Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump


Evangelical numbers are dropping. Unaffiliated is increasing.

Maybe they are gradually seeing how hypocritical religious people are. If you think contorting your beliefs to support Donald Trump is going to help you, well good luck with that. Personally, I think he's about as far from Jesus Christ as you can possibly get.
You’re entitled to think that, why don’t you feel they don’t? I don’t get your complaints
Sorry, I'm not buying the argument that they just HAD to vote for Trump over Hillary either. That would be true if we were just looking at the general election, but don't forget about the Republican primary election.

Evangelicals make up about a third of the Republican base. Republicans had over a dozen candidates in the last Republican primary. They picked Trump.

Trump spoke about the issues that Republicans cared about.

I'm not disputing that. But he has to be the least Christ-like of all the Republican candidates and they still picked him.

Evangelical numbers are dropping. Unaffiliated is increasing.

Maybe they are gradually seeing how hypocritical religious people are. If you think contorting your beliefs to support Donald Trump is going to help you, well good luck with that. Personally, I think he's about as far from Jesus Christ as you can possibly get.
You’re entitled to think that, why don’t you feel they don’t? I don’t get your complaints

"why don't you feel they don't?"

Sorry, you're going to need to clarify that question for me to answer it.
So it seems that 'Evangelicals' are guided more by they're political views than by their 'Christian' beliefs.

Some excuse for a religion!

BTW - If they lived in a 'freedom robbing' state they wouldn't be either voting or practicing their 'religion' freely.

it's called self preservation.

When you demonize people, it tends to make them not trust you.
F the bible thumping sob's -

turn their head while Goldilocks shits all over the 10 commandments.

And with that attitude, you expect them to back political movements that contain people like you?
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.

You got me right, I detest evangelicals.

I have a feeling the attitude is mutual, you jew hating twat.
They don't want to bake cakes for gays

Actually some of them don't want to bake cakes for a specific ceremony. None of them have tried to deny point of sale transactions, you know the ones PA laws were actually designed to cover.
Well when they start saying stuff like " “There has never been anyone who has defended us and who has fought for us, who we have loved more than Donald J. Trump. No one!”

It makes you wonder if there really is a God

Do i expect them to vote demo , nah

The fact does remain the demo get votes from people who go to church

Not sure how much longer and by how much of a margin if they keep their social lurching to the left.
So it seems that 'Evangelicals' are guided more by they're political views than by their 'Christian' beliefs.

Some excuse for a religion!

BTW - If they lived in a 'freedom robbing' state they wouldn't be either voting or practicing their 'religion' freely.
so how does not backing a party that kills babies avoiding their religion? explain for us.

Not supporting Trump does not mean that they have to support the Democrats.

BTW - Do you really believe that Trump has never paid for an abortion? Really????

I agree with your post.

But honestly?

I don't think you read the full article.

That isn't what this is about.

This is about a voting block protecting their interests. If they have no representation, no one to protect their interests, they will continually be shafted.

I am sure that is good for YOUR POV, but, is it good for theirs?

I understand why they back Republicans in general, but Trump is beyond the pail morally. Supporting a guy that's so clearly immoral isn't going to lead to good things.

Besides it's pretty obvious that Trump doesn't believe most of the things he promises...he'll say anything to get elected.

Do you really believe that he's anti-abortion or do you think that he's only pretending?

I think they care more that even if he is sinful, he isn't pushing his sins on them, or asking them to accept or validate those sins.
They don't want to bake cakes for gays

They do not want to bake cakes for Gay Weddings... In my opinion the left went to far on that one and should just let the bakers be...

Go find a gay friendly bakery...

Should business owners be able to pick who they will and will not sell their goods and service to?

If they don't like non-whites or fat people or ugly people they can just refuse to sell to them?

In specific cases like this, yes.

Again, none of them want to deny point of sale goods to gays, they respectfully want to refuse to provide a contracted product for a specific event that glorifies something they find sinful.

One of the guys won't even make Halloween cakes.
I think most sane people agree its whacky for people who claim to live a code based on the ten commandments give such cover for an admitted unrepentant adulterer, sexual assaulter, sexual harasser of underage girls, cheat, coveter of other's goods (just for a start).

But most fundy Christians have decided better that than mandatory insurance policies covering (shudder) IUDs, or the fed courts saying gays can get married in courts or churches that LIKE gay weddings, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, that there is some political solution to the worldwide fact that a greater majority of people are concluding that a divine being does not guide everyday events to reward those who worship him/her/it.

There's no compromise with that. It's a small minority that is getting smaller. There are other issues that reasonable people can compromise on … immigration, deficits, healthcare, etc. So far, both parties have not gone for a big compromise that would cost their base what they really don't want to give up (like more latino babies who will be voters, or decent wages and recognition of guest workers) that would make the other party's position completely untenable. Maybe some day they will. Or maybe the Republic will fail because politically we can't solve real political issues.

