Dequane the drug dealer that he needs to turn over his stolen Glock? How about out to the trailer in the sticks and tell Billy Bob that he doesn't need a gun to protect his investment in a math lab? Will you be telling Juan, the coyote, smuggling illegals and drugs into the US from Mexico that he needs to turn in his AK-47 that Obama provided to his gang during Operation Fast and Furious?
Progressives watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types... And they always forget or don’t even know that people kill people firearms do not
I believe that JROTC still does marksmanship at schools. But probably with air rifles.

Does this "trigger" anyone?

Drill team...baton twirling with "pieces".

Whatever helps you sleep at night. :badgrin:

BTW -- Drill teams use cheap prop "rifles".. THESE are very expensive PRECISION target rifles. I competed on similar teams in High School, but off campus and NOT with air rifles.. Good way to meet women when you travel to matches around the State.
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

I'm not old enough to have this, but I've heard it a dozen times from older people.. A LOT of High Schools used to have target ranges.. And they competed.. Dozens of match style rifles laying around. And hardly any school shootings. Have to get over the INNATE fear of having the right tools for the job around when you need it.
Mother Fucker. You are all so fucking stupid!

Well THAT was all personal. And what was the PURPOSE of that? Did I say something to "trigger" you?

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