My Paintings


There's a Mouse House on my street...A work in progress....
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Sometimes a touch up of an old painting is necessary!

$20140420_3 - Copy.JPG
Honk!!! feed my Family!!!


  • scarllte swans 00113.jpg
    scarllte swans 00113.jpg
    1.3 MB · Views: 88
A little surreal...


  • teresa's sunflower 00441.jpg
    teresa's sunflower 00441.jpg
    1.4 MB · Views: 77
You should learn some color theory...

You can maybe do without an improved
level of knowlege about perspective, however, as such perspective imperfections have the potential to strengthen one's "style".
You should learn some color theory...

You can maybe do without an improved
level of knowlege about perspective, however, as such perspective imperfections have the potential to strengthen one's "style".
What I have learned about all theories in art is that they are all useless or we would not have had a Van Gogh or Grandma Moses...Paint who you are and feel is the best method.
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You should learn some color theory...

You can maybe do without an improved
level of knowlege about perspective, however, as such perspective imperfections have the potential to strengthen one's "style".
What I have learned about all theories in art is that they are all useless or we would not have had a Van Gogh or Grandma Moses...Paint who you are and feel is the best method.

they all are very nice
You should learn some color theory...

You can maybe do without an improved
level of knowlege about perspective, however, as such perspective imperfections have the potential to strengthen one's "style".
What I have learned about all theories in art is that they are all useless...

That belief is always going to hold you back.

In my personal opinion, the painting above of the dog, and the other of the swans, would look far better with a blue and orange color scheme, as they are already fairly close to it, and would only need little alteration. Try it out if you do not believe me. You can even make greenish and brownish colors by mixing orange and blue. You can also still use black and white too without betraying the color scheme.

But just so you know...

None of the people who only tell you that they "like your art" are helping you. Not in the slightest.

Only those who offer constructive criticism will offer insight on how you may improve your work.

So if I sound like a bitch when I talk about your work... don't trip out.

I will critique more of your work later on.
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You should learn some color theory...

You can maybe do without an improved
level of knowlege about perspective, however, as such perspective imperfections have the potential to strengthen one's "style".
What I have learned about all theories in art is that they are all useless...

That belief is always going to hold you back.

In my personal opinion, the painting above of the dog, and the other of the swans, would look far better with a blue and orange color scheme, as they are already fairly close to it, and would only need little alteration. Try it out if you do not believe me. You can even make greenish and brownish colors by mixing orange and blue. You can also still use black and white too without betraying the color scheme.

But just so you know...

None of the people who only tell you that they "like your art" are helping you. Not in the slightest.

Only those who offer constructive criticism will offer insight on how you may improve your work.

So if I sound like a bitch when I talk about your work... don't trip out.

I will critique more of your work later on.
One of my teacher friends would ask his critics to answer with a painting of their-own as an answer. I'd love to see your work pertaining to your advice.
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View attachment 22454A quick commission acrylic portrait...I love working fast to capture energy...16X20...

"Capturing energy" sounds like an excuse to rush a painting, and a commission really should not be rushed at all.

You should try holding your artwork to a mirror, which will reveal mistakes you may not have noticed before.

It could help you avoid painting a deformed head, but if that's the "style" you accept for yourself...

The colors you use are very dull and aren't vivid enough. This painting would look better if the purple areas were red/ crimson, if the yellow areas were more of a bright yellow orange, and the leaves were a more vivid green.

And it would be nice if your black areas were actually black and not dark gray. Study value.

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