Letting some bakers not bake for SSM weddings would be a compromise, but your side will have none of it.

it's conform, accept, endorse, OR ELSE.
I think most sane people agree its whacky for people who claim to live a code based on the ten commandments give such cover for an admitted unrepentant adulterer, sexual assaulter, sexual harasser of underage girls, cheat, coveter of other's goods (just for a start)...
Woo ... that sounds like a lot of criminal activity. Could you list his convictions?
I think most sane people agree its whacky for people who claim to live a code based on the ten commandments give such cover for an admitted unrepentant adulterer, sexual assaulter, sexual harasser of underage girls, cheat, coveter of other's goods (just for a start).

But most fundy Christians have decided better that than mandatory insurance policies covering (shudder) IUDs, or the fed courts saying gays can get married in courts or churches that LIKE gay weddings, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, that there is some political solution to the worldwide fact that a greater majority of people are concluding that a divine being does not guide everyday events to reward those who worship him/her/it.

There's no compromise with that. It's a small minority that is getting smaller. There are other issues that reasonable people can compromise on … immigration, deficits, healthcare, etc. So far, both parties have not gone for a big compromise that would cost their base what they really don't want to give up (like more latino babies who will be voters, or decent wages and recognition of guest workers) that would make the other party's position completely untenable. Maybe some day they will. Or maybe the Republic will fail because politically we can't solve real political issues.

The problem is pro choice Americans don't vote. If they all showed up to vote for pro choice the pro lifers would be left in the dust. But most poor Americans don't vote and most of them are pro choice and pro Democrat.

Pro choice up to the first or second trimester usually. The current bullshit blue states are pulling only appeals to the die hard abortion fetishists.

And since you probably have never been more than 50 miles from either coast, your views on "most Americans" is quite frankly, bullshit.
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.
I would put a little different spin on it. Trump is a fraud with his loving the bible crap. And his phoniness has been exposed by none other than Frank Amedia, the pastor who served as an unofficial Christian liaison between Donald Trump and the Religious Right . It's a match made in hell! The Evangelicals have made a Faustian bargain with him

Frank Amedia Exposes the Transactional Relationship Between Trump and the Religious Right | Right Wing Watch

Amedia, who now runs POTUS Shield—a “prophetic” network conceived to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump—explained that Trump is a “street-fighter president” who will fight dirty on behalf of the Religious Right because knows that he needs their support, so much so that he will do their bidding without even knowing what he is talking about.

When I met Donald Trump, he wasn’t a man of God,” Amedia said. “God didn’t call a man of God, he called a warrior. He called a street fighter. How many of you have ever been in a street fight? You don’t go into a street fight to fight fair, you go in to come out and win; you come out to hurt the other guy and come out to win. And if they hit you, you hit back. Sometimes you hit first. That’s what we have. We have a street-fighter president.”

The religious right has sold their soul to a snake oil salesman, and as for Trump, he has no soul

So they should support a party that wants them at best to hide in their churches, and at worst, BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE, PEASANT?
I think most sane people agree its whacky for people who claim to live a code based on the ten commandments give such cover for an admitted unrepentant adulterer, sexual assaulter, sexual harasser of underage girls, cheat, coveter of other's goods (just for a start).

But most fundy Christians have decided better that than mandatory insurance policies covering (shudder) IUDs, or the fed courts saying gays can get married in courts or churches that LIKE gay weddings, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, that there is some political solution to the worldwide fact that a greater majority of people are concluding that a divine being does not guide everyday events to reward those who worship him/her/it.

There's no compromise with that. It's a small minority that is getting smaller. There are other issues that reasonable people can compromise on … immigration, deficits, healthcare, etc. So far, both parties have not gone for a big compromise that would cost their base what they really don't want to give up (like more latino babies who will be voters, or decent wages and recognition of guest workers) that would make the other party's position completely untenable. Maybe some day they will. Or maybe the Republic will fail because politically we can't solve real political issues.

Letting some bakers not bake for SSM weddings would be a compromise, but your side will have none of it.

it's conform, accept, endorse, OR ELSE.
They live for the or else
F the bible thumping sob's -

turn their head while Goldilocks shits all over the 10 commandments.

And with that attitude, you expect them to back political movements that contain people like you?

There's nothing a liberal can say or not say that would cause evangelicals to not vote R.

With their current platform, why are you surprised by that?

I didn't say I'm surprised by that.
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.

Mystery? Make me laugh harder. Most evangelicals are two faced scheisters. If The blob’s old man was in the pray-for-pay racket, Trump would have been an evangelist. He’s one of them in most ways
I think most sane people agree its whacky for people who claim to live a code based on the ten commandments give such cover for an admitted unrepentant adulterer, sexual assaulter, sexual harasser of underage girls, cheat, coveter of other's goods (just for a start)...
Woo ... that sounds like a lot of criminal activity. Could you list his convictions?
was referring to slick Willie

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