Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

You see it because you want to, and need it or your argument turns to shit. It is nothing but a way to not talk about Islam.

And you put the bar on the ground the moment you started your moralizing and avoiding the cause of the mess in the first place and falsely tagging people as someone who supports genocide. The only group I know that encourages genocide is Islam.

And you defend Islam. What does that make you?

Someone who defends the rights of anyone to peacefully practice the religion of their choice. Is that so hard to understand?
To practice Islam is to say that Muslims are superior. The way the practice their religion is eternal war.

Many religions think they are personally superior - in fact, aren't Jews often attacked over "calling themselves" the "chosen" ones? (which in itself is a distortion). Don't Christians consider themselves superior to the heathens? History has shown plenty of examples of that belief. I don't know about Buddhists or Hindu's or Taoists ...but I kind of think a lot of athiests consider themselves superior to "believers" of any faith...but particularly Christianity.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.
" Blindly Defending Minorities Status While Ignoring Instigators Of Intolerance "

* Overt Covert Plots *

You said Islam is the cause of the Buddhists raping and murdering children.
I just can't figure out how Islam is forcing those Buddhists to rape murder and children. Maybe you can elaborate on why you think Islam is to blame for the rape of women and children by Buddhists?
Please share . " What you believe it takes to make a buddhist angry enough to do such a thing ? Are such actions part of a buddhist creed ? "

Whereas buddhism has edicts that would incriminate themselves for such actions , fictional ishmaelism institutionalizes them as edicts .

If mu ham mad had stipulated regional boundaries , such as did mu sa for torahnism , then mutual accords affording autonomy to others would be possible as qurayshism ; however , read the hypocrisy of of mu ham mad from his militant manifesto for perpetual and illegitimate aggression inside and outside of hejaz .

#I_SLAM_A_PHOBIA - fictional ishmaelism is the paranoia and delusion invoked from surah 9 for over 1400 years to defend hejaz when it was not ever under duress .

9:8 How [can there be a treaty] while, if they gain dominance over you, they do not observe concerning you any pact of kinship or covenant of protection? They satisfy you with their mouths, but their hearts refuse [compliance], and most of them are defiantly disobedient.

9:41 Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of God. That is better for you, if you only knew.

9:73 O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.

* Castigating Dissension Terrorism Facilitators*

9:83 If God should return you to a faction of them [after the expedition] and then they ask your permission to go out [to battle], say, You will not go out with me, ever, and you will never fight with me an enemy. Indeed, you were satisfied with sitting [at home] the first time, so sit [now] with those who stay behind.”

9:84 And do not pray [the funeral prayer, O Muhammad], over any of them who has died - ever - or stand at his grave. Indeed, they disbelieved in God and His Messenger and died while they were defiantly disobedient.

* September 11 2001 Not In Gospel *

9:111 Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

* Terrorism Brigandage Perpetual Hostility *

9:122 And it is not for the believers to go forth [to battle] all at once. For there should separate from every division of them a group remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn [i.e., advise] their people when they return to them that they might be cautious.

9:123 O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that God is with the righteous.

You're not making any sense.

Are you attempting to justify Myanmar's treatment of the Rohinga?
That is really all you have? C'mon.
Please share . " What you believe it takes to make a buddhist angry enough to do such a thing ? Are such actions part of a buddhist creed ? "

Because they are humans, and like all humans - they can be just as violent, close minded, and intolerant as every other religion.

The darker side of Buddhism

Buddhist Persecution of Christians on the Rise
"In the West, Buddhism is synonymous with peace, compassion, wisdom and ecumenical brotherhood," observes Vaticanista Sandro Magister. "Moreover, Buddhism has a reputation as a persecuted religion, and Tibet is the emblem of this."

"In almost all of the Asian states in which Buddhism is the majority religion," Magister notes, "there is cruel religious repression. And this strikes all of the non-Buddhist religions." But in recent years, reports have emerged containing "striking evidence of a contrary nature."

In Myanmar, 80–90 percent of the population adheres to Buddhism. The country ranks 23rd on Open Doors USA's World Watch List of countries most hostile to Christians.

