My Paintings

House portrait...

Do you want criticism? If you don't, then I'll withhold.
I like your paintings and critiques are welcome... noni's house potrait 0033.jpg
You need to work on angles, perspective and shadows more. I assume you know that your lines are a little sloppy. You could try painters tape. Art supply stores sell painters tape just for artists. The right side of your building is sagging because the angles need tidying up. The left side is flat because you didn't use proper perspective in putting in the windows. The post holding up the foreground isn't straight. The windows are all kattywampus leaning every which way. The two windows in in upper right side are wrong. One is way too low. There are no shadows around the window, at all which would set them on the building. On the left side, is that an air conditioning unit sticking out of the window? It needs a shadow. In fact the whole house needs a shadow. It's just floating.

What you have is a two point perspective work. Taking the closest part of the house, the post and center eve, use a ruler and draw a line from that center line to a point on either side of the work. You'll see immediately where the errors are. The second house, in the right side background looks hiked up on the furthest right side. In fact, that second house doesn't follow the perspective of the main house at all. Are you right or left handed? Your mistakes drift to the right. The roofline on the left is correct. But the windows don't follow that line. The ground also drifts up into what looks like a hill, again to the right. That might be intentional.

Print out a picture of your work. Use that foreground angle as your centerpoint. Put a mark on the paper on the middle of each side and draw lines from that centerpoint to each point every place you have a distant angle. Your two point perspective will never be wrong again.
Drawing a house is a lot like building a house. Measure twice, draw once. Measure everything.
Drawing a house is a lot like building a house. Measure twice, draw once. Measure everything.
Thanks for the info and I hope you post a house scene, something new...I learn a lot more studying from an actual painting...

One eye is higher than the other. Using a mirror would really help you catch these things, but one doesn't need a mirror to notice the deformation of her eyes.

I like the background.

The hair looks decent.

The shirt stands out too much, but the tetrad color scheme needn't be changed. Maybe if you darkened the shirt a bit, it would be less distracting from the face. Not by changing the colors, but by darkening the whole thing. Think about the way the shirt would look in a dimly lit room, as opposed to how it looks out in the bright sun.

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One eye is higher than the other. Using a mirror would really help you catch these things, but one doesn't need a mirror to notice the deformation of her eyes.

I like the background alot. ALOT. Fuckin' awesome use of black and turquoise/ teal.

The hair actually looks pretty decent.

The shirt stands out too much, but the tetrad color scheme needn't be changed. Maybe if you darkened the shirt a bit, it would be less distracting from the face. Not by changing the colors, but by darkening the whole thing. Think about the way the shirt would look in a dimly lit room, as opposed to how it looks out in the bright sun.

Honestly, you're really boring, can't you just saddle your broom and be off to never land?
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Drawing a house is a lot like building a house. Measure twice, draw once. Measure everything.
Thanks for the info and I hope you post a house scene, something new...I learn a lot more studying from an actual painting...
I looked at what I have photographed and i don't have any buildings similar to your house. I know I've done sketches of houses for class. I just don't have them photographed. I'll have to look. You might learn more from a drawing anyway.
Drawing a house is a lot like building a house. Measure twice, draw once. Measure everything.
Thanks for the info and I hope you post a house scene, something new...I learn a lot more studying from an actual painting...
I looked at what I have photographed and i don't have any buildings similar to your house. I know I've done sketches of houses for class. I just don't have them photographed. I'll have to look. You might learn more from a drawing anyway.
Doesn't have to be a house, an architectural painting will do...I appreciated your remarks on the perspective to the right, I rushed that painting in three hours to give it to a friend...I thought your remarks on the window perspectives a bit much, a ruler or tape would stiffen a composition and would not improve a good painting or a bad one.
Pbel finds it incredibly difficult to visualize.

Which is a fundamental trait of being a great artist of any kind.
Its not a question of visualization...If I were one to visualize, it would conform to my persona and experience...When an Artist, performs, writes or paints and I see or hear it then I see that person's vision uncluttered by my personal emotions clearly. I can visualize just fine, the mechanic's work, I want to see the Art!

Unfortunately Ashtara you are all talk and no action. You refuse to teach by example...I've seen Katzndog's work...It is very nice, funny you critiqued one of his paintings thinking it was mine.
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If you are referring to the "storm rising" painting above, I knew it wasn't yours. Its freakin' terrible and the person who created it should take a paintbrush and gouge out their eyes.

If you are referring to another painting, so what? They can take my advice and do what they Will with it.

"That's all it is. Advice. Do whatever the fuck you wanna do."
Hmm. Most artists would see improvement in their art over the course of twenty long years. That's almost my entire life lol. What happened? You must have just given up at some point.

So did you paint the piece above before or after you created the breathtaking masterpiece of this dog:


I mean


The technique.

I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it as well.

I can't imagine how hard you worked to complete this masterful piece.

Da Vinci would have been blown away. This dog painting is just too epic to comprehend. It must be preserved in a Museum as a symbol of humanities greatest achievements.


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