NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

How many racist have you identified in the Tea Party movement? I haven't seen any and you haven't produced any evidence of any.

Fact is the NAACP thrives on racism, that's their bread and butter.

Racism among the Tea Party fringe:

The core of the Tea Party movement has tried to make it about big government - not about Obama but it has it's racist fringe, much like the NAACP.

Now, do you have the cajones to admit that or are you just going to keep on denying it while spewing your (so far) unproven claim most of the NAACP is racist?

Prove to me that any one of those signs was at a Tea Party Event or that even one of those people are conservative. That has been what I was trying to say all along.

You make this statement because you have seen it said that those signs were at a tea party event, but do you have proof?

Racism among the Tea Party fringe

I won't take the word of someone posting on the internet (I'm more talking about the people you got those pictures from) that those pictures were taken at a tea party event.

Even the video posted by Lonestar_Logic, even though it seems to support my beliefs that the NAACP is racist, is suspect. How do I know that man is a member of the NAACP? Because he is black? No. Because he is standing behind a microphone that says, NAACP? No, that is not even proof.

There are a hell of a lot of dishonest people out there that would create racist signs and have pictures taken of themselves and claim that they are part of the Tea Party Movement when they are completely opposed to it and there are an equal number of conservatives that would do that to hurt left wing movements.

I left out a great many - it was a long list, and I picked a variety to show how varied it was and included National Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee to represent hispanic interests and NAAA (National Association of Arab Americans) to represent Arab interests.

Why are they "racist"?

Is any group that works for the betterment of that group an "ist"?

If so, how can a minority that is so small it's needs are swallowed by the needs of a larger community, get their needs and rights heard? Strength is often in numbers.

Is American Conservative Student Union (ACSU) and "ist"? After all, their charter (on their website) "establishes, cultivates, and unites collegiately affiliated conservative policy organizations in order to better educate students, faculty, and staff about the conservative movement, providing them with the tools necessary to engage society through effective activism." They are working on behalf of a select group of people with similar interests.

The NAACP's mission statement is: The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

IMHO they are racists because they divide the people of the world and exclude on the basis of race.

Plain and simple. That is how it is. My last post explains how the message of the NAACP comes across. As long as that is the message that the NAACP presents, then they will be a racist organization.

Yes, whoever the ACSU is, they are an "ist" group. I don't see, however, where they exclude non-conservatives.


They don't. But can you show me where the NAACP excludes non-blacks?

The NAACP has always been multi-racial from the very beginning.
I left out a great many - it was a long list, and I picked a variety to show how varied it was and included National Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee to represent hispanic interests and NAAA (National Association of Arab Americans) to represent Arab interests.

Why are they "racist"?

Is any group that works for the betterment of that group an "ist"?

If so, how can a minority that is so small it's needs are swallowed by the needs of a larger community, get their needs and rights heard? Strength is often in numbers.

Is American Conservative Student Union (ACSU) and "ist"? After all, their charter (on their website) "establishes, cultivates, and unites collegiately affiliated conservative policy organizations in order to better educate students, faculty, and staff about the conservative movement, providing them with the tools necessary to engage society through effective activism." They are working on behalf of a select group of people with similar interests.

The NAACP's mission statement is: The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

IMHO they are racists because they divide the people of the world and exclude on the basis of race.

Plain and simple. That is how it is. My last post explains how the message of the NAACP comes across. As long as that is the message that the NAACP presents, then they will be a racist organization.

Yes, whoever the ACSU is, they are an "ist" group. I don't see, however, where they exclude non-conservatives.


They don't. But can you show me where the NAACP excludes non-blacks?

Earlier I gave the message that is broadcast by the NAACP and the message I hear. It is the message I get when I hear people like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak at their events and see the ovations that they give to people like this.

As long as that is the message... it will be a racist organization in my mind.

Then why is it not a completely reasonable political request to ask the NAACP to denounce racism?


Perhaps because they already denounce it in their mission statement?

Yet, they beg people like Farrakhan to speak to them.


Do they? Didn't Farrakhan addresses the NAACP Unity Summit in 1997? Has he spoken to them since then? Perhaps they realized he was not a good spokesman. I do think though, that a stronger denunciation of his racist and anti-semitic views would have been better though.
IMHO they are racists because they divide the people of the world and exclude on the basis of race.

