Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

No it is not. It is what it says it is, and enough Muslims believe it and more are being taught. Just admit that thanks to Islam there will never be peace. Is that what you wish to defend?

So...every religion "is what it says"?
So Islam is forcing the Buddhists of Myanmar to rape and murder women and children.

Now that is some convoluted thinking.

Yes it is. But apparently if the victims are Muslims they they are also the agressers and thus deserve to be gang raped, decapitated, shot in the back and burned alive according to that twisted thinking.
OK why don't other religions inspire people to kill people in the present day?

Culture has a lot to do with it I supposed considering that out of 1.8 billion muslims, most aren't running around killing non muslims. And, in regards to this topic in specific - it's the BUDDHISTS slaughtering the Muslims in what is widely labeled genocide.
Culture has nothing to do with the core beliefs of Islam. Islam has everything to do with culture. Try starting again, you have things ass backwards.

Over a billion muslims beg to differ with you.
The ones who agree are the ones I am worried about. The peaceful Muslims are irrelevant, they do 0 to help with the ideology/religion with reform or absolution.
So...every religion "is what it says"?
Yes it is. But apparently if the victims are Muslims they they are also the agressers and thus deserve to be gang raped, decapitated, shot in the back and burned alive according to that twisted thinking.
OK why don't other religions inspire people to kill people in the present day?

Culture has a lot to do with it I supposed considering that out of 1.8 billion muslims, most aren't running around killing non muslims. And, in regards to this topic in specific - it's the BUDDHISTS slaughtering the Muslims in what is widely labeled genocide.
Culture has nothing to do with the core beliefs of Islam. Islam has everything to do with culture. Try starting again, you have things ass backwards.

Over a billion muslims beg to differ with you.
The ones who agree are the ones I am worried about. The peaceful Muslims are irrelevant.

The vast majority are peaceful. Including most of the Rohinga.
OK why don't other religions inspire people to kill people in the present day?

Culture has a lot to do with it I supposed considering that out of 1.8 billion muslims, most aren't running around killing non muslims. And, in regards to this topic in specific - it's the BUDDHISTS slaughtering the Muslims in what is widely labeled genocide.
Culture has nothing to do with the core beliefs of Islam. Islam has everything to do with culture. Try starting again, you have things ass backwards.

Over a billion muslims beg to differ with you.
The ones who agree are the ones I am worried about. The peaceful Muslims are irrelevant.

The vast majority are peaceful. Including most of the Rohinga.
I see, Islamic terror is OK with you? That is nice to know.
Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.
This thread is now on 30 pages, most of which is people going on about how the Rohinga deserve what is happening to them because they are Muslim.

actually----NOBODY said that the Rohinga "DESERVE" to be attacked because they are muslims-----you are a liar and OFTEN demonstrate your disgusting filth. I have
not forgotten your DERISION over the Islamic LAW that demands that non muslim orphaned girls and boys be SEX SLAVES TO IMAM PIGS and how YOU LAUGHED
in your VILE FILTH over the fact that my mother-in-law faced that STINK THAT
YOU SO ADORE. You, clearly, ENJOYED the idea-------and the thought of Yazidi and Nigerian and Sudanese girls getting raped for the entertainment of pious muslims I have yet to see ANY PROOF at all of massive atrocities committed
against muslims in Myanmar--or the assertion of the perverted pigs that doing so is
I do KNOW that hundreds of lying SLUTS claimed attack----IN NEW YORK CITY in the weeks following 9-11-01----lying sluts---your pals. I also KNOW that they were encouraged to "REPORT" They can LIE in New York---they can LIE in Myanmar and in BanglaDesh. Have you ever met a person from
BANGLA DESH? they are subjected to the same grammar school filth that is
drummed into the heads of kids in west Pakistan----CONSTANT FILTH----the kind of
have led to LOTS of the kind of filth at which you giggle----right here in the USA.
do your "DEATH TO _______" chants for allah
No it is not. It is what it says it is, and enough Muslims believe it and more are being taught. Just admit that thanks to Islam there will never be peace. Is that what you wish to defend?

So...every religion "is what it says"?
So Islam is forcing the Buddhists of Myanmar to rape and murder women and children.

Now that is some convoluted thinking.

Yes it is. But apparently if the victims are Muslims they they are also the agressers and thus deserve to be gang raped, decapitated, shot in the back and burned alive according to that twisted thinking.
OK why don't other religions inspire people to kill people in the present day?