Christians make up roughly 8.5 percent of Myanmar's population, but according to a 2016 report by Christian Aid Mission, "Professing allegiance to Christ alone is seen as angering the very spirits both villagers and urban dwellers hope to placate."

Nationalist religious movements have increased in Myanmar in recent years, with Buddhist nationalists pressing the government to enact laws to stem conversions to Christianity and prevent interfaith marriages.

In 2016, Myanmar held its first democratic elections in a quarter-century. During the campaign period, the army continued attacks on ethnic minorities. In addition, "an organization of Buddhist radical monks (Ma Ba Tha) increased their campaigns against religious minorities and successfully helped introduce four laws for the 'Protection of Race and Religion,' building insurmountable hurdles for conversions and religiously mixed marriages."

In Sri Lanka, a campaign of violence is being waged against Christian believers. According to Release International, Christians are targeted by Buddhist monks and the government. Worship services have been disbanded and churches closed. Monks have even prevented Christians from burying their dead in public cemeteries.

Buddhists in Burma Attack, Injure Newly Converted Christians
About 150 angry Buddhists and monks this month attacked newly converted Christians in Burma (Myanmar), destroying their homes and property and injuring seven people. In Thi Taw village in northwest Burma’s Sagaing Region, the mob threw stones and broke into houses on July 6, two days after two families put their trust in Christ and left Buddhism, a local official told Morning Star News. Four women and three men who were hit with stones and sticks and suffered injuries on their heads, faces and backs.

Myanmar's Buddhist Persecutors of Christians and Muslims - by Lela Gilbert
There has never been a shortage of religious persecution in the East Asian country of Burma, also known as Myanmar. To the surprise of some westerners, the Buddhist country has been a brutal abuser of religious minorities for decades.

Christians have long faced ongoing and terrible mistreatment at the hand of Myanmar’s authorities. In fact, since 1999, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has declared Myanmar a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) in its annual reports because of its violent practices, lawless abuses, and discriminatory treatment of non-Buddhists. The regime has used fines, imprisonment, forced conversions, starvation, gang rape, and child abuse to oppress Christians.

And, many might not be aware of it, but one of the biggest blocks of refugees into the US are Christian Burmese, fleeing the persecution of this regime.
Someone who defends the rights of anyone to peacefully practice the religion of their choice. Is that so hard to understand?
To practice Islam is to say that Muslims are superior. The way the practice their religion is eternal war.

Many religions think they are personally superior - in fact, aren't Jews often attacked over "calling themselves" the "chosen" ones? (which in itself is a distortion). Don't Christians consider themselves superior to the heathens? History has shown plenty of examples of that belief. I don't know about Buddhists or Hindu's or Taoists ...but I kind of think a lot of athiests consider themselves superior to "believers" of any faith...but particularly Christianity.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Someone who defends the rights of anyone to peacefully practice the religion of their choice. Is that so hard to understand?
To practice Islam is to say that Muslims are superior. The way the practice their religion is eternal war.

Many religions think they are personally superior - in fact, aren't Jews often attacked over "calling themselves" the "chosen" ones? (which in itself is a distortion). Don't Christians consider themselves superior to the heathens? History has shown plenty of examples of that belief. I don't know about Buddhists or Hindu's or Taoists ...but I kind of think a lot of athiests consider themselves superior to "believers" of any faith...but particularly Christianity.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
Become a Christian or I'll chop off your head, words I've never heard this century.

I wonder what the Buddhists were saying when they were chopping of the heads of Rohinga children...:eusa_think:
Please share . " What you believe it takes to make a buddhist angry enough to do such a thing ? Are such actions part of a buddhist creed ? "

Because they are humans, and like all humans - they can be just as violent, close minded, and intolerant as every other religion.

The darker side of Buddhism

Buddhist Persecution of Christians on the Rise
"In the West, Buddhism is synonymous with peace, compassion, wisdom and ecumenical brotherhood," observes Vaticanista Sandro Magister. "Moreover, Buddhism has a reputation as a persecuted religion, and Tibet is the emblem of this."

