My take on the Election as of today

Really? I don't see anyone calling it for sleepy joe.
Biden won and Trump lost.
I saw no one inventing stories of massive fraud, nor did Hilary actively go out and undermine the public's faith in our electoral system.
You missed one big fact: no one invented stories of massive fraud in 2016 because THERE WAS NONE! Democrats were so sure they had the election wrapped up, they were giving Hillary 98% odds of winning and people on MSNBC were BEGGING Trump to run, sure he'd get killed.

And no one is inventing stories now. They don't have to. There are egregious irregularities every way you turn that Dems would be screaming bloody murder if any of it were against them.

Funny how NOT ONE ILLEGAL VOTE FOR TRUMP has turned up.

  • Democrats lose in 2016 and they are bad, terrible losers for four years.
  • Republicans lose in 2020 and they simply ask to use their rights within the law.
And democrats are fighting them tooth and nail, practically trying to push Biden over the WH fence in through the front door.
Long past time to scrap the EC. The balance has swung too far to the minority states.

Jack, your brain is like a mildew-soaked sponge full up on ignorance. The EXACT OPPOSITE has happened due to population explosion in states like CA and NYC. We actually need to SPLIT states like CA. If you had any idea what you were ever talking about, you'd know that the balance has swung SO FAR toward majority states like CA that it is hard to win without getting that state! These illustrations show the problem well:


Without the Electoral College, CA, NY, TX and FL would decide every election. More to the point, every election would be decided by SanFran, LA, NYC, and Chicago. Hardly none of the rest of the country would have any representation. Many states would never have ANY say in their government.


WITH the EC, more states have a more balanced representation, but even at that, CA is still the bully in the room and needs split. The Founders understood that states are like living entities: for states to work, for our economy to work, ALL states must have some say in their government, they must have some REPRESENTATION-- it is not a simple matter of plain numbers of people.

To say you want to scrap the EC is to ask about 40 of the states to GIVE UP HAVING ANY REPRESENTATION in their government. Ain't gonna happen. This is a Representative Republic.
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Trump is now preparing for his post-presidential life.

Yes, for four years from now. That PAC is probably to prevent further democrat vote fraud. If we don't have a legit vote, we don't have a country. It's as simple as that. If the dems try and take the vote away, we go to war.

Well, you have fun storming the castle. And please don't shoot each other. What this looks like is the beginning of a hostile takeover of the Republican National Committee. And an attempt to set up a slush fund for the myriad of legal action that's coming his way when he leaves office.

Nah, it's you idiots that set yourselves on fire with the molotovs. We actually know what we are doing.
You've noticed that XiNN and RCP are walking back their "Biden won the following States" announcements. Here's what I believe is happening.

On Election Eve, President Trump alerted Xi and Soros that the democrats got caught cheating (he would have called Biden at 2AM - but really?) OK, I'm kidding about Xi and Soros. The dems first reaction was to CHEAT MOAR! They poured in millions of fake ballots to swing WI, MI, PA, NV and GA to put Sleepy Joe over the top - in theory.

The Trump Administration let if be known that: they're not backing down AND they can conclusively PROVE the dems cheated. Result is dems lose and are embarrassed to the point of extinction, taking their Enemies List with them

Some of the saner dems who do NOT want the nation to erupt in a democrat Party ending Civil War are reaching out to the media to dial back the Biden "Victory" WITHOUT having the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" publicly exposed.

Sure, Joe loses and it's oh so close, but at least the dems aren't in the wilderness for 40 years

It's the more mature and longer term option, and I think that saner heads in the DNC are standing up to the Proto-Commies

I think you are mostly correct. I think some of the brighter dems also saw how the people of this country weren't buying their bullshit and were getting ready to start a war over the dems theft of the vote. Maybe they decided they didn't want to get killed right at this moment. Because that's about how close we are right now.

I think it's a battle between the moderate democrats and the Useful Idiots and the Moderate might be getting their way

Yup. The moderates are going, holy shit! They tried to steal it and got caught. How do you we back out of this gracefully without the need to go to war. I think Trump is letting them do the behind the scenes work because he knows that the only beneficiary of an American civil war is china, and pootin. Ultimately Trump cares more about the US than he does a massive, bloody victory, over the Dems.
Really? I don't see anyone calling it for sleepy joe.
LOL...Trump won by far less and you Trumpers never said a damn thing about the media announcing Trump had won or he had to wait for certification.