Culture has a lot to do with it I supposed considering that out of 1.8 billion muslims, most aren't running around killing non muslims. And, in regards to this topic in specific - it's the BUDDHISTS slaughtering the Muslims in what is widely labeled genocide.
Culture has nothing to do with the core beliefs of Islam. Islam has everything to do with culture. Try starting again, you have things ass backwards.

Over a billion muslims beg to differ with you.

you are parroting stupidty------I am convinced that you never met a muslim in your life----never read the Koran, never knew a person who survived a shariah shit hole or even
lived in the vicinity of muslims, have never been in a mosque and never read the Koran------you just LIKE TO PARROT SHIT
Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.
You don’t have the guts to condemn genocide in Myanmar. Because the victims are Muslim. You support a states right to act this way but only against Muslims.

The fact that this genocide doesn’t bother you should worry you. The last time we saw this level of excuse making and looking away and blaming the victim was with the Nazis.

That is what it boils down to.
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what "genocide" in Myanmar? Like the post 9-11-01 genocide of muslims in New York City? How about the genocide of muslims in New Dehli? "The LAST
time we heard denial of genocide"??? the Nazi era. I have heard LOTS of denial since the Nazi era---------from coyote----she actually DENIED the reality of
of LEGAL (by shariah shit laws) RAPE OF NON MUSLIMS IN ISLAMIC LANDS ------ and laughed at the idea and its victims. For DENIAL----ask any muslim you find of the genocide of hindus in both bangla desh and Pakistan----TODAY-----happening today ----not more than 70 years ago. For that matter---ask any muslim about the Nazi/muslim genocide of jews in the 1940s
" Public Trial Of Entitlements To Despise "

* Godwin Argument Clueless About Comparatives *

You don’t have the guts to condemn genocide in Myanmar. Because the victims are Muslim. You support a states right to act this way but only against Muslims.
The fact that this genocide doesn’t bother you should worry you. The last time we saw this level of excuse making and looking away and blaming the victim was with the Nazis.
That is what it boils down to.
It boils down to an entitlement to invoke self defense against fictional ishmaelism and that qurayshism would not apply outside of hejaz .

* Hate Speech Militant Manifesto *

Surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 , and within it one is given two options to save from being attacked , either convert and pay the zakat or surrender and become a dhimmi - a protected ignoramus subjected to i slam despotism .

9:28 O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Harām after this, their [final] year. and if you fear privation, God will enrich you from His bounty if He wills. Indeed, God is Knowing and Wise.

9:29 Fight those who do not believe in God or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah429 willingly while they are humbled.

* Bangladesh And Myanmar *
In Bangladesh, the persecution of the indigenous tribes of the Chittagong Hill Tracts such as the Chakma, Marma, Tripura and others who are mainly Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, and Animists, has beendescribed as genocidal.[86][87][88][89][90] The Chittagong Hill Tracts are located bordering India, Myanmar and the Bay of Bengal, and is the home to 500,000 indigenous people. The perpetrators of are the Bangladeshi military and the Bengali Muslim settlers, who together have burned down Buddhist and Hindu temples, killed many Chakmas, and carried out a policy of gang-rape against the indigenous people. There are also accusations of Chakmas being forced to convert to Islam, many of them children who have been abducted for this purpose.The conflict started soon after Bangladeshi independence in 1972 when the Constitution imposed Bengali as the sole official language, Islam as the state religion - with no cultural or linguistic rights to minority populations. Subsequently, the government encouraged and sponsored massive settlement by Bangladeshis in region, which changed the demographics from 98 percent indigenous in 1971 to fifty percent by 2000.
The government allocated a full third of the Bangladeshi military to the region to support the settlers, sparking a protracted guerilla war between Hill tribes and the military.[87] During this conflict which officially ended in 1997, and in the subsequent period, a large number of human rights violations against the indigenous peoples have been reported, with violence against indigenous women being particularly extreme.[91][92]

* History Of Contempt From A Doctrine Advocating Its Action *

Religious violence in India - Wikipedia
The earliest documented religious wars in India are from the 8th century, when Islamic armies attacked the Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in the northwest parts of Indian subcontinent, now modern Pakistan and parts of Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab in the early 8th century. Muhammad bin Qasim and his army, assaulted numerous towns, plundered them for wealth, enslaved Buddhists and Hindus, and destroyed temples and monasteries.[28]

The total number of deaths of this period, are usually attributed to the figure by Prof. K.S. Lal, who estimated that between the years 1000 AD and 1500 AD the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million.[20][21][22]

Aurangzeb (1658–1707)
The reign of Aurangzeb that followed, witnessed one of the strongest campaign of religious violence in Mughal Empire's history, with an estimated 4.6 million people killed.[96]
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Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.

how about telling the UMMAH----"what goes around, comes around..." <<< is that
Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.
You don’t have the guts to condemn genocide in Myanmar. Because the victims are Muslim. You support a states right to act this way but only against Muslims.