"In almost all of the Asian states in which Buddhism is the majority religion," Magister notes, "there is cruel religious repression. And this strikes all of the non-Buddhist religions." But in recent years, reports have emerged containing "striking evidence of a contrary nature."

In Myanmar, 80–90 percent of the population adheres to Buddhism. The country ranks 23rd on Open Doors USA's World Watch List of countries most hostile to Christians.

Christians make up roughly 8.5 percent of Myanmar's population, but according to a 2016 report by Christian Aid Mission, "Professing allegiance to Christ alone is seen as angering the very spirits both villagers and urban dwellers hope to placate."

Nationalist religious movements have increased in Myanmar in recent years, with Buddhist nationalists pressing the government to enact laws to stem conversions to Christianity and prevent interfaith marriages.

In 2016, Myanmar held its first democratic elections in a quarter-century. During the campaign period, the army continued attacks on ethnic minorities. In addition, "an organization of Buddhist radical monks (Ma Ba Tha) increased their campaigns against religious minorities and successfully helped introduce four laws for the 'Protection of Race and Religion,' building insurmountable hurdles for conversions and religiously mixed marriages."

In Sri Lanka, a campaign of violence is being waged against Christian believers. According to Release International, Christians are targeted by Buddhist monks and the government. Worship services have been disbanded and churches closed. Monks have even prevented Christians from burying their dead in public cemeteries.

Buddhists in Burma Attack, Injure Newly Converted Christians
About 150 angry Buddhists and monks this month attacked newly converted Christians in Burma (Myanmar), destroying their homes and property and injuring seven people. In Thi Taw village in northwest Burma’s Sagaing Region, the mob threw stones and broke into houses on July 6, two days after two families put their trust in Christ and left Buddhism, a local official told Morning Star News. Four women and three men who were hit with stones and sticks and suffered injuries on their heads, faces and backs.

Myanmar's Buddhist Persecutors of Christians and Muslims - by Lela Gilbert
There has never been a shortage of religious persecution in the East Asian country of Burma, also known as Myanmar. To the surprise of some westerners, the Buddhist country has been a brutal abuser of religious minorities for decades.

Christians have long faced ongoing and terrible mistreatment at the hand of Myanmar’s authorities. In fact, since 1999, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has declared Myanmar a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) in its annual reports because of its violent practices, lawless abuses, and discriminatory treatment of non-Buddhists. The regime has used fines, imprisonment, forced conversions, starvation, gang rape, and child abuse to oppress Christians.

And, many might not be aware of it, but one of the biggest blocks of refugees into the US are Christian Burmese, fleeing the persecution of this regime.
After a post like that I can only gather you hate Buddhists. But I am sure if you say you are only telling the truth and you do not hate them. Why wouldn't people telling the truth about Islam be afforded the same courtesy?
Please share . " What you believe it takes to make a buddhist angry enough to do such a thing ? Are such actions part of a buddhist creed ? "

Because they are humans, and like all humans - they can be just as violent, close minded, and intolerant as every other religion.

The darker side of Buddhism

Buddhist Persecution of Christians on the Rise
"In the West, Buddhism is synonymous with peace, compassion, wisdom and ecumenical brotherhood," observes Vaticanista Sandro Magister. "Moreover, Buddhism has a reputation as a persecuted religion, and Tibet is the emblem of this."

"In almost all of the Asian states in which Buddhism is the majority religion," Magister notes, "there is cruel religious repression. And this strikes all of the non-Buddhist religions." But in recent years, reports have emerged containing "striking evidence of a contrary nature."

In Myanmar, 80–90 percent of the population adheres to Buddhism. The country ranks 23rd on Open Doors USA's World Watch List of countries most hostile to Christians.

Christians make up roughly 8.5 percent of Myanmar's population, but according to a 2016 report by Christian Aid Mission, "Professing allegiance to Christ alone is seen as angering the very spirits both villagers and urban dwellers hope to placate."

Nationalist religious movements have increased in Myanmar in recent years, with Buddhist nationalists pressing the government to enact laws to stem conversions to Christianity and prevent interfaith marriages.

