My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.
There really is no solution. That is the reality of it. Strict gun control? That did not stop some of the deadliest attacks in Paris and Norway. Both of which were deadlier than anything that ever happened here.

What if there were no such thing as guns? Well, I seem to remember planes and box cutters being used to commit the worst terror attack ever and also seem to remember another attack that used fertilizer. I also seem to remember a bomb being used in England at some sluts concert, and a box truck in France.

Our world is cynical. There is too much information being passed around on the internet. We are worse than the wild wild west of the 1800s. Far worse and there is no real answer.
Discussing terrorist attacks is not relevant to this discussion and is deflection. The two types of incidents (school shootings and terrorism) are not analogous.
Holy fucking shit I hate liberals.
Probably because they are smarter than you are.
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

My guess is that the school will resist letting teachers arm themselves (those that actually own arms and are trained to use them) because lawyers have their heads up everyone's asses about fear of legal liability, even if they arm with the same ammo used by Marshalls aboard planes (won't go through walls) so as a result, NO ONE is willing to take action, take the initiative, or lead. If schools were smart, they would incorporate an intruder control system unknown to anyone but faculty that if a gunman enters the building, classrooms can be locked down and isolated while the intruder is restricted to a hallway, etc., long enough that he can be hit with a gas spray to immobilize or incapacitate him until authorities can arrive. It really isn't that hard if we can get the fucking lawyers out of everyone's asses.
You know...not all schools have hallways...interior hallways.
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.
There really is no solution. That is the reality of it. Strict gun control? That did not stop some of the deadliest attacks in Paris and Norway. Both of which were deadlier than anything that ever happened here.

What if there were no such thing as guns? Well, I seem to remember planes and box cutters being used to commit the worst terror attack ever and also seem to remember another attack that used fertilizer. I also seem to remember a bomb being used in England at some sluts concert, and a box truck in France.

Our world is cynical. There is too much information being passed around on the internet. We are worse than the wild wild west of the 1800s. Far worse and there is no real answer.
Discussing terrorist attacks is not relevant to this discussion and is deflection. The two types of incidents (school shootings and terrorism) are not analogous.

I fail to see how terrorist shootings and school shootings aren't both gun violence.

But thanks so much for clearing it up. I bet you are completely obsessed with guns and gun violence, yet can't see the similarities here.
She does not equate mass killings with mass killings. Can you believe we have to breath the same fucking air as these fucking pieces of shit?

You can tell too how disappointed they were that someone ever committed mass killings with something other than a gun. Notice how they don't want to talk about that?

They think I changed the subject.
You did.
Hope you daughter never has to deal with it.

Kids are tough to relate to sometimes. I have one that was a Bernie nut and one "gun nut" as the lefties like to call them.

BOTH girls in their twenties so I just nod and say yes dear...
So you had one kid that turned out well despite your negative influence.
One out of two ain’t bad.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Breaking the rules again.
As a teacher, of 30 years, I completely disagree with her, and I think most teachers would. Teachers can't control all students at all times: there is far too much chance of a student getting his/her hands on a teacher's gun.

So how would the student get in to a biometric gun safe?
1) You are going to pay for it? 2) If the teacher and his/her students are under fire, does he/she have time to get the gun free in order to protect them? and 3) how many parents are going to have a say in if the school teachers are armed and how many do you think would vote for it? Not most. I know. Parents don't want non-police professionals armed and guns floating around the school.

You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.
Hope you daughter never has to deal with it.

Kids are tough to relate to sometimes. I have one that was a Bernie nut and one "gun nut" as the lefties like to call them.

BOTH girls in their twenties so I just nod and say yes dear...
So you had one kid that turned out well despite your negative influence.
One out of two ain’t bad.

How does a gun locked in a safe cause problems?
What can go wrong with a school district full of iPads with secure passwords......(see LAUSD)
Meh...I built mine from scratch so I doubt it.

sure you did, buddy. Whatever, gun nuts wanking off to guns and ammo are hardly people you want to talk to.

Yeah,actually I did. And it came out quite nice if I do say so myself.


So how would the student get in to a biometric gun safe?
1) You are going to pay for it? 2) If the teacher and his/her students are under fire, does he/she have time to get the gun free in order to protect them? and 3) how many parents are going to have a say in if the school teachers are armed and how many do you think would vote for it? Not most. I know. Parents don't want non-police professionals armed and guns floating around the school.

You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

Butch up sally and put your depends on.
So how would the student get in to a biometric gun safe?
1) You are going to pay for it? 2) If the teacher and his/her students are under fire, does he/she have time to get the gun free in order to protect them? and 3) how many parents are going to have a say in if the school teachers are armed and how many do you think would vote for it? Not most. I know. Parents don't want non-police professionals armed and guns floating around the school.