The fact that this genocide doesn’t bother you should worry you. The last time we saw this level of excuse making and looking away and blaming the victim was with the Nazis.

That is what it boils down to.
It isn't genocide if there are billions more where they come from.
Otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill any group of people without calling it genocide.
Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.
You don’t have the guts to condemn genocide in Myanmar. Because the victims are Muslim. You support a states right to act this way but only against Muslims.

The fact that this genocide doesn’t bother you should worry you. The last time we saw this level of excuse making and looking away and blaming the victim was with the Nazis.

That is what it boils down to.
It isn't genocide if there are billions more where they come from.
Otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill any group of people without calling it genocide.

I would not go so far to say that UNLESS YOU KILL ALL THE PEOPLE OF
A GIVEN GROUP IN THE WORLD_---of a given group that you cannot call it
GENOCIDE. If the objective of the MYANMAR government was to kill
MIGRATION to muslim friendly nations----THAT IS GENOCIDE----and obviously NOT what the MYANMAR GOVERNMENT HAS IN MIND. The decimation of non muslims and the ENSLAVEMENT of the survivors is the Islamic form----also
GENOCIDE because under the stink and filth of islam-----even ESCAPE IS ILLEGAL -------same was true under the Nazi form. There is no doubt in
my mind that the MAYANMAR government wants to get rid of SEPARATIST
AND VIOLENT MUSLIMS------of the shariah shit kind----and would happily LET THEM GO <<<< not genocide
I have never before seen such a collection of genocide supporters and apologists outside the usual collection of holocaust deniers. Congratulations on meeting this incredibly low bar.
I have never before seen such a collection of genocide supporters and apologists outside the usual collection of holocaust deniers. Congratulations on meeting this incredibly low bar.

I have seen lying propaganda filth shills like you Coyote----and actually READ YOUR LITERATURE as a child------WAY BACK circa 1960-------which is why I correctly call your stuff ISLAMO NAZI SHIT.
Genocide is not genocide without ACTIVE
GENOCIDE------There is no genocide of the muslims of Myanmar A muslim in
Bangladesh saying "they are killing muslims in Myanmar"-----is not worth a pile
of dog shit. What there is in Myanmar is LOTS OF EVIDENCE OF VIOLENCE
initiated by muslims-----and if anything at all-----some overly enthusiastic blow back. Are Buddhist kids chanting DEATH TO MUSLIMS in their temples?. Is the national HEROINE OF MYANMAR some teenaged Buddhist girl who blew the brains out of 15 muslim kids using a bomb on her ass?

getting back to the credibility of Bangla Deshis------I have a great example----
about two years ago an HISPANIC MAN ----for no apparent reason, shot
an IMAM from a local mosque----in the head---in the mosque. during "salat"---
the muslim five times per day calisthenics prayer thing. His friend----within the hour of the crime CRIED OUT----"WHERE IS DA MAYOR---WHEN A JOOOO
DIES THE MAYOR COMES WTHIN 20 MINUTES" ------I have stated before---
I have seen LOTS OF DEAD PEOPLE during my working years-----I can assure
you------if a JOOO dies with a bullet in the head------THE MAYOR DON'T
SHOW UP. The silly desi was farting out the shit he licked off the carpet
in the mosque during "prayer time" -----IT's THE CULTURE. you have never been in
a mosque and never so much as looked in the face of a desi
Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.
You don’t have the guts to condemn genocide in Myanmar. Because the victims are Muslim. You support a states right to act this way but only against Muslims.

The fact that this genocide doesn’t bother you should worry you. The last time we saw this level of excuse making and looking away and blaming the victim was with the Nazis.

That is what it boils down to.
It isn't genocide if there are billions more where they come from.
Otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill any group of people without calling it genocide.

I would not go so far to say that UNLESS YOU KILL ALL THE PEOPLE OF
A GIVEN GROUP IN THE WORLD_---of a given group that you cannot call it
GENOCIDE. If the objective of the MYANMAR government was to kill
MIGRATION to muslim friendly nations----THAT IS GENOCIDE----and obviously NOT what the MYANMAR GOVERNMENT HAS IN MIND. The decimation of non muslims and the ENSLAVEMENT of the survivors is the Islamic form----also
GENOCIDE because under the stink and filth of islam-----even ESCAPE IS ILLEGAL -------same was true under the Nazi form. There is no doubt in
my mind that the MAYANMAR government wants to get rid of SEPARATIST
AND VIOLENT MUSLIMS------of the shariah shit kind----and would happily LET THEM GO <<<< not genocide
How about killing every Mosquito in the Everglades. Would that be Genocide?
Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.
You don’t have the guts to condemn genocide in Myanmar. Because the victims are Muslim. You support a states right to act this way but only against Muslims.

