Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

1. I dispute the use of the word Genocide in this case. They can all be killed and it wouldn't be Genocide.
2. I don't care He's another Russian paid troll spreading lies.

sly---not so----IF there were a genocide being committed upon the muslims of Myanmar----THAT WOULD
DEFINITELY be an atrocity------I have failed to find evidence of a genocide--------ANYONE?
COYOTE? I am confused as to why the muslims of Myanmar are "starving" ------are attempts
to provide aid being thwarted? I is an old old lady with an unfortunately sharp memory. I DO
recall that hindus from EAST PAKISTAN were dropping in their tracks of STARVATION---as they
fled East Pakistan in 1971-------attempts to aid them were thwarted by west Pakistani soldiers---that
was an atrocity. By what MEANS are the muslims of Myanmar being STARVED TO DEATH?
anyone?. A very interesting factoid of history is that STARVATION SIEGE is a big part of Islamic
"CONQUEST" -------attacked populations were isolated either on islands or-----in the wilderness----
and STARVED. In recent years it was two million biafrans-----mostly children---also circa 1970.
Circa 1915 it was greeks and Armenians. In 1947 it was the jewish city of EAST JERUSALEM---
THOSE EVENTS WERE-----genocides. For you supporters of BDS-----that program goes all the way
back to 1950-----and was MOTIVATED AS AN ATTEMPTED STARVATION SIEGE------really----starvation
WAS THE GOAL----------COYOTE? care to comment?. A picture of one emaciated infant does not do it
for me------CHOLERA is endemic over there--------cholera does that
I have posted plenty of examples Rosie. I am not going to repeat myself since regardless of what people are reporting you will choose not to believe it just like there were people who chose not to believe the Holocaust was happening, and just like the Turks today still won’t admit to the Armenian genocide.

when did you cite ANYTHING that is remotely credible? the comments of some NGO ACTIVIST?
The report of a refugee IN BANGLADESH? I am fully opened to ANYTHING THAT WORKS IN
SUPPORT OF A CHARGE OF GENOCIDE-------Same as the charge of GENOCIDE IN GAZA------it ain't
happening------so I don't believe it. I have no doubt that YOU believe the muslims that claim that the
muslims of NEW YORK CITY are being subjected to genocide-----you engage in WISHFUL THINKING.
How about the aphrodisiac chewing gum being fed to muslim girls? polio vaccine that renders muslims
STERILE (or WORSE----IMPOTENT) ---------a little clue------the BDS program that your fellow jerks
support-----is-----strictly speaking ----AN ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE--------you want me to console you
over the fact that it "DID NOT WORK OUT" ? (PS----child confiscation as in the dhimmi orphan law that
YOU DENIED ------is a weapon of genocide)
The reports of hundreds of thousands of refugees, journalists, ngo's, doctors etc.

I am sure that is supposed to mean something.
sly---not so----IF there were a genocide being committed upon the muslims of Myanmar----THAT WOULD
DEFINITELY be an atrocity------I have failed to find evidence of a genocide--------ANYONE?
COYOTE? I am confused as to why the muslims of Myanmar are "starving" ------are attempts
to provide aid being thwarted? I is an old old lady with an unfortunately sharp memory. I DO
recall that hindus from EAST PAKISTAN were dropping in their tracks of STARVATION---as they
fled East Pakistan in 1971-------attempts to aid them were thwarted by west Pakistani soldiers---that
was an atrocity. By what MEANS are the muslims of Myanmar being STARVED TO DEATH?
anyone?. A very interesting factoid of history is that STARVATION SIEGE is a big part of Islamic
"CONQUEST" -------attacked populations were isolated either on islands or-----in the wilderness----
and STARVED. In recent years it was two million biafrans-----mostly children---also circa 1970.
Circa 1915 it was greeks and Armenians. In 1947 it was the jewish city of EAST JERUSALEM---
THOSE EVENTS WERE-----genocides. For you supporters of BDS-----that program goes all the way
back to 1950-----and was MOTIVATED AS AN ATTEMPTED STARVATION SIEGE------really----starvation
WAS THE GOAL----------COYOTE? care to comment?. A picture of one emaciated infant does not do it
for me------CHOLERA is endemic over there--------cholera does that
I have posted plenty of examples Rosie. I am not going to repeat myself since regardless of what people are reporting you will choose not to believe it just like there were people who chose not to believe the Holocaust was happening, and just like the Turks today still won’t admit to the Armenian genocide.