WTF you talking about, BoBo? Trump stomped Hillary with 36 more EC votes than he needed to win, it has nothing to do with the popular vote nationwide you dummass!

FOUR YEARS LATER and you're still trying to pedal this notion that this is a NATIONAL election when in fact it is FIFTY STATE ELECTIONS.
The electoral margin between Biden and Trump is expected to be the exact same as the margin between Trump and Hillary.

Look, cupcake, I realize you're about as dim as a candle, but you guys EXPECTED a Blue Wave landslide where Trump was crashed out of office and you took back the senate! So who give a flying FK what you think you EXPECT the EC votes to be.

Let's wait and see what they REALLY END UP AS.
LOL...Yes we will have to wait for Georgia and Arizona before we get the final EC total. However, the rest of the nation has made its decision. Biden has won.

You may not know what won means
You've noticed that XiNN and RCP are walking back their "Biden won the following States" announcements. Here's what I believe is happening.

On Election Eve, President Trump alerted Xi and Soros that the democrats got caught cheating (he would have called Biden at 2AM - but really?) OK, I'm kidding about Xi and Soros. The dems first reaction was to CHEAT MOAR! They poured in millions of fake ballots to swing WI, MI, PA, NV and GA to put Sleepy Joe over the top - in theory.

The Trump Administration let if be known that: they're not backing down AND they can conclusively PROVE the dems cheated. Result is dems lose and are embarrassed to the point of extinction, taking their Enemies List with them

Some of the saner dems who do NOT want the nation to erupt in a democrat Party ending Civil War are reaching out to the media to dial back the Biden "Victory" WITHOUT having the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" publicly exposed.

Sure, Joe loses and it's oh so close, but at least the dems aren't in the wilderness for 40 years

It's the more mature and longer term option, and I think that saner heads in the DNC are standing up to the Proto-Commies
You've been sold another bill of goods. Do you ever get tired of being lied to? It's fuckin embarrassing.

RCP - the story floating around that they "took back" Pennsylvania?

That was a fake story, frank.

They never called Pa to begin with.
Reread the OP. I didn't say XiNN walked back PA, just that team Biden stuffed the ballot there
You've noticed that XiNN and RCP are walking back their "Biden won the following States" announcements. Here's what I believe is happening.

On Election Eve, President Trump alerted Xi and Soros that the democrats got caught cheating (he would have called Biden at 2AM - but really?) OK, I'm kidding about Xi and Soros. The dems first reaction was to CHEAT MOAR! They poured in millions of fake ballots to swing WI, MI, PA, NV and GA to put Sleepy Joe over the top - in theory.

The Trump Administration let if be known that: they're not backing down AND they can conclusively PROVE the dems cheated. Result is dems lose and are embarrassed to the point of extinction, taking their Enemies List with them

Some of the saner dems who do NOT want the nation to erupt in a democrat Party ending Civil War are reaching out to the media to dial back the Biden "Victory" WITHOUT having the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" publicly exposed.

Sure, Joe loses and it's oh so close, but at least the dems aren't in the wilderness for 40 years

It's the more mature and longer term option, and I think that saner heads in the DNC are standing up to the Proto-Commies

See the latest lawsuit, it is serious.
You've noticed that XiNN and RCP are walking back their "Biden won the following States" announcements. Here's what I believe is happening.

On Election Eve, President Trump alerted Xi and Soros that the democrats got caught cheating (he would have called Biden at 2AM - but really?) OK, I'm kidding about Xi and Soros. The dems first reaction was to CHEAT MOAR! They poured in millions of fake ballots to swing WI, MI, PA, NV and GA to put Sleepy Joe over the top - in theory.

The Trump Administration let if be known that: they're not backing down AND they can conclusively PROVE the dems cheated. Result is dems lose and are embarrassed to the point of extinction, taking their Enemies List with them

Some of the saner dems who do NOT want the nation to erupt in a democrat Party ending Civil War are reaching out to the media to dial back the Biden "Victory" WITHOUT having the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" publicly exposed.

