My Top Ten Issues I would Like to See Candidates Address


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
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1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
1. immigration period. Someone needs to discuss how to actually solve the problem. Not enact insane policies with a history of failure.
2. hell yes. They need to promote fair trade and quit punishing wealthy people for being smart and ambitious. Also, immigration.
3. Fuck yes. Which it has been mentioned but not near enough.
4.Government accountability. Period
5. Fuck yes
6. Suicide period. Maybe when they are ignorantly rambling on about guns, they could mention that too.
7. Monsanto just got criminally charged in France. Good deal. GMOs are ok but need ot be labeled. They also have way to much power. A farmer getting sued because their chemicals blew on their land? Give me a fuckin break
8. agreed. Drugs are a problem. That's why we should legalize them. Honestly, the thought of heroin being legal is fuckin nuts, but going by history, usage would go down. Just like prohibition of alcohol.
9. agreed. I don't think its pressing, but should be addressed.
10. Advisement perhaps. But that's it. Its not the govts job to tell us what we should eat.
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.

Wow, that is more data than you usually use in your responses.


Just curious, did you actually read any of it?

No, I didnt think so.
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
too many words?
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
too many words?
or too many syllables therein, lol
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
Wrong. He should run.
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.

Wow, that is more data than you usually use in your responses.


Just curious, did you actually read any of it?

No, I didnt think so.
Yes I did and the word disingenuous came to mind .
Broke out laughing when jimblowme played the too many animals card.
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
too many words?
Anything jimblowme posts has too many words .
And you can't understand a third of them if you did you'd realized how deranged he is.
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
too many words?
or too many syllables therein, lol
Just keep telling yourself that.
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
too many words?
Anything jimblowme posts has too many words .
And you can't understand a third of them if you did you'd realized how deranged he is.
please shut up
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.
too many words?
Anything jimblowme posts has too many words .
And you can't understand a third of them if you did you'd realized how deranged he is.
please shut up
I'll reply as much as I care to .
Anything jimblowme posts has too many words .
And you can't understand a third of them if you did you'd realized how deranged he is.
please shut up
daws cant agree with restricting corporations like Monsanto, or removing corporate money from the political system and he fully supports the $4 TRILLION Quantitative Easing program that enriched Wall Street banks while the rest of America suffered.

He is just a corporate tool, end of story. Period.
Ten issues? You'll never make it in politics. Keep it simple.
Yeah, I know that our political rhetoric is supposed to be restricted to 7th grade vocabulary and a few simple topics.

I am just saying, damn, why do they go on and on and on about Cruz's fuck up regarding Carson, or Trumps use of a common profanity, or Jeb Bush being a Momas boy when we have so many issues that demand attention?

I really feel that our circus media is intent on distracting the public from real crisis in order to DEFLECT from them. I didnt even mention the TPP which is horrid itself because there are so many that threaten the public and felt it was necessary to winnow it down to no more than ten.

Last edited:
Anything jimblowme posts has too many words .
And you can't understand a third of them if you did you'd realized how deranged he is.
please shut up
daws cant agree with restricting corporations like Monsanto, or removing corporate money from the political system and he fully supports the $4 TRILLION Quantitative Easing program that enriched Wall Street banks while the rest of America suffered.

He is just a corporate tool, end of story. Period.
You give that dumbfuck wayyyy too much credit man
1) The Open Borders policies of the past four administrations have been a collossal failure and continue to put the public at risk of imported disease, criminal networks, underground networks of safe houses, forgery, etc, that terrorists can and probably are currently using. This is one of the handful of federal responsibilities given to the feds under the Constitution and they cant get even this much right.

2) Working Class wages, after taxes and inflation, have fallen slightly while those of the top ten percent have climbed since 1973. This has caused a lag in the growth of the consumer market in constant dollars that has crippled the world economy as the US consumer market had been the engine pulling the rest of the world along till the Fed economic policies began to favor cannabalizing the working class. IT also undermines the case against democratic socialism. If the Wall Street banks can get free money, why cant the rest of us?

3) Corporate Donations have corrupted our political system and the Congress. For obvious reasons this needs to be addressed and is likely the underlying cause to all our other problems.

4) The Federal government has begun playing spin games with its economic data that is so wild it simply abandons even a fig leaf of factuality and accuracy to the point that they have become useless as either a reflection of our economy nor in raising confidence in that economy. When the home team can freely change the score on the scoreboard, no one pays any attention to it. This obviously needs to be removed from partisan influence.