when did you cite ANYTHING that is remotely credible? the comments of some NGO ACTIVIST?
The report of a refugee IN BANGLADESH? I am fully opened to ANYTHING THAT WORKS IN
SUPPORT OF A CHARGE OF GENOCIDE-------Same as the charge of GENOCIDE IN GAZA------it ain't
happening------so I don't believe it. I have no doubt that YOU believe the muslims that claim that the
muslims of NEW YORK CITY are being subjected to genocide-----you engage in WISHFUL THINKING.
How about the aphrodisiac chewing gum being fed to muslim girls? polio vaccine that renders muslims
STERILE (or WORSE----IMPOTENT) ---------a little clue------the BDS program that your fellow jerks
support-----is-----strictly speaking ----AN ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE--------you want me to console you
over the fact that it "DID NOT WORK OUT" ? (PS----child confiscation as in the dhimmi orphan law that
YOU DENIED ------is a weapon of genocide)
The reports of hundreds of thousands of refugees, journalists, ngo's, doctors etc.

I am sure that is supposed to mean something.

It is a commonly used expletive as a response to nonsense
I have posted plenty of examples Rosie. I am not going to repeat myself since regardless of what people are reporting you will choose not to believe it just like there were people who chose not to believe the Holocaust was happening, and just like the Turks today still won’t admit to the Armenian genocide.

when did you cite ANYTHING that is remotely credible? the comments of some NGO ACTIVIST?
The report of a refugee IN BANGLADESH? I am fully opened to ANYTHING THAT WORKS IN
SUPPORT OF A CHARGE OF GENOCIDE-------Same as the charge of GENOCIDE IN GAZA------it ain't
happening------so I don't believe it. I have no doubt that YOU believe the muslims that claim that the
muslims of NEW YORK CITY are being subjected to genocide-----you engage in WISHFUL THINKING.
How about the aphrodisiac chewing gum being fed to muslim girls? polio vaccine that renders muslims
STERILE (or WORSE----IMPOTENT) ---------a little clue------the BDS program that your fellow jerks
support-----is-----strictly speaking ----AN ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE--------you want me to console you
over the fact that it "DID NOT WORK OUT" ? (PS----child confiscation as in the dhimmi orphan law that
YOU DENIED ------is a weapon of genocide)
The reports of hundreds of thousands of refugees, journalists, ngo's, doctors etc.

I am sure that is supposed to mean something.

It is a commonly used expletive as a response to nonsense
So you dont believe the accounts of hundreds of thousands of refugees?



No evidence will suffice for you I think. Just like there are people who still deny anyone wad killed in tbe Holocaust. You are in good company.
when did you cite ANYTHING that is remotely credible? the comments of some NGO ACTIVIST?
The report of a refugee IN BANGLADESH? I am fully opened to ANYTHING THAT WORKS IN
SUPPORT OF A CHARGE OF GENOCIDE-------Same as the charge of GENOCIDE IN GAZA------it ain't
happening------so I don't believe it. I have no doubt that YOU believe the muslims that claim that the
muslims of NEW YORK CITY are being subjected to genocide-----you engage in WISHFUL THINKING.
How about the aphrodisiac chewing gum being fed to muslim girls? polio vaccine that renders muslims
STERILE (or WORSE----IMPOTENT) ---------a little clue------the BDS program that your fellow jerks
support-----is-----strictly speaking ----AN ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE--------you want me to console you
over the fact that it "DID NOT WORK OUT" ? (PS----child confiscation as in the dhimmi orphan law that
YOU DENIED ------is a weapon of genocide)
The reports of hundreds of thousands of refugees, journalists, ngo's, doctors etc.

I am sure that is supposed to mean something.

It is a commonly used expletive as a response to nonsense
So you dont believe the accounts of hundreds of thousands of refugees?



