My Prediction for 2020...

I predict this woman will still be shouting in frustration while working on her invisible Rubics Cube (@ 0:39)

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I predict less shrieking in restaurants and mobbing on streets in 2020 -- I think the leftists have gotten over some of their shock. Not here, of course: I suppose the name-calling and Russian Putin-Minion attacks will continue as ever on USMB.

I think Trump will win, but I sure won't "validate" that in fraudulent polls or fake news propaganda.

I think it will be Bloomberg or Hillary for the Dems, as the rest have strayed WAAAAAYY off the reservation and can't get elected. The Hillary thing would be a draft, of course.

I think one of the older candidates will have to withdraw for reasons of health. I think one of the USSC seats will come open this year and cause one unholy political uproar. These people are very aged: I can't see how they've held on this long.

I think the GOP will control the Senate, and finally I'm beginning to think the GOP will take the House again. They only need 18 or 19 seats to do so, and the Dems have seriously bollixed things up this year.
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...Trump will be reelected by a fairly substantial margin.

There will be much Moon Bat marching around in pink pussy hats and howling at the sky.

We will ridicule them for doing it just like we did in 2016.

People tend to believe what they want to believe.
the protestors in Hong Kong flew the American Flag because they associate the US with freedom from tyranny. i bet George Washington is proud of that.

i predict in 2020 there will be more freedom for folks around the world
So are you predicting a Trump loss in November or are you predicting a successful impeachment or an assassination or Trump simply saying "fuck it, I quit"?

Or are you like most Moon Bats and are simply confused and don't know what the hell you think?
Trump will tap out, my friends!

What do you base that on Moon Bat?
i am God. i know everything

Spoken like the typical know it all Moon Bat. Thanks for reinforcing my stereotype of you morons. You never fail to amuse.

I bet you were convinced as dog shit that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide in 2016, weren't you?
I believe basque posts idiotic stuff just to rile others on here. I don't take ANYTHING they post seriously and just have fun laughing at their responses. And I believe you're correct about Trump being re-elected by a fairly substantial margin. I don't believe ANY of the current Dem front runners could realistically win more than 15-18 states or more than 200 Electoral College votes against Trump.

I know that but I chose to ridicule the asshole for a little bit.
Trump will tap out, my friends!

What do you base that on Moon Bat?
i am God. i know everything

Spoken like the typical know it all Moon Bat. Thanks for reinforcing my stereotype of you morons. You never fail to amuse.

I bet you were convinced as dog shit that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide in 2016, weren't you?
I believe basque posts idiotic stuff just to rile others on here. I don't take ANYTHING they post seriously and just have fun laughing at their responses. And I believe you're correct about Trump being re-elected by a fairly substantial margin. I don't believe ANY of the current Dem front runners could realistically win more than 15-18 states or more than 200 Electoral College votes against Trump.

I know that but I chose to ridicule the asshole for a little bit.
oh no. how am i going to recover?
Trump will win, the Dems have nobody, Biden's mind is gone, Lizzie will get clobbered for the "I'll give everyone everything they want free" platform. Bernie will fall for the same reason
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I predict YouTube will be populated with more of these great videos. This is one of the best uses of 14 minutes you will find to date (coincidentally the thumbnail shows the woman in the video I previously posted, but there's far more triggered TDS greatness to see in this one):

So are you predicting a Trump loss in November or are you predicting a successful impeachment or an assassination or Trump simply saying "fuck it, I quit"?

Or are you like most Moon Bats and are simply confused and don't know what the hell you think?
Trump will tap out, my friends!

What do you base that on Moon Bat?
i am God. i know everything

Spoken like the typical know it all Moon Bat. Thanks for reinforcing my stereotype of you morons. You never fail to amuse.

I bet you were convinced as dog shit that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide in 2016, weren't you?
If we search your posts from 2016 in the USMB archives what do you think we will find?
I predict this woman will still be shouting in frustration while working on her invisible Rubics Cube

Are you SURE that's a woman? This reminds me of when a friend of mine and I see someone we're NOT sure what gender they are. We say, "Is that a man or a woman?" And answer with, "Yes, it IS".
I bet if you ask their name they'll say it's Pat.

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