In 2016, Myanmar held its first democratic elections in a quarter-century. During the campaign period, the army continued attacks on ethnic minorities. In addition, "an organization of Buddhist radical monks (Ma Ba Tha) increased their campaigns against religious minorities and successfully helped introduce four laws for the 'Protection of Race and Religion,' building insurmountable hurdles for conversions and religiously mixed marriages."

In Sri Lanka, a campaign of violence is being waged against Christian believers. According to Release International, Christians are targeted by Buddhist monks and the government. Worship services have been disbanded and churches closed. Monks have even prevented Christians from burying their dead in public cemeteries.

Buddhists in Burma Attack, Injure Newly Converted Christians
About 150 angry Buddhists and monks this month attacked newly converted Christians in Burma (Myanmar), destroying their homes and property and injuring seven people. In Thi Taw village in northwest Burma’s Sagaing Region, the mob threw stones and broke into houses on July 6, two days after two families put their trust in Christ and left Buddhism, a local official told Morning Star News. Four women and three men who were hit with stones and sticks and suffered injuries on their heads, faces and backs.

Myanmar's Buddhist Persecutors of Christians and Muslims - by Lela Gilbert
There has never been a shortage of religious persecution in the East Asian country of Burma, also known as Myanmar. To the surprise of some westerners, the Buddhist country has been a brutal abuser of religious minorities for decades.

Christians have long faced ongoing and terrible mistreatment at the hand of Myanmar’s authorities. In fact, since 1999, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has declared Myanmar a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) in its annual reports because of its violent practices, lawless abuses, and discriminatory treatment of non-Buddhists. The regime has used fines, imprisonment, forced conversions, starvation, gang rape, and child abuse to oppress Christians.

And, many might not be aware of it, but one of the biggest blocks of refugees into the US are Christian Burmese, fleeing the persecution of this regime.
After a post like that I can only gather you hate Buddhists. But I am sure if you say you are only telling the truth and you do not hate them. Why wouldn't people telling the truth about Islam be afforded the same courtesy?

I actually like many elements of Buddhism. But I'm not willfully blind to the dark side of many religions including Islam. All religions have good and bad, and a Golden Rule.

There is a difference between being truthful and critical and demonizing.
To practice Islam is to say that Muslims are superior. The way the practice their religion is eternal war.

Many religions think they are personally superior - in fact, aren't Jews often attacked over "calling themselves" the "chosen" ones? (which in itself is a distortion). Don't Christians consider themselves superior to the heathens? History has shown plenty of examples of that belief. I don't know about Buddhists or Hindu's or Taoists ...but I kind of think a lot of athiests consider themselves superior to "believers" of any faith...but particularly Christianity.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?
Many religions think they are personally superior - in fact, aren't Jews often attacked over "calling themselves" the "chosen" ones? (which in itself is a distortion). Don't Christians consider themselves superior to the heathens? History has shown plenty of examples of that belief. I don't know about Buddhists or Hindu's or Taoists ...but I kind of think a lot of athiests consider themselves superior to "believers" of any faith...but particularly Christianity.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
To practice Islam is to say that Muslims are superior. The way the practice their religion is eternal war.

Many religions think they are personally superior - in fact, aren't Jews often attacked over "calling themselves" the "chosen" ones? (which in itself is a distortion). Don't Christians consider themselves superior to the heathens? History has shown plenty of examples of that belief. I don't know about Buddhists or Hindu's or Taoists ...but I kind of think a lot of athiests consider themselves superior to "believers" of any faith...but particularly Christianity.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
Become a Christian or I'll chop off your head, words I've never heard this century.

I wonder what the Buddhists were saying when they were chopping of the heads of Rohinga children...:eusa_think:
Again, you are joking about genocide and then confuse people by accusing them of supporting what you think is funny?

You getting the idea?
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.
Many religions think they are personally superior - in fact, aren't Jews often attacked over "calling themselves" the "chosen" ones? (which in itself is a distortion). Don't Christians consider themselves superior to the heathens? History has shown plenty of examples of that belief. I don't know about Buddhists or Hindu's or Taoists ...but I kind of think a lot of athiests consider themselves superior to "believers" of any faith...but particularly Christianity.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
Become a Christian or I'll chop off your head, words I've never heard this century.