5) When Wall Street banks got a free gift of $4 TRILLION in Quantitative Easing purchases, the banks made out like bandits, giving huge bonus checks to its employees while the rest of America was suffering. Why cant we spread ore of this Federali free money around? This program has completely destroyed conservative arguments against targeted federal relief when they sat silent on this record setting give away. More Socialism is going to come our way, bet on it, but this time for everyone. What form will it take and who divies out the gifts this time?

6) The suicide rate of our veterans testifies to the scandalous treatment of our veterans and guarantees that more and more it will be the case that only the dregs of society will serve in our nations armed forces unless the underlying causes are addressed. How can we cut veteran programs and have long lists of veterans dying while waiting treatment or freezing on our nations streets homeless while we give away millions to illegal liens and so-called refugees? And is it wise to have a professional army that increasingly feels little love or loyalty to its civilian population?

7) Monsanto has been designing GM crops that are two generation only crops, meaning that Monsanto will be able to grow one more generation, but farmers cant save seed for next years crops. As if that was bad enough, this genetic modification is a dominant gene, which over-rides neighboring crops that have become Monsanto gene carriers that make it illegal to use for next years crops anyway. Use of reduced generation crops and dominant GM strains must be made illegal before these greedy fucks turn ALL of our crops into one generation crops.

8) Heroin addiction has sky rocketed in part due to the addictiveness and over prescription of Opioid pain killers. That must be reviewed and modified somehow. Obviously letting doctors do whatever the hell they want, in this case making profits by prescribing pain killers, must be revised and reviewed.

9) The resurgence of wild animals is a success story, but it also is causing an explosion of problems that the media is ignoring. We need to allow farmers to hunt/kill animals on their property in and out of season to protect their crops and prevent the spread of animal born diseases. More effort at revising animal protection laws to allow them to be culled is necessary or animal attacks on civilians will soon become spiked for being all too common.

10) Obesity and nutrition advisement needs an overhaul. The emphasis on carbohydrates needs to be reduced to a low carb intake diet, as the reliance on carbs is a pre-WW2 nutritional standard that in todays postwar success we have seen has caused an explosion of Type 2 Diabetes in response.

1. Agreed, but until the government is going to crack down on businesses with business closing fines and jail time there will also be those large corporations that thumb their noses at the policy. Also, when someone is caught they need to be deported quickly when it is found they are not a citizen and are here illegally.

2. Agreed however, what do you expect when our congress can be bought and paid for by big business on both sides of the aisle.

3. You can blame citizens united for that one.

4. This has happened for decades and it is amusing and pathetic watching both sides defend the numbers when their side is in charge and call the numbers false when the other side is in charge. How about both sides have been corrupt on this issue?

5. Agreed, there should be no "too big to fail" banks period. They shouldn't have been bailed out and instead the help should have gone directly to the people if there was a bailout to have happened.

6. Agreed, no refugees from anywhere and no aid money to other countries should happen while our veterans are in need. Veterans should come first before any of those. Basically U.S. citizens should come first before any immigrant or any other country.

7. Agreed as well. Monsato is the biggest scam corporation in the country. It is complete bullshit that a neighboring farmer be punished for their seeds going into neighboring farms.

8. Drugs should be legal. ANY drugs. It is up to the person to decide what they want to take and the consequences of it are also their responsibility. The government shouldn't have a right to a person's body as to what they can or cannot take.

9. This would require more government workers to revisit these laws and what animals should be protected.

10. IF you are talking education, that is fine. If you are talking about the government doing what they did in say New York City with soda size, then no. The government should educate people on nutrition, not enforce it.
As far as Monsanto & GMO's are concerned, this is from another thread & is in no way complete to the information about or practices of.......just saying

I'm not sure that the OP's intent with this thread was in this direction and I apologize to the OP here upfront. Now, my earlier comments were intended to inform the 'public' as it were, that there is a huge difference between hybrids & GMO's. That part is fact. Yes I went on to include not only Monsanto, but DuPont and others to show a broader picture of just how they go about it. Yes a lot of that does include personal opinion, yet still based on facts. There may be 'conspiracy theories' out there on this subject and Monsanto, but I myself wouldn't have such negative opinions if they weren't based on facts. And I'll get to those in a bit. This subject is more far reaching and would take too much time to cover each & every aspect involved. I will try to explain as best I can on the topics in question.

a.) first off, not too long ago and within our lifetime, food producers were required to include the ingredient list on their labels.
b.) food producers change up their labels all the time to better entice consumers to buy their product.
c.) Monsanto has spent millions in California, Vermont and Washington state to stop the labelling laws. Only in Vermont was the law passed, but is currently having problems over just how it's going to be enforced, once the law comes into effect.

