My Prediction for 2020...

If we search your posts from 2016 in the USMB archives what do you think we will find?

You will see me saying that Crooked Hillary is an asshole and that you Moon Bats were idiots nominating her. I was correct.
GOP lawmakers are fawning, spineless defenders of Trump's crimes.

What part of "there are nofucking Trump crimes" don't you get?
You can repeat that as many times as you want, but Trump is still your president.

The biggest scandal in US history is the Obama admin using the power of the FBI, DOJ, and intel agencies to illegally spy on the Trump campaign. The Durham investigation will show that the Obama admin illegally "broke into" the Trump campaign, making Nixon's "plumbers" look ticky-tack by comparison.
Trump will tap out, my friends!

What do you base that on Moon Bat?
i am God. i know everything

Spoken like the typical know it all Moon Bat. Thanks for reinforcing my stereotype of you morons. You never fail to amuse.

I bet you were convinced as dog shit that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide in 2016, weren't you?
If we search your posts from 2016 in the USMB archives what do you think we will find?
go right ahead
Klobuchar is luminous with a delicate grace. she will take the white house in 2020, and she's taking us there with her!
Trump will tap out, my friends!

What do you base that on Moon Bat?
i am God. i know everything

Spoken like the typical know it all Moon Bat. Thanks for reinforcing my stereotype of you morons. You never fail to amuse.

I bet you were convinced as dog shit that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide in 2016, weren't you?
If we search your posts from 2016 in the USMB archives what do you think we will find?
i remember vividly that i was with Trump all the way. VIVIDLY!
Trump will tap out, my friends!

What do you base that on Moon Bat?
i am God. i know everything

Spoken like the typical know it all Moon Bat. Thanks for reinforcing my stereotype of you morons. You never fail to amuse.

I bet you were convinced as dog shit that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide in 2016, weren't you?
If we search your posts from 2016 in the USMB archives what do you think we will find?

Whole buncha batshit crazy.

But he entertains me.
What do you base that on Moon Bat?
i am God. i know everything

Spoken like the typical know it all Moon Bat. Thanks for reinforcing my stereotype of you morons. You never fail to amuse.

I bet you were convinced as dog shit that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide in 2016, weren't you?
If we search your posts from 2016 in the USMB archives what do you think we will find?

Whole buncha batshit crazy.

But he entertains me.
that's my goal!
I think Trump will win but the win will be “controversial” IE liberals will have sour grapes and blame some bogeyman on the result
I wonder what they will manufacture for an excuse? They are quite imaginative.

The way they've been behaving, I suspect what they've been manufacturing is oodles and gobs of meth.
I think one of the USSC seats will come open this year and cause one unholy political uproar. These people are very aged: I can't see how they've held on this long.
Yep. And they will find braindead RBG's living will that says not to take her off of life support until there is a Democrat president.
We are less than 24 hours from the year that will end the Trump presidency

So are you predicting a Trump loss in November or are you predicting a successful impeachment or an assassination or Trump simply saying "fuck it, I quit"?
I think that since the various other nefarious stratagems have failed. Outspending Trump twice-over in the 2016 election campaign failed, the deep state attacks from the FBI have failed, the unprecedented mass media attacks have failed, and the failed impeachment is a non-starter, they have no other choice. Assassination.
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We are less than 24 hours from the year that will end the Trump presidency

So are you predicting a Trump loss in November or are you predicting a successful impeachment or an assassination or Trump simply saying "fuck it, I quit"?
I think that since the stratagems of outspending Trump twice-over in the 2016 election campaign failed, the deep state attacks from the FBI have failed, the unprecedented mass media attacks have failed, and the impeachment is a non-starter, they have no other choice. Assassination.
Unfortunately, that WOULD be the ONLY way they could remove him from office. And it IS a possibility they WILL try this option. If this DID happen, there WOULD be a Civil War. The Right would easily dispatch the Left, so I believe those on the Left who have ANY shred of intelligence would NOT want a Civil War. It would be over QUICKLY.

I think that since the various other nefarious stratagems have failed. Outspending Trump twice-over in the 2016 election campaign failed, the deep state attacks from the FBI have failed, the unprecedented mass media attacks have failed, and the failed impeachment is a non-starter, they have no other choice. Assassination.

Unfortunately you may be correct.

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