No evidence will suffice for you I think. Just like there are people who still deny anyone wad killed in tbe Holocaust. You are in good company.

hundreds of thousands of refugees? Every year a MILLION people walk around a black rock and fart out "death to America" "Death to Israel" as to the Holocaust----several
hundred million muslims yell out "HOLOHOAX" incessantly.
LOL @ "journalists" LOL max @ doctors
Coyote has been waiting for that, she is going to be as happy as a chicken in a cornfield. Now your support will eclipse any possibility of getting to the truth. You will be condemned for your gut feelings, no actions necessary, and Islam will skate.
No. Not happy. Just sad. There is nothing to cheer about when some one supports genocide. It is the worst atrocity man can do to his fellow man, and history is full of examples.
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.
No. Not happy. Just sad. There is nothing to cheer about when some one supports genocide. It is the worst atrocity man can do to his fellow man, and history is full of examples.
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

she isn't a hypocrite ON PURPOSE
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

she isn't a hypocrite ON PURPOSE
That's too bad , she is still a hypocrite.
No. Not happy. Just sad. There is nothing to cheer about when some one supports genocide. It is the worst atrocity man can do to his fellow man, and history is full of examples.
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.
Bring up specifics, and I will give you my opinion.
No. Not happy. Just sad. There is nothing to cheer about when some one supports genocide. It is the worst atrocity man can do to his fellow man, and history is full of examples.
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

I agree. Hypocrites are problematic. Particularly those who oppose some genocides and support others.
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

I agree. Hypocrites are problematic. Particularly those who oppose some genocides and support others.
When it comes down to it, it is picking a side, because the methods cancel each other out. I will go out on a limb and blame Islam. I condemn Islam for what it teaches, how about you?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

I agree. Hypocrites are problematic. Particularly those who oppose some genocides and support others.
When it comes down to it, it is picking a side, because the methods cancel each other out. I will go out on a limb and blame Islam. I condemn Islam for what it teaches, how about you?

I will never pick the side of genocide. Ever. Genocide kills innocent people.

Do I condemn Islam for what it teaches?

Depends on what part of it you are talking about - it isn't a yes or no question. There is a lot in Islam on forgiveness, charity, and peace as well as onn how people should treat each other in good ways, and the Golden Rule. How can I condemn those things? You and I clearly disagree on that, so I don't see much point in discussing it. On the other hand, there are certainly violent passages, and Islam's doctrine was essentially formulated in an ancient society that does not recognize the rights and freedoms we do today especially in regards to women. They belong to history. I would condemn individuals who take those parts literally and act on them.

Is that a suitable answer to your question?
Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

I agree. Hypocrites are problematic. Particularly those who oppose some genocides and support others.
When it comes down to it, it is picking a side, because the methods cancel each other out. I will go out on a limb and blame Islam. I condemn Islam for what it teaches, how about you?

I will never pick the side of genocide. Ever. Genocide kills innocent people.

Do I condemn Islam for what it teaches?

Depends on what part of it you are talking about - it isn't a yes or no question. There is a lot in Islam on forgiveness, charity, and peace as well as onn how people should treat each other in good ways, and the Golden Rule. How can I condemn those things? You and I clearly disagree on that, so I don't see much point in discussing it. On the other hand, there are certainly violent passages, and Islam's doctrine was essentially formulated in an ancient society that does not recognize the rights and freedoms we do today especially in regards to women. They belong to history. I would condemn individuals who take those parts literally and act on them.

Is that a suitable answer to your question?

Not really, because those things like charity and forgiveness are for Muslims only. They are supremacists and their literature says they are to let people know that. That is why the Islamic Golden rule is a joke. Why you cannot admit that non-Muslims are never called "innocents" and that is why Muslims say they don't kill innocents, I don't know. Start telling the whole truth.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

I agree. Hypocrites are problematic. Particularly those who oppose some genocides and support others.
When it comes down to it, it is picking a side, because the methods cancel each other out. I will go out on a limb and blame Islam. I condemn Islam for what it teaches, how about you?

I will never pick the side of genocide. Ever. Genocide kills innocent people.

Do I condemn Islam for what it teaches?

Depends on what part of it you are talking about - it isn't a yes or no question. There is a lot in Islam on forgiveness, charity, and peace as well as onn how people should treat each other in good ways, and the Golden Rule. How can I condemn those things? You and I clearly disagree on that, so I don't see much point in discussing it. On the other hand, there are certainly violent passages, and Islam's doctrine was essentially formulated in an ancient society that does not recognize the rights and freedoms we do today especially in regards to women. They belong to history. I would condemn individuals who take those parts literally and act on them.