I wonder what the Buddhists were saying when they were chopping of the heads of Rohinga children...:eusa_think:
Again, you are joking about genocide and then confuse people by accusing them of supporting what you think is funny?

You getting the idea?

Surely you understand sarcasm?

You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.

And there is nothing wrong with my understanding and you saying they(Islam) ever had the power to conquer all is a lie. Just another piss poor and laughable excuse.

You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.

Muslims around the world have been living peacefully for centuries. They weren't stopped militarily anymore than Christianity was.
How dense are you? I do not care about other religions unless they start pulling the same shit.


You don't even care about them when they DO pull the same shit.
Become a Christian or I'll chop off your head, words I've never heard this century.

I wonder what the Buddhists were saying when they were chopping of the heads of Rohinga children...:eusa_think:
Again, you are joking about genocide and then confuse people by accusing them of supporting what you think is funny?

You getting the idea?

Surely you understand sarcasm?
That's ironic.
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.

And there is nothing wrong with my understanding and you saying they(Islam) ever had the power to conquer all is a lie. Just another piss poor and laughable excuse.

Almost 2 Billion people can create a shitload of bloodshed around the world if they were as horrific as you claim :lol:
That still has nothing to do with what Islam obligates its followers to do. Other religions are not at eternal war. And your emoticon shows you don't care about that either.

You are enabling a religion that says to kill or subdue everyone. And you refuse to believe how many Muslims take this very seriously. You do not want the genocide to stop. Again, shame on you.

Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.

Muslims around the world have been living peacefully for centuries. They weren't stopped militarily anymore than Christianity was.

Maybe because Christianity is compatible with freedom, Islam is not.
Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.

And there is nothing wrong with my understanding and you saying they(Islam) ever had the power to conquer all is a lie. Just another piss poor and laughable excuse.

Almost 2 Billion people can create a shitload of bloodshed around the world if they were as horrific as you claim :lol:
Not when half are dirt poor(well over half) and illiterate(almost exactly half). Another stupid excuse that takes absolutely no thought on anyone's part to dismiss.
Meanwhile we have Buddhists persecuting and slaughtering minorities in their countries.
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.

And there is nothing wrong with my understanding and you saying they(Islam) ever had the power to conquer all is a lie. Just another piss poor and laughable excuse.

Almost 2 Billion people can create a shitload of bloodshed around the world if they were as horrific as you claim :lol:
Not when half are dirt poor(well over half) and illiterate(almost exactly half). Another stupid excuse that takes absolutely no thought on anyone's part to dismiss.

You know...that's actually kind of .... stupid.

It doesn't take much literacy or wealth to have a violent uprising. Ponder that while you study history.
Neither is Islam. Shame on you.

If all those Muslims took "this very seriously" - the whole world would be Muslim by now. Your logic, or at best your understanding of Islam is very faulty :lol:
Neither is Islam
It sure is, would you like to see the verses that prove it? And I think I have asked you before what do you think is the most important thing to know about Islam? I would think that would be they intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic. And that includes using terror. What else is there to understand?

You have an enemy of free will and freedom of choice. How can't you condemn it?

You and I have gotten into "verse wars" before in other threads - I've presented my arguments with sources to support them, on both verses and on what abrogation means. I'm not going to repeat it because you aren't interested in hearing it.

Let's be logical here, if "they" intend to destroy everything that is not Islamic, "they" would have done so centuries ago. But "they" didn't. Therefore there is something wrong about your understanding gof "them".
No, they were stopped militarily. And their backwards culture left them in the industrial and technical dust. Oil money revived jihad on a large scale and continues to fund Islamic terror.

Muslims around the world have been living peacefully for centuries. They weren't stopped militarily anymore than Christianity was.

Maybe because Christianity is compatible with freedom, Islam is not.

Not really. Secularism is. it's sibling religions, requires absolute obedience.

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