Plain and simple. That is how it is. My last post explains how the message of the NAACP comes across. As long as that is the message that the NAACP presents, then they will be a racist organization.

Yes, whoever the ACSU is, they are an "ist" group. I don't see, however, where they exclude non-conservatives.


They don't. But can you show me where the NAACP excludes non-blacks?

Earlier I gave the message that is broadcast by the NAACP and the message I hear. It is the message I get when I hear people like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak at their events and see the ovations that they give to people like this.

As long as that is the message... it will be a racist organization in my mind.


Then any group that gives the appearance of being exclusive is an "ist" whether it is in reality or not?

I would feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in certain groups because of the message they represent but I wouldn't necessarily label them "ist".
They don't. But can you show me where the NAACP excludes non-blacks?

Earlier I gave the message that is broadcast by the NAACP and the message I hear. It is the message I get when I hear people like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak at their events and see the ovations that they give to people like this.

As long as that is the message... it will be a racist organization in my mind.


Then any group that gives the appearance of being exclusive is an "ist" whether it is in reality or not?

I would feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in certain groups because of the message they represent but I wouldn't necessarily label them "ist".

Anybody who favors or promotes a particular product or point of view is an 'ist.

Conspiratist, theorist, opportunist, religionist, Atheist, racist, or whatever.

The list of 'isms advocated by all the 'ists is even longer. :)
How racist is it anyway to say that those who would criticize a black President or a black member of Congress is racist? If being black somehow makes somebody immune to criticism, why should thinking people of ANY color elect a black person to anything?

But at least it's still a free country and we can keep setting the record straight when we are accused of racism.

Glenn Beck's program yesterday addressed this:

YouTube - Montage of Project 21 Members Denounce NAACP on "Beck"

Black tea partiers rebut NAACP

Tim Scott, the Republican nominee for South Carolina's first congressional district, says the NAACP is making a 'grave mistake' in stereotyping tea party members as racist.

Some African-American tea party candidates are displeased by a resolution that the NAACP approved on Tuesday calling the grass-roots conservative movement “racist.”

“I have not experienced the charges of racism that the NAACP is touting,” Vernon Parker, an African-American tea party congressional candidate in Arizona, told POLITICO.

Parker, former mayor of Paradise Valley, said that he has never felt out of place at a tea party rally because of the color of his skin.

“When I go to tea party events, people don’t look at me any differently,” he said. “They didn’t judge me on the color of my skin, quite frankly, they judged me on my principles."

"The NAACP should be concerned about bringing jobs to people in depressed areas,” he added, “not the tea party.”

Tim Scott, a GOP congressional nominee in South Carolina, echoed Parker’s sentiments in a statement.

“I believe that the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference,” Scott said.

“As I campaign in South Carolina, I participate in numerous events sponsored by the tea party, 9/12, Patriot, and other like-minded groups, and I have had the opportunity to get to know many of the men and women who make up these energetic grass-roots organizations,” Scott added.

Read more: Black tea partiers rebut NAACP - Andy Barr -

How is it that this is only broadcast on Fox?!?! NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC & CBS must have bad producers? LMAO!!!!

Great video......:clap2:
How racist is it anyway to say that those who would criticize a black President or a black member of Congress is racist? If being black somehow makes somebody immune to criticism, why should thinking people of ANY color elect a black person to anything?

But at least it's still a free country and we can keep setting the record straight when we are accused of racism.

Glenn Beck's program yesterday addressed this:

YouTube - Montage of Project 21 Members Denounce NAACP on "Beck"

Black tea partiers rebut NAACP

Tim Scott, the Republican nominee for South Carolina's first congressional district, says the NAACP is making a 'grave mistake' in stereotyping tea party members as racist.

Some African-American tea party candidates are displeased by a resolution that the NAACP approved on Tuesday calling the grass-roots conservative movement “racist.”

“I have not experienced the charges of racism that the NAACP is touting,” Vernon Parker, an African-American tea party congressional candidate in Arizona, told POLITICO.

Parker, former mayor of Paradise Valley, said that he has never felt out of place at a tea party rally because of the color of his skin.

“When I go to tea party events, people don’t look at me any differently,” he said. “They didn’t judge me on the color of my skin, quite frankly, they judged me on my principles."

"The NAACP should be concerned about bringing jobs to people in depressed areas,” he added, “not the tea party.”