You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

Why thank you!!
That means a lot coming from you.
Did you know that is 12529 more armed teachers ...
Than the 13598 FBI agents that completely screwed to the pooch with the Florida shooter (among others) ... :dunno:

Um, no stupid. The FBI isn't allowed to go after gun nuts.

Now, if you want to change that, so that when a gun nut posts shit on Facebook about how he wants to shoot people, and let the FBI kick in their front door with a no-knock warrant, I'm totally down with that.

The NRA wouldn't be. "Hey, wait a minute, I have rights! I'm WHITE!!!"

So you are saying the FBI should have been able to kick his door in and drag him off over a comment online... :dunno:
Are you just making excuses for the FBI or the other government institutions and policies that failed?

I mean you cannot argue with my numbers ... They are just a count of available resources.

Hope you daughter never has to deal with it.

Kids are tough to relate to sometimes. I have one that was a Bernie nut and one "gun nut" as the lefties like to call them.

BOTH girls in their twenties so I just nod and say yes dear...
So you had one kid that turned out well despite your negative influence.
One out of two ain’t bad.

How does a gun locked in a safe cause problems?
What can go wrong with a school district full of iPads with secure passwords......(see LAUSD)

Unless you're going to cut off the teachers finger or hand......
1) You are going to pay for it? 2) If the teacher and his/her students are under fire, does he/she have time to get the gun free in order to protect them? and 3) how many parents are going to have a say in if the school teachers are armed and how many do you think would vote for it? Not most. I know. Parents don't want non-police professionals armed and guns floating around the school.

You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

Butch up sally and put your depends on.
And you're an asshole too. Attacking women in a debate that has absolutely nothing to do with gender is what assholes do. That's you and your buddy. Assholes.
Meh...I built mine from scratch so I doubt it.

sure you did, buddy. Whatever, gun nuts wanking off to guns and ammo are hardly people you want to talk to.

Yeah,actually I did. And it came out quite nice if I do say so myself.
View attachment 177348
View attachment 177349
View attachment 177350
I think those pics belong in the Garage, not in this thread.

Yes mother.....
You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

Butch up sally and put your depends on.
And you're an asshole too. Attacking women in a debate that has absolutely nothing to do with gender is what assholes do. That's you and your buddy. Assholes.

Quite obviously you are not cut out for any of this. You are unable to control your emotions. If you think I "attacked" you much too "sensitive" for this. Especially since you attacked Owl.
You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

Butch up sally and put your depends on.
And you're an asshole too. Attacking women in a debate that has absolutely nothing to do with gender is what assholes do. That's you and your buddy. Assholes.

It's this very reaction that makes it fun to poke at you liberals.
Shush Mr Hyperbole...NOBODY listens to your complete BS

Here's you "look at me!!!! I'm Joe!!!!! I'm SMART!!!!"

Everybody be like freaking moon bat

Oh, Fat Irish Sow, nobody ever thought you could hold up your end of a conversation. The short bus will be around for you soon.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

Um, no. Clearly reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits.

Okay, let's look at this. Most teachers suck at classroom management. They really don't teach it. It's kind of sink or swim, which is why 50% of new teachers burn out after the first few years.

So in addition to all the other stresses of keeping track of a classroom, they now have to worry about where the gun is. Did I remember to lock it in my drawer? Did I leave it in my purse. Did little Billy just swipe it to threaten little Paco with?


Yeah, I'm sure that will work just fine. And when the cops arrive to respond to the Active Shooter, they will have to sort out the teachers nervously handling guns from the Active Shooters nervously handling guns.

Or they can just shoot them all and let God sort them out.

You're a fucken idiot.
It would be locked in a biometric gun safe under the desk.
Who's paying for this? What part of the budget gets cut for this?
Shush Mr Hyperbole...NOBODY listens to your complete BS

Here's you "look at me!!!! I'm Joe!!!!! I'm SMART!!!!"

Everybody be like freaking moon bat

Oh, Fat Irish Sow, nobody ever thought you could hold up your end of a conversation. The short bus will be around for you soon.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

Um, no. Clearly reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits.

Okay, let's look at this. Most teachers suck at classroom management. They really don't teach it. It's kind of sink or swim, which is why 50% of new teachers burn out after the first few years.

So in addition to all the other stresses of keeping track of a classroom, they now have to worry about where the gun is. Did I remember to lock it in my drawer? Did I leave it in my purse. Did little Billy just swipe it to threaten little Paco with?


Yeah, I'm sure that will work just fine. And when the cops arrive to respond to the Active Shooter, they will have to sort out the teachers nervously handling guns from the Active Shooters nervously handling guns.

Or they can just shoot them all and let God sort them out.

You're a fucken idiot.
It would be locked in a biometric gun safe under the desk.
Who's paying for this? What part of the budget gets cut for this?

If I was a teacher I'd pay for it my damn self.

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