My Paintings

Key West, Florida 36X36

If I may offer a bit of constructive criticism. There is a problem with perspective. I have the same problem so I sympathize. The fence is correctly getting smaller as it goes into the distance, but it appears to levitate as it goes. The shorter the fence posts the higher it is off the ground. It might be a problem with the angle making it look like the fence is going up instead of going further away. The fence isn't grounded at all giving the appearance of floating just above the surface.

Also, you have a shadow cast by the big tree indicating a light source coming from the right. But, it's the only shadow in the whole picture. The trees on the left, the car and even the fence would also be casting shadows to the left.

I only recognize these because I've made the same mistakes myself.

I made the same mistake here. The shadows cast by the plants over the walk way are correct, but I should have had a shadow cast by the boat too and completely missed it. The picture has already been sold so I can't fix it now and recognized the error too late.

This painting actually has a decent mood to it, so it doesn't matter if your reflections are whacked out.

Sometimes people won't spot the technical "mistakes" if the mood is all good, as it might not even matter at that point.

This painting has really good harmony, in my opinion.
Couldn't believe snow in the woods after Sandy...a quick execution with acrylics...almost watercolor like.
View attachment 22591

Even though there are many ways you could improve this painting, as it looks kind of sloppy and rushed... I do like your choice of colors for it, and the vibe I get from it.
View attachment 29318Kayaker under bridge

Did this a few years ago...

If the boat had been orange instead of red, the painting would have possessed a complimentary color scheme, and would have looked better, in my opinion. Top it off by going over the water with a transparent layer of orange, so that the blue still shows through underneath and you get a beautiful compound color. I do that with oil paint all the time, but I don't think it works that way with acrylic. Perhaps if you added hints of orange throughout the water, it would have given the illusion of a compound color, and brought harmony to this piece.
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black and white rendition of my sicilian beauty bella, will post painting of her...View attachment 30259

View attachment 31077

Honk!!! feed my Family!!!

A little surreal...

I still think that all three of these would look much better with a complimentary color scheme of blue and orange, and all the colors you can create by combining them together, and/or with white, gray, or black.

They would also look better if you applied a better use of value and contrast.

Frankly, you know nothing about art and are obviously a bit deranged.
Overall, here is my "assessment" of your work-

-What you need to improve on the most is your knowledge of contrast and value. It would greatly improve your paintings.

-Improve your ability to portray reflections.

-Improve your ability to portray perspective.

-Improve your ability to harmonize your
pieces through a better selection of colors, colors that synergize well together. A better application of color theory would also make your pieces look better when they are brought next to each other. The colors affect the mood of your artwork far more than whatever it is that you are drawing.

-Learn to use a mirror with your artwork to recognize flaws and weaknesses that you may not have noticed before.

-Don't stop so soon after beginning your paintings. You consider some paintings "finished" yet there is so much more you can do to improve upon them.

-Learn to not view constructive criticism as a bad thing, and don't let yourself feel insulted by it.

That's just my opinion. Do what you Will.



Overall, here is my "assessment" of your work-

-What you need to improve on the most is your knowledge of contrast and value. It would greatly improve your paintings.

-Improve your ability to portray reflections.

-Improve your ability to portray perspective.

-Improve your ability to harmonize your
pieces through a better selection of colors, colors that synergize well together. A better application of color theory would also make your pieces look better when they are brought next to each other. The colors affect the mood of your artwork far more than whatever it is that you are drawing.

-Learn to use a mirror with your artwork to recognize flaws and weaknesses that you may not have noticed before.

-Don't stop so soon after beginning your paintings. You consider some paintings "finished" yet there is so much more you can do to improve upon them.

-Learn to not view constructive criticism as a bad thing, and don't let yourself feel insulted by it.

That's just my opinion. Do what you Will.



I'm not insulted by criticism, however to lecture people on a fun amature board in 18 or so posts sounds like you're a Looney Tune, besides you refuse to post any of your-own work to explain or illustrate is telling of your lack of credentials to give advice especially in Modern Art...
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House portrait...