The fact that this genocide doesn’t bother you should worry you. The last time we saw this level of excuse making and looking away and blaming the victim was with the Nazis.

That is what it boils down to.
It isn't genocide if there are billions more where they come from.
Otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill any group of people without calling it genocide.

I would not go so far to say that UNLESS YOU KILL ALL THE PEOPLE OF
A GIVEN GROUP IN THE WORLD_---of a given group that you cannot call it
GENOCIDE. If the objective of the MYANMAR government was to kill
MIGRATION to muslim friendly nations----THAT IS GENOCIDE----and obviously NOT what the MYANMAR GOVERNMENT HAS IN MIND. The decimation of non muslims and the ENSLAVEMENT of the survivors is the Islamic form----also
GENOCIDE because under the stink and filth of islam-----even ESCAPE IS ILLEGAL -------same was true under the Nazi form. There is no doubt in
my mind that the MAYANMAR government wants to get rid of SEPARATIST
AND VIOLENT MUSLIMS------of the shariah shit kind----and would happily LET THEM GO <<<< not genocide
How about killing every Mosquito in the Everglades. Would that be Genocide?

yes----what are the little bastards transmitting lately?
Special Report: Buddhist monks incite Muslim killings in Myanmar

Reuters) - The Buddhist monk grabbed a young Muslim girl and put a knife to her neck.

"If you follow us, I'll kill her," the monk taunted police, according to a witness, as a Buddhist mob armed with machetes and swords chased nearly 100 Muslims in this city in central Myanmar.

It was Thursday, March 21. Within hours, up to 25 Muslims had been killed. The Buddhist mob dragged their bloodied bodies up a hill in a neighborhood called Mingalarzay Yone and set the corpses on fire. Some were found butchered in a reedy swamp. A Reuters cameraman saw the charred remains of two children, aged 10 or younger.
Special Report: Buddhist monks incite Muslim killings in Myanmar

Reuters) - The Buddhist monk grabbed a young Muslim girl and put a knife to her neck.

"If you follow us, I'll kill her," the monk taunted police, according to a witness, as a Buddhist mob armed with machetes and swords chased nearly 100 Muslims in this city in central Myanmar.

It was Thursday, March 21. Within hours, up to 25 Muslims had been killed. The Buddhist mob dragged their bloodied bodies up a hill in a neighborhood called Mingalarzay Yone and set the corpses on fire. Some were found butchered in a reedy swamp. A Reuters cameraman saw the charred remains of two children, aged 10 or younger.

thank you-----you have cited a credible report of a terrorist action initiated
by BUDDHISTS AGAINST MUSLIMS For those who do not know-----
a "Buddhist monk" is not a religious leader. It is a prevalent custom
that ALL YOUNG BUDDHIST MALES------live the life of a "monk"---which is nothing more than camping out around temples and leading an aesthetic life--
---for a circumscribed period of time. It is a rite of passage and nothing more---
BUDDHIST MONKS do not speak for Buddhism or the government of Myanmar---
THE POLICE WENT AFTER THEM------they did not help in the carnage which is
a common manifestation of Islamic terrorism. You have any idea how pogroms
against Christians or Jews have been carried out historically in MUSLIM SOCIETIES?.--------the local women ULULATE with joy.----during the times of
BRITISH occupation----after world war I-------even the british soldiers did not
bother to intervene. I would call the action described a TERRORIST CRIME ---
on the level of the MANY we have seen in the USA in the past year----in public
places, schools, etc etc------not genocide
Why would you say that? It is not funny, it is true. You do not have the guts to stand up and tell Islam this is unacceptable. And that what it says should offend you, the fact that it doesn't is something you should think about. That, in essence, it what it boils down to.
You don’t have the guts to condemn genocide in Myanmar. Because the victims are Muslim. You support a states right to act this way but only against Muslims.

The fact that this genocide doesn’t bother you should worry you. The last time we saw this level of excuse making and looking away and blaming the victim was with the Nazis.

That is what it boils down to.

Turning it around on me is a favorite trick of yours. My condemnation of that genocide would do nothing to stop the killing machine Islam. Islam is the cause of this conflict. It is more than clear you will not admit that.

And Islamists are Nazis, if not 100 times worse.

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