Tim Scott, a GOP congressional nominee in South Carolina, echoed Parker’s sentiments in a statement.

“I believe that the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference,” Scott said.

“As I campaign in South Carolina, I participate in numerous events sponsored by the tea party, 9/12, Patriot, and other like-minded groups, and I have had the opportunity to get to know many of the men and women who make up these energetic grass-roots organizations,” Scott added.

Read more: Black tea partiers rebut NAACP - Andy Barr -

How is it that this is only broadcast on Fox?!?! NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC & CBS must have bad producers? LMAO!!!!

Great video......:clap2:

Thank you, thank you. Taking bows.

Because the mainstream media will NOT cover all sides of these stories, Fox has been pretty much alone in showing both or all sides. And Beck is in a class almost all by himself in the depth of his research and in the meticulousness of his arguments. I don't always agree with the conclusions he comes up with, but I sure appreciate the time and effort he puts into it.

To get to the truth it requires a lot of digging behind the half picture we get from most of the media. The truth is getting out bit by bit though.
Earlier I gave the message that is broadcast by the NAACP and the message I hear. It is the message I get when I hear people like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak at their events and see the ovations that they give to people like this.

As long as that is the message... it will be a racist organization in my mind.


Then any group that gives the appearance of being exclusive is an "ist" whether it is in reality or not?

I would feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in certain groups because of the message they represent but I wouldn't necessarily label them "ist".

Anybody who favors or promotes a particular product or point of view is an 'ist.

Conspiratist, theorist, opportunist, religionist, Atheist, racist, or whatever.

The list of 'isms advocated by all the 'ists is even longer. :)

You're an 'ist....I'm an 'ist....but can we 'ism together or ist it inismable? :eek:
How racist is it anyway to say that those who would criticize a black President or a black member of Congress is racist? If being black somehow makes somebody immune to criticism, why should thinking people of ANY color elect a black person to anything?

But at least it's still a free country and we can keep setting the record straight when we are accused of racism.

Glenn Beck's program yesterday addressed this:

YouTube - Montage of Project 21 Members Denounce NAACP on "Beck"

How is it that this is only broadcast on Fox?!?! NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC & CBS must have bad producers? LMAO!!!!

Great video......:clap2:

Thank you, thank you. Taking bows.

Because the mainstream media will NOT cover all sides of these stories, Fox has been pretty much alone in showing both or all sides. And Beck is in a class almost all by himself in the depth of his research and in the meticulousness of his arguments. I don't always agree with the conclusions he comes up with, but I sure appreciate the time and effort he puts into it.

To get to the truth it requires a lot of digging behind the half picture we get from most of the media. The truth is getting out bit by bit though. Fox shows one side. Just like the others.
The way I see it according to some on this thread, David Duke speaks at a Tea Party event, that makes everyone involved with the Tea Party Event racists. Louis Farrakhan speaks at an NAACP event... well, he is just the leader of the Nation of Islam and has nothing to do with the NAACP.

David Duke is not anyone I would want to be associated with, but neither is Louis Farrakhan. If the Tea Party is racist for having Duke at one of their events, then the NAACP is racist for inviting Farrakhan to speak at theirs.


You have a link showing David Duke speaking at a Tea Party event?

I'm just going off the accusations that were made earlier.

Read my post again.

I said that according to some David Duke speaking at a tea party event makes the tea party racist, but Louis Farrakhan speaking at an NAACP doesn't imply that the NAACP is racist because Louis Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Implying the double standard they present.


David Duke hasn't spoke at a Tea Part event.
Then any group that gives the appearance of being exclusive is an "ist" whether it is in reality or not?

I would feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in certain groups because of the message they represent but I wouldn't necessarily label them "ist".

Anybody who favors or promotes a particular product or point of view is an 'ist.

Conspiratist, theorist, opportunist, religionist, Atheist, racist, or whatever.

The list of 'isms advocated by all the 'ists is even longer. :)

You're an 'ist....I'm an 'ist....but can we 'ism together or ist it inismable? :eek:


I imagine we're all some sort of 'ists and share appreciation for at least some 'isms and can find satisfaction in sharing some 'ologies and maybe even some 'osophys' in a pinch.

And that's a whole lot more fun than feudin', afussin', and afightin'.
How many racist have you identified in the Tea Party movement? I haven't seen any and you haven't produced any evidence of any.