Is that a suitable answer to your question?

Not really, because those things like charity and forgiveness are for Muslims only. They are supremacists and their literature says they are to let people know that. That is why the Islamic Golden rule is a joke. Why you cannot admit that non-Muslims are never called "innocents" and that is why Muslims say they don't kill innocents. Start telling the whole truth.

Well, again - as I said, you and I disagree on that.

Non-Muslims are certainly considered innocents if they aren't at war, and Islam has a lot of rules concerning war and how people should be treated.

Stop lying.
Why? Islam says a lot of terrible things, has done terrible things and considers those horrific crimes against humanity pious. If you can not condemn Islam your condemnation of anything else is meaningless.

Thanks for playing but hypocrites just don't count.

I agree. Hypocrites are problematic. Particularly those who oppose some genocides and support others.
When it comes down to it, it is picking a side, because the methods cancel each other out. I will go out on a limb and blame Islam. I condemn Islam for what it teaches, how about you?

I will never pick the side of genocide. Ever. Genocide kills innocent people.

Do I condemn Islam for what it teaches?

Depends on what part of it you are talking about - it isn't a yes or no question. There is a lot in Islam on forgiveness, charity, and peace as well as onn how people should treat each other in good ways, and the Golden Rule. How can I condemn those things? You and I clearly disagree on that, so I don't see much point in discussing it. On the other hand, there are certainly violent passages, and Islam's doctrine was essentially formulated in an ancient society that does not recognize the rights and freedoms we do today especially in regards to women. They belong to history. I would condemn individuals who take those parts literally and act on them.

Is that a suitable answer to your question?

Not really, because those things like charity and forgiveness are for Muslims only. They are supremacists and their literature says they are to let people know that. That is why the Islamic Golden rule is a joke. Why you cannot admit that non-Muslims are never called "innocents" and that is why Muslims say they don't kill innocents. Start telling the whole truth.

Well, again - as I said, you and I disagree on that.

Non-Muslims are certainly considered innocents if they aren't at war, and Islam has a lot of rules concerning war and how people should be treated.

Stop lying.
Not by Islam. Infidels cannot be innocents.
Can Infidels be Innocents?
I agree. Hypocrites are problematic. Particularly those who oppose some genocides and support others.
When it comes down to it, it is picking a side, because the methods cancel each other out. I will go out on a limb and blame Islam. I condemn Islam for what it teaches, how about you?

I will never pick the side of genocide. Ever. Genocide kills innocent people.

Do I condemn Islam for what it teaches?

Depends on what part of it you are talking about - it isn't a yes or no question. There is a lot in Islam on forgiveness, charity, and peace as well as onn how people should treat each other in good ways, and the Golden Rule. How can I condemn those things? You and I clearly disagree on that, so I don't see much point in discussing it. On the other hand, there are certainly violent passages, and Islam's doctrine was essentially formulated in an ancient society that does not recognize the rights and freedoms we do today especially in regards to women. They belong to history. I would condemn individuals who take those parts literally and act on them.

Is that a suitable answer to your question?

Not really, because those things like charity and forgiveness are for Muslims only. They are supremacists and their literature says they are to let people know that. That is why the Islamic Golden rule is a joke. Why you cannot admit that non-Muslims are never called "innocents" and that is why Muslims say they don't kill innocents. Start telling the whole truth.

Well, again - as I said, you and I disagree on that.

Non-Muslims are certainly considered innocents if they aren't at war, and Islam has a lot of rules concerning war and how people should be treated.

Stop lying.
Not by Islam. Infidels cannot be innocents.
Can Infidels be Innocents?

Daniel Pipes, Pamela Gellar - using those as sources is like using SPLC as a source, and I recall you specifically panned SPLC and requested it not be used to prove something in another thread.

Interestingly - Quora, while not exactly a "source" provides an interesting discussion on that question:
When it comes down to it, it is picking a side, because the methods cancel each other out. I will go out on a limb and blame Islam. I condemn Islam for what it teaches, how about you?

I will never pick the side of genocide. Ever. Genocide kills innocent people.

