Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.

You got me right, I detest evangelicals.

I have a feeling the attitude is mutual, you jew hating twat.

I really don't know any evangelicals , I avoid them like the plaque, but I have some jewish friends.
Most Christians I know that voted for Trump did so because of SCOTUS nominees. Christians knew that Trump will get the opportunity to nominate 2-4 SCJ's and may get the opportunity to replace left leaning SCJ's if Breyer and RBG retire.

Christians fear Democrats will take away rights with perverted interpretations of the Constitution.

That's why Trump won.

So what do you think the SOTUS will vote, their religious beliefs or the constitution?
God punishes the establishment. that's in the bible!

like Jesus, Trump was written off by the experts. they were off like a wild swing from Pete Rose!
would evangelicals vote for King David? he had 7 wives, and murdered their ex-husbands. also, he lopped off Philstines' private parts. that's in the bible (i think!)

Trump is the chosen one!
So it seems that 'Evangelicals' are guided more by they're political views than by their 'Christian' beliefs.

Some excuse for a religion!

BTW - If they lived in a 'freedom robbing' state they wouldn't be either voting or practicing their 'religion' freely.
Yet if those very same people banded together and voted as a bloc only for Evangelical Christian candidates, how loud would be the shrieks of "Theocracy!!!!"? Those who criticize Christians for not voting as a bloc generally would be horrified if they did.
F the bible thumping sob's -

turn their head while Goldilocks shits all over the 10 commandments.
Would you prefer they formed a voting bloc and publicly supported only candidates vetted by a Church committee?
would evangelicals vote for King David? he had 7 wives, and murdered their ex-husbands. also, he lopped off Philstines' private parts. that's in the bible (i think!)

Trump is the chosen one!
God uses whom He chooses, and most of those He chose had serious flaws. We know not to expect perfection from our leaders.
would evangelical never trumpers vote for Samson, for example?

let's examine Samson's record: he dated a hooker, killed Cecil The Lion, and has dreadlocks. imagine the melee that would ensue if the GOP nominated someone like that!

Samson was chosen by God to lead a nation, just like Trump was chosen to lead America
I've said it a hundred times.

The choice for Christians, was voting for someone willing to work with you, or voting for an enemy.

Only an asshole would pretend that that is not legit.
Well, the fundies had to choose between two unrepentant adulterers, so I guess no one can blame them for picking the lesser evil. LOL

Trump's personal life is obviously a minus for just about any voter serious about his Christian religion.

BUT, he is not actively hostile to them, like Hillary is.

He is willing to work with them.

I dont' see how anyone could seriously be confused or surprised by their choice in supporting Trump (mostly)

But the question comes in when … what happens when a person who does not condone open adultery or even promiscuity, but who believes people should be able to choose on abortion or IUDs.

Well, as both Trump and Hillary had bad track records on Adultery, and both are pretty light on Abortions and IUDS,

I would think they would have to make their choice on other issues, such as Trade and Immigration.
Hillary Clinton had a bad track record on adultery? Who did she fuck while married? I forget

I would not be surprised but I was thinking more about how she enabled and supported and cleaned up after Bill's adultery.

Kind of surprised I had to explain that. I would have thought you would have seen that coming and wanted to leave it alone.
Most Christians I know that voted for Trump did so because of SCOTUS nominees. Christians knew that Trump will get the opportunity to nominate 2-4 SCJ's and may get the opportunity to replace left leaning SCJ's if Breyer and RBG retire.

Christians fear Democrats will take away rights with perverted interpretations of the Constitution.

That's why Trump won.

So what do you think the SOTUS will vote, their religious beliefs or the constitution?

Well, the 4 left wing kooks solidly vote their Religious coconscious of a devotion to big tyrannical Government.
The other seem to hit and miss.
It may seem all evangelicals back Trump but I see the reason for that being the evangelical left hasn't been involved in politics since the civil rights era of the 50's and 60's.
Well, the fundies had to choose between two unrepentant adulterers, so I guess no one can blame them for picking the lesser evil. LOL

Trump's personal life is obviously a minus for just about any voter serious about his Christian religion.

BUT, he is not actively hostile to them, like Hillary is.

He is willing to work with them.

I dont' see how anyone could seriously be confused or surprised by their choice in supporting Trump (mostly)

But the question comes in when … what happens when a person who does not condone open adultery or even promiscuity, but who believes people should be able to choose on abortion or IUDs.

Well, as both Trump and Hillary had bad track records on Adultery, and both are pretty light on Abortions and IUDS,

I would think they would have to make their choice on other issues, such as Trade and Immigration.
Hillary Clinton had a bad track record on adultery? Who did she fuck while married? I forget

I would not be surprised but I was thinking more about how she enabled and supported and cleaned up after Bill's adultery.