Sure, Joe loses and it's oh so close, but at least the dems aren't in the wilderness for 40 years

It's the more mature and longer term option, and I think that saner heads in the DNC are standing up to the Proto-Commies

See the latest lawsuit, it is serious.
I just stopped laughing at this post...that was how serious the law-suit was.
You've noticed that XiNN and RCP are walking back their "Biden won the following States" announcements. Here's what I believe is happening.

On Election Eve, President Trump alerted Xi and Soros that the democrats got caught cheating (he would have called Biden at 2AM - but really?) OK, I'm kidding about Xi and Soros. The dems first reaction was to CHEAT MOAR! They poured in millions of fake ballots to swing WI, MI, PA, NV and GA to put Sleepy Joe over the top - in theory.

The Trump Administration let if be known that: they're not backing down AND they can conclusively PROVE the dems cheated. Result is dems lose and are embarrassed to the point of extinction, taking their Enemies List with them

Some of the saner dems who do NOT want the nation to erupt in a democrat Party ending Civil War are reaching out to the media to dial back the Biden "Victory" WITHOUT having the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" publicly exposed.

Sure, Joe loses and it's oh so close, but at least the dems aren't in the wilderness for 40 years

It's the more mature and longer term option, and I think that saner heads in the DNC are standing up to the Proto-Commies
I knew at 11 am a scam was really happening
You've noticed that XiNN and RCP are walking back their "Biden won the following States" announcements. Here's what I believe is happening.

On Election Eve, President Trump alerted Xi and Soros that the democrats got caught cheating (he would have called Biden at 2AM - but really?) OK, I'm kidding about Xi and Soros. The dems first reaction was to CHEAT MOAR! They poured in millions of fake ballots to swing WI, MI, PA, NV and GA to put Sleepy Joe over the top - in theory.

The Trump Administration let if be known that: they're not backing down AND they can conclusively PROVE the dems cheated. Result is dems lose and are embarrassed to the point of extinction, taking their Enemies List with them

Some of the saner dems who do NOT want the nation to erupt in a democrat Party ending Civil War are reaching out to the media to dial back the Biden "Victory" WITHOUT having the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" publicly exposed.

Sure, Joe loses and it's oh so close, but at least the dems aren't in the wilderness for 40 years

It's the more mature and longer term option, and I think that saner heads in the DNC are standing up to the Proto-Commies

See the latest lawsuit, it is serious.

This didn't age well. :)
73 lower court and 3 SC cases..all dismissed.
Multiple recounts and audits in GA and WI.
Now, a sham of an "audit" in AZ.
And all will be used to justify voter suppression laws...
"The lie (in the minds of Trump supporters)....IS the truth".
"there have always been those on the fringes of society who have sought to escape their own responsability by finding a simple solution, an appealing slogan, or a convenient scapegoat. but in time the basic good sense and stability of the great American consensus has always prevailed" - JFK in 1961

that's why Trump lost and Biden won, my friends
You've noticed that XiNN and RCP are walking back their "Biden won the following States" announcements.

See the latest lawsuit, it is serious.

73 lower court and 3 SC cases..all dismissed.
So what if 100 courts all declined the cases! It doesn't prove a damn thing about the actual case evidence, courts, especially the SC decline to hear cases ALL THE TIME! And if half the courts took the cases and even found for Trump, then you'd simply dismiss those cases as being partisan, backed by Trump loyalists. You are fooling no one, Mehoff.

Multiple recounts and audits in GA and WI.
Now, a sham of an "audit" in AZ.
Right. Everything is good as gold except the ONE THING which might expose cheating and corruption and of course THAT is the one thing you call a "sham." It's only a "sham," Mehoff because it isn't Democrat-run and controlled and has the possibility of TWO outcomes, not just an automatic D for Joe Biden. :21:

And all will be used to justify voter suppression laws...
I bet you can't find me a single person who has ever come forward saying they tried to vote but couldn't. There is no such thing as voter suppression laws, no one writes a law to suppress votes, they right laws simply to make it harder to cheat, and that is where democrats get angry.

Democrats entire MO is BASED on fraud.
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