Do I condemn Islam for what it teaches?

Depends on what part of it you are talking about - it isn't a yes or no question. There is a lot in Islam on forgiveness, charity, and peace as well as onn how people should treat each other in good ways, and the Golden Rule. How can I condemn those things? You and I clearly disagree on that, so I don't see much point in discussing it. On the other hand, there are certainly violent passages, and Islam's doctrine was essentially formulated in an ancient society that does not recognize the rights and freedoms we do today especially in regards to women. They belong to history. I would condemn individuals who take those parts literally and act on them.

Is that a suitable answer to your question?

Not really, because those things like charity and forgiveness are for Muslims only. They are supremacists and their literature says they are to let people know that. That is why the Islamic Golden rule is a joke. Why you cannot admit that non-Muslims are never called "innocents" and that is why Muslims say they don't kill innocents. Start telling the whole truth.

Well, again - as I said, you and I disagree on that.

Non-Muslims are certainly considered innocents if they aren't at war, and Islam has a lot of rules concerning war and how people should be treated.

Stop lying.
Not by Islam. Infidels cannot be innocents.
Can Infidels be Innocents?

Daniel Pipes, Pamela Gellar - using those as sources is like using SPLC as a source, and I recall you specifically panned SPLC and requested it not be used to prove something in another thread.

Interestingly - Quora, while not exactly a "source" provides an interesting discussion on that question:
You will have to tell me what lies those two have told. Should be easy to find, right? They back their information with Islams own words. You are scared of the proof. And the truth.
I will never pick the side of genocide. Ever. Genocide kills innocent people.

Do I condemn Islam for what it teaches?

Depends on what part of it you are talking about - it isn't a yes or no question. There is a lot in Islam on forgiveness, charity, and peace as well as onn how people should treat each other in good ways, and the Golden Rule. How can I condemn those things? You and I clearly disagree on that, so I don't see much point in discussing it. On the other hand, there are certainly violent passages, and Islam's doctrine was essentially formulated in an ancient society that does not recognize the rights and freedoms we do today especially in regards to women. They belong to history. I would condemn individuals who take those parts literally and act on them.

Is that a suitable answer to your question?

Not really, because those things like charity and forgiveness are for Muslims only. They are supremacists and their literature says they are to let people know that. That is why the Islamic Golden rule is a joke. Why you cannot admit that non-Muslims are never called "innocents" and that is why Muslims say they don't kill innocents. Start telling the whole truth.

Well, again - as I said, you and I disagree on that.

Non-Muslims are certainly considered innocents if they aren't at war, and Islam has a lot of rules concerning war and how people should be treated.

Stop lying.
Not by Islam. Infidels cannot be innocents.
Can Infidels be Innocents?

Daniel Pipes, Pamela Gellar - using those as sources is like using SPLC as a source, and I recall you specifically panned SPLC and requested it not be used to prove something in another thread.

Interestingly - Quora, while not exactly a "source" provides an interesting discussion on that question:
You will have to tell me what lies those two have told. Should be easy to find, right? They back their information with Islams own words. You are scared of the proof. And the truth.

You scared of SPLC?
Not really, because those things like charity and forgiveness are for Muslims only. They are supremacists and their literature says they are to let people know that. That is why the Islamic Golden rule is a joke. Why you cannot admit that non-Muslims are never called "innocents" and that is why Muslims say they don't kill innocents. Start telling the whole truth.

Well, again - as I said, you and I disagree on that.

Non-Muslims are certainly considered innocents if they aren't at war, and Islam has a lot of rules concerning war and how people should be treated.

Stop lying.
Not by Islam. Infidels cannot be innocents.
Can Infidels be Innocents?

Daniel Pipes, Pamela Gellar - using those as sources is like using SPLC as a source, and I recall you specifically panned SPLC and requested it not be used to prove something in another thread.

Interestingly - Quora, while not exactly a "source" provides an interesting discussion on that question:
You will have to tell me what lies those two have told. Should be easy to find, right? They back their information with Islams own words. You are scared of the proof. And the truth.

You scared of SPLC?

Is that your source for proving Pipes Or Geller a liar? Post what you have that proves they are liars. If you call them haters I do not care because they inform you about hate. That hate is Islam.

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