Kind of surprised I had to explain that. I would have thought you would have seen that coming and wanted to leave it alone.
I saw it coming. I just wanted to see you step in the trap of blaming the victim -and demeaning the woman. Thank you. Someday you might learn that standing by someone when they make a mistake is not the same as enabling them
would evangelical never trumpers vote for Samson, for example?

let's examine Samson's record: he dated a hooker, killed Cecil The Lion, and has dreadlocks. imagine the melee that would ensue if the GOP nominated someone like that!

Samson was chosen by God to lead a nation, just like Trump was chosen to lead America
by the way, after Samson killed the lion, he left it there to rot and turned its death into a brain teaser for his followers. can you imagine the outrage? i can hear Don Lemon and Shep Smith screaming like a female capuccino machine at the gall of Samson not to preserve the lion in a museum so that maltese adolescent soyboys who are too afraid to go to africa to see a real lion because they'd have to walk and its too scary
Yet God is not in the constitution, and Washington was not a regular church goer, Jefferson an avowed Deist, and Adams, curiously converted to Unitarianism that even back then didn't hold with God directing events or even necessarily in Jesus being divine.

We were founded as a Christian nation. One nation UNDER GOD.

This slogan was not used prior to the 1950's, when it was added to tweak the Russians. Even if it were to be true that this country was founded as a "Christian nation," which it obviously is not, what denomination would it be? The colonists were of various sects and did nothing but bicker among themselves.
if Trump sacrificed Barron like Abraham did with his son, Don Lemon would have an epic meltdown of all meltdowns. Rachel Maddow would scream 25th AMENDMENT!
So they are saying they CHOSE to disregard everything God taught about who makes a good leader, so they could FEEL better?

God told them they would be persecuted.... guess they were not up for the task?
it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

In short, when your religion is less about Jesus and more about Racism, Trump is your guy.

Actually it's more that they see progressives as Religion hating assholes such as yourself.

Plus they know you don't have the balls to go against muslims, so you gun for Christians.
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.
I would put a little different spin on it. Trump is a fraud with his loving the bible crap. And his phoniness has been exposed by none other than Frank Amedia, the pastor who served as an unofficial Christian liaison between Donald Trump and the Religious Right . It's a match made in hell! The Evangelicals have made a Faustian bargain with him

Frank Amedia Exposes the Transactional Relationship Between Trump and the Religious Right | Right Wing Watch

Amedia, who now runs POTUS Shield—a “prophetic” network conceived to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump—explained that Trump is a “street-fighter president” who will fight dirty on behalf of the Religious Right because knows that he needs their support, so much so that he will do their bidding without even knowing what he is talking about.

When I met Donald Trump, he wasn’t a man of God,” Amedia said. “God didn’t call a man of God, he called a warrior. He called a street fighter. How many of you have ever been in a street fight? You don’t go into a street fight to fight fair, you go in to come out and win; you come out to hurt the other guy and come out to win. And if they hit you, you hit back. Sometimes you hit first. That’s what we have. We have a street-fighter president.”

The religious right has sold their soul to a snake oil salesman, and as for Trump, he has no soul

So they should support a party that wants them at best to hide in their churches, and at worst, BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE, PEASANT?
They should support the party that actually espouses core Christian values. You decide which party that is.

Yes, because BAKE OR DIE is a core Christian value....

Forcing people to accept a dude using a women's room is a core Christian value....
Why do you care who they vote for then?
Why do you not care about the lack of morals of your president?
Yours kill babies, got a blow job in the Oval Office and I vote for Presidents without morals. Then you have no idea what morals are. I love trump’s policies you bet

The difference is that I was disappointed in Clinton. You would suck Donald’s dick in a heartbeat.

Did it stop you from voting for him, or Gore, his protege?

Okay, let's look at that.

I didn't vote for Clinton or Gore. I voted for Bush, and he fucked it all up.

But from the view of a liberal, (If i held the views then I do now), we didn't know about Lewinski in 1992 or 96. Had we known, I doubt he'd have gotten the nomination again. As for Gore. Gore didn't fuck her. Not sure how Lewinski was Gore's fault.

Bullshit. Your "Fuh Fuh Fuh, I was a Republican before this, Fuh Fuh Fuh" schtick isn't working.

Guilt by association, progs like you use it all the time.
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.

You got me right, I detest evangelicals.

I have a feeling the attitude is mutual, you jew hating twat.

I really don't know any evangelicals , I avoid them like the plaque, but I have some jewish friends.


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