Food industry looks to Congress as GMO labeling law nears

My questions here are (given the above facts) what's the big deal to add a few words such as 'may contain GMO', or 'does not contain GMO'??? It doesn't have to be some huge eye sore, just a few words to inform the consumer of just what they're buying. Many people, such as yourself & others here, couldn't care less if the product contains GMO's or not, but for the rest of us who do care about what our food contains or is made of, we should be able to make an informed choice. Standard or not. It's near impossible to be completely GMO free since it is in everything and yes we've been eating GMO's for along time and will probably continue to do so. There is nothing wrong as you put it, in being informed. In my opinion, to not include that little bit of information the next time companies update their label, is taking away my ability to choose.
And why would Monsanto care so much if Kellogg's had to add a few more words to their ever changing label?

High Costs/Prices

Yes there is plenty of $ involved. The biggest costs are already being paid to produce 'separate' products. Organic growers also have to pay somewhere around
$10,000 just to be approved as Organic. The producers also have high costs to produce their products under both Organic & non. THOSE COSTS ARE ALREADY BEING PAID and this changes nothing on the store shelves. As stated above under 'labeling' producers/manufacturers ALREADY pay the costs associated with updating the product label on their own to be a more desirable & better advertisement of their product, so to add a few simple words isn't going to cost anyone any more money. Not the consumer & not the manufacturer. NADA


Monsanto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First off, let me say this FOR Monsanto...yes they have done some good with their research & development in creating products that do further agriculture and pharmacuticals and other stuff. Namely the idea behind GMO's, Celebrex and LED's. They are constantly changing, advancing & very diverse with their work and interests. And no, they are not alone in their quest for such advances in these fields and I use them as my point of reference because they are more widely known.
What I and millions of others don't like & what may be the basis behind those crazy world take over conspiracies is the fact that they have bought, acquired, mergered and taken controlling interests in nearly all phases and aspects of the food supply and have become THE worlds largest-grossing seed company. By having acquired many of it's competitors, suppliers, and companies/corporations that somehow feed into that market, they are gaining a controlling interest in global food supply. They have even tried a few times to buy or take control of Syngenta, one of their biggest remaining competitors as recently as within the last year. Syngenta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GMO & Terminator Seeds

Yes, there is such a thing as terminator seed. Genetic use restriction technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and are a part of GMO's. This means that any seed produced from the plant can NOT be saved & replanted for the next crop. You have to obtain new seed with each planting. These seeds are designed not to sprout, this is a part of GMO gene splicing. Monsanto has patented their seeds and have many lawsuits on their books involving it claiming patent infringement. Biggest problem here is that nature does not pay attention to laws nor can it be completely controlled. Using corn as an example, it is wind pollinated. GMO corn planted within just a few short miles of non GMO corn runs the risk of cross contamination and nature is guilty of patent infringement, yet Monsanto files suit. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.
Hybridizing seeds & plants is a whole different story that I won't get into here or now, but it's different.

GMO's vs health safety

I know a few years ago when I had originally looked into this whole thing about GMO's & Monsanto, I had found a reliable article that had said the only research into the possibilities of health effects were done in a 6(?) month study on rats. A few months really isn't considered a 'long-term' result. Currently I can't find it, but will include what I have found and it's more current anyway.

Health Risks - Institute for Responsible Technology

Monsanto Silences Research Findings of GMO Health Effects - Validated Independent News

Monsanto & the Federal Government

I can't find any links to provide, that is impartial here in this regard. Not even Wikipedia. But I'll work with what I can find.

1. Monsanto and only Monsanto have Federal backing in the Monsanto Protection Act signed into law by Obama. Monsanto Protection Act and here Obama signs 'Monsanto Protection Act' written by Monsanto-sponsored senator

2, Ex Monsanto employees are or have been in key government positions and visa versa and spend millions to fund their interests.

Partially Debunked: List of Monsanto Employees in Government


I think I've provided enough information as objective as possible to support my opinion on GMO's and Monsanto, not to persuade others but to inform them about a topic most people don't understand the full depth of but does effect their very life & health. Hey, if yall still think GMO's and your food is no big deal Awesome. More power to you. You have that right. Atleast now you are better informed to make that choice. Something I and many like me are denied because of the lack of a few words on product labels

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