Fact is the NAACP thrives on racism, that's their bread and butter.

Racism among the Tea Party fringe:

The core of the Tea Party movement has tried to make it about big government - not about Obama but it has it's racist fringe, much like the NAACP.

Now, do you have the cajones to admit that or are you just going to keep on denying it while spewing your (so far) unproven claim most of the NAACP is racist?

You fail!

You have no idea where or when those pics were taken and one wasn't even a poster. And another thing maybe one of those pics had racial overtones, but that's it.

Monkey see, monkey do? You claim that's racist? It's obvious that you think monkeys and black folk are synonymous. Very telling about how you think, wouldn't you say?
They don't. But can you show me where the NAACP excludes non-blacks?

Earlier I gave the message that is broadcast by the NAACP and the message I hear. It is the message I get when I hear people like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak at their events and see the ovations that they give to people like this.

As long as that is the message... it will be a racist organization in my mind.


Then any group that gives the appearance of being exclusive is an "ist" whether it is in reality or not?

I would feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in certain groups because of the message they represent but I wouldn't necessarily label them "ist".

I have seen no evidence that the NAACP is not highly exclusive.

However, exclusivity is not the only reason I gave.

Farrakhan? What does it matter if the last time he was there was 1994 or 1997? He was there. They loved him. That is all that matters. Farrakhan has practically disappeared from the political radar over the last 10 years or so. "Practically" not completely.

They still worship Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Jesse Jackson Addresses Rockford NAACP

Reverend Jackson ignites another crowd at a meeting of Rockford's NAACP Wednesday night. But even as he pumps up the community members gathered here, he's asking for calm on the controversy surrounding last week's fatal police shooting.

"This is a very tender situation at this point. We must somehow turn this anguish and anger in a constructive direction," says Jackson.

Earlier Wednesday, city leaders said they're concerned emotions could boil over at Mark Barmore's funeral Thursday. Jackson wants to steer the community away from that, but not shy away from the underlying issues.

"Hopefully tomorrow we'll have the celebration of life of Marcus," says Jackson. "But then there will be a commitment by the city to address the issues of unemployment, the issues of pain that run so deep and the issues of distrust."

Jackson says a thorough investigation is necessary to restore that trust. One audience member, Charles Perteete agrees and he has the unique perspective of serving on Rockford's Police and Fire Commission for 24 years.

Jackson says NAACP must help save auto industry : News : WEYI NBC25

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton downplay NAACP Tea Party resolution, push jobs, DC march |

Racism is evident in the organization. That is not to say that every member of the organization is racist, but since so many members adore Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton, I'd have the say the percentage of racists in the NAACP far exceed then percentage of racists in the Tea Party Movement at least from what I have seen.

Then any group that gives the appearance of being exclusive is an "ist" whether it is in reality or not?

I would feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in certain groups because of the message they represent but I wouldn't necessarily label them "ist".

Anybody who favors or promotes a particular product or point of view is an 'ist.

Conspiratist, theorist, opportunist, religionist, Atheist, racist, or whatever.

The list of 'isms advocated by all the 'ists is even longer. :)

You're an 'ist....I'm an 'ist....but can we 'ism together or ist it inismable? :eek:


I realize you are playing games.

Does inismable = impossible?

Heck no! It is not impossible... as long as I get to make the rules! :lol:

Farrakhan? What does it matter if the last time he was there was 1994 or 1997? He was there.
It matters because you said you would be more supportive of them if they didn't have him speaking at their events. :eusa_whistle:

Leadership changes...agendas change with them.
You have a link showing David Duke speaking at a Tea Party event?

I'm just going off the accusations that were made earlier.

Read my post again.

I said that according to some David Duke speaking at a tea party event makes the tea party racist, but Louis Farrakhan speaking at an NAACP doesn't imply that the NAACP is racist because Louis Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Implying the double standard they present.


David Duke hasn't spoke at a Tea Part event.

Did I say he did?

I don't think I did.

I said that to those on the left, if Duke speaks to the Tea Party anyone who goes to a tea party event must be racist, but if Farrakhan speaks at an NAACP event... well, he's not a member of the NAACP. He doesn't count. It is a double standard.

Where is Charlie Bass when you need him? These types of debates are his specialty.

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