  • noni's house potrait 0033.jpg
    noni's house potrait 0033.jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 85
Overall, here is my "assessment" of your work-

-What you need to improve on the most is your knowledge of contrast and value. It would greatly improve your paintings.

-Improve your ability to portray reflections.

-Improve your ability to portray perspective.

-Improve your ability to harmonize your
pieces through a better selection of colors, colors that synergize well together. A better application of color theory would also make your pieces look better when they are brought next to each other. The colors affect the mood of your artwork far more than whatever it is that you are drawing.

-Learn to use a mirror with your artwork to recognize flaws and weaknesses that you may not have noticed before.

-Don't stop so soon after beginning your paintings. You consider some paintings "finished" yet there is so much more you can do to improve upon them.

-Learn to not view constructive criticism as a bad thing, and don't let yourself feel insulted by it.

That's just my opinion. Do what you Will.



I'm not insulted by criticism, however to lecture people on a fun amature board in 18 or so posts sounds like you're a Looney Tune, besides you refuse to post any of your-own work to explain or illustrate is telling of your lack of credentials to give advice especially in Modern Art...

Ash brings up a number of valid points, and she does so from a point of understanding of color and composition. I can tell by reading her thoughts without having to see her work. Maybe her delivery could use some finesse, but her crits are valid. Your work shows promise and could benefit from some of the suggestions given.


House portrait...

In my opinion, this picture has a more decent use of color than many of your other works. I like the color scheme, which is pretty much a tetrad of blue, orange, yellow, and purple.

You made a somewhat boring scene/ subject look more interesting through your use of color. For example, some may have used a brown to paint the ground, whereas you used blue and orange and yellow. I like that area of this piece the most.

Still, the edges of the building could be much more defined, and the perspective could be improved, particularly on the right side.
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Hold this painting up to a mirror and behold the horror.

Honestly, the mirror is your best friend when working with portraits.

You could have said this with less joyous bile. Be nice.

And if you are going to be this harsh, you ought to put up something for others to crit.
Of course there's distortion on her face. The weight of her body is leaning on it...There were some valid points but not enough of a gain to matter, besides Bold Expressionism does not follow the rules of classical theories.
House portrait...

In my opinion, this picture has a more decent use of color than your other works. I like the color scheme, which is pretty much a tetrad of blue, orange, yellow, and purple.

You made a somewhat boring scene/ subject look more interesting through your use of color.

Still, the edges of the building could be much more defined, and the perspective could be improved, particularly on the right side.
Like I said goddess Ashtara, post some of your work so that I might respect your opinion more or go to the flame board.
House portrait...

In my opinion, this picture has a more decent use of color than your other works. I like the color scheme, which is pretty much a tetrad of blue, orange, yellow, and purple.

You made a somewhat boring scene/ subject look more interesting through your use of color.

Still, the edges of the building could be much more defined, and the perspective could be improved, particularly on the right side.
Like I said goddess Ashtara, post some of your work so that I might respect your opinion more or go to the flame board.

No offense, but I do not require you to respect my opinion in order for me to post it here.

I'm being real with you. Straight up. You don't have to like me or even respect me in order to learn something from my criticism about how you might improve your work.
House portrait...

In my opinion, this picture has a more decent use of color than your other works. I like the color scheme, which is pretty much a tetrad of blue, orange, yellow, and purple.

You made a somewhat boring scene/ subject look more interesting through your use of color.

Still, the edges of the building could be much more defined, and the perspective could be improved, particularly on the right side.
Like I said goddess Ashtara, post some of your work so that I might respect your opinion more or go to the flame board.

No offense, but I do not require you to respect my opinion in order for me to post it here.

I'm being real with you. Straight up. You don't have to like me or even respect me in order to learn something from my criticism about how you might improve your work.
Like I said earlier, making a quest of monitoring an armature painter's work on a message board really sounds like you're lonely and off your rocker.

Please get help or a least post a Certificate of Sanity

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